Is there not ONE Democrat on this site who will admit that this mess is.....

I will not say this mess is partially caused by the Democratic party because it is wrong.
The republicans wanted to shut the government down.
The republicans were warned about what would happen if they shut the government down.
The republicans ignored the warning.
The republicans shut the government down.
The republicans cheered when the government was shut down.
Now the republicans are trying to pretend it was the Democrats who shut the government down.

The Senate hasn't passed a budget bill since 2009. That makes your statement that they passed 18 separate budgets this year a lie.

that says you don't comprehend what was written ... as I've said before ... you were never to bright ... he clearly said the senate passed 18 bills then sent them to the house to be presented to the floor and you didn't grasp that ... now we're supposed to take your post as being credible ??? really !!!

The Senate hasn't passed a budget since 2009.

It also has not one time requested a conference on the budget this year because the Senate has blocked all requests to move the bill that you think is a budget to conference committee. That makes you blaming Boehner, or anyone else in the House, for this stupid.

Unlike you, I actually provided a link to back my position up.
Don't forget the extreme left and Papa Obama's need to make people suffer more

A poor veteran who suffers at the temper tantrum of Papa Obama
of trying to close open air parks. A first for any gov't shutdown...

national parks were closed during the shutdown in the 1990s.

There were no barricades around the Lincoln Memorial when Clinton was president, and he took criticism from his own side for closing the Washington Monument.

See a difference yet, or does somebody have to slap you with a 2x4?
Prior to the shut down President Obama spoke of the branches of the government that would be affected. He made it clear the National Park Service and the parks would be closed. He warned the republicans. Now that the shut down has occurred and the parks are closed you want to bitch about something you supported and wanted to happen.
Wasn't that in the days before the post 9-11 terrorist threat made officials highly vigilant to the possibility of a high profile event such as bombing both people AND major American national sites like national monuments?

You see, leaving these sites open to traffic and unguarded with people in them while there were insufficient personnel to guard the site would be an example of stupidity.

An honest, if pathetic and idiotic, attempt to defend the government.

Only an idiot, or a fool, or a hyper-partisan supports shutting down the gov't and then complains when the results of the shut down take effect.

Only an idiot doesn't complain when a government abuses citizens for any reason, even if they support the reasoning behind it. Since shutting down memorials that are never staffed falls into the category of abusing citizens, I am not the idiot.
...and even though the democrats have their own extremists, none of the OWS folks has been elected to office.

Thank God all the cranks are on the other side of the aisle.

Talk about rewriting history.

All the Democrats that came in under Clinton have been primaried out of congress by extremists on the left, but there are no extreme Democrats.

They elected Elizabeth Warren, a woman so extreme that her own party helped block her nomination to head a brand new government boondoggle, but there are no extreme Democrats.

They endorsed a Sandinista trainee to be mayor of New York, but there are no extreme Democrats.

The entire fucking party is run by the lunatic fringe, but all of the extremists are on the other side.

The Democrats have become the party united against progress, and you support them, and then condemn the Republicans for trying to make a difference.

yep, you are clearly stupid ... so far Elizabeth warren has put the screws to these credit card companies for billions of charges to consumer ... but I guess in all you wisdom you missed that one because making the card companies play fair isn't the republican way ...

Trust me, I didn't miss the fact that Warren forced banks to raise fees on credit and debit cards.
An honest, if pathetic and idiotic, attempt to defend the government.

Only an idiot, or a fool, or a hyper-partisan supports shutting down the gov't and then complains when the results of the shut down take effect.

Only an idiot doesn't complain when a government abuses citizens for any reason, even if they support the reasoning behind it. Since shutting down memorials that are never staffed falls into the category of abusing citizens, I am not the idiot.

the are all nothing but sheep
I've never seen so many all in one herd though
just amazing and sad
Gramps and other repubs refuse to take responsibility unless they can drag everyone else in the mud and scream "their fault too!"

Sorry skippy, that dog wont hunt. Especially when you guys were mocking the shutdown the entire time
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An honest, if pathetic and idiotic, attempt to defend the government.

Only an idiot, or a fool, or a hyper-partisan supports shutting down the gov't and then complains when the results of the shut down take effect.

Only an idiot doesn't complain when a government abuses citizens for any reason, even if they support the reasoning behind it. Since shutting down memorials that are never staffed falls into the category of abusing citizens, I am not the idiot.

Nobody was abused that I'm aware of unless you're talking about the Veterans standing near Sarah Palin when she criticized using Veterans as props for political purposes. I gotta admit that made me laugh. And to their credit, the Veterans were not amused at being used in such a way and later released a statement saying as much.
I blame the Democrats for giving in to Republican extortion in 2011. President Obama negotiated with Republicans and extended the Bush Tax cuts. This was perceived by Republicans as weakness in the President and they added it to their playbook
Threaten to close government and default on our debt in non-election years and we can get what we want even though we lack the votes

This childish nonsense has to end once and for all

I've thought about that a lot. People were panicking. Republicans wanted to let the auto industry die. Household wealth dropped by trillions from the Wall Street meltdown. Bills were coming due from the two unfunded wars. We were suddenly faced with all those tens of thousands maimed in Iraq.

Add in the millions who were suddenly faced with unemployment and since millions of jobs were moved to China from 2001 to 2008 there was no chance of employment and it was just before Christmas. Republicans have zero problem with Americans suffering. Look at Cantor wanting to make disaster victims pay to be rescued and Tom Coburn trying to cut veterans health care. Remember, Republicans blocked health care for first responders for 10 years. Obama did what he had to do. He just couldn't let Americans suffer.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

What's different this time is Republicans have gone too far. People know what happened this time. They know Republicans are screwing the country. This time, it's not "for" anything of important. Republicans are doing this for "fun" and because they think they are "getting back" at Obama for having the nerve to be elected twice.
Only an idiot, or a fool, or a hyper-partisan supports shutting down the gov't and then complains when the results of the shut down take effect.

Only an idiot doesn't complain when a government abuses citizens for any reason, even if they support the reasoning behind it. Since shutting down memorials that are never staffed falls into the category of abusing citizens, I am not the idiot.

Nobody was abused that I'm aware of unless you're talking about the Veterans standing near Sarah Palin when she criticized using Veterans as props for political purposes. I gotta admit that made me laugh. And to their credit, the Veterans were not amused at being used in such a way and later released a statement saying as much.

You have a weird definition of government abusing its citizens.
Governor Palin has singlehandedly brought the American bib-manufacturing business back to life. The families of millions of drooling liberals are flocking to stores to buy them for their loved ones.
I blame the Democrats for giving in to Republican extortion in 2011. President Obama negotiated with Republicans and extended the Bush Tax cuts. This was perceived by Republicans as weakness in the President and they added it to their playbook
Threaten to close government and default on our debt in non-election years and we can get what we want even though we lack the votes

This childish nonsense has to end once and for all

I've thought about that a lot. People were panicking. Republicans wanted to let the auto industry die. Household wealth dropped by trillions from the Wall Street meltdown. Bills were coming due from the two unfunded wars. We were suddenly faced with all those tens of thousands maimed in Iraq.

Add in the millions who were suddenly faced with unemployment and since millions of jobs were moved to China from 2001 to 2008 there was no chance of employment and it was just before Christmas. Republicans have zero problem with Americans suffering. Look at Cantor wanting to make disaster victims pay to be rescued and Tom Coburn trying to cut veterans health care. Remember, Republicans blocked health care for first responders for 10 years. Obama did what he had to do. He just couldn't let Americans suffer.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

What's different this time is Republicans have gone too far. People know what happened this time. They know Republicans are screwing the country. This time, it's not "for" anything of important. Republicans are doing this for "fun" and because they think they are "getting back" at Obama for having the nerve to be elected twice.

I see very little room for Republicans to spin this one in a positive fashion. The blatant partisanship of trying to use a Government shutdown and debt default in an extortion attempt to defund Obamacare

Republicans will take a hit on this one. Their brand is tarnished and any attempt to rebrand themselves as "New Republicans" has gone out the window
I suspect there may be a hit in terms of voters maybe waking up to politicians who rant about no compromise with socialism ...... we'll never give in ....
When are Republicans going to take responsibility and say....It is all our fault and we want to apologize to the country
When are Republicans going to take responsibility and say....It is all our fault and we want to apologize to the country

when Obama does I'll call and suggest it to the Republicans

fair enough


and no surprise you are derailing this's what all you on the left here do.....can't have one on Democrats..

you people might need a padded room soon all this wailing and whining...

it's so pathetic
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Partially caused by your own party? I've seen many posts or threads by the right that is sick of some of the things the GOP does. Yet EVERY thread by the left gives their own party a complete pass and lambastes the right. Most polls show Americans are sick of EVERYONE in DC. But instead of taking that to heart you play stupid games with the percentages. Just yesterday I saw a poll that had Obama at 17% approval among independents. That is TERRIBLE. Yet every thread is about what everyone else is doing wrong.
Today I saw Alan Colmes say that he thinks there should be a 6 to 12 month delay on forced enrollment in Obamacare. And he's about as far left as one can be without falling over. How is it he can be honest but none of you can? What's the harm in the delay? The system is currently COMPLETELY dysfunctional. Even Gibbs admitted this.
Then we have the current shutdown. Boehner wont allow votes on Senate bills and Reid wont allow votes on house bills. Yet for some crazy ass reason that is beyond me the Tea Party gets the blame when it is ENTIRELY up to Reid & Boehner.
They are ALL acting like spoiled children INCLUDING OBAMA.

Yes, this is a mess, but I thought that you as a Republican, the "Party of Personal Responsibility", might be honest enough to admit that YOUR Party caused it in the first damn place.

There was no way in hell that the Affordable Health Care Act was going to be defunded, repealed or replaced, and you had to have known that going in, and yet you want to blame Mr. Obama and Democrats for NOT caving in on that point.

IF the TeaTerrorists were damn interested "In Negoitiating With The White House", then why did the TeaTerrorists make the Repeal, Replace, Defunding a demand that they were not will to Negoitate On. They refused to talk with the President unless and/or until he agreed to that singular demand.

Republicans knew going in that President Obama would never sign a bill that Repealed, Replaced or Defunded the Affordable Health Care Act.

The Whole and Entire Shut-Down can only be laid at the feet of the Men and the Women who caused it. TeaTerrorists in the U.S. Congress who decided that ending the Affordable Heath Care Act was more important than insuring that the Families of U.S. Military Personel Killed In Act would receive the $100,000.00 Benefit paid to them to help defray to cost of funerals. It was NOT Nancy Pelosi that did this. It was NOT Harry Reid who did this. It was NOT President Obama who did this.

It was House TeaTerrorists.

You want blame the Democrats for YOUR party did.

But that ain't gonna work.

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Partially caused by your own party? I've seen many posts or threads by the right that is sick of some of the things the GOP does. Yet EVERY thread by the left gives their own party a complete pass and lambastes the right. Most polls show Americans are sick of EVERYONE in DC. But instead of taking that to heart you play stupid games with the percentages. Just yesterday I saw a poll that had Obama at 17% approval among independents. That is TERRIBLE. Yet every thread is about what everyone else is doing wrong.
Today I saw Alan Colmes say that he thinks there should be a 6 to 12 month delay on forced enrollment in Obamacare. And he's about as far left as one can be without falling over. How is it he can be honest but none of you can? What's the harm in the delay? The system is currently COMPLETELY dysfunctional. Even Gibbs admitted this.
Then we have the current shutdown. Boehner wont allow votes on Senate bills and Reid wont allow votes on house bills. Yet for some crazy ass reason that is beyond me the Tea Party gets the blame when it is ENTIRELY up to Reid & Boehner.
They are ALL acting like spoiled children INCLUDING OBAMA.

EVERY THREAD YOU MAKE blames it on the Dems.

YOU are no different.
Partially caused by your own party? I've seen many posts or threads by the right that is sick of some of the things the GOP does. Yet EVERY thread by the left gives their own party a complete pass and lambastes the right. Most polls show Americans are sick of EVERYONE in DC. But instead of taking that to heart you play stupid games with the percentages. Just yesterday I saw a poll that had Obama at 17% approval among independents. That is TERRIBLE. Yet every thread is about what everyone else is doing wrong.
Today I saw Alan Colmes say that he thinks there should be a 6 to 12 month delay on forced enrollment in Obamacare. And he's about as far left as one can be without falling over. How is it he can be honest but none of you can? What's the harm in the delay? The system is currently COMPLETELY dysfunctional. Even Gibbs admitted this.
Then we have the current shutdown. Boehner wont allow votes on Senate bills and Reid wont allow votes on house bills. Yet for some crazy ass reason that is beyond me the Tea Party gets the blame when it is ENTIRELY up to Reid & Boehner.
They are ALL acting like spoiled children INCLUDING OBAMA.

Yes, this is a mess, but I thought that you as a Republican, the "Party of Personal Responsibility", might be honest enough to admit that YOUR Party caused it in the first damn place.

There was no way in hell that the Affordable Health Care Act was going to be defunded, repealed or replaced, and you had to have known that going in, and yet you want to blame Mr. Obama and Democrats for NOT caving in on that point.

IF the Republican's were damn interested "In Negoitiating With The White House", then why did the Republicans make the Repeal, Replace, Defunding a demand that they were not will to Negoitate On. They refused to talk with the President unless and/or until he agreed to that singular demand.

Republicans knew going in that President Obama would never have sign a bill that Repealed, Replaced or Defunded the Affordable Health Care Act.

The Whole and Entire Shot-Down can only be laid at the feet of the Men and the Women who caused it. TeaTerrorists in the U.S. Congress who decided that ending the Affordable Heath Care Act was more important than insuring that the Families of U.S. Military Personel Killed In Act would receive the $100,000.00 Benefit paid to them to help defray to cost of funerals. It was NOT Nancy Pelosi that did this. It was NOT Harry Reid who did this. It was NOT President Obama who did this.

It was House TeaTerrorists.

You want blame the Democrats for YOUR party did.

But that ain't gonna work.



are you people the most snobby uppity asses... demanding people ADMIT it was their party while you sit on your throne saying your party didn't have a hand with anything

why are we the people paying these useless Democrat congress idiots then? they don't do a damn thing but stomp around threatening the people in this country if they don't bow down their demands

I've never seen so much CRAP

you're like the lead sheep of the oh man
paper bag, cheese or razor blades?
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