Is There Any Equivalent of Anything Like This On The Right?

The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?
Real dumb shit. Putting a muzzle on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does not make democrats less left leaning.
If that were so they wouldn't have commie grandpa Bernie Sanders as a featured speaker the opening day
of their sham convention.
They wouldn't be kissing BLM Marxist ass either!

And they wouldn't be putting a socialist in the prized
vice president slot under lying adulterer Joe Biden (though Kamala Harris isn't radical enough to please

Thanks for your warped perspective. It makes you seem so credible.
The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?

it reminds me, of the tone of treatment that mccain's campaign gave palin.

i don't recall the details enough to know if they were quite that blatant in their disrespect, but the general issue is the same.

in both cases the political class wants and needs the support of the base, but looks down on people who are actually members of the base.
The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?


" far-centrist hacks" LMAO Could there ever be a larger oxymoron?

That said, the commies govern their party the way they want to govern the country, top down, their way or the highway.

The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?
Ron Paul and Rick Santorum were unavailable for comment.
The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?

Steve King would be the right version of AOC and he's not speaking at all.

its your party marc.....maybe you should realize they suck just as bad as the republicans do....
Is this an example of the same thing on the right? Or just another useless empty commentary?

And can you produce a post where I ever called myself a Democrat? I've been here and have been a fairly regular and consistent poster for over a decade, so you should be able to find at least ONE instance of this.

Your view of Republicans:


Your view of Democrats


Your treatment of Republicans

Your treatment of Democrats


Yeah, you're a Democrat
60 sec is more than enough for AOC. She can say "like" a few dozen times in that minute.
Are lefties really claiming to be fair and balanced because they let an anti-Trump RINO speak at their convention? You gotta be kidding.
The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?

Steve King would be the right version of AOC and he's not speaking at all.

As I already alluded to, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum had their delegates, and their rightfully earned traditional speaking spots at the 2012 RNC, outright stolen from them by Romey's sleazeball operators.....I lost what already little respect I had for that greasy waste of human skin at that point.
John Kasich is a RINO Neocon Never Trumper so i figured the piece of shit would do something like this.:mad: I think he's even worse than Mitt Romney.:icon_rolleyes:
No, there is no equivalent on the right to that blithering idiot AOC.
Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Joni Ernst, Rand Paul, etc, etc, etc. Lots of batshit crazy folks on the far far right.
Total fucking
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Steve King would be the right version of AOC and he's not speaking at all.

Are you suggesting that Steve was ever THEE most beloved and/or popular conservative at any given time?

YOU need to follow you're own advice. Think McFly.

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