Is there anything that can be done to save the Religion forum?

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The trolling is out of control. Perhaps this is not the proper community to discuss such matters. Take this thread, for instance.

There is an odd reaction by some to religion. I will be a little more direct, maybe even slightly offensive unfortunately. Well, because I haven't felt so kind during the Wuhan Virus phase of world history (not very Christian of me I know), however...

There is definitely an insecurity and a sense of discomfort by some. That ranges from the guy afraid of death, to the hardcore Atheist, to those with a different world perspective, to the garden variety local axe murderer who has his own self interest (wishful thinking?) as to why he won't believe. There is a whole range of reasons why people act as they do.

Some will say it's to debate, but really there's something deeper rooted in that. I mean, who really goes to the local knitting club to tell them how stupid and ridiculous their knitting is? "Go home man and sleep it off, let the knitters do as they please"

Of all the reasons, I imagine the top reason is to get a reaction. Sort of like my dog refusing to move from my spot hoping to get some attention, even if negative in nature. For me, I just ignore them. Life is too short to debate positions when that isn't your or even their intent.

My advice, if I may, is to treat them as your entertainment. They are there to amuse you, to dance like the jester and juggle their pins. In more arrogant moods I would say they are beneath you and your time.

People are always reading, even if they don't respond. So, making your point is still valuable and I hope you don't stop because of a few circus clowns.
People are always reading

I appreciate your heartfelt response and feedback. Thank you. With that said, many people stop reading, let alone participating, in such threads AND FORUMS because of incessant trolling. I have a feeling that such a fate is about to befall USMessageBoard due to trolling.

Well, I am partly to blame for not reading the religious forum more often, or, participating when I do. It takes a community to make it work I suppose. It's not it doesn't interest me, it does. I just always focus more on the politics and take that section for granted.

If there is one thing I learned in life is you never know who is reading or even how they react. You could really impact someones life. I remember a guy sending me a message on Facebook thanking me for something I did for him so many years ago when we were much younger. I hadn't forgotten it, but, I never knew how much it meant to him.

I know it's small consolation, but, I hope you don't get discouraged.
I like the idea of moving it to the lounge. It will be more moderated there.
And for those who just can't resist going in to troll those who believe in any faith....fuck 'em. I think my iggie list is up to like 75 now. Makes this place much more pleasant to visit but its a shame an iggie list is needed when we have like NINE mods.

When I had my message board YEARS AND YEARS ago, I had 3 mods to assist me. We came down HARD on anyone trolling in the religion forum and we had it all in there. Muslims, pagans, christians, wickans, even a few witches. You know, in the years I had that board, NOBODY badgered anyone else in there more than once and the one time they did...they were banned. I didn't fuck around.
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I like the idea of moving it to the lounge. It will be more moderated there.
And for those who just can't resist going in to troll those who believe in any faith....fuck 'em. I think my iggie list is up to like 75 now. Makes this place much more pleasant to visit but its a shame an iggie list is needed when we have like NINE mods.

When I had my message board YEARS AND YEARS ago, I had 3 mods to assist me. We came down HARD on anyone trolling in the religion forum and we had it all in there. Muslims, pagans, christians, wickans, even a few witches. You know, in the years I had that board, NOBODY badgered anyone else in there more than once and the one time they did...they were banned. I didn't fuck around.

your board doesnt exist anymore probably because you ended up banning everyone...
My advice, if I may, is to treat them as your entertainment. They are there to amuse you, to dance like the jester and juggle their pins. In more arrogant moods I would say they are beneath you and your time.
People are always reading, even if they don't respond. So, making your point is still valuable and I hope you don't stop because of a few circus clowns.

Pure arrogance there Canadian. Pure, unabashed arrogance. Is this really what Jesus would say ?

"Believe what I say....or you're a clown" !!!!!!!!!!!!

If anything...Jesus would likely say....."pity them and teach them if you can"
My advice, if I may, is to treat them as your entertainment. They are there to amuse you, to dance like the jester and juggle their pins. In more arrogant moods I would say they are beneath you and your time.
People are always reading, even if they don't respond. So, making your point is still valuable and I hope you don't stop because of a few circus clowns.

Pure arrogance there Canadian. Pure, unabashed arrogance. Is this really what Jesus would say ?

"Believe what I say....or you're a clown" !!!!!!!!!!!!

If anything...Jesus would likely say....."pity them and teach them if you can"

Perhaps Jesus would tell them...

Matthew 7:6
Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.


Luke 9:60
Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
Many have a fundamental misunderstanding of what Jesus was and is about. Many think that, telling truths that hurt another's feelings, is unChristian. There is nothing more loving than telling another the truth, particularly, unpleasant truths.

Jesus spoke so many unpleasant truths, in fact, that the Jewish Pharisees and scribes persuaded the Romans to execute him.

I believe that Jesus would tell us to ignore hardcore atheists and to focus on preaching to those who are interested in the truth.
My advice, if I may, is to treat them as your entertainment. They are there to amuse you, to dance like the jester and juggle their pins. In more arrogant moods I would say they are beneath you and your time.
People are always reading, even if they don't respond. So, making your point is still valuable and I hope you don't stop because of a few circus clowns.

Pure arrogance there Canadian. Pure, unabashed arrogance. Is this really what Jesus would say ?

"Believe what I say....or you're a clown" !!!!!!!!!!!!

If anything...Jesus would likely say....."pity them and teach them if you can"

Perhaps Jesus would tell them...

Matthew 7:6
Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.


Luke 9:60
Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."

Exactly who's words were those?

You do realize they are the words of MEN and not God.....don't you ???

The Bible was not written by ANY God....but at the hands of men of flesh.

I once believed as you do and defended my beliefs just as vehemently.
Then I did some lengthy serious thinking and soul searching and stopped being led by men with agendas and their writings.

It is natural and ok with me if you need to believe in a higher being.
Just learn to put it in context.

Oh, and if you want to ignore my POV because your God tells you you are better than me (or others), that's your choice.
But it's actually quite hypocritical and arrogant as well.

I used to tell people that they could not associate with me because they were not "equally yoked"
Just like the Bible to say I had to be shackled, along with my associates to be a "good" Christian.
I was such a jerk back then.
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My advice, if I may, is to treat them as your entertainment. They are there to amuse you, to dance like the jester and juggle their pins. In more arrogant moods I would say they are beneath you and your time.
People are always reading, even if they don't respond. So, making your point is still valuable and I hope you don't stop because of a few circus clowns.

Pure arrogance there Canadian. Pure, unabashed arrogance. Is this really what Jesus would say ?

"Believe what I say....or you're a clown" !!!!!!!!!!!!

If anything...Jesus would likely say....."pity them and teach them if you can"

Perhaps Jesus would tell them...

Matthew 7:6
Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.


Luke 9:60
Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."

Exactly who's words were those?

You do realize they are the words of MEN and not God.....don't you ???

The Bible was not written by ANY God....but at the hands of men of flesh.

I once believed as you do and defended my beliefs just as vehemently.
Then I did some lengthy serious thinking and soul searching and stopped being led by men with agendas and their writings.

It is natural and ok with me if you need to believe in a higher being.
Just learn to put it in context.

I don't know if EVERY word of the bible is the actual inspired word of God, but I believe that, at a minimum, the vast majority is.

Those passages make good sense. Look at the atheist trolls here. There is no point in engaging them in any discussion. They belong to and serve Satan.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you follow him?
My advice, if I may, is to treat them as your entertainment. They are there to amuse you, to dance like the jester and juggle their pins. In more arrogant moods I would say they are beneath you and your time.
People are always reading, even if they don't respond. So, making your point is still valuable and I hope you don't stop because of a few circus clowns.

Pure arrogance there Canadian. Pure, unabashed arrogance. Is this really what Jesus would say ?

"Believe what I say....or you're a clown" !!!!!!!!!!!!

If anything...Jesus would likely say....."pity them and teach them if you can"

Perhaps Jesus would tell them...

Matthew 7:6
Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.


Luke 9:60
Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."

Exactly who's words were those?

You do realize they are the words of MEN and not God.....don't you ???

The Bible was not written by ANY God....but at the hands of men of flesh.

I once believed as you do and defended my beliefs just as vehemently.
Then I did some lengthy serious thinking and soul searching and stopped being led by men with agendas and their writings.

It is natural and ok with me if you need to believe in a higher being.
Just learn to put it in context.

I don't know if EVERY word of the bible is the actual inspired word of God, but I believe that, at a minimum, the vast majority is.

Those passages make good sense. Look at the atheist trolls here. There is no point in engaging them in any discussion. They belong to and serve Satan.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you follow him?

What you "believe" and what is can be vastly different. Do you believe in Creation or evolution?
There is bonafide evidence for only one.
Which is more important to you....evidence or faith ? Why?

Please look into it for yourself.

Call it "inspired" if you like.

But MEN like you and I wrote the entire Bible. ALL versions of it.

I'm not saying they had bad intentions......but I'm not saying there were no intentions.

Keep your faith. It can be very beneficial to yourself and society. But never fully close your mind.
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The trolling is out of control. Perhaps this is not the proper community to discuss such matters. Take this thread, for instance.

The atheists and pseudo-Christians, whom I honestly believe are under extreme demonic influence, are programmed and compelled to destroy any discussion of Jesus. As well, they would be ELATED to see the religion forum eradicated entirely.

The question is, does this community's management team care to protect the Religion forum so that believers of ALL FAITHS can engage in honest, legitimate, discussion of Godly matters?

Is there any qualified member here that could be appointed as a moderator specifically for that forum in order that it can be a place of good discussion?
I hope they can help. I read the thread, and people bring in a lot of unfinished business from elsewhere, don't they? Maybe the mods could move it to the Lounge? Thats' heavily moderated.

I know lots of posters on other Christian forums that would probably participate in the religion forum here, but won't because every thread is destroyed by the non-believers.

It would be like twenty of us going into every cooking thread to post inane comments in order to destroy the thread and, eventually, the sub-forum altogether. People see that it's a waste of time and stop clicking.
If USMB doesn't have the staff to moderate the forum well enough for you, I'd suggest another Christian board for those discussions. That's just me, though. This place is what it is, and it's recently lost two senior mods.

So why do you seek serious discussion about religion on a political message board that is Troll Central and full of angry people??
Why did you announce you were leaving because not enough people were getting censored and then return?
The Bible kinda suggests that.

You attributed the statements to ME and now you're deferring. Take ownership of your statements.

I don't share the interpretation of bible verses that Jesus is going to condemn all non-believers to Hell.
The trolling is out of control. Perhaps this is not the proper community to discuss such matters. Take this thread, for instance.

The atheists and pseudo-Christians, whom I honestly believe are under extreme demonic influence, are programmed and compelled to destroy any discussion of Jesus. As well, they would be ELATED to see the religion forum eradicated entirely.

The question is, does this community's management team care to protect the Religion forum so that believers of ALL FAITHS can engage in honest, legitimate, discussion of Godly matters?

Is there any qualified member here that could be appointed as a moderator specifically for that forum in order that it can be a place of good discussion?
I hope they can help. I read the thread, and people bring in a lot of unfinished business from elsewhere, don't they? Maybe the mods could move it to the Lounge? Thats' heavily moderated.

I know lots of posters on other Christian forums that would probably participate in the religion forum here, but won't because every thread is destroyed by the non-believers.

It would be like twenty of us going into every cooking thread to post inane comments in order to destroy the thread and, eventually, the sub-forum altogether. People see that it's a waste of time and stop clicking.
If USMB doesn't have the staff to moderate the forum well enough for you, I'd suggest another Christian board for those discussions. That's just me, though. This place is what it is, and it's recently lost two senior mods.

So why do you seek serious discussion about religion on a political message board that is Troll Central and full of angry people??
Why did you announce you were leaving because not enough people were getting censored and then return?
? I didn't say why I left.
I came back because I missed you so much.
? I didn't say why I left.
I came back because I missed you so much.

Well, you didn't need to actually SAY why you were leaving.

I am just heartened to know that our undeniable geriatric sexual chemistry has brought you back.
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