Is There Any Media Outlet That Is Truly Non-Partisan?

Your media has been taken over by corporate power, just like your political process, that's all.
Oh, Fenton. Sometimes I just want to bake you a nice apple crisp and serve it warm with a scoop of ice cream, put a smile on that face.
What!! No cheese!!???
On CRISP? Are you mad?
No, when I was a waiter oh so many years ago..I thought it gross when they ask for cheese on their apple pie..
Bout how I see it... But one would think that at least on the web; some actual journalists would be making some noise. Besides wikileaks.

Some are, but they're a tiny minority. Wikileaks has actually given the American People a very rare wonderful gift. It's given them the gift of truth and reality. It's briefly waking them up from the Matrix. Now, they'll either go back to sleep or wake up to reality. I suspect most will go back to sleep. It's very sad.
And yet the rubes didn't read the emails even though that material is available. Instead, people like Donald Trump cited manufactured bullshit from a hack site which could have easily and quickly been debunked if he had demanded to see the source material.

It says something very scary about Donald Trump and his Chumps that they all so easily and so quickly they fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker when the source material was right there in front of them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

This just reinforces the point in my first post.
In fairness the exact same can be said of the majority of Hillary's supporters. Relying on the pundits to cherry pick, and interpret select quotes. That kind of apathy knows no political bounds.

In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."

It's right there. They've told you their plans. Are most listening though? I would say probably not.
Maybe if it was new, but you can see by legislative history in the US that compliance or subjugation, has always been the aim of our politicians.......

Yes, but now you've actually heard it straight from the Elites. His name is Bill Ivey. He's a longtime Clinton friend and lackey. Like i said, Wikileaks has provided Americans with a very wonderful rare gift. The gift of truth and reality. Possibly the only truth and reality most Americans will ever receive in their entire lives. We owe the brave souls at Wikileaks an incredibly huge debt of gratitude. They risk their lives to give these gifts.
Some are, but they're a tiny minority. Wikileaks has actually given the American People a very rare wonderful gift. It's given them the gift of truth and reality. It's briefly waking them up from the Matrix. Now, they'll either go back to sleep or wake up to reality. I suspect most will go back to sleep. It's very sad.
And yet the rubes didn't read the emails even though that material is available. Instead, people like Donald Trump cited manufactured bullshit from a hack site which could have easily and quickly been debunked if he had demanded to see the source material.

It says something very scary about Donald Trump and his Chumps that they all so easily and so quickly they fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker when the source material was right there in front of them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

This just reinforces the point in my first post.
In fairness the exact same can be said of the majority of Hillary's supporters. Relying on the pundits to cherry pick, and interpret select quotes. That kind of apathy knows no political bounds.

In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."

It's right there. They've told you their plans. Are most listening though? I would say probably not.
Maybe if it was new, but you can see by legislative history in the US that compliance or subjugation, has always been the aim of our politicians.......

Yes, but now you've actually heard it straight from the Elites. His name is Bill Ivey. He's a longtime Clinton friend and lackey. Like i said, Wikileaks has provided Americans with a very wonderful rare gift. The gift of truth and reality. Possibly the only truth and reality most Americans will ever receive in their entire lives. We owe the brave souls Wikileaks an incredibly huge debt of gratitude. They risk their lives to give these gifts.
In my book, it is of no surprise to me what has been going can see it by their actions....It's no secret, or I just took to many classes on behavioral social sciences...
And yet the rubes didn't read the emails even though that material is available. Instead, people like Donald Trump cited manufactured bullshit from a hack site which could have easily and quickly been debunked if he had demanded to see the source material.

It says something very scary about Donald Trump and his Chumps that they all so easily and so quickly they fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker when the source material was right there in front of them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

This just reinforces the point in my first post.
In fairness the exact same can be said of the majority of Hillary's supporters. Relying on the pundits to cherry pick, and interpret select quotes. That kind of apathy knows no political bounds.

In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."

It's right there. They've told you their plans. Are most listening though? I would say probably not.
Maybe if it was new, but you can see by legislative history in the US that compliance or subjugation, has always been the aim of our politicians.......

Yes, but now you've actually heard it straight from the Elites. His name is Bill Ivey. He's a longtime Clinton friend and lackey. Like i said, Wikileaks has provided Americans with a very wonderful rare gift. The gift of truth and reality. Possibly the only truth and reality most Americans will ever receive in their entire lives. We owe the brave souls Wikileaks an incredibly huge debt of gratitude. They risk their lives to give these gifts.
In my book, it is of no surprise to me what has been going can see it by their actions....It's no secret, or I just took to many classes on behavioral social sciences...

I agree, but now we've heard it straight from the Elites themselves. A truly rare gift of information. All hail Wikileaks!
In fairness the exact same can be said of the majority of Hillary's supporters. Relying on the pundits to cherry pick, and interpret select quotes. That kind of apathy knows no political bounds.

In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."

It's right there. They've told you their plans. Are most listening though? I would say probably not.
Maybe if it was new, but you can see by legislative history in the US that compliance or subjugation, has always been the aim of our politicians.......

Yes, but now you've actually heard it straight from the Elites. His name is Bill Ivey. He's a longtime Clinton friend and lackey. Like i said, Wikileaks has provided Americans with a very wonderful rare gift. The gift of truth and reality. Possibly the only truth and reality most Americans will ever receive in their entire lives. We owe the brave souls Wikileaks an incredibly huge debt of gratitude. They risk their lives to give these gifts.
In my book, it is of no surprise to me what has been going can see it by their actions....It's no secret, or I just took to many classes on behavioral social sciences...

I agree, but now we've heard it straight from the Elites themselves. A truly rare gift of information. All hail Wikileaks!
It at least alerted people that did not recognize the facts..
In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."
BOOM! Thank you SO much for proving my point AGAIN! This is AMAZING!

Go. To. The. Source. Email. Retard!

Ivey did not say that. You've been punked by your propaganda mill yet again.

Why? Why oh why do you punks keep getting back in line to be lied to?

No. Most Media Outlets in the US are controlled by Government and just a handful of large Corporations. The US Media is one entity now. It's a 'Government/Corporate Media Complex.' Everything is scripted and acted.

There is no actual 'News' anymore. There is only scripted Government/Corporate propaganda. Americans don't receive real information. They get what their Masters give em. The Media may play the old Left Vs. Right/R Vs. D game, but in the end, they do what they're told. They serve the Government/Corporate Complex.

Here have a good laugh, or a good cry. US 'News' is fake...

Bout how I see it... But one would think that at least on the web; some actual journalists would be making some noise. Besides wikileaks.

Some are, but they're a tiny minority. Wikileaks has actually given the American People a very rare wonderful gift. It's given them the gift of truth and reality. It's briefly waking them up from the Matrix. Now, they'll either go back to sleep or wake up to reality. I suspect most will go back to sleep. It's very sad.

And yet the rubes didn't read the emails even though that material is available. Instead, people like Donald Trump cited manufactured bullshit from a hack site which could have easily and quickly been debunked if he had demanded to see the source material.

It says something very scary about Donald Trump and his Chumps that so easily and so quickly they fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker when the source material was right there in front of them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

This just reinforces the point in my first post.

Wikileaks is providing the only real news & information Americans will ever receive in their entire lives. Now what they do with the information, is up to them. These incredibly brave folks are risking their lives to give the American People such a rare gift. They're currently being hunted by the Globalist Elite Establishment.

So, Americans really should check it out and get informed. Because this could be the last bit of truth and reality they'll ever receive. The Elites will kill and imprison to stop it. So take the red pill, or take the blue pill. The choice is yours. I hope most decide to take the blue pill.

I'll be glad when these thieves are stopped and I have a feeling that you would feel VERY differently about this if they were releasing emails from the Republican National Committee and your major heroes.
Incredibly brave folks risking their lives, indeed. They are thieves violating our right to privacy and ownership.
In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."

You parroted this lie yesterday, and I asked you to provide a link to the source email. Then you vanished. So I went and found it, and blasted you out of the water.

Now here you are AGAIN, repeating the LIE!

Why the FUCK do you do that?

You just parroted something you heard on one of your favorite propaganda outlets. Infowars, no doubt.

Here's the full email: WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

Dear John: Well, we all thought the big problem for our US democracy was Citizens United/Koch Brothers big money in politics.

Silly us; turns out that money isn't all that important if you can conflate entertainment with the electoral process.

Trump masters TV, TV so-called news picks up and repeats and repeats to death this opinionated blowhard and his hairbrained ideas, free-floating discontent attaches to a seeming strongman and we're off and running.

JFK, Jr would be delighted by all this as his "George" magazine saw celebrity politics coming. The magazine struggled as it was ahead of its time but now looks prescient. George, of course, played the development pretty lightly, basically for charm and gossip, like People, but what we are dealing with now is dead serious. How does this get handled in the general?

Secretary Clinton is not an entertainer, and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold; what can she do to offset this? I'm certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not.

And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly.

This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.

Rubio's press conference yesterday AM was good and should be repeated in its entirety, not just in nibbles.

I will attend the Clinton fundraiser here next week but as I can only afford the low level of participation may just get to wave without a "hello."

I fear we are all now trying to navigate a set of forces that cannot be simply explained or fully understood, so it is and will reamin interesting!

Sent with a handshake, Bill

Suddenly the bombshell is not so sinister any more. :lol:

Bill Ivey was saying Americans have been so dumbed down that they took a TV star like Donald Trump seriously. He said this was a problem, not an asset.

Christ, I've been trying to point out to you rubes for YEARS you have been dumbed down by your propaganda outlets. You have been willingly going along with your own devolution!

"This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."

"Secretary Clinton is not an entertainer, and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold; what can she do to offset this?"

Now don't you dumbed down rubes feel pretty stupid?
In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."
BOOM! Thank you SO much for proving my point AGAIN! This is AMAZING!

Go. To. The. Source. Email. Retard!

Ivey did not say that. You've been punked by your propaganda mill yet again.

Why? Why oh why do you punks keep getting back in line to be lied to?


Boy are you delusional. You've been given a wonderful rare gift of truth and reality. Take the red pill and wake up. Godspeed.
In the recent Wikileaks release, one of her lead handlers is quoted as saying, "We need to hold onto power by way of creating an unaware compliant citizenry."
BOOM! Thank you SO much for proving my point AGAIN! This is AMAZING!

Go. To. The. Source. Email. Retard!

Ivey did not say that. You've been punked by your propaganda mill yet again.

Why? Why oh why do you punks keep getting back in line to be lied to?


Boy are you delusional.

I just blasted your lie out of the water, retard. You're busted.

Stop being Infowars' little bitch boi.
No. Most Media Outlets in the US are controlled by Government and just a handful of large Corporations. The US Media is one entity now. It's a 'Government/Corporate Media Complex.' Everything is scripted and acted.

There is no actual 'News' anymore. There is only scripted Government/Corporate propaganda. Americans don't receive real information. They get what their Masters give em. The Media may play the old Left Vs. Right/R Vs. D game, but in the end, they do what they're told. They serve the Government/Corporate Complex.

Here have a good laugh, or a good cry. US 'News' is fake...

Bout how I see it... But one would think that at least on the web; some actual journalists would be making some noise. Besides wikileaks.

Some are, but they're a tiny minority. Wikileaks has actually given the American People a very rare wonderful gift. It's given them the gift of truth and reality. It's briefly waking them up from the Matrix. Now, they'll either go back to sleep or wake up to reality. I suspect most will go back to sleep. It's very sad.

And yet the rubes didn't read the emails even though that material is available. Instead, people like Donald Trump cited manufactured bullshit from a hack site which could have easily and quickly been debunked if he had demanded to see the source material.

It says something very scary about Donald Trump and his Chumps that so easily and so quickly they fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker when the source material was right there in front of them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

This just reinforces the point in my first post.

Wikileaks is providing the only real news & information Americans will ever receive in their entire lives. Now what they do with the information, is up to them. These incredibly brave folks are risking their lives to give the American People such a rare gift. They're currently being hunted by the Globalist Elite Establishment.

So, Americans really should check it out and get informed. Because this could be the last bit of truth and reality they'll ever receive. The Elites will kill and imprison to stop it. So take the red pill, or take the blue pill. The choice is yours. I hope most decide to take the blue pill.

I'll be glad when these thieves are stopped and I have a feeling that you would feel VERY differently about this if they were releasing emails from the Republican National Committee and your major heroes.
Incredibly brave folks risking their lives, indeed. They are thieves violating our right to privacy and ownership.

Actually, i look forward to private Republican Emails being released. It'll show the American People that the NWO Globalist Elites control both major US political parties. They're all members of the same Elite Club.
Yes, all media outlets are owned by carbon-based lifeforms called humans, so I have my internet landing page on Reuters because I believe they are most reliable and far less partisan than most.
No. Most Media Outlets in the US are controlled by Government and just a handful of large Corporations. The US Media is one entity now. It's a 'Government/Corporate Media Complex.' Everything is scripted and acted.

There is no actual 'News' anymore. There is only scripted Government/Corporate propaganda. Americans don't receive real information. They get what their Masters give em. The Media may play the old Left Vs. Right/R Vs. D game, but in the end, they do what they're told. They serve the Government/Corporate Complex.

Here have a good laugh, or a good cry. US 'News' is fake...

Bout how I see it... But one would think that at least on the web; some actual journalists would be making some noise. Besides wikileaks.

Some are, but they're a tiny minority. Wikileaks has actually given the American People a very rare wonderful gift. It's given them the gift of truth and reality. It's briefly waking them up from the Matrix. Now, they'll either go back to sleep or wake up to reality. I suspect most will go back to sleep. It's very sad.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Julian Assange decides what is released and what is not. Wikileaks is not an automated search engine, but owned by someone with their own agenda.
Bout how I see it... But one would think that at least on the web; some actual journalists would be making some noise. Besides wikileaks.

Some are, but they're a tiny minority. Wikileaks has actually given the American People a very rare wonderful gift. It's given them the gift of truth and reality. It's briefly waking them up from the Matrix. Now, they'll either go back to sleep or wake up to reality. I suspect most will go back to sleep. It's very sad.
And yet the rubes didn't read the emails even though that material is available. Instead, people like Donald Trump cited manufactured bullshit from a hack site which could have easily and quickly been debunked if he had demanded to see the source material.

It says something very scary about Donald Trump and his Chumps that so easily and so quickly they fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker when the source material was right there in front of them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

This just reinforces the point in my first post.

Wikileaks is providing the only real news & information Americans will ever receive in their entire lives. Now what they do with the information, is up to them. These incredibly brave folks are risking their lives to give the American People such a rare gift. They're currently being hunted by the Globalist Elite Establishment.

So, Americans really should check it out and get informed. Because this could be the last bit of truth and reality they'll ever receive. The Elites will kill and imprison to stop it. So take the red pill, or take the blue pill. The choice is yours. I hope most decide to take the blue pill.
I'll be glad when these thieves are stopped and I have a feeling that you would feel VERY differently about this if they were releasing emails from the Republican National Committee and your major heroes.
Incredibly brave folks risking their lives, indeed. They are thieves violating our right to privacy and ownership.

Actually, i look forward to private Republican Emails being released. It'll show the American People that the NWO Globalist Elites control both major US political parties. They're all members of the same Elite Club.

Is that the name of it, "Elite Club"? Always cracks me up to see people capitalize words when they are actually common nouns.
It is a mistake to rely on only one source for current events news. Most sources have an easy detectable bias and some even distort the facts. Lies are a serious problem and dangerous too so some news outlets are best avoided because they are unreliable. It can be quite a job keeping informed. I read THE TIMES but pass on its conservative columnists and leading articles because of the right wing bias. I go elsewhere for news too such as the British Channel 4 News.
No. Most Media Outlets in the US are controlled by Government and just a handful of large Corporations. The US Media is one entity now. It's a 'Government/Corporate Media Complex.' Everything is scripted and acted.

There is no actual 'News' anymore. There is only scripted Government/Corporate propaganda. Americans don't receive real information. They get what their Masters give em. The Media may play the old Left Vs. Right/R Vs. D game, but in the end, they do what they're told. They serve the Government/Corporate Complex.

Here have a good laugh, or a good cry. US 'News' is fake...

Bout how I see it... But one would think that at least on the web; some actual journalists would be making some noise. Besides wikileaks.

Some are, but they're a tiny minority. Wikileaks has actually given the American People a very rare wonderful gift. It's given them the gift of truth and reality. It's briefly waking them up from the Matrix. Now, they'll either go back to sleep or wake up to reality. I suspect most will go back to sleep. It's very sad.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Julian Assange decides what is released and what is not. Wikileaks is not an automated search engine, but owned by someone with their own agenda.

We've received a very rare gift of truth and reality. We all owe Assange and Wikileaks an incredibly huge debt of gratitude. For Americans especially, it'll probably be the only truth & reality information they'll receive in their entire lives.

Their Media is completely controlled by Government and just a handful of large Corporations. There is no credible 'News' in America. It's all a lie. American 'News' is fake. Simple as that.

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