Is there a ‘war’ against American culture perpetuated by politicians and multiculturalism?

As a black man, I rebuke White Identity and that racist flag. But I think you answered your own question in your rhetoric. American culture in the mind of many whites simply means "white" culture. So, it makes sense that minorities reject bowing down to white identity. Nothing could be as cucked. I'm not an America, I'm a black America. My forefathers built this nation and we have a completely separate identity. I always encourage black people to rebuke those symbols of white identity, and get our own. There has always been a war on non whites, and it was all under the banner of the red, white, and blue.
“White identity” as you call it, leads the world and always has, it’s why all around the world flee to the U.S….it’s why NONE of your people have fled America and gone back to their homelands to live that amazing life they missed out on, it’s why NOBODY migrates to dark nations…The flag is a Clinton / Gore campaign badge.

”American culture” has no skin color, there are plenty of blacks who live and practice American culture.
How do you define this “white identity“ you speak of?
The data suggests that white identity = law abiding, productive, well spoken, clean, responsible and accountable….are those attributes you rebuke?

What’s your thoughts on what the legitimate Thomas Sowell has said?
“In the lofty circles of those who see themselves as citizens of the world, it is considered unworthy, if not hateful, to insist on living according to your own Western values or to resist importing people who increase your chances of being killed.

But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”
I love it when retards try and tell others what I think and what I’d do in their fantasy hypotheticals. It just shows off the level of delusion they are working with. The level is high with this one!
Oh come on fellas…we’ve had this discussion too many times, we know exactly where you stand.
(take note people: neither Unkotare Vegasgiants nor Slade3200 has publicly condemned the illegal alien criminal….they have had many opportunities to do so yet they refuse….that’s all you need to know.)
Oh come on fellas…we’ve had this discussion too many times, we know exactly where you stand.
(take note people: neither Unkotare Vegasgiants nor Slade3200 has publicly condemned the illegal alien criminal….they have had many opportunities to do so yet they refuse….that’s all you need to know.)
I don’t doubt you THINK you know everything. That’s what an overinflated ego will do to a person. That doesn’t make it any less delusional
I am NOT. For the last time stop lying, troll. Carry on with the discussion if you care to, but stop lying and trolling.
I merely quoted your words. You should learn how to articulate your words better. Cause, you suck at it today.
I don’t doubt you THINK you know everything. That’s what an overinflated ego will do to a person. That doesn’t make it any less delusional
Prove me wrong and condemn the illegal alien criminals….tell us they are bad for America, tell us why Americas sovereignty is so important.
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently…. Unkotare or Vegasgiants is welcome to do the same.
Simple shit…right?
I don’t doubt you THINK you know everything. That’s what an overinflated ego will do to a person. That doesn’t make it any less delusional
and you still didn't condemn the illegals coming in. Looks like Broke nailed it.
Hahaha…Slade is another one like you Unkotare
He believes we should have laws against bank robbery but he won’t hold the bak robber accountable if/when they rob a bank…he sysmpathises with them and says they only rob banks to “make a better life for themselves and their families.”
Weird ass shit huh?
You realize how obvious it is that you have no leg to stand on when you are reduced to trying to tell others what they think, right? It's pretty ridiculous.
You realize how obvious it is that you have no leg to stand on when you are reduced to trying to tell others what they think, right? It's pretty ridiculous.
Again…you can stop with the ambiguous bullshit anytime and set the record straight.
“I’m for immigration law” is not the same as “I condemn illegal immigrants”.
Why you can’t understand something so simple as an educator is scary.
My position has never been a secret and has never changed. My government has a responsibility to regulate our borders, and no one should enter my country illegally. Anyone in my country illegally should not be here.

The vast, vast majority of people who make the decision to come here illegally are fully aware that they are violating US immigration law and have no illusions about what that means if they are found out. Most are driven by true desperation. Smugglers, gangsters, and human traffickers are the scum of the earth and deserve the most severe punishment available by law.

People coming here illegally are, in the great, great majority, fleeing conditions a soft, ignorant weakling like you could never imagine, and are NOT an "invasion" or acting out of any malice toward my nation. My great nation is still a beacon of hope, freedom and opportunity that fires the dreams of people all around the world. This does not negate the validity and primacy of US immigration law, but people coming here to seek the unique opportunity and security that America represents for themselves and their families are NOT evil. They are human beings who, for whatever reason, felt compelled to make a choice.

I have made my position very clear many, many times here. Quivering, hateful little cowards like you see nothing but the weak-ass bullshit you post over and over and over again. YOU do not deserve to spend one minute in my country.
My position has never been a secret and has never changed. My government has a responsibility to regulate our borders, and no one should enter my country illegally. Anyone in my country illegally should not be here.
My position has never been a secret and has never changed. My government has a responsibility to regulate our borders, and no one should enter my country illegally. Anyone in my country illegally should not be here.
My position has never been a secret and has never changed. My government has a responsibility to regulate our borders, and no one should enter my country illegally. Anyone in my country illegally should not be here.
My position has never been a secret and has never changed. My government has a responsibility to regulate our borders, and no one should enter my country illegally. Anyone in my country illegally should not be here.
Anyone in my country illegally should not be here.”
BUT I won’t vilify those who do traverse our border against the will of the people and once they are here I’ll sympathize with them, defend them and take great pride in educating them.

There, I finished it for you…was I accurate?

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