Is there a "republican" here who still defends W?

Did you vote for Biden because you were so enamored with his stellar, accomplished career and honesty and he represents all that you believe??
Then why would you assume the same for someone else?
People voted for W because the machine put him on top, and the other choice was Dukakis and ...wait for it... Al Bore.
I don't believe that Algore could have done more damage to the nation than Dubya did....Would have had to fight a congress that was in "opposition" hands.

Not that he would have done any better, just that he couldn't have been any worse.
That is some funny shit right there.... it was a time lapse camera. Duuuuuuh.

The Pentagon edited out the frames with the cruise missile in them.

To be dumb enough to still fall for 911, you have to believe

1. 600F burning jet fuel caused 2200F molten steel in the south Tower

See the source image

2. You believe building 7 fell from "damage" and was not a controlled demolition....

In other words, to still believe "the terrorists" did 911, you have to have an IQ under 5, or you are a Zionist Fascist who is lying...
I don't believe that Algore could have done more damage to the nation than Dubya did....Would have had to fight a congress that was in "opposition" hands.

Not that he would have done any better, just that he couldn't have been any worse.
Al Gore was just a "lefter" version of GW.
Both were propelled to the top, not out of their own accomplishments and reputation... but because they were placed there by others. Obama is the best example of this than anyone in modern times. If it wasn't for Ted Kennedy pushing him to the top - Obama would have probably ended up staying a relatively unknown state senator.
Al Gore was just a "lefter" version of GW.
Both were propelled to the top, not out of their own accomplishments and reputation... but because they were placed there by others. Obama is the best example of this than anyone in modern times. If it wasn't for Ted Kennedy pushing him to the top - Obama would have probably ended up staying a relatively unknown state senator.

The cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief is precisely what floats straight to the top of the Dem party.


and a proven WHORE....

She then noted that Obama was having sex with these older white guys and that's how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase,

SILENT for 2 YEARS ABOUT CLIMATE before hiding FBI fraud case in CLOSET
community HATE HOAX organizer


For the most part yes...

You seem more than a little confused. Dukakis??

Blurring HW and W is pretty bad.

The two were complete opposites.

HW was still for pushing Israel out of the occupied territories.

HW was the last really good President we have had...
Is there a Democrat that still defends The Worthless Negro or Joe Potatohead? How about Slick Willy?
Is there a Democrat that still defends The Worthless Negro or Joe Potatohead? How about Slick Willy?

It is scary to admit it, but Bill Clinton was a heck of a lot better than

Kenyan Cocksucker
Low IQ Joe

Of course, that was 100% about NEWT being Speaker....
It is scary to admit it, but Bill Clinton was a heck of a lot better than

Kenyan Cocksucker
Low IQ Joe

Of course, that was 100% about NEWT being Speaker....
Yeah... no he wasn't.
Clinton was a part of the most irresponsible, reprehensible economic team in the history of United States.
Alan Greenspan
Larry Summers
Robert Rubin
Bill Clinton
Probably no 4 people, together with other cohorts in the legislative branch, did so much harm to the average middle class American than these 4.
Don't misunderstand, they had plenty of help from Republicans as well. But these guys were the main players.
It is scary to admit it, but Bill Clinton was a heck of a lot better than

Kenyan Cocksucker
Low IQ Joe

Of course, that was 100% about NEWT being Speaker....
Slick Willy inherited a Reagan growth economy and got the economic benefit of the end of the Cold War.

He also was President during the time there was a world wide economic growth due to the productivity of computers.

Nothing he did.

Also, he was real scumbag but he was politically astute. He knew that the Republican's "Contract for America" was winner so he went with it.
Yeah... no he wasn't.
Clinton was a part of the most irresponsible, reprehensible economic team in the history of United States.
Alan Greenspan
Larry Summers
Robert Rubin
Bill Clinton
Probably no 4 people, together with other cohorts in the legislative branch, did so much harm to the average middle class American than these 4.
Don't misunderstand, they had plenty of help from Republicans as well. But these guys were the main players.

Translation - Federal spending did not go UP UP UP and you hated that
Translation - Federal spending did not go UP UP UP and you hated that
You are out of your league son.
Or you are a mushroom. Content to believe only what the media tells you.
I doubt you even know who Larry Summers or Robert Rubin is without looking them up.
Like I say, you are way out of your league
Stick to throwing rocks and name calling.
The post 1998 GOP threw the contract in the trash can and started spending big big big....
The only item on the Contract not enacted was the most important one. The call for a balanced budget. Sick Willy (like all filthy Democrats) didn't like the idea of a balanced budget.
The only item on the Contract not enacted was the most important one. The call for a balanced budget. Sick Willy (like all filthy Democrats) didn't like the idea of a balanced budget.
Bill Clinton:
"I want to spend more money, but I told everyone I would cut the deficit... what do I do??.... better call Rubin and Summers.... "really guys?? If I borrow $500 million, use $300 million to pay off debts... I can say I saved $200 million"... let's do it!!!

Democrat Media" Clinton has cut the deficit today by $200,000,000.... horray!!"
Bill Clinton:
"I want to spend more money, but I told everyone I would cut the deficit... what do I do??.... better call Rubin and Summers.... "really guys?? If I borrow $500 million, use $300 million to pay off debts... I can say I saved $200 million"... let's do it!!!

Democrat Media" Clinton has cut the deficit today by $200,000,000.... horray!!"
The deficit was greater the day Slick Willy left office than it was the day he took office. He increased spending and increased debt.
The deficit was greater the day Slick Willy left office than it was the day he took office. He increased spending and increased debt.
You mean like all Presidents in the modern era?
Did you vote for Biden because you were so enamored with his stellar, accomplished career and honesty and he represents all that you believe??
Then why would you assume the same for someone else?
People voted for W because the machine put him on top, and the other choice was Dukakis and ...wait for it... Al Bore.
Dukakis? WTF, over? He ran and lost in 1988 To GHWB.

Bush's opponents were Al Gore and John Kerry, dumbass!

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