Is there any hope for the PA

I'm sure it is. I don't like much of anything about the PA and from what I understand its a puppet regime al the way. But it was put in place so that someone could sit at the negotiations table with the Israeli's. And we can all see how that worked out.

No matter how many millions you throw at corruption it does nothing to legitimize another puppet government.

On the other hand if you left the palestinians mob to its own devices it will endorse a one of the many terrorist organizations available. In which case there is no one the western powers will negotiate with; which is why the PA was run up the flag pole in the first place
In which case there is no one the western powers will negotiate with; which is why the PA was run up the flag pole in the first place.​

Indeed, they are too candy ass to negotiate with an elected government.


they are following a policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists

which I happen to agree with
So they hamstring themselves with third grade name calling.

That is one way to chicken out of negotiations.

The term terrorist is well defined and applied in a similar manor by many governments including my own. It is general policy to not negotiate with terrorists. I agree with the policy lest those negotiations result in violence being rewarded. Its a very simple concept.

Of course it depends on if you consider it an ongoing war or not.

I tend to think of it as a war but either way the UNs failure to segregate combatants from non combatants within its aid structure and the aid camps is the primary driving force behind the continued violence

You are full of crap. The labeling of terrorist is strictly based on perspective. The Afghan Mujahedin that fought against the Russians were considered Freedom Fighters by the U.S. (although they slaughtered girls that attended Russian financed schools for girls) but were labeled terrorists when the same people and their sons fought against the U.S.

The Contras were considered freedom fighters by U.S. and terrorists by the rest of the world.

Nice bait and switch

No I will not now be led on some boondoggle argument in which I'm expected to defend the policies of the united states.

No I will not once again follow your attempts to distract from the OP topic

Yes once again you have ignored the subject which is the failure of the PA and its imminent collapse. If it survives it will be once again because of massive outside donations to prop up another corrupt puppet in the guise of a peace partner when in fact we all know that the palestinians aren't interested in peace.
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.
Does that come with a jingle?

It's just a shame that you convert wannabees are so anxious to offer-up the lives of the others from the safety of the Great Satan.

The little islamo-bots are not brave. They have been indoctrinated from the earliest age with slogans designed to instill self-hate.

This is kind of child abuse designed to cheapen life and to ensure a continuing assemblyline of death cultists that can be used by selfish and manipulative islamo-fascists to continue the charade of the Pal'istanian welfare fraud:

“Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our model, the Quran is our constitution, jihad is our path and death for the sake of Allah is our most coveted desire” ~ Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Credo.
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.
In which case there is no one the western powers will negotiate with; which is why the PA was run up the flag pole in the first place.​

Indeed, they are too candy ass to negotiate with an elected government.


they are following a policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists

which I happen to agree with
So they hamstring themselves with third grade name calling.

That is one way to chicken out of negotiations.

The term terrorist is well defined and applied in a similar manor by many governments including my own. It is general policy to not negotiate with terrorists. I agree with the policy lest those negotiations result in violence being rewarded. Its a very simple concept.

Of course it depends on if you consider it an ongoing war or not.

I tend to think of it as a war but either way the UNs failure to segregate combatants from non combatants within its aid structure and the aid camps is the primary driving force behind the continued violence

You are full of crap. The labeling of terrorist is strictly based on perspective. The Afghan Mujahedin that fought against the Russians were considered Freedom Fighters by the U.S. (although they slaughtered girls that attended Russian financed schools for girls) but were labeled terrorists when the same people and their sons fought against the U.S.

The Contras were considered freedom fighters by U.S. and terrorists by the rest of the world.

Nice bait and switch

No I will not now be led on some boondoggle argument in which I'm expected to defend the policies of the united states.

No I will not once again follow your attempts to distract from the OP topic

Yes once again you have ignored the subject which is the failure of the PA and its imminent collapse. If it survives it will be once again because of massive outside donations to prop up another corrupt puppet in the guise of a peace partner when in fact we all know that the palestinians aren't interested in peace.

I have addressed your absurd claim that "The term terrorist is well defined and applied in a similar manor by many governments including my own." by demonstrating that the term is not "well defined and applied in a similar manor (sic)" . By the way, a manor is a sort of home, I believe you meant "manner".
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.
If you look at the results of the "Arab Spring", it has produced only uncounted numbers of islamists who are the intended victims of their co-religionists.

Could it be that Allah has played a cruel joke on you?
I'm sure it is. I don't like much of anything about the PA and from what I understand its a puppet regime al the way. But it was put in place so that someone could sit at the negotiations table with the Israeli's. And we can all see how that worked out.

No matter how many millions you throw at corruption it does nothing to legitimize another puppet government.

On the other hand if you left the palestinians mob to its own devices it will endorse a one of the many terrorist organizations available. In which case there is no one the western powers will negotiate with; which is why the PA was run up the flag pole in the first place
In which case there is no one the western powers will negotiate with; which is why the PA was run up the flag pole in the first place.​

Indeed, they are too candy ass to negotiate with an elected government.


they are following a policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists

which I happen to agree with
So they hamstring themselves with third grade name calling.

That is one way to chicken out of negotiations.

The term terrorist is well defined and applied in a similar manor by many governments including my own. It is general policy to not negotiate with terrorists. I agree with the policy lest those negotiations result in violence being rewarded. Its a very simple concept.

Of course it depends on if you consider it an ongoing war or not.

I tend to think of it as a war but either way the UNs failure to segregate combatants from non combatants within its aid structure and the aid camps is the primary driving force behind the continued violence

You are full of crap. The labeling of terrorist is strictly based on perspective. The Afghan Mujahedin that fought against the Russians were considered Freedom Fighters by the U.S. (although they slaughtered girls that attended Russian financed schools for girls) but were labeled terrorists when the same people and their sons fought against the U.S.

The Contras were considered freedom fighters by U.S. and terrorists by the rest of the world.
Indeed, for the most part it is merely a political name calling thing.
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians.​

Indeed, they should have never gone to Europe and attack the Zionists.
In which case there is no one the western powers will negotiate with; which is why the PA was run up the flag pole in the first place.​

Indeed, they are too candy ass to negotiate with an elected government.


they are following a policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists

which I happen to agree with
So they hamstring themselves with third grade name calling.

That is one way to chicken out of negotiations.

The term terrorist is well defined and applied in a similar manor by many governments including my own. It is general policy to not negotiate with terrorists. I agree with the policy lest those negotiations result in violence being rewarded. Its a very simple concept.

Of course it depends on if you consider it an ongoing war or not.

I tend to think of it as a war but either way the UNs failure to segregate combatants from non combatants within its aid structure and the aid camps is the primary driving force behind the continued violence

You are full of crap. The labeling of terrorist is strictly based on perspective. The Afghan Mujahedin that fought against the Russians were considered Freedom Fighters by the U.S. (although they slaughtered girls that attended Russian financed schools for girls) but were labeled terrorists when the same people and their sons fought against the U.S.

The Contras were considered freedom fighters by U.S. and terrorists by the rest of the world.

Nice bait and switch

No I will not now be led on some boondoggle argument in which I'm expected to defend the policies of the united states.

No I will not once again follow your attempts to distract from the OP topic

Yes once again you have ignored the subject which is the failure of the PA and its imminent collapse. If it survives it will be once again because of massive outside donations to prop up another corrupt puppet in the guise of a peace partner when in fact we all know that the palestinians aren't interested in peace.
No I will not now be led on some boondoggle argument in which I'm expected to defend the policies of the united states.​

Good choice.
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.
Does that come with a jingle?

It's just a shame that you convert wannabees are so anxious to offer-up the lives of the others from the safety of the Great Satan.

The little islamo-bots are not brave. They have been indoctrinated from the earliest age with slogans designed to instill self-hate.

This is kind of child abuse designed to cheapen life and to ensure a continuing assemblyline of death cultists that can be used by selfish and manipulative islamo-fascists to continue the charade of the Pal'istanian welfare fraud:

“Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our model, the Quran is our constitution, jihad is our path and death for the sake of Allah is our most coveted desire” ~ Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Credo.
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.
If you look at the results of the "Arab Spring", it has produced only uncounted numbers of islamists who are the intended victims of their co-religionists.

Could it be that Allah has played a cruel joke on you?
I have news for you shiska, Yahweh and Allah are the same ME moon god...
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.
Does that come with a jingle?

It's just a shame that you convert wannabees are so anxious to offer-up the lives of the others from the safety of the Great Satan.

The little islamo-bots are not brave. They have been indoctrinated from the earliest age with slogans designed to instill self-hate.

This is kind of child abuse designed to cheapen life and to ensure a continuing assemblyline of death cultists that can be used by selfish and manipulative islamo-fascists to continue the charade of the Pal'istanian welfare fraud:

“Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our model, the Quran is our constitution, jihad is our path and death for the sake of Allah is our most coveted desire” ~ Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Credo.
I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.
If you look at the results of the "Arab Spring", it has produced only uncounted numbers of islamists who are the intended victims of their co-religionists.

Could it be that Allah has played a cruel joke on you?
I have news for you shiska, Yahweh and Allah are the same ME moon god...
Allah is not a Muslim thing. It is the Arab word for God. Arab Christians call their God Allah.
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.

LOL Wrong on every score.

First I make no apologies,

No Israel does not run the camps the UN does even if the UNWRA ( a nearly 100% palestinians staffed organization ) says otherwise the written policy of the UN clearly states combatants and former combatants must be identified and segregated from a refugee population.

Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian ... - UNHCR
PG 15 section 3

Yes, over however many attacks or suicides the enemy may commit.

And finally, No. You have it exactly backwards. The rest of the Arab world has learned to work with Israel and its the palestinains who alone in their inability to come to terms with having received the 80% of the British mandate area.

they are following a policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists

which I happen to agree with
So they hamstring themselves with third grade name calling.

That is one way to chicken out of negotiations.

The term terrorist is well defined and applied in a similar manor by many governments including my own. It is general policy to not negotiate with terrorists. I agree with the policy lest those negotiations result in violence being rewarded. Its a very simple concept.

Of course it depends on if you consider it an ongoing war or not.

I tend to think of it as a war but either way the UNs failure to segregate combatants from non combatants within its aid structure and the aid camps is the primary driving force behind the continued violence

You are full of crap. The labeling of terrorist is strictly based on perspective. The Afghan Mujahedin that fought against the Russians were considered Freedom Fighters by the U.S. (although they slaughtered girls that attended Russian financed schools for girls) but were labeled terrorists when the same people and their sons fought against the U.S.

The Contras were considered freedom fighters by U.S. and terrorists by the rest of the world.

Nice bait and switch

No I will not now be led on some boondoggle argument in which I'm expected to defend the policies of the united states.

No I will not once again follow your attempts to distract from the OP topic

Yes once again you have ignored the subject which is the failure of the PA and its imminent collapse. If it survives it will be once again because of massive outside donations to prop up another corrupt puppet in the guise of a peace partner when in fact we all know that the palestinians aren't interested in peace.

I have addressed your absurd claim that "The term terrorist is well defined and applied in a similar manor by many governments including my own." by demonstrating that the term is not "well defined and applied in a similar manor (sic)" . By the way, a manor is a sort of home, I believe you meant "manner".

Ah yes thank you with the spelling

And no you haven't addressed the issue at all. What you did was ask me to address the same old argument about who's a terrorist and who's a freedom fighter. I never said the US doesn't hire its share of terrorists. I never said that governments don't fund and arm terrorists for their own political purposes. What I said was that we have a clear definition of what a terrorist is. Has nothing to do with the political nonsense surrounding the use of terrorism.

However, once again you are distracting from the subject which is the failure of the PA
The PA typifies Arab / islamist incompetence and ineptitude. Its connection to UNRWA (the welfare fraud dedicated to the maintenance of Islamic terrorism), has become little more than an endowment for greedy and manipulative arabs.
Personally and morally I suggest stabbing soldiers in a war has been acceptable...

I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.

LOL Wrong on every score.

First I make no apologies,

No Israel does not run the camps the UN does even if the UNWRA ( a nearly 100% palestinians staffed organization ) says otherwise the written policy of the UN clearly states combatants and former combatants must be identified and segregated from a refugee population.

Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian ... - UNHCR
PG 15 section 3

Yes, over however many attacks or suicides the enemy may commit.

And finally, No. You have it exactly backwards. The rest of the Arab world has learned to work with Israel and its the palestinains who alone in their inability to come to terms with having received the 80% of the British mandate area.
The British Mandate was a neo-colonialist document created by the West that was never recognized by the Arabs.

Force will eventually win, any way.
I'd be down with that. Stabbing soldiers who are on duty and uniformed is totally legit. The corollary to that, of course, is that all stabbers are also to be immediately deemed combatant soldiers and are also viable targets. And who should be addressed that way in all media. Do we have an accord?
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.

LOL Wrong on every score.

First I make no apologies,

No Israel does not run the camps the UN does even if the UNWRA ( a nearly 100% palestinians staffed organization ) says otherwise the written policy of the UN clearly states combatants and former combatants must be identified and segregated from a refugee population.

Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian ... - UNHCR
PG 15 section 3

Yes, over however many attacks or suicides the enemy may commit.

And finally, No. You have it exactly backwards. The rest of the Arab world has learned to work with Israel and its the palestinains who alone in their inability to come to terms with having received the 80% of the British mandate area.
The British Mandate was a neo-colonialist document created by the West that was never recognized by the Arabs.

Force will eventually win, any way.

And it has, Israel is firmly in control of its share of the mandate and the Arabs of this area are just going to have to get over their bigotry and hatred
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.

LOL Wrong on every score.

First I make no apologies,

No Israel does not run the camps the UN does even if the UNWRA ( a nearly 100% palestinians staffed organization ) says otherwise the written policy of the UN clearly states combatants and former combatants must be identified and segregated from a refugee population.

Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian ... - UNHCR
PG 15 section 3

Yes, over however many attacks or suicides the enemy may commit.

And finally, No. You have it exactly backwards. The rest of the Arab world has learned to work with Israel and its the palestinains who alone in their inability to come to terms with having received the 80% of the British mandate area.
The British Mandate was a neo-colonialist document created by the West that was never recognized by the Arabs.

Force will eventually win, any way.

And it has, Israel is firmly in control of its share of the mandate and the Arabs of this area are just going to have to get over their bigotry and hatred
Yup your in control for now until they develop nukes. It took you 2,000 years to get it back by force. The Arabs have defeated the Crusaders, the Ottomans, the Brits and the rest of the European Colonialists with slow wars of attrition. I expect the same result with this last Zionist invasion.
Agreed. Those kids know they are going to be shot like dogs and be killed. They are very brave having only their bodies to fight their enemies.

Israel will never defeat these people. They should be glad they are currently un-armed.

Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.

LOL Wrong on every score.

First I make no apologies,

No Israel does not run the camps the UN does even if the UNWRA ( a nearly 100% palestinians staffed organization ) says otherwise the written policy of the UN clearly states combatants and former combatants must be identified and segregated from a refugee population.

Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian ... - UNHCR
PG 15 section 3

Yes, over however many attacks or suicides the enemy may commit.

And finally, No. You have it exactly backwards. The rest of the Arab world has learned to work with Israel and its the palestinains who alone in their inability to come to terms with having received the 80% of the British mandate area.
The British Mandate was a neo-colonialist document created by the West that was never recognized by the Arabs.

Force will eventually win, any way.

And it has, Israel is firmly in control of its share of the mandate and the Arabs of this area are just going to have to get over their bigotry and hatred
Defending your home and country from European invaders is not bigotry but heroism.
Its not by chance these terrorists are unarmed. Israeli restrictions into the UN run camps have been very effective.

Unfortunately the UN continues to lend aid to the combatants within the camps and thus the war continues.

The simple reality is that no one is responsible of the plight of the palestinians but the palestinians. Oh the UN is an extremely bias group and even guilty of lending aid to both combatants and non combatants alike within the refugee population. Something clearly against international law and its own operational policies but; that doesn't excuse the outrageous acts of terrorism by the palestinians or their inability to actually choose effective leadership thats intention is to engage in peace.
Please spare us the usual Zionist/apologist self-serving bullshit. Yea, Israel is good at running camps, but they have only created a temporary buffer with Palestinian bodies piling up.

The Palestinians are no longer a military threat to Israel only the rest of Islam...That's what's happening on the ground as the Arab Spring moves forward like the 1848 Revolutions in Europe getting rid of their kings.

LOL Wrong on every score.

First I make no apologies,

No Israel does not run the camps the UN does even if the UNWRA ( a nearly 100% palestinians staffed organization ) says otherwise the written policy of the UN clearly states combatants and former combatants must be identified and segregated from a refugee population.

Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian ... - UNHCR
PG 15 section 3

Yes, over however many attacks or suicides the enemy may commit.

And finally, No. You have it exactly backwards. The rest of the Arab world has learned to work with Israel and its the palestinains who alone in their inability to come to terms with having received the 80% of the British mandate area.
The British Mandate was a neo-colonialist document created by the West that was never recognized by the Arabs.

Force will eventually win, any way.

And it has, Israel is firmly in control of its share of the mandate and the Arabs of this area are just going to have to get over their bigotry and hatred
Yup your in control for now until they develop nukes. It took you 2,000 years to get it back by force. The Arabs have defeated the Crusaders, the Ottomans, the Brits and the rest of the European Colonialists with slow wars of attrition. I expect the same result with this last Zionist invasion.

I'm not to worried about it. Israel is very well established and has worldwide support from every Judaic person out there, or at least the vast majority. The Arab world has by and large given up on its bend towards the destruction of Israel. The palestinians stand alone except for UNWRA which is specifically designed by palestinians and staffed by palestinians.

No one believes the nonsense being spewed by Iran or N Korea. Its all just posturing. Besides the PA isn't ever going to have nukes.
Moderation "Suggestion"::

Not a demand, could have posted under my name - but wanted to keep this topic on track.
The title and topic here is VERY clear. It is FORWARD looking statement on the future of the PA..

I've skimmed the thread and seen ---

1) One poster asserting that the PA is a foreign IMPOSED govt with no connection to Palestinian leadership or their nationalistic goals.

2) Two others stating the obvious and over-discussed issue that the PA and Pali leadership issues are irrelevant because Israel should not exist.

3) Others touting violent or terroristic resistance as a higher priority than organization and leadership for Pali Nationalistic goals..

What moderation is TRYING to do in this forum is to get the TOPICS discussed. And you are certainly free to take positions that nullify the topic. But if you do -- they need to relevant to the topic of CURRENT PA/Hamas/Fatah leadership issues. Please do not take the DEEP dive into the history and details of your views on other aspects.

Maybe a reminder of the OP will help get us back on track
My personal take is that the palestinians have reduced themselves to nothing more than a mob. Having embraced the worst terrorism and terrorists have to offer, their belief that might makes right has brought them to a place where they are simply ungovernable.

One major reason there is no peace is that there is no one to make peace with that can actually negotiate for what amounts to a violent mob. Arafat was a cook, stole millions intended for aid to his people, Abbas is no better, who's next ? Hamas ?

The Palestinians are facing a dangerous generational crisis ...

It seems if there is to be peace Israel is going to have to strengthen restrictions and step up deportations. Which it is fortunately doing with great success.

The revisionist diatribe not withstanding I'm curious if anyone has any ideas as to who might be up and coming in palestinian politics that might actually take the palestinians down a road to peace instead of a road to ruin

Palestinian Authority close to collapse, warns John Kerry ...


I think the one thing we can all agree on is that peace is the primary goal. So who is going to negotiate that peace when Abbas isn't able to speak for the palestinian peoples and his regime is on the verge of collapse.

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