Is there anything Obama can do and get impeached?

so lets lay this RW impeachment BS out in pure logic.

If the Republican congress had a match do you HONESTLY believe they wouldn't build a fire under Obama's ass in a heartbeat AFTER they have said ON RECORD it was their MISSION to make Obama a 1 term POTUS ?

Ponder that.

You can deny the political reality all you want, it won't change a thing. Impeaching the bastard now with no chance of conviction would be a gift to the commiecrats, we'll be rid of the son of a bitch in less than two years, then we'll see what happens.

you're on record on this thread saying all you want is an asteric by Obama's name just to match Willie ... how much good will that do anything or anyone except you and your over inflated stupidity gland ?

You along with every other asshat with an IQ below 70 are living in a fantasy world ...

end of story

You need to learn to use spell check before commenting on anyones IQ. It's spelled "asterisk".

But my wanting the house to do their job regardless of what we all know the senate will do is being consistent with everything I've said before. You got a problem with that, tough.
I dont believe in impeaching presidents because you dont like their policies. THey were elected usually on those things and thats how it works.
But it seems the Left are simply committed to the idea that Obama is unimpeachable. IRS scandal, Chokepoint. It doesnt seem to matter.
So is there anything Obama can do that would earn him impeachment and removal from office? If he took bribes would someone point out in many parts of the world that's normal so it makes it OK? If he sold secrets to China like Clinton would someone defend it as a good foreign policy move? Let's hear it.

None of the reasons given, are valid reasons to impeach. (at least none of the reasons I've read in this thread thus far).

Obama hasn't even come remotely close to doing what Clinton did. But.... as we know from Clinton, the left would defend illegal acts to the very end. Clinton was rapist, and should have been given capital punishment in the court of law. But even women's groups were defending the scum bag. So, we already know where they stand on this.
don't tell me ... you had Tex behind you coaching you with all those BIG four letter words didn't you ?


Did they make your pussy hurt?

You don't like 'em? Go somewhere where they're not allowed. In here, they're allowed.

suck on it

fine with me cuss til you drop for all I care. If you intend to make yourself look like an illerate convict swapping slobber in a cell block, who am I to argue.

carry on
The fact they know the commies in the senate would not convict him, it would be an exercise in futility. The oath of office means nothing anymore, it's one more thing you do to get the job, politicians don't think it of a guide on how to do the job.

So commies that represent you in the House just won't vote on impeach because it would be an exercise in futility?

The same commies who have voted to overturn Obamacare 41 times- each time knowing that there is no way that it would be passed?

That is some rational you have going on there.....

So they'll vote 41 times to overturn legislation they know will stand. Yet won't vote once to impeach, despite believing that Obama deserves it.


For all they have accused the President of, you would think they have the balls to impeach

Either they have to admit that their anti-Obama rhetoric is bullshit or admit that they are too chickenshit to stand up for what they believe

Why, they know the senate won't do their job and the commiecrats will just paint it as a racist political ploy. In politics you have to deal with reality.

see what I mean? you're irrelevant, not to mention dumb as a rock.

Dumb as a rock, really? At least I can get my response to post properly.
Here's the deal my fellow patriots......

The scumbag's administration is falling apart. The entire dimocrap filth party is falling apart. And so is their knee pad-wearing, knob-slurping tool; the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

They're ALL falling apars


Meanwhile, our economy is looking better and better, Obama's approval rating is improving and Republicans deny even being interested in talking about impeachment.
What the fuck is the matter with the failed Republican Congress?

They have held the Congress for a month and have yet to impeach the Kenyan. What are they waiting for?

You still mad over the bitch slapping Dem's took in Nov? Sounds like it. lol
Gains are temporary

Not like the failed Republican Congress can actually do anything
What the fuck is the matter with the failed Republican Congress?

They have held the Congress for a month and have yet to impeach the Kenyan. What are they waiting for?

You still mad over the bitch slapping Dem's took in Nov? Sounds like it. lol
Gains are temporary

Not like the failed Republican Congress can actually do anything

I think you forgot to prefix your post with "2008" lmao!
What's the point of the house impeaching him when they know the senate will never convict, I think maobama could murder someone and the senate would try to justify it.

Psst! The Senate is controlled by Republicans.

And yes, I realize that Texans aren't too sharp.
I dont believe in impeaching presidents because you dont like their policies. THey were elected usually on those things and thats how it works.
But it seems the Left are simply committed to the idea that Obama is unimpeachable. IRS scandal, Chokepoint. It doesnt seem to matter.
So is there anything Obama can do that would earn him impeachment and removal from office? If he took bribes would someone point out in many parts of the world that's normal so it makes it OK? If he sold secrets to China like Clinton would someone defend it as a good foreign policy move? Let's hear it.

None of the reasons given, are valid reasons to impeach. (at least none of the reasons I've read in this thread thus far).

Obama hasn't even come remotely close to doing what Clinton did. But.... as we know from Clinton, the left would defend illegal acts to the very end. Clinton was rapist, and should have been given capital punishment in the court of law. But even women's groups were defending the scum bag. So, we already know where they stand on this.
This is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process and a presumption of innocence, including presidents. Clinton was afforded his due process and determined not guilty of his alleged crimes in the Senate, having nothing to do with 'the left.'
What's the point of the house impeaching him when they know the senate will never convict, I think maobama could murder someone and the senate would try to justify it.

Psst! The Senate is controlled by Republicans.

And yes, I realize that Texans aren't too sharp.

And? I guess you're too stupid to know it takes 67 votes to convict, the republicans don't have that large of a majority, yet.
I dont believe in impeaching presidents because you dont like their policies. THey were elected usually on those things and thats how it works.
But it seems the Left are simply committed to the idea that Obama is unimpeachable. IRS scandal, Chokepoint. It doesnt seem to matter.
So is there anything Obama can do that would earn him impeachment and removal from office? If he took bribes would someone point out in many parts of the world that's normal so it makes it OK? If he sold secrets to China like Clinton would someone defend it as a good foreign policy move? Let's hear it.

No, truly I don't believe there is anything he could do other then something can not be ignored such as what happened with Clinton.

I really believe there has to be an international force behind Obama protecting him. For example, the drone program that he ramped up to levels Bush never did. The killing of 4 Americans who were not directly involved in hostilities at the time without due process is a high crime in my opinion. But then again he would be only guilty in the fact that he really didn't know who was being bombed and gave his OK on the ninth green. If ever there were a reason that would be it, in my opinion. The UN launched an investigation into our drone program but I have as yet ever heard a conclusion from that investigation.

So no, I don't think there is anything he can do to be impeached from his kingdom. I just am curious as if the left wing realize the precedent they are setting for future presidents.

Just clinch those butt cheeks and keep it that way for the next 2 years. All this crap about impeachment is just silly.

I said he wouldn't from the beginning. Killing Americans would seem to me to be a high crime but that is just me.
What's the point of the house impeaching him when they know the senate will never convict, I think maobama could murder someone and the senate would try to justify it.

Psst! The Senate is controlled by Republicans.

And yes, I realize that Texans aren't too sharp.

And? I guess you're too stupid to know it takes 67 votes to convict, the republicans don't have that large of a majority, yet.
Republicans will lose the Senate in 2016

They have a two year window in which to accomplish anything. Looks like they will blow it
What's the point of the house impeaching him when they know the senate will never convict, I think maobama could murder someone and the senate would try to justify it.

Psst! The Senate is controlled by Republicans.

And yes, I realize that Texans aren't too sharp.

And? I guess you're too stupid to know it takes 67 votes to convict, the republicans don't have that large of a majority, yet.
Republicans will lose the Senate in 2016

They have a two year window in which to accomplish anything. Looks like they will blow it

Right, just like they would never gain 8 seats in 2014. But you may be right in one respect, if they don't stop your dear leaders lawlessness they may be in trouble in 16.

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