Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

Youā€™re lucky. I live just outside a major city that voted 93% Biden. You canā€™t walk out the front door without bumping into one of them.

Oh we have them in Houston,I just dont frequent the areas where they live.
If I do see one I avoid them like the plague.
Good advice. You see how heā€™s deflecting from the point and putting me on the defensive? Thatā€™s what these Dems are now doing - and itā€™s been horrendous since Biden called us Americaā€™s enemies.
When democrats deem their shills and spooks ineffective, they will move to shut sites like this down.
Any Democrat is either totally ignorant or a suspect child abuser..

Democrats literally have sex apps to talk to children about sex. They are being sued for it in AZ by Americans.
A pretty significant percentage of one of our major parties believes this
And honestly, just as much as I will not tolerate the presence of a hate filled intolerant leftist - I also have no use for far right radicals either.
I don't like radicals on either side.
Thankfully the right has faaaaar less nutty radicals than the left.
You asked for that while I was crafting my response and I didn't click on the hyperlink that exposes the posts that are made while you're typing yours.

Deal with it. Answer the questions I posed.
Make me believe that you ARE a nice person and that you can still be reasoned with.

What a dick. You blow off Lisa558's request, then demand she do as you demanded. Go fuck yourself, bitch
Any Democrat is either totally ignorant or a suspect child abuser..

Democrats literally have sex apps to talk to children about sex. They are being sued for it in AZ by Americans.

The new thing is for democrats to include children in adult sex acts. Have them watch. Take children into the sexual embrace.

With this, democrats have volunteered to be flayed alive. I volunteer to do the flaying.
What a dick. You blow off Lisa558's request, then demand she do as you demanded. Go fuck yourself, bitch
Who asked you? She will not defend her beliefs. That and the fact she's a whiner. "Why are liberals so MEAN?". Again, you get what you give.

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