Is there anything Obama can do and get impeached?

So what is preventing the commies who hold the majority in the House from impeaching Obama?

The fact they know the commies in the senate would not convict him, it would be an exercise in futility. The oath of office means nothing anymore, it's one more thing you do to get the job, politicians don't think it of a guide on how to do the job.

So commies that represent you in the House just won't vote on impeach because it would be an exercise in futility?

The same commies who have voted to overturn Obamacare 41 times- each time knowing that there is no way that it would be passed?

That is some rational you have going on there.....

So they'll vote 41 times to overturn legislation they know will stand. Yet won't vote once to impeach, despite believing that Obama deserves it.


For all they have accused the President of, you would think they have the balls to impeach

Either they have to admit that their anti-Obama rhetoric is bullshit or admit that they are too chickenshit to stand up for what they believe

Why, they know the senate won't do their job and the commiecrats will just paint it as a racist political ploy. In politics you have to deal with reality. I've told my rep to impeach him just to get the same asterisk by his name that willie the molester got in the history books.

and you're the brunt of the joke everytime your Rep has drinks with his pals.
He could sell our secrets to al queda and bed dozens of white women and still not be impeached. And how do we know? He's done it, of course! (-:

Why would he be impeached for 'bedding white women'? What is this, Blazing Saddles?
So what is preventing the commies who hold the majority in the House from impeaching Obama?

The fact they know the commies in the senate would not convict him, it would be an exercise in futility. The oath of office means nothing anymore, it's one more thing you do to get the job, politicians don't think it of a guide on how to do the job.

So commies that represent you in the House just won't vote on impeach because it would be an exercise in futility?

The same commies who have voted to overturn Obamacare 41 times- each time knowing that there is no way that it would be passed?

That is some rational you have going on there.....

So they'll vote 41 times to overturn legislation they know will stand. Yet won't vote once to impeach, despite believing that Obama deserves it.


For all they have accused the President of, you would think they have the balls to impeach

Either they have to admit that their anti-Obama rhetoric is bullshit or admit that they are too chickenshit to stand up for what they believe

Why, they know the senate won't do their job and the commiecrats will just paint it as a racist political ploy. In politics you have to deal with reality. I've told my rep to impeach him just to get the same asterisk by his name that willie the molester got in the history books.

So they'll vote 41 times to overturn legislation they know will stand. Yet won't vote once to impeach, despite believing that Obama deserves it.

Fuck off and die weasel, it's reality, deal with it. Your side just doesn't care how lawless this regime gets, in fact people like you applaud them for it.

Tell me that when your side can muster the courage to follow what they believe the law to be.....instead of giving us one sniveling excuse after another for why they can't possibly be expected to do what they believe the law demands.

Chickenshit is as chickenshit does, I suppose.

You being the expert in chicken shit would know.

and you're an expert of what? calling names like a 10 tear old ?

Typical Texan.

grow up BOY.

Fuck off girlie.

Typical Texan.

I rest my case.

As if you ever had a case. You try to deride someone you don't know and turn into a whiny little bitch when they get in your face, are you from CA or one of those north east pansy states?
That is the answer, if the Senate will not move to impeach there can be no impeachment. Plus, the president has to actually do something illegal.

Only the house can impeach, the senate conducts a trial to determine is the individual is guilty as charged by the house. Of course we all know that the commies in the senate will never vote to convict one of their own party especially their dear leader, no matter how many laws he breaks.

So what is preventing the commies who hold the majority in the House from impeaching Obama?

The fact they know the commies in the senate would not convict him, it would be an exercise in futility. The oath of office means nothing anymore, it's one more thing you do to get the job, politicians don't think it of a guide on how to do the job.

So its the Senates fault that congressional republicans who believe Obama should be impeached lack the moral courage and political competence to impeach him?

Sigh....once again, in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault.

Fuck off and die weasel, it's reality, deal with it. Your side just doesn't care how lawless this regime gets, in fact people like you applaud them for it.

Aparently your side doesn't care how 'lawless this regime' is either.

Since you 'side' isn't doing anything- your side even claims that the only ones talking impeachment are Democrats- Republicans disavow any impeachment talk.

Essentially they are disavowing you.
The House of Representatives Impeaches with a simple majority vote.

That's in the bag. We could do that tomorrow.

The Senate Convicts. For the Lying Piece of Shit of a Cocksucker to be removed from Office, it takes a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate. 67 Senators have to vote for the scumbag to be thrown out on his ass.

And that ain't gonna happen, kids.

No way. No way on God's Green Earth we can get 13 dimocrap scum to vote to rid us of THE worst president in our history.

Why, you may ask?

Because like him and his supporters, they are the scum of the earth.

Not complicated in the least
Only the house can impeach, the senate conducts a trial to determine is the individual is guilty as charged by the house. Of course we all know that the commies in the senate will never vote to convict one of their own party especially their dear leader, no matter how many laws he breaks.

So what is preventing the commies who hold the majority in the House from impeaching Obama?

The fact they know the commies in the senate would not convict him, it would be an exercise in futility. The oath of office means nothing anymore, it's one more thing you do to get the job, politicians don't think it of a guide on how to do the job.

So its the Senates fault that congressional republicans who believe Obama should be impeached lack the moral courage and political competence to impeach him?

Sigh....once again, in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault.

Fuck off and die weasel, it's reality, deal with it. Your side just doesn't care how lawless this regime gets, in fact people like you applaud them for it.

Aparently your side doesn't care how 'lawless this regime' is either.

Since you 'side' isn't doing anything- your side even claims that the only ones talking impeachment are Democrats- Republicans disavow any impeachment talk.

Essentially they are disavowing you.

That would be the balless boehner and mcconnel. Neither deserve to be in a leadership position.
The Senate Convicts. For the Lying Piece of Shit of a Cocksucker to be removed from Office, it takes a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate. 67 Senators have to vote for the scumbag to be thrown out on his ass.

And that ain't gonna happen, kids.

And yet with utterly insuffecient votes in the Senate to get Obamacare repealed, House republicans voted 41 times to repeal.

Yet they can't vote even once to impeach?

They're chickenshits. Quivering, cowering, pissing on their penny loafer chickenshits.
The House of Representatives Impeaches with a simple majority vote.

That's in the bag. We could do that tomorrow.

The Senate Convicts. For the Lying Piece of Shit of a Cocksucker to be removed from Office, it takes a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate. 67 Senators have to vote for the scumbag to be thrown out on his ass.

And that ain't gonna happen, kids.

No way. No way on God's Green Earth we can get 13 dimocrap scum to vote to rid us of THE worst president in our history.

Why, you may ask?

Because like him and his supporters, they are the scum of the earth.

Not complicated in the least

Yet- you can't even get the House to even talk about Impeachment.

Heck Republicans even deny that they are even considering impeachment.

Is it because
a) Republicans have testicles too small for a microscope to detect? or
b) Even Republicans don't believe the crap Conservative wingnuts vomit onto the internet? or
c) Both?
So what is preventing the commies who hold the majority in the House from impeaching Obama?

The fact they know the commies in the senate would not convict him, it would be an exercise in futility. The oath of office means nothing anymore, it's one more thing you do to get the job, politicians don't think it of a guide on how to do the job.

So its the Senates fault that congressional republicans who believe Obama should be impeached lack the moral courage and political competence to impeach him?

Sigh....once again, in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault.

Fuck off and die weasel, it's reality, deal with it. Your side just doesn't care how lawless this regime gets, in fact people like you applaud them for it.

Aparently your side doesn't care how 'lawless this regime' is either.

Since you 'side' isn't doing anything- your side even claims that the only ones talking impeachment are Democrats- Republicans disavow any impeachment talk.

Essentially they are disavowing you.

That would be the balless boehner and mcconnel. Neither deserve to be in a leadership position.

And who votes those testicular challenged leaders into the leadership?

Why its the testicle lacking Republicans of the House and Senate.
so lets lay this RW impeachment BS out in pure logic.

If the Republican congress had a match do you HONESTLY believe they wouldn't build a fire under Obama's ass in a heartbeat AFTER they have said ON RECORD it was their MISSION to make Obama a 1 term POTUS ?

Ponder that.
so lets lay this RW impeachment BS out in pure logic.

If the Republican congress had a match do you HONESTLY believe they wouldn't build a fire under Obama's ass in a heartbeat AFTER they have said ON RECORD it was their MISSION to make Obama a 1 term POTUS ?

Ponder that.

You can deny the political reality all you want, it won't change a thing. Impeaching the bastard now with no chance of conviction would be a gift to the commiecrats, we'll be rid of the son of a bitch in less than two years, then we'll see what happens.
so lets lay this RW impeachment BS out in pure logic.

If the Republican congress had a match do you HONESTLY believe they wouldn't build a fire under Obama's ass in a heartbeat AFTER they have said ON RECORD it was their MISSION to make Obama a 1 term POTUS ?

Ponder that.

You can deny the political reality all you want, it won't change a thing. Impeaching the bastard now with no chance of conviction would be a gift to the commiecrats, we'll be rid of the son of a bitch in less than two years, then we'll see what happens.

you're on record on this thread saying all you want is an asterik by Obama's name just to match Willie ... how much good will that do anything or anyone except you and your over inflated stupidity gland ?

You along with every other asshat with an IQ below 70 are living in a fantasy world ...

end of story

so this dishonest asshat edits his post to cover his ignorance ... too late dumbass, you've been exposed as a dumbass !
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Getting blow jobs in the Oval office was not grounds for impeachment so, by extrapolation giving them would not qualify either.

It was lying that threw Slick on the mercy of the few Democrats who saved his ass.

Will America's Liar-in-Chief have the same loyalty accorded him? Probably so but primarily because, in The Democrat Religion, apostasy is punishable by death.
So what is preventing the commies who hold the majority in the House from impeaching Obama?

The fact they know the commies in the senate would not convict him, it would be an exercise in futility. The oath of office means nothing anymore, it's one more thing you do to get the job, politicians don't think it of a guide on how to do the job.

So commies that represent you in the House just won't vote on impeach because it would be an exercise in futility?

The same commies who have voted to overturn Obamacare 41 times- each time knowing that there is no way that it would be passed?

That is some rational you have going on there.....

So they'll vote 41 times to overturn legislation they know will stand. Yet won't vote once to impeach, despite believing that Obama deserves it.


For all they have accused the President of, you would think they have the balls to impeach

Either they have to admit that their anti-Obama rhetoric is bullshit or admit that they are too chickenshit to stand up for what they believe

Why, they know the senate won't do their job and the commiecrats will just paint it as a racist political ploy. In politics you have to deal with reality.

see what I mean? you're irrelevant, not to mention dumb as a rock.

properly edited by Tex to hide his stupidity.
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Here's the deal my fellow patriots......

The scumbag's administration is falling apart. The entire dimocrap filth party is falling apart. And so is their knee pad-wearing, knob-slurping tool; the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

They're ALL falling apart.

Why should we give them a reason to distract the Country? Why?

Do you know how incredibly stupid it would be for us to give the Lying Cocksucker in Chief a reason to climb up on his Cross and cry like the little bitch he is?

Do you know how stupid it would be for us to give people a reason to feel sorry for the incompetent bitch?

Do you have any idea what the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would do with an attempt to impeach this living, breathing pile of shit?

Why should we give the piece of filth EXACTLY what he wants? What he wants is something that will 'martyr' him.

We need to show the American People what a fucking moron they elected. And they're starting to see it -- Finally.

The last thing we need is a distraction from People seeing what an incompetent fool this pile of shit really is
Here's the deal my fellow patriots......

The scumbag's administration is falling apart. The entire dimocrap filth party is falling apart. And so is their knee pad-wearing, knob-slurping tool; the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

They're ALL falling apart.

Why should we give them a reason to distract the Country? Why?

Do you know how incredibly stupid it would be for us to give the Lying Cocksucker in Chief a reason to climb up on his Cross and cry like the little bitch he is?

Do you know how stupid it would be for us to give people a reason to feel sorry for the incompetent bitch?

Do you have any idea what the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would do with an attempt to impeach this living, breathing pile of shit?

Why should we give the piece of filth EXACTLY what he wants? What he wants is something that will 'martyr' him.

We need to show the American People what a fucking moron they elected. And they're starting to see it -- Finally.

The last thing we need is a distraction from People seeing what an incompetent fool this pile of shit really is

don't tell me ... you had Tex behind you coaching you with all those BIG four letter words didn't you ?

don't tell me ... you had Tex behind you coaching you with all those BIG four letter words didn't you ?


Did they make your pussy hurt?

You don't like 'em? Go somewhere where they're not allowed. In here, they're allowed.

suck on it

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