Is there any historical blame in Whites for Black behavior?

Even if they DO harbor that hate and belief system, they are not responsible for the ACTS of people centuries ago.

Centuries ago White teachers taught little Black kids in schools, it started then.

way before that. Inferiority is in your DNA

when white people broach black on black crime it is to remind black people that black people, in the absence of white people, are savages.

RE: Africa
E. St. Louis

Explain why you think us Blacks need the presence of Whites to be savage? Can't we be savage without whites being around?

then don't blame whitey. blame africooons that de-selected your inferior asses

Its not blame , its defined as history. The trail of the White man is long and deep, the tracks this race left in history is one of domination and inflicting of serious wounds to other cultures; and they are not able to accept their blatantly hostile place in the history of dogmatic humans who cannot shed themselves of their Neanderthal nature.

The White mans struggle to find its proper place in history , will simply always include an evolving ability to deceive and manipulate its fellow humans on this globe. And its uncanny like for the limelight in history.

just more jealousy. Where ever whitey has gone he has been in the minority and has come out on top.

Well I think the White race has talent , the talent exist in both positive and negative avenues. It is my personal view that God wanted the human race and history to go in definite ways of being in reality. I think the White race was used to help usher in technology and many advanced forms of various knowledge that has helped humanity. I also think the White race was used to help usher in deception, perversions in many areas, to master the art of lying and deceiving other races. God wanted sin to be a way of life on earth, and the White race has a serious talent for sinning and creating new forms of sin. A talent for planting destruction. This is why they were given the ability to " Come out on top", as you say.
The most sinful people on earth reside in Africa and in inner city ghettos within the US. Its a level of violence that us white people will never understand. Its really not about race though. The problem is black people have an inferior culture, and that is the case everywhere in the world they exist. Black people who are raised in white neighborhoods do just fine though. You want to fix your problems? Act like us and youll do great!
Centuries ago White teachers taught little Black kids in schools, it started then.

way before that. Inferiority is in your DNA

Explain why you think us Blacks need the presence of Whites to be savage? Can't we be savage without whites being around?

then don't blame whitey. blame africooons that de-selected your inferior asses

Its not blame , its defined as history. The trail of the White man is long and deep, the tracks this race left in history is one of domination and inflicting of serious wounds to other cultures; and they are not able to accept their blatantly hostile place in the history of dogmatic humans who cannot shed themselves of their Neanderthal nature.

The White mans struggle to find its proper place in history , will simply always include an evolving ability to deceive and manipulate its fellow humans on this globe. And its uncanny like for the limelight in history.

just more jealousy. Where ever whitey has gone he has been in the minority and has come out on top.

Well I think the White race has talent , the talent exist in both positive and negative avenues. It is my personal view that God wanted the human race and history to go in definite ways of being in reality. I think the White race was used to help usher in technology and many advanced forms of various knowledge that has helped humanity. I also think the White race was used to help usher in deception, perversions in many areas, to master the art of lying and deceiving other races. God wanted sin to be a way of life on earth, and the White race has a serious talent for sinning and creating new forms of sin. A talent for planting destruction. This is why they were given the ability to " Come out on top", as you say.
The most sinful people on earth reside in Africa and in inner city ghettos within the US. Its a level of violence that us white people will never understand. Its really not about race though. The problem is black people have an inferior culture, and that is the case everywhere in the world they exist. Black people who are raised in white neighborhoods do just fine though. You want to fix your problems? Act like us and youll do great!

I disagree, the most sinful people on earth , as far as I understand and see, are the Whites. They have created some sinister sins, the porn industry, the sex change style of living , shemales ; cheating in the bank industry, the manipulation of stocks and bonds , the regal ability to invent new religious dogma; , the infecting of romance and how believing couples have been fed crap about their relationships; treating animals better than humans and being willing to give an animal salvation before they would an unbeliever!
Damn pepeople. the white race this,the black race that, come on. Sin is a Human condition. The elite are the ones you should be upset with. Men of power cause destruction and lay traps to keep us focused on lies. The here and now is what is important, our future generation is being tuned into this race division plot to separate us and to one day make us all slaves of the "Liar." the power lies in our hands as men to teach our youth to live together in peace instead of committing the sins of the past. This goes for all people, all colors, all countries.
way before that. Inferiority is in your DNA

then don't blame whitey. blame africooons that de-selected your inferior asses

Its not blame , its defined as history. The trail of the White man is long and deep, the tracks this race left in history is one of domination and inflicting of serious wounds to other cultures; and they are not able to accept their blatantly hostile place in the history of dogmatic humans who cannot shed themselves of their Neanderthal nature.

The White mans struggle to find its proper place in history , will simply always include an evolving ability to deceive and manipulate its fellow humans on this globe. And its uncanny like for the limelight in history.

just more jealousy. Where ever whitey has gone he has been in the minority and has come out on top.

Well I think the White race has talent , the talent exist in both positive and negative avenues. It is my personal view that God wanted the human race and history to go in definite ways of being in reality. I think the White race was used to help usher in technology and many advanced forms of various knowledge that has helped humanity. I also think the White race was used to help usher in deception, perversions in many areas, to master the art of lying and deceiving other races. God wanted sin to be a way of life on earth, and the White race has a serious talent for sinning and creating new forms of sin. A talent for planting destruction. This is why they were given the ability to " Come out on top", as you say.
The most sinful people on earth reside in Africa and in inner city ghettos within the US. Its a level of violence that us white people will never understand. Its really not about race though. The problem is black people have an inferior culture, and that is the case everywhere in the world they exist. Black people who are raised in white neighborhoods do just fine though. You want to fix your problems? Act like us and youll do great!

I disagree, the most sinful people on earth , as far as I understand and see, are the Whites. They have created some sinister sins, the porn industry, the sex change style of living , shemales ; cheating in the bank industry, the manipulation of stocks and bonds , the regal ability to invent new religious dogma; , the infecting of romance and how believing couples have been fed crap about their relationships; treating animals better than humans and being willing to give an animal salvation before they would an unbeliever!
Witness whataboutism and bothsiderism presented in one post.

This is the type of response that equates a lighter with a forest fire by saying they both cause fires. So what one burn's acres and the other burns your cigarette. Same thing!
But we learned " The Dark Side" of the White Man; that was an education in evil that became an inner part of the Black experience in America.

Are you sure this evil is from Whites, but not from Mediterranean's?

Keep in mind that the Arab slave trade took far more Black African slaves than the Atlantic Slave Trade.

That the origins of, and the majority of slaves taken in the Atlantic Slave Trade were by Portugal, and Spain.

Of course Arabs, Spaniards, and Portuguese are all Mediterranean's.

Sure, you have the British too, but they actually took less than Portugal by a lot.

Also British according to this DNA chart are quite more Mediterranean by DNA, than other Northern Europeans.

Orange below represents Neolithic farmer immigrant DNA from the Near-East.

Blue below represents WHG, or indigenous European DNA.

Green below represents Yamnaya, or Aryan DNA.

Well I don't see how the blame can be avoided. Blacks were shipped to America in the great slave trade days; by the thousands a whole race and culture were moved entirely from their lands and conscious awareness. Consciousness is human behavior , so the consciousness of Black people was systematically changed over their years here ; this was now their new lives. To serve the needs of the White man. I submit that this is the origin of much of the Black mans anger and " Learning curve."

And I submit we have made much progress , we are learning to live under the White mans foot, ( or pressure.). Or conscious influence. The White man developed and maintain a system designed to give him advantage and to subjugate the mentality of unknowing men, women and children. And I submit that kind of rape of a consciousness of a people, will take far longer than 500 years to overcome. What Blacks were rooted in , created a HIGH level of distain for the people who planted them into this historical processing mud.

Many angry Black men today, don't even realize all the layers of this history that exist in their very cellular consciousness. And neither do many Whites. History is not an " Excuse"; when history wounds a race , that wound is real. I mean one can remove a knife, the wound it made may heal pretty good on the surface, but inside of the body, damaged tissue still exist.

African Americans cared so much about being anti-slavery, that they went back to Liberia to enslave indigenous Africans in the plantation method of slavery.
Well I don't see how the blame can be avoided. Blacks were shipped to America in the great slave trade days; by the thousands a whole race and culture were moved entirely from their lands and conscious awareness. Consciousness is human behavior , so the consciousness of Black people was systematically changed over their years here ; this was now their new lives. To serve the needs of the White man. I submit that this is the origin of much of the Black mans anger and " Learning curve."

And I submit we have made much progress , we are learning to live under the White mans foot, ( or pressure.). Or conscious influence. The White man developed and maintain a system designed to give him advantage and to subjugate the mentality of unknowing men, women and children. And I submit that kind of rape of a consciousness of a people, will take far longer than 500 years to overcome. What Blacks were rooted in , created a HIGH level of distain for the people who planted them into this historical processing mud.

Many angry Black men today, don't even realize all the layers of this history that exist in their very cellular consciousness. And neither do many Whites. History is not an " Excuse"; when history wounds a race , that wound is real. I mean one can remove a knife, the wound it made may heal pretty good on the surface, but inside of the body, damaged tissue still exist.

African Americans cared so much about being anti-slavery, that they went back to Liberia to enslave indigenous Africans in the plantation method of slavery.

Could you explain your understanding of just what the plantation method of slavery is?
Well I don't see how the blame can be avoided. Blacks were shipped to America in the great slave trade days; by the thousands a whole race and culture were moved entirely from their lands and conscious awareness. Consciousness is human behavior , so the consciousness of Black people was systematically changed over their years here ; this was now their new lives. To serve the needs of the White man. I submit that this is the origin of much of the Black mans anger and " Learning curve."

And I submit we have made much progress , we are learning to live under the White mans foot, ( or pressure.). Or conscious influence. The White man developed and maintain a system designed to give him advantage and to subjugate the mentality of unknowing men, women and children. And I submit that kind of rape of a consciousness of a people, will take far longer than 500 years to overcome. What Blacks were rooted in , created a HIGH level of distain for the people who planted them into this historical processing mud.

Many angry Black men today, don't even realize all the layers of this history that exist in their very cellular consciousness. And neither do many Whites. History is not an " Excuse"; when history wounds a race , that wound is real. I mean one can remove a knife, the wound it made may heal pretty good on the surface, but inside of the body, damaged tissue still exist.

African Americans cared so much about being anti-slavery, that they went back to Liberia to enslave indigenous Africans in the plantation method of slavery.

Could you explain your understanding of just what the plantation method of slavery is?
Ooooh, i sense a debate on semantics is coming. I love those!

Didn't got to school? I see....the Pharaos, the Moors .....your racist illetrate ass is from Africa if you didn't know this. I hope you don't have or planning on having kids.

If you train a dog and it bites someone , your responsible. Hey you went and got Blacks and shipped them over here; you trained them. Yet you think when they bite its not your fault? You think when they got angry for seeing their women raped and beaten, for centuries, that they would not hold a grudge. You think keeping us from learning knowledge for hundreds of years, was not your fault.

Good grief!
Blacks have it so bad here that none of them want to go back to Africa. Blacks of today should thank their lucky stars that their ancestors went through what they went through so that today's US blacks aren't in Africa.
And just to say, a lot of black slaves were captured and sold to white people by other blacks.
Well I don't see how the blame can be avoided. Blacks were shipped to America in the great slave trade days; by the thousands a whole race and culture were moved entirely from their lands and conscious awareness. Consciousness is human behavior , so the consciousness of Black people was systematically changed over their years here ; this was now their new lives. To serve the needs of the White man. I submit that this is the origin of much of the Black mans anger and " Learning curve."

And I submit we have made much progress , we are learning to live under the White mans foot, ( or pressure.). Or conscious influence. The White man developed and maintain a system designed to give him advantage and to subjugate the mentality of unknowing men, women and children. And I submit that kind of rape of a consciousness of a people, will take far longer than 500 years to overcome. What Blacks were rooted in , created a HIGH level of distain for the people who planted them into this historical processing mud.

Many angry Black men today, don't even realize all the layers of this history that exist in their very cellular consciousness. And neither do many Whites. History is not an " Excuse"; when history wounds a race , that wound is real. I mean one can remove a knife, the wound it made may heal pretty good on the surface, but inside of the body, damaged tissue still exist.

African Americans cared so much about being anti-slavery, that they went back to Liberia to enslave indigenous Africans in the plantation method of slavery.

Could you explain your understanding of just what the plantation method of slavery is?

Cash crop slavery.
That slavery would not have been possible without the greed, selfishness and inhumanity of the White man.
That slavery would not have been possible without the greed, selfishness and inhumanity of the White man.

So, how come my Polish people weren't involved in the Atlantic Slave Trade, unlike Africans who sold slaves to the White man in the first place during the Atlantic Slave Trade?
Didn't got to school? I see....the Pharaos, the Moors .....your racist illetrate ass is from Africa if you didn't know this. I hope you don't have or planning on having kids.

If you train a dog and it bites someone , your responsible. Hey you went and got Blacks and shipped them over here; you trained them. Yet you think when they bite its not your fault? You think when they got angry for seeing their women raped and beaten, for centuries, that they would not hold a grudge. You think keeping us from learning knowledge for hundreds of years, was not your fault.

Good grief!
Blacks have it so bad here that none of them want to go back to Africa. Blacks of today should thank their lucky stars that their ancestors went through what they went through so that today's US blacks aren't in Africa.
And just to say, a lot of black slaves were captured and sold to white people by other blacks.
MY "illetrate ass" :lmao: have nothing to add. This African man right here, English is my 5th language :). How many languages do you speak? Let me speak hatred and ignorance.
US blacks blame whites for their problems.

Funny though, I don't see any of them going back to Africa to live there.
US blacks blame whites for their problems.

Funny though, I don't see any of them going back to Africa to live there.

Just as funny, why the Whites choose Africa to go and get their slave help? Why did they not go to other White nations to get their slaves? Why ?

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