Is There A Superior Race?

Said1 said:
I think a person's potential intelligence is base on a lot of things, primarily home environment.

Anyway, with that said, I was reading an interesting study (i can look it up if anyone cares) that came to some interesting findings. It had nothing to do with race mind you, just socio-economic environment. The subjects were taken out out of bad neibourhoods and moved into nicer, upper middle class areas. They were studied for an average of 2 1/2 - 5yrs and judged on academic performance and involvement in extra caricular activities in their new "enviornment". The study indicated that the subjects neither performed better academically nor did they take part in any activities that weren't realtive to where they had come from.

This totally shocked me, but I confess the study was lacking in a few details ie: where the subjects scattered, or placed close together, were they involved in activities outside the new areas, what was their academic standing prior to re-placement, how many subjects took part in the study and so on. I was still surprised at the findings though.
Studies such as these, while noble, are almost impossible to be conducted accurately. There are so many variables, so many details and aspects to take into account...
The ClayTaurus said:
Here's kind of a broad-level summarization. I haven't looked intricately into this, but I was just curious as to your thoughts as not everyone agrees that an IQ test measures intelligence accurately.

Facts are great, so long as they're actually facts. There's nothing wrong with testing the validity of your facts.

Here's a question from an entirely different angle: What's the significance of, or rather, what do we gain by determining the intellectual pecking order among races? What do we do with this knowledge once we ascertain it to be true?

You're guess is as good as mine. What I was basically doing was just throwing out what I had found on the matter, and then watching what shakes. It was NOT my assertation that any race was better than another, only that there has been IQ testing done that showed a difference. Hell, whites came in second...
Pale Rider said:
I think I get what you're saying here said1, "you are who and what your born as". Leopard can't change his spots.

Sort of. More like you are what you know, however if there isn't someone pushing you like "the old lady" there probably won't be a lot of change while these kids are young.

I like your avatar said1. Why is your tabby biting you?

Thanks, but it's not my cat. My Lucy would never do that. :laugh:
Pale Rider said:
You're guess is as good as mine. What I was basically doing was just throwing out what I had found on the matter, and then watching what shakes. It was NOT my assertation that any race was better than another, only that there has been IQ testing done that showed a difference. Hell, whites came in second...
I threw a link up in the post that I had forgotten, makes the first paragraph more intelligible.

So let's say that order is actually factually legimate. What then? Do you think our government should be restructured accordingly? Should positions of intellectual importance be divied out with preference to asian first, white second?

I really wonder why anyone would be interested in such a question. Motivations often tell you a lot about the validity (or relevance) of a study.
The ClayTaurus said:
Studies such as these, while noble, are almost impossible to be conducted accurately. There are so many variables, so many details and aspects to take into account...

I know that, but it I think there is more truth to it than not, at least it's been my experience through watching people who try and move away. Most of them come back, eventually even if it's just to hang out. Hell, even I moved back after 15 yrs.

And besides, The Journal of Developmental Psychology would never lie. :banned:
Said1 said:
I know that, but it I think there is more truth to it than not, at least it's been my experience through watchign people who try and move away. Most of them come back, eventually even if it's just to hang out. Hell, even I moved back after 15 yrs.

And besides, The Journal of Developmental Psychology would never lie. :banned:
There definitely is something to be said for the inherent comfort level that your hometown affords you.
Nuc-kle Dragger said:
I judge IQ by spelling skills. And I usually think that people who spell pious "pias", or who spell guard "gaurd" are pretty low in IQ. Not to mention people who claim to be members of some sort of "gaurd" are probably posers. Because if they were they would know how to spell it.

Unless English is not your first language, in which case I apologize in advance. :tank:

The ClayTaurus said:
I threw a link up in the post that I had forgotten, makes the first paragraph more intelligible.

So let's say that order is actually factually legimate. What then? Do you think our government should be restructured accordingly? Should positions of intellectual importance be divied out with preference to asian first, white second?

I really wonder why anyone would be interested in such a question. Motivations often tell you a lot about the validity (or relevance) of a study.

Well, I didn't do the study. And all of your questions are good ones. I don't have the answers.

All I may say is that one race may have an advantage over another.
Pale Rider said:
Well, I didn't do the study. And all of your questions are good ones. I don't have the answers.

All I may say is that one race may have an advantage over another.
Why were you looking for results on intelligence differences between races?
Nuc said:
I didn't realize that there was a term for the likes of you. OK, weenie it is!

Sorry nuckle dragger, that was your boyfriend's, kag the fags blog persona. Here's your's...

The ClayTaurus said:
Why were you looking for results on intelligence differences between races?

Probably Pink Rider has (justified) doubts about his intelligence and is looking for his racial background to bale himself out of that hole. But it didn't work.
Nuc said:
Probably Pink Rider has (justified) doubts about his intelligence and is looking for his racial background to bale himself out of that hole. But it didn't work.

You... are outright flaming. It's against board rules. You're picking a fight plain and simple. I think I'll let the mods look at this, because I don't think you're worth spit.
Pale Rider said:
You... are outright flaming. It's against board rules. You're picking a fight plain and simple. I think I'll let the mods look at this, because I don't think you're worth spit.

Yeah, right, what a whiner. You change peoples names when you quote them to things like "FAG" and then you complain about this? Run to mommy (again).

You know if you can't take it, don't dish it out, pal. You are like a typical whining liberal. Where does your sense of entitlement come from?

Is there anybody else here who thinks this guy is a pansy?
Nuc said:
Yeah, right, what a whiner. You change peoples names when you quote them to things like "FAG" and then you complain about this? Run to mommy (again).

You know if you can't take it, don't dish it out, pal. You are like a typical whining liberal. Where does your sense of entitlement come from?

Is there anybody else here who thinks this guy is a pansy?

You tell me when and where pussy, I'll be there...
Pale Rider said:
You tell me when and where pussy, I'll be there...


Oh sorry, if I knew you were Joe Walsh I wouldn't have questioned your manliness. Are the rest of the Eagles a bunch of pissers and moaners as well?

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