Is there any hope for the PA

And it has, Israel is firmly in control of its share of the mandate and the Arabs of this area are just going to have to get over their bigotry and hatred
Defending your home and country from European invaders is not bigotry but heroism.
Half truth, while the Arab colonists might call the area home, they cannot refer to it as their country as palestine was never a country, something else we can lay squarely at the feet of the PA and the revisionist machine
So call it a nation or homeland.

  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory:
    "leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country · sovereign state · state · land · realm · kingdom ·
    republic · fatherland · motherland · people · race
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yes yes I think we all know the definition of the terms. In which case when I say palestine has never been a country I can say it on a factual basis.
Your explanation is a finagling of terms. Israel is a European Colonial Fiat, that will be ground by Islam's 1.5 billion people.

LOL and you think my explanation is "finagling of terms
I appologize if I've been getting a little flip but some of these views are just silly. And top it off with most of the palestinians supporters virtually never presenting supporting evidence or data that even remotely discusses whatever they are trying to prove and I've just about fell out of my chair more than a few times.

Try and keep it on track folks but really, if you're going to be making wild unsubstantiated claims, well, its it pretty funny
There are no Arab colonists. Native people cannot be colonists. Your little word game is just childish.

The Native Americans called America home but there were no countries or states in the Americas.

The only revisionists are the Zionists.

The Palestinians do need a Zionist movement tho.. An organized, visionary, and rational leadership that has the GOAL of establishing a nation-state.. Zionist movement was a ethnic world-wide movement, not really a colonial movement with the sanctions and blessings of an established nation.. Traditionally, you can't be a colony without being a colony of some existing structure. There's no superstructure to the "colony" of Israel.. Unless you're Jim Jones or something like that -- there is no other meaning for the word..

The reality is that endless meaningless dying for an UNORGANIZED resistance is plain stupid.. And those of us who WOULD LIKE to see the Palis gain some autonomy -- are frustrated with the couch muffins who egg on the senseless "resistance" and take every opportunity to degrade the PA -- which is the best chance that Palestine had for serious negotiated gains towards nation-hood in the last 100 years..

Of course Israel was a colonial project, the Zionists self-described themselves as colonists and had the support and "blessing" of Britain and other colonial powers.

There is no longer any possibility of establishing a Palestinian state even if the Israelis were agreeable to it, and they are not.

Palestinians never WORKED at creating a nation state. That's the classic failure mechanism for the past 200 years. Israel worked with Egypt and Lebanon to negotiate release of lands captured during the war. Would have worked with Jordan to negotiate the West Bank. But the problem is -- there has never been a fully supported credible "Palestine" partner to work with. The PA was the BEST choice. And now it's dysfunctional. Boston is correct -- you don't negotiate with mobs for nation status...

Israel worked in GOOD FAITH to drag settlers from Gaza and cut it loose to the PA.. Had plans for normalizing borders and trade for an AUTONOMOUS Gaza.. That road to peace lasted less than 8 months before the radicals took hold of the process and killed it dead.

You're in denial about the anarchy and futile violence that substitutes for any interest in building a Palestine.

You are in denial of the facts and are too lazy to retrieve and read the source documentation. The Palestinian Delegation to London pleaded with the British to allow them to establish their own administration. The British refused to recognize the Muslim Christian Association as representatives of the Palestinian people, yet recognized the Zionist organization. It was a set up by the British to establish a European colony in Palestine. To wit:

"Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable. If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration......................

(b) In Articles 4-9 of the Order dealing with the manner of appointment of the High Commissioner and his powers, Palestine is considered as a colony of the lowest order, whereas according to paragraph 4 of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, Palestine comes under Grade A, where "certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognised subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone."

The British response was:

"2. I am to point out in the first place that, while your Delegation is recognised by Mr. Churchill as representing a large section of the Moslem and Christian inhabitants of Palestine, and while the Secretary of State is anxious to discuss his present proposals informally with recognised representatives, such as yourselves, of any important section of the community, he is not in a position to negotiate officially with you or with any other body which claims to represent the whole or, part of the people of Palestine,...."

So, quit writing nonsense about the Palestinians not wanting to establish a state for themselves. They were thwarted at every turn by the British starting in 1922.
I appologize if I've been getting a little flip but some of these views are just silly. And top it off with most of the palestinians supporters virtually never presenting supporting evidence or data that even remotely discusses whatever they are trying to prove and I've just about fell out of my chair more than a few times.

Try and keep it on track folks but really, if you're going to be making wild unsubstantiated claims, well, its it pretty funny

All substantiated facts. It is you that are spouting old debunked Hasbara propaganda.
There are no Arab colonists. Native people cannot be colonists. Your little word game is just childish.

The Native Americans called America home but there were no countries or states in the Americas.

The only revisionists are the Zionists.

The Palestinians do need a Zionist movement tho.. An organized, visionary, and rational leadership that has the GOAL of establishing a nation-state.. Zionist movement was a ethnic world-wide movement, not really a colonial movement with the sanctions and blessings of an established nation.. Traditionally, you can't be a colony without being a colony of some existing structure. There's no superstructure to the "colony" of Israel.. Unless you're Jim Jones or something like that -- there is no other meaning for the word..

The reality is that endless meaningless dying for an UNORGANIZED resistance is plain stupid.. And those of us who WOULD LIKE to see the Palis gain some autonomy -- are frustrated with the couch muffins who egg on the senseless "resistance" and take every opportunity to degrade the PA -- which is the best chance that Palestine had for serious negotiated gains towards nation-hood in the last 100 years..

Of course Israel was a colonial project, the Zionists self-described themselves as colonists and had the support and "blessing" of Britain and other colonial powers.

There is no longer any possibility of establishing a Palestinian state even if the Israelis were agreeable to it, and they are not.

Palestinians never WORKED at creating a nation state. That's the classic failure mechanism for the past 200 years. Israel worked with Egypt and Lebanon to negotiate release of lands captured during the war. Would have worked with Jordan to negotiate the West Bank. But the problem is -- there has never been a fully supported credible "Palestine" partner to work with. The PA was the BEST choice. And now it's dysfunctional. Boston is correct -- you don't negotiate with mobs for nation status...

Israel worked in GOOD FAITH to drag settlers from Gaza and cut it loose to the PA.. Had plans for normalizing borders and trade for an AUTONOMOUS Gaza.. That road to peace lasted less than 8 months before the radicals took hold of the process and killed it dead.

You're in denial about the anarchy and futile violence that substitutes for any interest in building a Palestine.

You are in denial of the facts and are too lazy to retrieve and read the source documentation. The Palestinian Delegation to London pleaded with the British to allow them to establish their own administration. The British refused to recognize the Muslim Christian Association as representatives of the Palestinian people, yet recognized the Zionist organization. It was a set up by the British to establish a European colony in Palestine. To wit:

"Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable. If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration......................

(b) In Articles 4-9 of the Order dealing with the manner of appointment of the High Commissioner and his powers, Palestine is considered as a colony of the lowest order, whereas according to paragraph 4 of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, Palestine comes under Grade A, where "certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognised subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone."

The British response was:

"2. I am to point out in the first place that, while your Delegation is recognised by Mr. Churchill as representing a large section of the Moslem and Christian inhabitants of Palestine, and while the Secretary of State is anxious to discuss his present proposals informally with recognised representatives, such as yourselves, of any important section of the community, he is not in a position to negotiate officially with you or with any other body which claims to represent the whole or, part of the people of Palestine,...."

So, quit writing nonsense about the Palestinians not wanting to establish a state for themselves. They were thwarted at every turn by the British starting in 1922.

Nonsense. Just because one particular group vied for power and failed doesn't mean that no group was chosen to negotiate with.

where do you come up with this nonsense. Oh wait I see it. A palestinian revisionist history site. Very interesting. I'll have to take a look at that and see just how accurate it is ;--)
wait a minute, how did any of this end up on the PA thread instead of the Israeli connection with ancient judea thread ?

I'm going to have to ask the mod to cut and paste all these last few where they belong and direct everyone to post any further discussion of this subject where it belongs

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I'm laughing my ass off because genetic studies have proven that the Palestinians are more closely related to the ancient Jews than the European invaders with german sounding names.

Keep finagling.

Oh so close but no cigar

You of all people, I really didn't expect you to figure this one out. But points to you for at least getting close to the truth.

However you are wildly mistaken with your bait and switch that anyone suggested that the palestinians had any genetic connection with the Europeans , so yeah, no points for you

you are getting warmer
I'm close alright, right on the nose. You can try to finagle History but you can't finagle science.
This will come as a shock and a surprise to people like you but cutting and pasting from wiki is not considered authoritative science.

Try the sections in wiki with lots of pretty colors.

No but he/she/it is catching on as to how to argue this one.
I doubt you have my intellect and knowledge of Finagling to win a point with me.

wait a minute, how did any of this end up on the PA thread instead of the Israeli connection with ancient judea thread ?

I'm going to have to ask the mod to cut and paste all these last few where they belong and direct everyone to post any further discussion of this subject where it belongs

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Actually you went off topic, I thought you were trying to derail your-own thread because you were losing the argument!

LOL yeah, I've been losing this discussion, thats a good one ;--)
And it has, Israel is firmly in control of its share of the mandate and the Arabs of this area are just going to have to get over their bigotry and hatred
Defending your home and country from European invaders is not bigotry but heroism.
Half truth, while the Arab colonists might call the area home, they cannot refer to it as their country as palestine was never a country, something else we can lay squarely at the feet of the PA and the revisionist machine
So call it a nation or homeland.

  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory:
    "leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country · sovereign state · state · land · realm · kingdom ·
    republic · fatherland · motherland · people · race
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yes yes I think we all know the definition of the terms. In which case when I say palestine has never been a country I can say it on a factual basis.
Your explanation is a finagling of terms. Israel is a European Colonial Fiat, that will be ground by Islam's 1.5 billion people.

The entire Middle East is a "European Colonial fiat"... Iraq, Syria, Lebanon --- ALL drawn over tea and crumpets in a day or two.. Israel was NEVER a colony of the British Empire. And CERTAINLY --- the Palis have never mustered even a vague effort to become a nation state.. Better known for hijacking airlines and killing Israeli Olympians under the PLO.. Don't know how you can expect to compete on the International scale when the Ottoman empire is being carved up with no interest in governing or visions for peace and economic prosperity.
There are no Arab colonists. Native people cannot be colonists. Your little word game is just childish.

The Native Americans called America home but there were no countries or states in the Americas.

The only revisionists are the Zionists.

The Palestinians do need a Zionist movement tho.. An organized, visionary, and rational leadership that has the GOAL of establishing a nation-state.. Zionist movement was a ethnic world-wide movement, not really a colonial movement with the sanctions and blessings of an established nation.. Traditionally, you can't be a colony without being a colony of some existing structure. There's no superstructure to the "colony" of Israel.. Unless you're Jim Jones or something like that -- there is no other meaning for the word..

The reality is that endless meaningless dying for an UNORGANIZED resistance is plain stupid.. And those of us who WOULD LIKE to see the Palis gain some autonomy -- are frustrated with the couch muffins who egg on the senseless "resistance" and take every opportunity to degrade the PA -- which is the best chance that Palestine had for serious negotiated gains towards nation-hood in the last 100 years..

Of course Israel was a colonial project, the Zionists self-described themselves as colonists and had the support and "blessing" of Britain and other colonial powers.

There is no longer any possibility of establishing a Palestinian state even if the Israelis were agreeable to it, and they are not.

Palestinians never WORKED at creating a nation state. That's the classic failure mechanism for the past 200 years. Israel worked with Egypt and Lebanon to negotiate release of lands captured during the war. Would have worked with Jordan to negotiate the West Bank. But the problem is -- there has never been a fully supported credible "Palestine" partner to work with. The PA was the BEST choice. And now it's dysfunctional. Boston is correct -- you don't negotiate with mobs for nation status...

Israel worked in GOOD FAITH to drag settlers from Gaza and cut it loose to the PA.. Had plans for normalizing borders and trade for an AUTONOMOUS Gaza.. That road to peace lasted less than 8 months before the radicals took hold of the process and killed it dead.

You're in denial about the anarchy and futile violence that substitutes for any interest in building a Palestine.

You are in denial of the facts and are too lazy to retrieve and read the source documentation. The Palestinian Delegation to London pleaded with the British to allow them to establish their own administration. The British refused to recognize the Muslim Christian Association as representatives of the Palestinian people, yet recognized the Zionist organization. It was a set up by the British to establish a European colony in Palestine. To wit:

"Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable. If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration......................

(b) In Articles 4-9 of the Order dealing with the manner of appointment of the High Commissioner and his powers, Palestine is considered as a colony of the lowest order, whereas according to paragraph 4 of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, Palestine comes under Grade A, where "certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognised subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone."

The British response was:

"2. I am to point out in the first place that, while your Delegation is recognised by Mr. Churchill as representing a large section of the Moslem and Christian inhabitants of Palestine, and while the Secretary of State is anxious to discuss his present proposals informally with recognised representatives, such as yourselves, of any important section of the community, he is not in a position to negotiate officially with you or with any other body which claims to represent the whole or, part of the people of Palestine,...."

So, quit writing nonsense about the Palestinians not wanting to establish a state for themselves. They were thwarted at every turn by the British starting in 1922.

This is way off the topic of why these folks have no legitimate representation today.. You take isolated quotes in time and ignore what subsequently happened. Even the Mandate was a temporary place-keeper with the Mandate staff coming back and making a JEW-LESS partition of the Entire west bank and parts of Lebanon and Jordan.

So let's focus on the last 40 years or so of squandering damn near opportunity to form representation and step up to the task of nation building. What's the highlights of that Monte???
Personally, I think the best hope for the Palestinians is that Jordan takes them for a while. Not denying them their rights to self-determination. Just suggesting they are not ready for it; probably don't care that much about it as long as they are not living with Jews; and they can always get it later from Jordan.
Defending your home and country from European invaders is not bigotry but heroism.
Half truth, while the Arab colonists might call the area home, they cannot refer to it as their country as palestine was never a country, something else we can lay squarely at the feet of the PA and the revisionist machine
So call it a nation or homeland.

  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory:
    "leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country · sovereign state · state · land · realm · kingdom ·
    republic · fatherland · motherland · people · race
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yes yes I think we all know the definition of the terms. In which case when I say palestine has never been a country I can say it on a factual basis.
Your explanation is a finagling of terms. Israel is a European Colonial Fiat, that will be ground by Islam's 1.5 billion people.

The entire Middle East is a "European Colonial fiat"... Iraq, Syria, Lebanon --- ALL drawn over tea and crumpets in a day or two.. Israel was NEVER a colony of the British Empire. And CERTAINLY --- the Palis have never mustered even a vague effort to become a nation state.. Better known for hijacking airlines and killing Israeli Olympians under the PLO.. Don't know how you can expect to compete on the International scale when the Ottoman empire is being carved up with no interest in governing or visions for peace and economic prosperity.
We agree a European mess created under Zionist influence. A good humanistic objective of creating a safe-haven for the Jews of Europe at the cost of making innocent people homeless.

Everyone becomes a Terrorist when Justice is hijacked. That's the root cause. Two wrongs don't make it right.
wait a minute, how did any of this end up on the PA thread instead of the Israeli connection with ancient judea thread ?

I'm going to have to ask the mod to cut and paste all these last few where they belong and direct everyone to post any further discussion of this subject where it belongs

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Really well timed -- because I about to cut in and point out this topic is NOT about genetics or ancient biblical claims. And I was about to delete and WARN folks for getting so far from the issue. This is a chronic problem in this forum and because threads don't stay on topic -- we are cracking down.

I will take that suggestion and move those 13 or so posts rather than moderating them.. Including all the illegal "no content" personal gratuities.

All that has to stop or folks are gonna get hurt by the new rules. Go discuss issues in the proper threads..
Half truth, while the Arab colonists might call the area home, they cannot refer to it as their country as palestine was never a country, something else we can lay squarely at the feet of the PA and the revisionist machine
So call it a nation or homeland.

  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory:
    "leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country · sovereign state · state · land · realm · kingdom ·
    republic · fatherland · motherland · people · race
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yes yes I think we all know the definition of the terms. In which case when I say palestine has never been a country I can say it on a factual basis.
Your explanation is a finagling of terms. Israel is a European Colonial Fiat, that will be ground by Islam's 1.5 billion people.

The entire Middle East is a "European Colonial fiat"... Iraq, Syria, Lebanon --- ALL drawn over tea and crumpets in a day or two.. Israel was NEVER a colony of the British Empire. And CERTAINLY --- the Palis have never mustered even a vague effort to become a nation state.. Better known for hijacking airlines and killing Israeli Olympians under the PLO.. Don't know how you can expect to compete on the International scale when the Ottoman empire is being carved up with no interest in governing or visions for peace and economic prosperity.
We agree a European mess created under Zionist influence. A good humanistic objective of creating a safe-haven for the Jews of Europe at the cost of making innocent people homeless.

Everyone becomes a Terrorist when Justice is hijacked. That's the root cause. Two wrongs don't make it right.

I guess the Zionists wanted to be exterminated by Hitler.
Any other brilliant observations?
So call it a nation or homeland.

  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory:
    "leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country · sovereign state · state · land · realm · kingdom ·
    republic · fatherland · motherland · people · race
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yes yes I think we all know the definition of the terms. In which case when I say palestine has never been a country I can say it on a factual basis.
Your explanation is a finagling of terms. Israel is a European Colonial Fiat, that will be ground by Islam's 1.5 billion people.

The entire Middle East is a "European Colonial fiat"... Iraq, Syria, Lebanon --- ALL drawn over tea and crumpets in a day or two.. Israel was NEVER a colony of the British Empire. And CERTAINLY --- the Palis have never mustered even a vague effort to become a nation state.. Better known for hijacking airlines and killing Israeli Olympians under the PLO.. Don't know how you can expect to compete on the International scale when the Ottoman empire is being carved up with no interest in governing or visions for peace and economic prosperity.
We agree a European mess created under Zionist influence. A good humanistic objective of creating a safe-haven for the Jews of Europe at the cost of making innocent people homeless.

Everyone becomes a Terrorist when Justice is hijacked. That's the root cause. Two wrongs don't make it right.

I guess the Zionists wanted to be exterminated by Hitler.
Any other brilliant observations?
Ho can you expect the Palestinians to accept peace while Israel builds settlements? They have agreed to the 67 lines. Want peace, listen to all the world.
All that work -- and we're STILL not discussing the current state and future of the PA..

I think that's because too many folks are operating from the position that there is no legitimate nation of Israel. Nations are MADE legitimate by organizing governments and engineering infrastructure for commerce and life.

Without that --- the Palestinian nation is gonna go the way of other indigenous peoples who couldn't quite comprehend the times they live in or the VALUES and ORGANIZATION of the world around them.

Best case -- they discover they can undermine Israel by opening casinos on their reservations and hire Jews at minimum wages to serve cocktails and clean hotel rooms.
Last edited:
Yes yes I think we all know the definition of the terms. In which case when I say palestine has never been a country I can say it on a factual basis.
Your explanation is a finagling of terms. Israel is a European Colonial Fiat, that will be ground by Islam's 1.5 billion people.

The entire Middle East is a "European Colonial fiat"... Iraq, Syria, Lebanon --- ALL drawn over tea and crumpets in a day or two.. Israel was NEVER a colony of the British Empire. And CERTAINLY --- the Palis have never mustered even a vague effort to become a nation state.. Better known for hijacking airlines and killing Israeli Olympians under the PLO.. Don't know how you can expect to compete on the International scale when the Ottoman empire is being carved up with no interest in governing or visions for peace and economic prosperity.
We agree a European mess created under Zionist influence. A good humanistic objective of creating a safe-haven for the Jews of Europe at the cost of making innocent people homeless.

Everyone becomes a Terrorist when Justice is hijacked. That's the root cause. Two wrongs don't make it right.

I guess the Zionists wanted to be exterminated by Hitler.
Any other brilliant observations?
Ho can you expect the Palestinians to accept peace while Israel builds settlements? They have agreed to the 67 lines. Want peace, listen to all the world.

Israel worked with the PA to extricate itself from Gaza. The Israeli govt then went into Gaza and EXTRICATED Jewish settlers by force if required to honor that pledge. There was sincere negotiations and roadmaps for commerce and borders. The Palis SCREWED that to hell in less than 8 months. Who would be stupid enough to REPEAT that disaster? Please answer that question PBel.....
Your explanation is a finagling of terms. Israel is a European Colonial Fiat, that will be ground by Islam's 1.5 billion people.

The entire Middle East is a "European Colonial fiat"... Iraq, Syria, Lebanon --- ALL drawn over tea and crumpets in a day or two.. Israel was NEVER a colony of the British Empire. And CERTAINLY --- the Palis have never mustered even a vague effort to become a nation state.. Better known for hijacking airlines and killing Israeli Olympians under the PLO.. Don't know how you can expect to compete on the International scale when the Ottoman empire is being carved up with no interest in governing or visions for peace and economic prosperity.
We agree a European mess created under Zionist influence. A good humanistic objective of creating a safe-haven for the Jews of Europe at the cost of making innocent people homeless.

Everyone becomes a Terrorist when Justice is hijacked. That's the root cause. Two wrongs don't make it right.

I guess the Zionists wanted to be exterminated by Hitler.
Any other brilliant observations?
Ho can you expect the Palestinians to accept peace while Israel builds settlements? They have agreed to the 67 lines. Want peace, listen to all the world.

Israel worked with the PA to extricate itself from Gaza. The Israeli govt then went into Gaza and EXTRICATED Jewish settlers by force if required to honor that pledge. There was sincere negotiations and roadmaps for commerce and borders. The Palis SCREWED that to hell in less than 8 months. Who would be stupid enough to REPEAT that disaster? Please answer that question PBel.....
Israel has made sure that the Palestinian Authority fails to govern like any nation state that could satisfy the peace makers. Hamas was created by Israel to fight off Fatah influence.

Netanyahu withheld Palestinian Tax money to put the screws onto the Palestinians for going to the UN.

Justice has been hijacked with Zionist money and military force Americans provide them.

A peace by America needs to support the 67 Armistice lines that the World supports.
Last edited:
We agree a European mess created under Zionist influence. A good humanistic objective of creating a safe-haven for the Jews of Europe at the cost of making innocent people homeless.

Everyone becomes a Terrorist when Justice is hijacked. That's the root cause. Two wrongs don't make it right.

The PA has nothing to do with the early 19th centuries WW2 era. Nor is it accurate to say the consideration of the Judaic plight in early 19th century Europe was responsible for making innocent people homeless. Those innocent people as you describe them are today. Mostly descendants of the combatants who engaged in a war of aggression against the Judaic people both already existing within the mandated area and those returning to their native homeland.

If anyone ended up homeless because of their decision to attack the fledgling Jewish nation; its their own damn fault.

The present situation is clearly indicative of a failure with the PA to actually embrace peace

I'm curious if since no one seems to want to discuss the actual topic if its kinda moot point. Leads me to believe in one of two things. Either peace isn't even remotely the goal so who cares what happens to the PA when Abbas is gone or, there is no viable successor who is actually interested in peace and its kinda embarrassing to the pro palestinian debating team
Last edited:
We agree a European mess created under Zionist influence. A good humanistic objective of creating a safe-haven for the Jews of Europe at the cost of making innocent people homeless.

Everyone becomes a Terrorist when Justice is hijacked. That's the root cause. Two wrongs don't make it right.

The PA has nothing to do with the early 19th centuries WW2 era. Nor is it accurate to say the consideration of the Judaic plight in early 19th century Europe was responsible for making innocent people homeless. Those innocent people as you describe them are today. Mostly descendants of the combatants who engaged in a war of aggression against the Judaic people both already existing within the mandated area and those returning to their native homeland.

If anyone ended up homeless because of their decision to attack the fledgling Jewish nation; its their own damn fault.

The present situation is clearly indicative of a failure with the PA to actually embrace peace

I'm curious if since no one seems to want to discuss the actual topic if its kinda moot point. Leads me to believe in one of two things. Either peace isn't even remotely the goal so who cares what happens to the PA when Abbas is gone or, there is no viable successor who is actually interested in peace
You're finagling History again...The Arabs refused your devious deal

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