Is there a politician with the balls to lobby for a rewrite of the 14th / the anchor baby statute?

Why? I mean other than your bigoted fear of Hispanics, you guys really haven't given a good reason.

The desire that our nation protect its sovereignty, put the interests of its own people above those of any foreigners, and not allow itself to be overrun by foreigners, does not constitute any form of “bigotry” against any of the foreigners against which we want our country and its people to be protected. Only treasonous pieces of subhuman shit who hate their own country and their own countrymen, claim that.

OK, so I will admit that I am bigoted against treasonous subhuman pieces of shit who would betray their own country and their own countrymen, to pander to foreign invaders.

That is a good one. If we were talking about white Europeans, you would have no issues. You are the treasonous subhuman piece of shit.

True...white Europeans excel, they prosper, they are law abiding as are Asians...Weird huh?
So JoeB131 busybee01 bodecea Unkotare Dana7360 candycorn would not support a politicians fight to flip the current interpretation of the 14th to benefit Americans...they believe the 14th was written for Mexico and not for America....they approve of criminal Mexicans stealing citizenships for their children...they believe criminal Mexicans should have that right.
I’m sure they’re good Americans who look out for Americans...I’m sure they don’t have roots in Mehico....Hahaha
WEATHER53 we’ll just assume you’re drunk.

The 14th was not meant for Mexico or any other country. The current interpretation is the correct one. You can try to change it Constitutionally. There are no criminals except for white supremacists who are determined to keep the country as white as possible. You are not a good American..

Haha..don’t be scared...tell us Gustavo....which nation benefits most by the gross misinterpretation of the 14th...Mexicans or Americans?
Who was the U.S. constitution written for...who is it supposed to benefit and serve?
This is a very simple question to answer for those whom are honest.

You are not honest. The Constitution was written for everyone under the jurisdiction of this country. This country has always been there for people who are in trouble and in fear of their lives. A majority of Americans disagree with you.
Why? I mean other than your bigoted fear of Hispanics, you guys really haven't given a good reason.

The desire that our nation protect its sovereignty, put the interests of its own people above those of any foreigners, and not allow itself to be overrun by foreigners, does not constitute any form of “bigotry” against any of the foreigners against which we want our country and its people to be protected. Only treasonous pieces of subhuman shit who hate their own country and their own countrymen, claim that.

OK, so I will admit that I am bigoted against treasonous subhuman pieces of shit who would betray their own country and their own countrymen, to pander to foreign invaders.

That is a good one. If we were talking about white Europeans, you would have no issues. You are the treasonous subhuman piece of shit.

True...white Europeans excel, they prosper, they are law abiding as are Asians...Weird huh?

Says who? You? You have no say in determining who is law abiding or not.
Worst amendment ever, how many times has that pile of vague asinine words been twisted into something it was NEVER INTENDED to address? I doubt it will ever be touched, it is the holy grail for Democrats and they will defend it at all costs.

That amendment was added to insure that the children of the freed slaves were recognized as US citizens.

They don't need it anymore. The whole thing should be rewritten so we done have anymore anchor babies.

It was not meat only for slaves. When it was debated, it was well understood that it established birthright citizenship for all. There is nothing vague about it. It is very specific.
Actually, I find it amusing that the white folks who stole this land are trying to protect themselves from the people of color who are reclaiming it...

The primitive savages that previously inhabited this land had no ability too defend it against the Europeans that came here and took over. We took this land, displaced the previous occupants, and built a great nation, here.

We do have the ability to defend this nation that we have built. The question is whether we have the will to do so, or whether will will let it suffer the same fate as those we displaced to create it.

And no, the invading foreign criminals who are now attacking this country are not “reclaiming” anything. They are not the ones who previously occupied this land; it was never theirs before, and it is not now theirs to reclaim.
The native Americans that were here also came from other lands so they too were the same “invaders” that weepy libs like to accuse the white man of being. Also, Indian culture had no sense of “land ownership”
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That may be but it was put in for the children of freed slaves. It should be rewritten.

Why? I mean other than your bigoted fear of Hispanics, you guys really haven't given a good reason.

Remember, the main reason why the 14th was written the way it was to ENCOURAGE immigration. America wanted Immigrants. We had all this land and no one to live on it, so we wanted people to come over from Europe.

Our real problem is that we don't have enough babies being born here, immigrant or native born. We are not reproducing at replacement rates.

There are very good reasons why we aren't reproducing at higher rates.

Most people can't afford it. That's the bottom line. People are saddled with college debt and can't even afford to buy a house much less have children. People aren't being paid a living wage and have to rely on public assistance to get by.

Also, women now have choices that women didn't have in past generations. We can now use birth control and plan our children. Our primary reason for being here isn't to create more people. We have our own lives and want to live them. Plus, very few can afford to live on one income. Add to that women get fired for being pregnant.
That may be but it was put in for the children of freed slaves. It should be rewritten.

Why? I mean other than your bigoted fear of Hispanics, you guys really haven't given a good reason.

Remember, the main reason why the 14th was written the way it was to ENCOURAGE immigration. America wanted Immigrants. We had all this land and no one to live on it, so we wanted people to come over from Europe.

Our real problem is that we don't have enough babies being born here, immigrant or native born. We are not reproducing at replacement rates.

There are very good reasons why we aren't reproducing at higher rates.

Most people can't afford it. That's the bottom line. People are saddled with college debt and can't even afford to buy a house much less have children. People aren't being paid a living wage and have to rely on public assistance to get by.

Also, women now have choices that women didn't have in past generations. We can now use birth control and plan our children. Our primary reason for being here isn't to create more people. We have our own lives and want to live them. Plus, very few can afford to live on one income. Add to that women get fired for being pregnant.

Women indeed make very stupid choices these days. Get a useless degree that does not guarantee a job even at burger king. Then complain that they need handout.

Add to that getting pregnant in high performance requiring job.

Obviously these people should not vote and force all of us to make equally as stupid choices.
I think one big helpful thing is to witness and be involved with the miracle of birth
When the mommy delivers that little bundle of life she has carried for 9 months and it lays on the delivery table which is attached to the floor of the hospital which sits on US soil then how In the world would such “attachment” not covey to the newborn?
I mean seriously my solid and good conservative friends-answer that
If, by some miracle, you manage to find a politician with balls, I'd rather they introduce a bill to cut defense spending by 1/3. That could either fund programs for American citizens, reduce the deficit or lower our taxes.
Why? I mean other than your bigoted fear of Hispanics, you guys really haven't given a good reason.

The desire that our nation protect its sovereignty, put the interests of its own people above those of any foreigners, and not allow itself to be overrun by foreigners, does not constitute any form of “bigotry” against any of the foreigners against which we want our country and its people to be protected. Only treasonous pieces of subhuman shit who hate their own country and their own countrymen, claim that.

OK, so I will admit that I am bigoted against treasonous subhuman pieces of shit who would betray their own country and their own countrymen, to pander to foreign invaders.

That is a good one. If we were talking about white Europeans, you would have no issues. You are the treasonous subhuman piece of shit.

And your an idiot who sees racists under every bush and around every tree.

The 14th was meant for the children of freed slaves. So they would be recognized as American citizens.

Its wasn't meant for every tom dick and harry to drop a kid in the US who automatically becomes a US citizen.

You are the treasonous subhuman piece of shit. Could you be any more of an idiot?/

I think not.
That is a good one. If we were talking about white Europeans, you would have no issues. You are the treasonous subhuman piece of shit.

I would no more be OK with invading foreign criminals from Europe, that I am with those from or through Mexico. As far as I know, we do not have nearly the problem with European invaders, as we do with Mexican invaders.

And it most certainly is not treasonous to desire that one's nation be protected against foreign invasion. Such an attitude is, in fact, the very opposite of treasonous.

It is treasonous for piece of subhuman shit such as yourself to openly take the side of foreign invaders, against that of your own country and of your own fellow Americans. That is the very definition of treason. To act in accordance with that exactly meets the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.
No need for me to comment at all. The following makes any point that I could have.

You don't have a point, magic underwear. The constitution was written for slave owners by slave owners. It was never about "Freedom".

If Geo. Washington ended up at the end of a rope, we'd be Canadians today. you'd be horrified, I guess, but the rest of us would be fine.
I would say simply that if one parent is a US citizen, the child is. If the parent is in the limbo period of immigrating here and waiting the 3-5 years before they can apply for US citizenship, if they provide their permanent residence card when the child is born, the child will become a US citizen when the parent does. If the parents do not become citizens but remain here, the child can apply for citizenship at 18.

Or we can just keep what we have now, and it's fine.

It is treasonous for piece of subhuman shit such as yourself to openly take the side of foreign invaders, against that of your own country and of your own fellow Americans. That is the very definition of treason. To act in accordance with that exactly meets the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Why is there a "side"? Most of us came from immigrants. My dad was an immigrant. He also served in the US Army during WWII. I encountered lots of Hispanics when I was in the service, some of whom joined up specifically to earn citizenship. I'd have trusted those guys with my life. (As opposed to Mormons I encountered during my time in service, who were the most smile in your face stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life.)

The reason why we have undocumented immigrants is that the system is fucked up. We don't allow for unskilled labor to come in for the jobs no one really wants to do. We do allow for skilled labor that actually displaces Americans who might owe a shitload of college debt. This isn't a bug, it's a design feature by the One Percent, who are the real "enemy" who don't care about Americans.
Women indeed make very stupid choices these days. Get a useless degree that does not guarantee a job even at burger king. Then complain that they need handout.

Add to that getting pregnant in high performance requiring job.

Obviously these people should not vote and force all of us to make equally as stupid choices.

Hey, dummy, here's a list of the top college majors. Point out to me which ones are the "Useless ones".

The Most Popular College Majors

The top one is "Business and Management, being the kind of good little corporate drone you all think we should be.
The next one is Nursing, but we still don't have enough nurses to go around.
As if having balls were equivalent to being courageous. What man would have the courage to bear a baby?
Why is there a "side"? Most of us came from immigrants. My dad was an immigrant.

I don't know about yours, but all my immigrant ancestors came here legally, in accordance with whatever laws and policies, if any, were in effect at the time, assimilated into whatever society they found here, and strove to be honest, productive, contributing members of society.

It is willfully dishonest to compare legitimate immigrants to the invading foreign criminal filth that you defend, and an indefensible and uncalled-for insult against every legitimate immigrant.
That amendment was added to insure that the children of the freed slaves were recognized as US citizens.

They don't need it anymore. The whole thing should be rewritten so we done have anymore anchor babies.

I think citizenship should be defined in the Constitution, but I think it should now be defined differently.

As you said, there are no longer any former slaves, so no need to continue guaranteeing citizenship to them, which was the original intent and purpose of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

I'd leave it to better-qualified minds than mine to work out the details, but the general idea I have is along these lines.

  • Citizenship should be based entirely on the parents' citizenship, and not on where one is actually born. A child born here of foreign parents should no more be granted American citizenship than a child born of American parents who happen to be in a different country at the time should be denied American citizenship.
  • If, at the time of birth, both parents are citizens, then the child is a full citizen. If only one parent is a citizen, then the child is a half-citizen, with the other half of his citizenship being that of his foreign parent. Perhaps there could be some rule that counts the parents as citizens, if they are not at the time of birth, but are naturalized within some period of time thereafter; that's one of the details that I'd leave up to better-qualified minds to work out.
  • A half-citizen would only be counted as half a person, for purposes of Congressional representation, and Electoral College representation, and if allowed to vote (I'm undecided as to whether anyone who isn't a full citizen should be allowed voting rights), his vote would count only half that of a full citizen. Other privileges of citizenship would be denied or limited, compared to a full citizen. An important principle, to me, is that one cannot have full citizenship to this country, nor enjoy the full rights and privileges thereof, as long as one retains any citizenship or allegiance to any foreign country.
  • After reaching adulthood, a half-citizen could achieve full citizenship, through some simple process that involves renouncing the foreign half of his citizenship, and declaring his full allegiance to the United States, repudiating any allegiance to any other country. He could also choose to renounce his American citizenship, and declare his full allegiance to the other country; I guess it'd be up to that other country how to recognize his citizenship, either while he has half-American citizenship, or after he's renounced that and declared his allegiance to that other country.

Idiocy like this “half citizen” nonsense is why the amendment will not be changed.
I would say simply that if one parent is a US citizen, the child is. If the parent is in the limbo period of immigrating here and waiting the 3-5 years before they can apply for US citizenship, if they provide their permanent residence card when the child is born, the child will become a US citizen when the parent does. If the parents do not become citizens but remain here, the child can apply for citizenship at 18.

Or we can just keep what we have now, and it's fine.

It is treasonous for piece of subhuman shit such as yourself to openly take the side of foreign invaders, against that of your own country and of your own fellow Americans. That is the very definition of treason. To act in accordance with that exactly meets the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Why is there a "side"? Most of us came from immigrants. My dad was an immigrant. He also served in the US Army during WWII. I encountered lots of Hispanics when I was in the service, some of whom joined up specifically to earn citizenship. I'd have trusted those guys with my life. (As opposed to Mormons I encountered during my time in service, who were the most smile in your face stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life.)

The reason why we have undocumented immigrants is that the system is fucked up. We don't allow for unskilled labor to come in for the jobs no one really wants to do. We do allow for skilled labor that actually displaces Americans who might owe a shitload of college debt. This isn't a bug, it's a design feature by the One Percent, who are the real "enemy" who don't care about Americans.

I’m curious, do you believe the U.S. constitution was written for the soul purpose of protecting and benefiting Americans?
I would say simply that if one parent is a US citizen, the child is. If the parent is in the limbo period of immigrating here and waiting the 3-5 years before they can apply for US citizenship, if they provide their permanent residence card when the child is born, the child will become a US citizen when the parent does. If the parents do not become citizens but remain here, the child can apply for citizenship at 18.

Or we can just keep what we have now, and it's fine.

It is treasonous for piece of subhuman shit such as yourself to openly take the side of foreign invaders, against that of your own country and of your own fellow Americans. That is the very definition of treason. To act in accordance with that exactly meets the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Why is there a "side"? Most of us came from immigrants. My dad was an immigrant. He also served in the US Army during WWII. I encountered lots of Hispanics when I was in the service, some of whom joined up specifically to earn citizenship. I'd have trusted those guys with my life. (As opposed to Mormons I encountered during my time in service, who were the most smile in your face stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life.)

The reason why we have undocumented immigrants is that the system is fucked up. We don't allow for unskilled labor to come in for the jobs no one really wants to do. We do allow for skilled labor that actually displaces Americans who might owe a shitload of college debt. This isn't a bug, it's a design feature by the One Percent, who are the real "enemy" who don't care about Americans.
Most of us came from citizens

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