Is there a politician with the balls to lobby for a rewrite of the 14th / the anchor baby statute?

The nonsensical 14th has stood misinterpreted long enough...It's time for patriots to demand a good hard look at our founders intent. The entire constitution, every word in it was written by the people for the protect and benefit Americans...How was the 14th twisted into something that does nothing but hurt Americans and the founding principles of all we stand for?
Imagine if we had laws that permitted criminals to rob banks and give the stolen loot to their children while forbidding the banks from recovering the loot or demanding it be returned....Why would we allow illegal foreigners to steal their children the most coveted title the world has ever known...the title of AMERICAN CITIZEN?
It simply doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
On what basis can such foolishness be supported?
Would you support a politician committed to amending the 14th in favor of Americans...why or why not?
Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment


I don’t know anyone who was there and I’m not the constitutional scholar you say you are but do you plan this to be retroactive to include Baron?

It wouldn't only include baron but it would include trump jr.

Ivana Trump wasn't a citizen when trump jr was born.

Both boys would lose their citizenship.

Rewriting the 14th ammendment doesn’t mean anyone ever born to LEGAL RESIDENT ALIEN would lose citizenship.

Holy shit. The fail is off the charts.
Intended for slaves, not illegals who sneak across the border to squeeze out a kid.
It was not intended for slaves. You are a first class liar.

He's right. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were all primarily about ending slavery, and making sure that former slaves were properly recognized and treated as American citizens. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment was primarily intended to require that former slaves be recognized as citizens, and that their rights as such were to be upheld. Note that Section 2 also regards former slaves, requiring that they be counted as whole persons (overturning the previous rule counting them as 3/5).

The Thirteenth Amendment, of course, ended slavery, and the Fourteenth Amendment required that former slaves be recognized and counted as full citizens, and the Fifteenth Amendment, prohibits denying voting rights on the basis of race or having previously been a slave.
I wonder if the OP realizes that the only reason he is a citizen is because he was born in the US.

Are you assuming that his parents are not citizens, and that if citizenship was based on parents' citizenship, that he would not be a citizen? Do you have any basis on which to assume such a thing?
Sorry it encompasses more than that. It established birthright citizenship.

“Mr. HOWARD. … This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

Nowhere does he mention slaves. Whoever wrote that encyclopedia needs to do more research.

Note that the quotation that you posted explicitly states the intent to exclude foreigners from birthright citizenship. This was the stated intent behind Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, but unfortunately, this exclusion wasn't written into it.
I wonder if the OP realizes that the only reason he is a citizen is because he was born in the US.

Are you assuming that his parents are not citizens, and that if citizenship was based on parents' citizenship, that he would not be a citizen? Do you have any basis on which to assume such a thing?

When the OP was born no one investigated the status of his parents to determine eligibility. He was recognized as a citizen simply because he was born here, just like you and me. Nothing more.
ght citizenship.

“Mr. HOWARD. … This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

Nowhere does he mention slaves. Whoever wrote that encyclopedia needs to do more research. [/QUOTE]

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica | Britannica

Link to staff of should probably write them.[/QUOTE]

It was not intended for slaves. You are a first class liar.

You want judges to legislate from the bench just as many Republican judges are doing.

Derp. Increase your oxygen.

That is the best you can do? It was not intended for slaves. Try reading it sometime.

Yes, yes it is.


Fourteenth Amendment | Definition, Significance, & Facts

Sorry it encompasses more than that. It established birthright citizenship.

“Mr. HOWARD. … This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

Nowhere does he mention slaves. Whoever wrote that encyclopedia needs to do more research.

Maybe you can edit this Wikipedia page while you are at it.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

To claim that the ammendment wasn’t intended for Slaves during Reconstruction is really really fucking retarded.

You are the fucking retard. The 14th Amendment was not limited to slaves and that was well understood when it was passed. Despite this, you will continue to insist it says that when it does not.
Sorry it encompasses more than that. It established birthright citizenship.

“Mr. HOWARD. … This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

Nowhere does he mention slaves. Whoever wrote that encyclopedia needs to do more research.

Note that the quotation that you posted explicitly states the intent to exclude foreigners from birthright citizenship. This was the stated intent behind Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, but unfortunately, this exclusion wasn't written into it.

It states explicitly," include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons."

The foreigners and aliens that was being discussed were people who are members of the family of foreign diplomats. That is the only exclusion. Just like you to lie.
When the OP was born no one investigated the status of his parents to determine eligibility. He was recognized as a citizen simply because he was born here, just like you and me. Nothing more.

Well, I can tell you that both my parents, all four of my grandparents, and all eight of my great-grandparents were citizens of this country, by birth. With citizenship being defined by being born here, they qualified. If citizenship had been defined by being born of parents who were citizens, they would have qualified. Many ancestors going back much farther than that; but my nearest immigrant ancestors are great-great grandparents, who, of course, went through the process of being naturalized as citizens.

If citizenship were hereditary, as it ought to be, then there is no question what my citizenship would be, nor that of any of my parents, grandparents, or great grandparents.

Are you saying that it would be different for you, or for BrokeLoser? Is there any doubt as to your parents' citizenship, or BrokeLoser's parents?
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Well, I can tell you that both my parents, all four of my grandparents, and all eight of my great-grandparents were citizens of this country, by birth. With citizenship being defined by being born here, they qualified. If citizenship had been defined by being born of parents who were citizens, they would have qualified. Many ancestors going back much farther than that; but my nearest immigrant ancestors are great-great grandparents, who, of course, went through the process of being naturalized as citizens.

If citizenship were hereditary, as it ought to be, then there is no question what my citizenship would be, nor that of any of my parents, grandparents, or great grandparents.

Actually, I find it amusing that the white folks who stole this land are trying to protect themselves from the people of color who are reclaiming it...

It won't work... .you'll just have to learn to deal.
I differ with most conservatives on this in that I think if you are born here then the privledges of citizenship are yours. Your mom and dad are a different matter but you are good to go
So JoeB131 busybee01 bodecea Unkotare Dana7360 candycorn would not support a politicians fight to flip the current interpretation of the 14th to benefit Americans...they believe the 14th was written for Mexico and not for America....they approve of criminal Mexicans stealing citizenships for their children...they believe criminal Mexicans should have that right.
I’m sure they’re good Americans who look out for Americans...I’m sure they don’t have roots in Mehico....Hahaha
WEATHER53 we’ll just assume you’re drunk.
Well, I can tell you that both my parents, all four of my grandparents, and all eight of my great-grandparents were citizens of this country, by birth. With citizenship being defined by being born here, they qualified. If citizenship had been defined by being born of parents who were citizens, they would have qualified. Many ancestors going back much farther than that; but my nearest immigrant ancestors are great-great grandparents, who, of course, went through the process of being naturalized as citizens.

If citizenship were hereditary, as it ought to be, then there is no question what my citizenship would be, nor that of any of my parents, grandparents, or great grandparents.

Actually, I find it amusing that the white folks who stole this land are trying to protect themselves from the people of color who are reclaiming it...

It won't work... .you'll just have to learn to deal.

“Stole this land”?
WTF Joe...are you ever right about anything?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia
Actually, I find it amusing that the white folks who stole this land are trying to protect themselves from the people of color who are reclaiming it...

The primitive savages that previously inhabited this land had no ability to defend it against the Europeans that came here and took over. We took this land, displaced the previous occupants, and built a great nation, here.

We do have the ability to defend this nation that we have built. The question is whether we have the will to do so, or whether will will let it suffer the same fate as those we displaced to create it.

And no, the invading foreign criminals who are now attacking this country are not “reclaiming” anything. They are not the ones who previously occupied this land; it was never theirs before, and it is not now theirs to reclaim.
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“Stole this land”?
WTF Joe...are you ever right about anything?

If he was ever right about anything, even once, I missed it.

Well perhaps that's not completely true. I did agree with most of his opinions about the last Star Wars movie, but as that's a matter of opinion rather than objective fact, it' really difficult to rationally claim whether he was right or wrong; or whether I was right or wrong for agreeing with him.

But as to matters of objective fact, it seems that he has consistently, always been wrong. If he's ever been right about any objective fact, then I certainly missed it.
So JoeB131 busybee01 bodecea Unkotare Dana7360 candycorn would not support a politicians fight to flip the current interpretation of the 14th to benefit Americans...they believe the 14th was written for Mexico and not for America....they approve of criminal Mexicans stealing citizenships for their children...they believe criminal Mexicans should have that right.
I’m sure they’re good Americans who look out for Americans...I’m sure they don’t have roots in Mehico....Hahaha
WEATHER53 we’ll just assume you’re drunk.

Your morbid fear of Mexicans is no good reason to monkey with the constitution.

Now, if we were to pass a law to get racists like you therapy, I'd be all down with that.

But as to matters of objective fact, it seems that he has consistently, always been wrong. If he's ever been right about any objective fact, then I certainly missed it.

Again, says the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear...

The primitive savages that previously inhabited this land has no ability to defend it against the Europeans that came here and took over. We took this land, displaced the previous occupants, and built a great nation, here.

Bob, tell me again how you aren't racist, that shit never gets old. Sorry, the worst acts of "Savagery" in history have been White folks... Inquisitions, Holocausts, slavery...

We do have the ability to defend this nation that we have built. The question is whether we have the will to do so, or whether will will let it suffer the same fate as those we displaced to create it.

Again, Bigots like you have said the same things about the Irish, Germans and Poles, all of whom have contributed far more than your goofy cult.

And no, the invading foreign criminals who are now attacking this country are not “reclaiming” anything. They are not the ones who previously occupied this land; it was never theirs before, and it is not now theirs to reclaim.

Here's the thing. Nature abhors a vacuum. They're reproducing, white folks aren't.
Your morbid fear of Mexicans is no good reason to monkey with the constitution.

Now, if we were to pass a law to get racists like you therapy, I'd be all down with that.

That’s sounds cool on a message board in cyberspace...BUT tell me how racists like me are fucking Americans over and degrading every community we inhabit.
“Monkey with the constitution”...WTF?
You mean like end slavery and extend voting rights to women and negroes? Did you hate that “monkey-ing” as well? Do you only hate to monkey with the constitution when REAL Americans might be the beneficiaries? You don’t find that weird huh?
That’s sounds cool on a message board in cyberspace...BUT tell me how racists like me are fucking Americans over and degrading every community we inhabit.
“Monkey with the constitution”...WTF?
You mean like end slavery and extend voting rights to women and negroes? Did you hate that “monkey-ing” as well? Do you only hate to monkey with the constitution when REAL Americans might be the beneficiaries? You don’t find that weird huh?

Real Americans aren't racist haters.

There's really no good reason to monkey with birthright citizenship.

Now, if you want to really fix the immigration problem, there are ways to do that, most of which would involve going after the people who hire them.

The thing is, we are all part of the problem. Yeah, we all bemoan illegal aliens, but then when we need to get someone to hang that drywall when that DIY project turned out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look, we go right down to the Home Depot to hire some Day Laborers.

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