Is there not ONE Democrat on this site who will admit that this mess is.....

Partially caused by your own party? I've seen many posts or threads by the right that is sick of some of the things the GOP does. Yet EVERY thread by the left gives their own party a complete pass and lambastes the right. Most polls show Americans are sick of EVERYONE in DC. But instead of taking that to heart you play stupid games with the percentages. Just yesterday I saw a poll that had Obama at 17% approval among independents. That is TERRIBLE. Yet every thread is about what everyone else is doing wrong.
Today I saw Alan Colmes say that he thinks there should be a 6 to 12 month delay on forced enrollment in Obamacare. And he's about as far left as one can be without falling over. How is it he can be honest but none of you can? What's the harm in the delay? The system is currently COMPLETELY dysfunctional. Even Gibbs admitted this.
Then we have the current shutdown. Boehner wont allow votes on Senate bills and Reid wont allow votes on house bills. Yet for some crazy ass reason that is beyond me the Tea Party gets the blame when it is ENTIRELY up to Reid & Boehner.
They are ALL acting like spoiled children INCLUDING OBAMA.

No, this is getting serious now. This was all Teaparty bullshit and John Boehner is being led around by the nose. He shut the government down and nothing was going to be talked about after that.

He made bad decisions, one right after the other and today was the last straw.

Fitch Puts US Credit Rating on Negative Watch

The Fitch credit rating agency has warned that it is reviewing the U.S. government's AAA credit rating for a possible downgrade, citing the impasse in Washington that has raised the threat of a default on the nation's debt.

Fitch placed the U.S. credit rating on negative watch Tuesday, a step that would precede an actual downgrade. The agency said it expects to conclude its review within six months.

The announcement comes as House and Senate leaders face a Thursday deadline to raise the nation's $16.7 trillion borrowing limit. Fitch says it expects the debt limit to be raised soon. But it adds, "the political brinkmanship and reduced financing flexibility could increase the risk of a U.S. default."

Fitch Puts US Credit Rating on Negative Watch - ABC News

yes, and according to Fitch, all that we need to do is pass a law that clarifies the ability of the Treasury to do what the Constitution tells them to do. In other words, we have to do what Obama has repeatedly said he won't do, prioritize debt payments over new spending.

Fitch Ratings - Global rating agency dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through objective and balanced credit opinions, research and data.

What Obama won't do is negotiate while government is shut down. He has already gone far enough until the idiot Rs in the House get things up and running again.
this is mess is due to the GOP being very very mad that they can't repeal ObamaCare.

so they are holding the debt ceiling and budget hostage to their temper tantrum.

Don't forget the extreme left and Papa Obama's need to make people suffer more

A poor veteran who suffers at the temper tantrum of Papa Obama
of trying to close open air parks. A first for any gov't shutdown...

national parks were closed during the shutdown in the 1990s.

There were no barricades around the Lincoln Memorial when Clinton was president, and he took criticism from his own side for closing the Washington Monument.

See a difference yet, or does somebody have to slap you with a 2x4?

It isn't caused by Democrats or Liberals.

Neither have talked about shutting down government.

This is NOT something Democrats or Liberals even consider.

It's NOT the Democrats or Liberals that CONSTANTLY talk about how bad government is.

It's the Conservatives and Republicans.


The day after the "shutdown" there were people out putting up prepinted signs that blamed the shutdown for the WWII Memorial being closed. These were high quality signs that were printed in poster board, not hastily done things that came out of a printer at the last minute, and identical signs went up everywhere in the country. That means that somebody had to order these signs, get them printed, and have them shipped around the country in sufficient quantities to provide the perfect photo op.

I am pretty sure that no republican did that, but you think Obama did not want this shutdown.

so now your blaming the dems for being resourceful??? could it be they printed them up fulli knowing the republicans were going to be stupid again ??? naw that couldn't be it or could it
Were they denied access?
A photo of the Lincoln Memorial during the government shutdown of 1995 shows the info booth closed but tourists still had access to the grounds


Barry-cade for all, Barry-cade for all
Finally, a form of socialism that works

It also shows a piece of paper taped to a window, not a sign printed on high quality, and expensive, poster board designed to weather the elements.

But Obama didn't want the shutdown.
"The party of BIG government shut the government down!!"

The voice of "sound" bagger logic. :lol:

Very Well Put.

really...just brilliant...:eusa_shifty:
of course they wouldn't have other ulterior motives for doing it...heck no, not that party of saints who wouldn't dream of playing game with your lives

Wolf Blitzer - Why Did Obama Vote Against Raising Debt Ceiling Under Bush?

Published on Sep 29, 2013

Harry Reid In 2006: Increasing Debt Ceiling Is The Last Thing We Should Be Doing (March 16, 2006)

Obama Reid admit attempted sabotage of Bush
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Were they denied access?
A photo of the Lincoln Memorial during the government shutdown of 1995 shows the info booth closed but tourists still had access to the grounds


Barry-cade for all, Barry-cade for all
Finally, a form of socialism that works

Wasn't that in the days before the post 9-11 terrorist threat made officials highly vigilant to the possibility of a high profile event such as bombing both people AND major American national sites like national monuments?

You see, leaving these sites open to traffic and unguarded with people in them while there were insufficient personnel to guard the site would be an example of stupidity.

An honest, if pathetic and idiotic, attempt to defend the government.
Partially caused by your own party? I've seen many posts or threads by the right that is sick of some of the things the GOP does. Yet EVERY thread by the left gives their own party a complete pass and lambastes the right. Most polls show Americans are sick of EVERYONE in DC. But instead of taking that to heart you play stupid games with the percentages. Just yesterday I saw a poll that had Obama at 17% approval among independents. That is TERRIBLE. Yet every thread is about what everyone else is doing wrong.
Today I saw Alan Colmes say that he thinks there should be a 6 to 12 month delay on forced enrollment in Obamacare. And he's about as far left as one can be without falling over. How is it he can be honest but none of you can? What's the harm in the delay? The system is currently COMPLETELY dysfunctional. Even Gibbs admitted this.
Then we have the current shutdown. Boehner wont allow votes on Senate bills and Reid wont allow votes on house bills. Yet for some crazy ass reason that is beyond me the Tea Party gets the blame when it is ENTIRELY up to Reid & Boehner.
They are ALL acting like spoiled children INCLUDING OBAMA.

As a liberal who is not a democrat, I can admit when democrats are in the wrong. However, you want libs to be fair for the sake of being fair, but no argument can be made that democrats caused this shut down. That is ALL Republicans fault.

Obama has good reason not to negotiate with terrorists. ACA is LAW. Obama is not obligated to make changes to ObamaCare under threat of this radical extortion. However, there is nothing wrong with negotiating over ObamaCare under different circumstances. When Republicans are ready to be adults, ObamaCare can be discussed.

As far as negotiating since the shut down began, the only fault I can find with democrats is when they were pushing for new spending measures. That was a serious dick move on their part. However, that seems to be a non issue because both republicans and democrats in the senate have come to compromise on the budget. To me, this speaks volumes about the politics in the senate.

Maybe you could make the argument that Obama and the dems should concede to the terrorist demands of making changes to ObamaCare for the sake of ensuring a debt deal is made, but in my opinion the dems have no obligation to. It was the Repubs in the House that started this mess. They are the ones who are taking the country hostage. Why should they get what they want?

You are really glossing over this public opinion issue over congress. Yes, the dems don't have a very favorable view with the American people, but there is no denying that the American people put the blame on the Repubs in the House. The disparity is huge. 74% of Americans polled blame the republicans.

Again, you want us to be fair for the sake of being fair, but it is absolutely ridiculous to assign equal blame to the dems. Are democrats capable of putting politics over what's best for the country? Yes of course. They have done it before. Have they in this case? No. You need to put this issue in perspective.

So is the sequester, which explains why you haven't made a single post condemning Reid for demanding changes to it, and why Obama hasn't spoken up telling Reid to stick with the law.

Come back when you stop being a lying hack.

It isn't caused by Democrats or Liberals.

Neither have talked about shutting down government.

This is NOT something Democrats or Liberals even consider.

It's NOT the Democrats or Liberals that CONSTANTLY talk about how bad government is.

It's the Conservatives and Republicans.


The day after the "shutdown" there were people out putting up prepinted signs that blamed the shutdown for the WWII Memorial being closed. These were high quality signs that were printed in poster board, not hastily done things that came out of a printer at the last minute, and identical signs went up everywhere in the country. That means that somebody had to order these signs, get them printed, and have them shipped around the country in sufficient quantities to provide the perfect photo op.

I am pretty sure that no republican did that, but you think Obama did not want this shutdown.

so now your blaming the dems for being resourceful??? could it be they printed them up fulli knowing the republicans were going to be stupid again ??? naw that couldn't be it or could it

They should just be glad he didn't call in the brothers from South Side to rob and rape the tourists who had no police protection.
I will not say this mess is partially caused by the Democratic party because it is wrong.
The republicans wanted to shut the government down.
The republicans were warned about what would happen if they shut the government down.
The republicans ignored the warning.
The republicans shut the government down.
The republicans cheered when the government was shut down.
Now the republicans are trying to pretend it was the Democrats who shut the government down.

The Senate hasn't passed a budget bill since 2009. That makes your statement that they passed 18 separate budgets this year a lie.

that says you don't comprehend what was written ... as I've said before ... you were never to bright ... he clearly said the senate passed 18 bills then sent them to the house to be presented to the floor and you didn't grasp that ... now we're supposed to take your post as being credible ??? really !!!
Partially caused by your own party? I've seen many posts or threads by the right that is sick of some of the things the GOP does. Yet EVERY thread by the left gives their own party a complete pass and lambastes the right. Most polls show Americans are sick of EVERYONE in DC. But instead of taking that to heart you play stupid games with the percentages. Just yesterday I saw a poll that had Obama at 17% approval among independents. That is TERRIBLE. Yet every thread is about what everyone else is doing wrong.
Today I saw Alan Colmes say that he thinks there should be a 6 to 12 month delay on forced enrollment in Obamacare. And he's about as far left as one can be without falling over. How is it he can be honest but none of you can? What's the harm in the delay? The system is currently COMPLETELY dysfunctional. Even Gibbs admitted this.
Then we have the current shutdown. Boehner wont allow votes on Senate bills and Reid wont allow votes on house bills. Yet for some crazy ass reason that is beyond me the Tea Party gets the blame when it is ENTIRELY up to Reid & Boehner.
They are ALL acting like spoiled children INCLUDING OBAMA.
Have you lost your COTTON PICKIN' mind!?!?!?

This isn't a "both sides do it too" situation...not by a long-shot.

This is SOLELY the fault of the Republicans.

They are fighting over ESTABLISHED LAW.

Even Republicans have said and admitted this.

It's a suicide mission.

They've lost.

Obama and the Democrats are doing the right thing, fighting for the American people.

Wise up!!!

Want a list of all the times Democrats demanded changes to established law? How about just the one when Obama wanted to extend the Bush tax cuts instead of letting them expire like they were scheduled to do? Or when he wanted to end the sequester he proposed?

Please, keep whinging about established law, it is funny.
No, this is getting serious now. This was all Teaparty bullshit and John Boehner is being led around by the nose. He shut the government down and nothing was going to be talked about after that.

He made bad decisions, one right after the other and today was the last straw.

yes, and according to Fitch, all that we need to do is pass a law that clarifies the ability of the Treasury to do what the Constitution tells them to do. In other words, we have to do what Obama has repeatedly said he won't do, prioritize debt payments over new spending.

Fitch Ratings - Global rating agency dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through objective and balanced credit opinions, research and data.

What Obama won't do is negotiate while government is shut down. He has already gone far enough until the idiot Rs in the House get things up and running again.

What Obama won't do is be a leader? Damn, I have been saying that for years, glad you are finally seeing it.

It isn't caused by Democrats or Liberals.

Neither have talked about shutting down government.

This is NOT something Democrats or Liberals even consider.

It's NOT the Democrats or Liberals that CONSTANTLY talk about how bad government is.

It's the Conservatives and Republicans.


The day after the "shutdown" there were people out putting up prepinted signs that blamed the shutdown for the WWII Memorial being closed. These were high quality signs that were printed in poster board, not hastily done things that came out of a printer at the last minute, and identical signs went up everywhere in the country. That means that somebody had to order these signs, get them printed, and have them shipped around the country in sufficient quantities to provide the perfect photo op.

I am pretty sure that no republican did that, but you think Obama did not want this shutdown.

Well, signs or no signs, the monument was closed becuae the House GOp let their TP minority close the govt and threaten to not up the debt limit unless Obama killed Obamacare. It's not like Obama held a gun to their heads and said "Ok do something really stupid"

No, the monument was closed because we no longer have a non partisan civil service, which is more proof that the government is to fucking big.
Were they denied access?
A photo of the Lincoln Memorial during the government shutdown of 1995 shows the info booth closed but tourists still had access to the grounds


Barry-cade for all, Barry-cade for all
Finally, a form of socialism that works

Wasn't that in the days before the post 9-11 terrorist threat made officials highly vigilant to the possibility of a high profile event such as bombing both people AND major American national sites like national monuments?

You see, leaving these sites open to traffic and unguarded with people in them while there were insufficient personnel to guard the site would be an example of stupidity.

An honest, if pathetic and idiotic, attempt to defend the government.

Only an idiot, or a fool, or a hyper-partisan supports shutting down the gov't and then complains when the results of the shut down take effect.
...and even though the democrats have their own extremists, none of the OWS folks has been elected to office.

Thank God all the cranks are on the other side of the aisle.

Talk about rewriting history.

All the Democrats that came in under Clinton have been primaried out of congress by extremists on the left, but there are no extreme Democrats.

They elected Elizabeth Warren, a woman so extreme that her own party helped block her nomination to head a brand new government boondoggle, but there are no extreme Democrats.

They endorsed a Sandinista trainee to be mayor of New York, but there are no extreme Democrats.

The entire fucking party is run by the lunatic fringe, but all of the extremists are on the other side.

The Democrats have become the party united against progress, and you support them, and then condemn the Republicans for trying to make a difference.

yep, you are clearly stupid ... so far Elizabeth warren has put the screws to these credit card companies for billions of charges to consumer ... but I guess in all you wisdom you missed that one because making the card companies play fair isn't the republican way ...
I am not a Democrat......but......

Nope. This shut down is unnecessary. The funding levels were agreed upon and represented a compromise by the Democrats. The GOP tried to use the US economy as leverage to get the Democrats to give concessions.

Now they are doing the same thing with the debt ceiling.

Obama had his fill of this shit two years ago. He is doing the right thing.

It is 100% on the GOP.

Whine away.

The Constitution says that the House controls the funding. The law says that Congress has to pass a budget that actually comes in under the debt ceiling. Reid hasn't passed a budget in years, but you are siding with Obama against the Republicans, and trying to claim that his lies are true.

Fuck off.

while you're fucking yourself off
n 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, in this amendment it allows the president to force the congress to pay its debt .... Obama had this option all the times ... seems you missed that in the constitution when you were fucking yourself off ... I understand ... we liberals are very understanding ... forceful, but very understanding

Damn, still stuck on that, are you?

Keyword in that sentence is debt, not spending. It is entirely possible to spend money without creating debt. No one that is not named Obama is questioning the debt of the United States, and he is saying that any law passed by Congress creates debt, while simultaneously arguing that raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the debt. Until you deal with the fact that he is contradicting himself, you really don't have a point.
I will not say this mess is partially caused by the Democratic party because it is wrong.
The republicans wanted to shut the government down.
The republicans were warned about what would happen if they shut the government down.
The republicans ignored the warning.
The republicans shut the government down.
The republicans cheered when the government was shut down.
Now the republicans are trying to pretend it was the Democrats who shut the government down.

The Senate hasn't passed a budget bill since 2009. That makes your statement that they passed 18 separate budgets this year a lie.[/QUOTE]

"The reason Congress is mired in repeated fiscal crises is that Republicans have thwarted budget conference negotiations since April, when the two chambers passed their own deeply divergent budget resolutions. Senate Democrats have requested conference negotiations 18 times and Republicans have denied their request each time."
SHUTDOWN: Why Democrats Rejected The GOP's 11th Hour Conference Gambit
I am not a Democrat......but......

Nope. This shut down is unnecessary. The funding levels were agreed upon and represented a compromise by the Democrats. The GOP tried to use the US economy as leverage to get the Democrats to give concessions.

Now they are doing the same thing with the debt ceiling.

Obama had his fill of this shit two years ago. He is doing the right thing.

It is 100% on the GOP.

Whine away.

The Constitution says that the House controls the funding. The law says that Congress has to pass a budget that actually comes in under the debt ceiling. Reid hasn't passed a budget in years, but you are siding with Obama against the Republicans, and trying to claim that his lies are true.

Fuck off.
In April the Senate and the House passed budget resolutions as a first step. The Democrats in the Senate then asked the House to join with them in forming a bipartisan committee to reach agreement on the budget. In fact, they asked the House to join with them eighteen (18) times. The House IGNORED the Senate request all eighteen times. Go ahead and blame the lack of a budget on Reid by the facts tell a different story.

Stop lying, even Polificat disagrees with you.

By the way, I disagree with them about the Senate passing a budget because, until the Senate actually sends their budget to the House, it hasn't left the Senate.

It isn't caused by Democrats or Liberals.

Neither have talked about shutting down government.

This is NOT something Democrats or Liberals even consider.

It's NOT the Democrats or Liberals that CONSTANTLY talk about how bad government is.

It's the Conservatives and Republicans.


The day after the "shutdown" there were people out putting up prepinted signs that blamed the shutdown for the WWII Memorial being closed. These were high quality signs that were printed in poster board, not hastily done things that came out of a printer at the last minute, and identical signs went up everywhere in the country. That means that somebody had to order these signs, get them printed, and have them shipped around the country in sufficient quantities to provide the perfect photo op.

I am pretty sure that no republican did that, but you think Obama did not want this shutdown.

so now your blaming the dems for being resourceful??? could it be they printed them up fulli knowing the republicans were going to be stupid again ??? naw that couldn't be it or could it

Abusing idiots of the notion that Obama did not want the shutdown is blaming Democrats for being resourceful? Are you really that stupid, or just desperate because you aren't smart enough to pour water out of a boot if they printed the instructions on the heel?
Wasn't that in the days before the post 9-11 terrorist threat made officials highly vigilant to the possibility of a high profile event such as bombing both people AND major American national sites like national monuments?

You see, leaving these sites open to traffic and unguarded with people in them while there were insufficient personnel to guard the site would be an example of stupidity.

An honest, if pathetic and idiotic, attempt to defend the government.

Only an idiot, or a fool, or a hyper-partisan supports shutting down the gov't and then complains when the results of the shut down take effect.

here is a partisan twisting himself into knots.....I mean really, what warped gibberish
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