Is there a "republican" here who still defends W?

I see. Your IQ is under 5....

See the "plane" hit the Pentagon, except it is not a plane...

and tell us who murdered Pat Tillman and why....

HINT = the order to off Pat came straight from the WH

Conspiracy nut bullshit!

A plane hit the Pentagon. WTF do you think it was?

Pat Tillman was killed in a friendly fire incident. That is all.
The Pentagon edited out the frames with the cruise missile in them.

To be dumb enough to still fall for 911, you have to believe

1. 600F burning jet fuel caused 2200F molten steel in the south Tower

See the source image

2. You believe building 7 fell from "damage" and was not a controlled demolition....

In other words, to still believe "the terrorists" did 911, you have to have an IQ under 5, or you are a Zionist Fascist who is lying...

Hey wingnuts, this is what your dumbass QANON conspiracies look like to other people.

Let us never forget that traitor Joe isn't the only disaster here.

After 911, W deployed us to afghan. At the time, there was an ongoing civil war between Taliban and TNA.

So clearly W helped TNA off Taliban, right....


The Israel lobby did not like TNA, because TNA was armed and funded by Iran. Yes master bowed W. Flip off TNA on command with no concern for our troops out there in the field with TNA....

W sided with Taliban by not helping TNA. The Taliban is in power today 100% because W is the worst traitor in US history.

Why did we go?

To get "Osama?"

No, W admitted "Osama" (col Tim osman) was NOT A PRIORITY

To wipe out the Taliban?

Not exactly....

After W flipped off TNA, Pat Tillman and others reported they were JUST SITTING THERE with NO TARGET.

There was NO TARGET because 911 was a FRAUD.

How did W handle pat Tillman?

A quick "we found 'em" ops goes out, pat gets shot by Zionists in the army Rangers, and they lie and claim AQ did it...

AQ did it, the SAME LIE as 911
Long debunked crap.

The so called Osman guy was not Osama,

TIllman was killed in an act of fratricide and nothing more

911 was an attack by foreign terroriists and no fucking video or evidence proves otherewise.

Your zionist ziionist crap is crap and and nothing more
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
You’re on drugs if you think the 90s were booming.
It was the Internet that caused some firms to start spending money.
I see. Your IQ is under 5....

See the "plane" hit the Pentagon, except it is not a plane...

and tell us who murdered Pat Tillman and why....

HINT = the order to off Pat came straight from the WH

Tillman was not murdered.

It was fratricide which is common in any war and you cannot produce a speck of evidence that it was ordered.

You are a proven liar
The Pentagon edited out the frames with the cruise missile in them.

To be dumb enough to still fall for 911, you have to believe

1. 600F burning jet fuel caused 2200F molten steel in the south Tower

See the source image

2. You believe building 7 fell from "damage" and was not a controlled demolition....

In other words, to still believe "the terrorists" did 911, you have to have an IQ under 5, or you are a Zionist Fascist who is lying...


Therw were no edited frames and no cruie missile and you have no evidence to the contrary.

No one ever claimed that biurning jet fuel meltede steel so no one has to believe any such thing.

Building seven fell from damage and you hasve no evidence of demolition

Those are facts you faggot and you cannot refute them

YOU are the zionist fraud
As long as we have idiots here still defending the Potato in Chief......I wont condemn those who defend W.
As long as we have idiots here still defending the Potato in Chief......I wont condemn those who defend W.

AKA - a traitor is a traitor and Dem/GOP who cares...???

W presided over the deliberate murder of 4k Americans, lied about it, started two wars over those lies....

All Low IQ Joe did was invest in oil, gold, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910, just as every Zionist Fascist did....
Therw were no edited frames and no cruie missile and you have no evidence to the contrary.

No one ever claimed that biurning jet fuel meltede steel so no one has to believe any such thing.

Something is seriously wrong with your


translation software....
Hey wingnuts, this is what your dumbass QANON conspiracies look like to other people.


Q-ANON is a left wing FRAUD done by HOMOS who are then used by the media to discredit conservatives and libertarians.

Q-ANON Jacob Chansley is a HOMO and so are YOU....

1/6 was HOMOS in MAGAdrag.
Pat Tillman was killed in a friendly fire incident.

Every time a Zionist Fascist murders a patriotic American, this Rockwell Tory cheers and lies.

The USS Liberty

Pat Tillman


Let's go over Pat. Pat is in Afghan telling his family at home that the US Deployment to Afghan is "just sitting there" with "no target."

Solution - JEW Army Rangers suddenly "find AQ" and off they go with Pat to "fight AQ." Then Pat is killed. First Zionist Fascist lie - AQ got him. Autopsy - US rounds killed Pat. Second lie - A JEW Army Ranger said he may have fired on Pat's position hundreds of yards away. Autopsy - Pat was shot from 10 yards away.


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You are out of your league son.
Or you are a mushroom. Content to believe only what the media tells you.
I doubt you even know who Larry Summers or Robert Rubin is without looking them up.
Like I say, you are way out of your league
Stick to throwing rocks and name calling.


All of the name calling is coming from you, invalid.

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