Is there a "republican" here who still defends W?

There's probably video of the Kavannaugh hearing somewhere. You'll have to look for it. i've already seen it.
naw, no demofk hopping for me. You can't produce the photo, it didn't happen. I know it didn't happen, but you have no relevance to the discussion without it.
W was pretty spineless, commonly railroaded by aggressive Democrats. W was too nice, and would cede because he was afraid of the Democrat press.

He didn't advocate for small government, but he was the last bi-partisan president we've had.
They attack Dubya now, especially his wars, and they're the SAME PEOPLE who were defending all of it, up until Orange Escalator Day.

They think we don't notice.
Partisanship begets partisanship

when your side was attacking bush43 24/7 without rest conservatives circled the wagons

and the same applied to clinton and obama for libs

bush43 was no more or less an incompetent baby boomer president than your democrats

the difference is the wacko lib historians will vilify Bush but whitewash clinton, obama and biden
W was pretty spineless, commonly railroaded by aggressive Democrats. W was too nice, and would cede because he was afraid of the Democrat press.

He didn't advocate for small government, but he was the last bi-partisan president we've had.
GHWB, W, McCain, Romney - each of them should have learned by reading The Scorpion (Democrats) and The Frog (Republicans). No matter how much goodwill and diplomacy you show your opponent, they will strike you in the end. Every one of them was branded as a racist and sexist when they stood in the way of Democrats. A Democrat donor at the time named Donald J Trump called out these men for not fighting back. So, when Trump decided he was going to stand in the way of the Democrats, he knew he was going to get stung so he did not waste his time being nice and came out stinging as well. If you know you are going to get railroaded regardless, why be the only one to be nice?
Partisanship begets partisanship

when your side was attacking bush43 24/7 without rest conservatives circled the wagons

and the same applied to clinton and obama for libs

bush43 was no more or less an incompetent baby boomer president than your democrats

the difference is the wacko lib historians will vilify Bush but whitewash clinton, obama and biden
I can't agree. W was actually pretty popular and dems helped pass his no child left behind. And they joined in voting for his authorization of force, although he was supposed to go back to the UN before invading.

ONce he invaded Iraq, his presidency went to shit. After Katrina no one gave him the benefit of the doubt AND ironically, he didn't really have much choice in what happened to New Orleans. The few who were saved were really from a navy amphibious assualt ship's helicopters.

W abandoned fiscal conservatism with social security and no new wars without justification. He was the end of the Goldwater-Reagan party.

And Trump's support was largly with grass roots people fed up with that, and also with globalism and the US corporate use of illegal migrant labor.
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W hasn't been President for over 12 years.
The only thing more irrelevant than W is people who go out of their way to post about him.

One thing that is relevant is that there are Zionist traitors like you who still make excuses for W....

So libs whined about Trump until their whines fell on deaf ears.

Now they're whining about Bush? That's beyond pathetic...

Sub alert...

Being with under 5 IQ fails to notice who is opposed to the massive treason and harm to America done by America's worst traitor w....

Still think "the terrorists" did 911, and w was a "conservative..."

Do us a favor. Define conservative and liberal for us....

Self proclaimed sub humans.....
Partisanship begets partisanship

when your side was attacking bush43 24/7 without rest conservatives circled the wagons

and the same applied to clinton and obama for libs

bush43 was no more or less an incompetent baby boomer president than your democrats

the difference is the wacko lib historians will vilify Bush but whitewash clinton, obama and biden

You are another god damn fucking sub human with an IQ under 5

Tell us what W did that was "conservative...."
They purposely got us into a quagmire knowing that Dick Chaney's company Haloburton would clean up for decades. They may not even be called Haloburton today but they are still cleaning up.

View attachment 491506
Bill Richardson (D) used Halliburton constantly. Infact The current NM government probably still does.
These self proclaimed sub humans, the pro Israel Christians who watch Fox News, they are the only demographic on the planet too dumb to figure out what happened on 911.

They claim they care about our troops - they do NOT

They claim to care about America - they do NOT

They are pathetic drones who believe 3rd grade bullshit and have brains incapable of thinking and asking obvious questions.

The terrorists
The terrorists
The terrorists

They've never met a single Islamic person, they are completely fooled by w, col osman, and 911, and they not only are not conservative or patriotic to America, they are incapable of defining the word conservative.

ANTIFA looks smart next to subs....
W has a lot to dp with why I don't consider myself to be a Republican anymore. He was Liberal and had an agenda of big government that any Democrat could even. He even let millions of Illegals flood in. A play straight out of President Potatohead's present day agenda.

However, he was better than goddamn Democrat, especially the two yoyos he ran against.
This is really funny.

Trump was critical of the way Biden ass-fucked the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Liberals have also been quite critical of Biden on this.

So, all libs can do now, to avoid the appearance that they agree with Trump and that Trump might actually be right, stop whining about Trump and now start whining about Bush.

If you ever needed proof that some liberals are profoundly mentally retarded, it would be this thread...
W inherited the legacy of the Gingrich revolution, which left America with

A booming economy
Government spending at 25% of GDP
Total federal debt $5.9 trillion
Budget surplus (depending on accounting, but certainly the best budgets in recent history)
The goodwill of most of the world

What did he do?

He wrecked everything.

He outspent LBJ, socialized senior drugs, porked out a $ trillion to the education bureaucracy and was rewarded with lower test scores 7 years later, started "homeland security" which informed us that the 2020 election was the "cleanest ever," he oversaw the worst false flag terror attack in human history, sided with the treasonous murderers, sold out our troops over intentional lies and nothing in US national interest, allowed Taliban to win the afghan civil war, did nothing but hide when it came out pat Tillman was offed by fellow army Rangers.

The socialization of senior drugs is of particular interest to subs who call w a "conservative." There is nothing "conservative" about socialism. Libertarians warned that just putting senior drugs on the taxpayer was a recipe for massive fraud, and that addictive pills would end up in high schools, which happened. The W WH intentionally lied about the cost estimate, threatened the actuary who did the estimate to "shut up or else," and agreed to pay a RETAIL price (no bulk discount) to big pharma.

Many pills were fresh off FDA approval with opium.

There is nothing more "pure W" than the disasterous socialization of senior drugs, which has cost the taxpayer 4 times what it was estimated.

W wrecked the GOP. He chased out the fiscal conservatives and libertarians. He brought in the Zionists and there sub human servants. He sold out America to Zionism in every possible way.

He took a superpower with a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and homO in the WH.

He accomplished that by being the worst socialist left wing big spender in modern history if not ever.

He lied and lied and lied.

Those still defending him are not patriotic Americans. They are Zionist traitors and their sub human servants who do not understand basic math and could not explain the difference between a Sunni and a Shia if their lives were at stake.

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