Is there any hope for the PA


Gold Member
Dec 26, 2015
My personal take is that the palestinians have reduced themselves to nothing more than a mob. Having embraced the worst terrorism and terrorists have to offer, their belief that might makes right has brought them to a place where they are simply ungovernable.

One major reason there is no peace is that there is no one to make peace with that can actually negotiate for what amounts to a violent mob. Arafat was a cook, stole millions intended for aid to his people, Abbas is no better, who's next ? Hamas ?

The Palestinians are facing a dangerous generational crisis ...

It seems if there is to be peace Israel is going to have to strengthen restrictions and step up deportations. Which it is fortunately doing with great success.

The revisionist diatribe not withstanding I'm curious if anyone has any ideas as to who might be up and coming in palestinian politics that might actually take the palestinians down a road to peace instead of a road to ruin

Palestinian Authority close to collapse, warns John Kerry ...
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How many Christian & Jewish citizens are reprented in the governments of the non apartheid Arab countries with equal votong rights like the Palestinian citizens have in this "apartheid Israel"?

In what Arab countries do non-Muslim citizens not have equal voting rights?
How many Christian & Jewish citizens are reprented in the governments of the non apartheid Arab countries with equal votong rights like the Palestinian citizens have in this "apartheid Israel"?

In what Arab countries do non-Muslim citizens not have equal voting rights?

Are you kidding. Saudi JUST gave woman the right to vote about a year or two ago. Yikes, you are not seriously going to argue that woman enjoy the same rights as men in the Arab world are You ?

PS is there any chance at all you will be polite enough to stick to the topic ?
There will be no Palestinian state. The non-Jews under Jewish control in the Israeli controlled lands will live under an Apartheid regime until the demographics make it impossible for even the U.S. to continue supporting Apartheid in Israel/Palestine. Give it 2 generations max.

There will be no Palestinian State unless the PA stops demanding all their Demands be met, " Right of Return" which would eventually annex Israel to the Palestinian State and some of " Israel Proper" under their Sovereignty .. Why should Israel agree to any of it?? The Palestinians are not willing to recognize Israel as a Jewish State.
Israeli Apartheid was never debunked. It's a fact. All but the most partisan pro-Zionists acknowledge that Israel is an Apartheid state.

Israel is " Apartheid" but Abbas NJA Policy isn't? Meanwhile Israel has Arabs. Another lie by Pro Palestinians
The PA is done for. Its well past being irrelevant to the daily lives of most palestinians and its run on a shoestring of whatevers left over after its so called leaders are done embezzling the ever decreasing charity is does receive. It not only financially a disaster but its a political one as well.

There simply isn't a viable peace partner in the palestinian leadership
Again you are spamming the thread with off topic posts

The topic is the failure of the PA

That is what they always do. Never address the failures of the PA or what proposals they have offered that Israel has rejected
Again you are spamming the thread with off topic posts

The topic is the failure of the PA

That is what they always do. Never address the failures of the PA or what proposals they have offered that Israel has rejected

They are only fooling themselves, I can't imagine anyone of any education at all is suckered in by the revisionist rhetoric
My personal take is that the palestinians have reduced themselves to nothing more than a mob. Having embraced the worst terrorism and terrorists have to offer, their belief that might makes right has brought them to a place where they are simply ungovernable.

One major reason there is no peace is that there is no one to make peace with that can actually negotiate for what amounts to a violent mob. Arafat was a cook, stole millions intended for aid to his people, Abbas is no better, who's next ? Hamas ?

The Palestinians are facing a dangerous generational crisis ...

It seems if there is to be peace Israel is going to have to strengthen restrictions and step up deportations. Which it is fortunately doing with great success.

The revisionist diatribe not withstanding I'm curious if anyone has any ideas as to who might be up and coming in palestinian politics that might actually take the palestinians down a road to peace instead of a road to ruin

Palestinian Authority close to collapse, warns John Kerry ...
The one thing I know about hard headed Zionism simply discounts the Palestinians as a "Mob" therefore de-humanize them as road kill...

Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...I'm sure Jews killed as many German soldiers in the Warsaw Ghetto and elsewhere as they could by all means.

Get off their land, it might just stop!
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I haven't commented on the PA/Israel deal in quite a while. Because its a freaking mess beyond even what I thought they could get their shit into.

I swear my brain breaks down when I witness this dogs breakfast with no end in sight. Brain cramp coming. I mean holy freaking toledo you have Pals now running around with knives trying to kill any and all Israelis within stabbing distance and I've got to go "this isn't helping peace here you maniacs".

I'm sorry. I get so pissed off when Pals don't rein in their crazies so progress can be made. Or at least look like they're trying.
The only revisionism is to blame the colonized for the colonization.

But we've been playing the game too instead of sitting down both sides and going "the sand box is this big" Deal with it and make them hard core come up with a solution.

The problem isn't with the little people on either side of the border. The problem are the leaders and the governments who have been making big $$$$$$$$$$$ all these years over the conflicts.
My personal take is that the palestinians have reduced themselves to nothing more than a mob. Having embraced the worst terrorism and terrorists have to offer, their belief that might makes right has brought them to a place where they are simply ungovernable.

One major reason there is no peace is that there is no one to make peace with that can actually negotiate for what amounts to a violent mob. Arafat was a cook, stole millions intended for aid to his people, Abbas is no better, who's next ? Hamas ?

The Palestinians are facing a dangerous generational crisis ...

It seems if there is to be peace Israel is going to have to strengthen restrictions and step up deportations. Which it is fortunately doing with great success.

The revisionist diatribe not withstanding I'm curious if anyone has any ideas as to who might be up and coming in palestinian politics that might actually take the palestinians down a road to peace instead of a road to ruin

Palestinian Authority close to collapse, warns John Kerry ...
The one thing I know about hard headed Zionism simply discounts the Palestinians as a "Mob" therefore de-humanize them as road kill...

Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...I'm sure Jews killed as many German soldiers in the Warsaw Ghetto and elsewhere as they could by all means.

Get off their land, it might just stop!

Are you that simple? Are you truly that simple?

All that happens is when every Israeli is stabbed retribution happens and the cycle doesn't stop. Grow up.
My personal take is that the palestinians have reduced themselves to nothing more than a mob. Having embraced the worst terrorism and terrorists have to offer, their belief that might makes right has brought them to a place where they are simply ungovernable.

One major reason there is no peace is that there is no one to make peace with that can actually negotiate for what amounts to a violent mob. Arafat was a cook, stole millions intended for aid to his people, Abbas is no better, who's next ? Hamas ?

The Palestinians are facing a dangerous generational crisis ...

It seems if there is to be peace Israel is going to have to strengthen restrictions and step up deportations. Which it is fortunately doing with great success.

The revisionist diatribe not withstanding I'm curious if anyone has any ideas as to who might be up and coming in palestinian politics that might actually take the palestinians down a road to peace instead of a road to ruin

Palestinian Authority close to collapse, warns John Kerry ...
The one thing I know about hard headed Zionism simply discounts the Palestinians as a "Mob" therefore de-humanize them as road kill...

Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...I'm sure Jews killed as many German soldiers in the Warsaw Ghetto and elsewhere as they could by all means.

Get off their land, it might just stop!

The land was mandated by unanimous vote as a protectorate for the creation of a national Jewish homeland. Besides anyone who knows anything about this era knows that Jordan was the other state invented out of th mandate area and it compromises roughly 80% of the total area.

So why is it the Arabs can't content themselves with the lions share of the mandated area ?
I haven't commented on the PA/Israel deal in quite a while. Because its a freaking mess beyond even what I thought they could get their shit into.

I swear my brain breaks down when I witness this dogs breakfast with no end in sight. Brain cramp coming. I mean holy freaking toledo you have Pals now running around with knives trying to kill any and all Israelis within stabbing distance and I've got to go "this isn't helping peace here you maniacs".

I'm sorry. I get so pissed off when Pals don't rein in their crazies so progress can be made. Or at least look like they're trying.

I couldn't agree more. Really all that is needed is a halt to violence on both sides and this thing could be resolved in no time.

The formula for peace is actually very simple, Quit fighting
The only revisionism is to blame the colonized for the colonization.

But we've been playing the game too instead of sitting down both sides and going "the sand box is this big" Deal with it and make them hard core come up with a solution.

The problem isn't with the little people on either side of the border. The problem are the leaders and the governments who have been making big $$$$$$$$$$$ all these years over the conflicts.

That ones worthy of a whole new thread. There are most definitely outside interests benefitting from the conflict
My personal take is that the palestinians have reduced themselves to nothing more than a mob. Having embraced the worst terrorism and terrorists have to offer, their belief that might makes right has brought them to a place where they are simply ungovernable.

One major reason there is no peace is that there is no one to make peace with that can actually negotiate for what amounts to a violent mob. Arafat was a cook, stole millions intended for aid to his people, Abbas is no better, who's next ? Hamas ?

The Palestinians are facing a dangerous generational crisis ...

It seems if there is to be peace Israel is going to have to strengthen restrictions and step up deportations. Which it is fortunately doing with great success.

The revisionist diatribe not withstanding I'm curious if anyone has any ideas as to who might be up and coming in palestinian politics that might actually take the palestinians down a road to peace instead of a road to ruin

Palestinian Authority close to collapse, warns John Kerry ...
The one thing I know about hard headed Zionism simply discounts the Palestinians as a "Mob" therefore de-humanize them as road kill...

Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...I'm sure Jews killed as many German soldiers in the Warsaw Ghetto and elsewhere as they could by all means.

Get off their land, it might just stop!

The land was mandated by unanimous vote as a protectorate for the creation of a national Jewish homeland. Besides anyone who knows anything about this era knows that Jordan was the other state invented out of th mandate area and it compromises roughly 80% of the total area.

So why is it the Arabs can't content themselves with the lions share of the mandated area ?
Sell your story to the Arabs who have never consented to any Western imposed neo-colonialist deal.

That's the core basis of this conflict.
The only revisionism is to blame the colonized for the colonization.

Translation; Israel does not have the Right to Exist. He doesnt realize it but he just clarified the Palestinians Goal. And THAT is why there will never be the " Two State Solution"
I think and it's not easy but it is simple.

We are in the here and now. I guarantee. Hell's bells I put good money that if one cut out the top all sides would go ok. Let's divey it up once and for all. Bring the farmers and the land owners in and work it out.

I mean really work it out.

Now for those anti Israel I am only going to bring up when the Israelis handed Gaza over to Palestine. You know what happened. And not one land owner or Pal benefited because the bloody government wrecked all those greenhouses and turned this into a no mans land for Gaza.

Politics trumped their people.

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