Is there not ONE Democrat on this site who will admit that this mess is.....

this is mess is due to the GOP being very very mad that they can't repeal ObamaCare.

so they are holding the debt ceiling and budget hostage to their temper tantrum.

Don't forget the extreme left and Papa Obama's need to make people suffer more

A poor veteran who suffers at the temper tantrum of Papa Obama
of trying to close open air parks. A first for any gov't shutdown

This disabled vet with no legs carried a piece of the 'barry-cade' to the White House.
A true hero.


We see how vindictive and petty the extreme left and Papa Obama have been
to the people- closing open air parks, blocking public road views of Mt Rushmore- all first for any gov't shutdown

Just imagine when/if they get full control of healthcare,
the ways they could try to punish the people
I posted this before but apparently you did not understand it.

The republicans wanted to shut down the government.
The republicans were warned what would happen if they shut down the government.
The republicans ignored the warning about shutting down the government.
The republicans shut down the government.
Now the republicans (people like YOU) are bitching about the government shut down they wanted and caused.
This all goes back to the fact that the GOP's base of older whites is very anxious and uncomfortable about the ethnic and racial changes taking place today.

Obama's election was a traumatic event for them. They were shocked and devastated by it. His re-election just added to their mental instability. The fact that the one time in most of their whole lives that the GOP held unified power is seen by most as a error-filled fiasco just adds to their steaming anger.

80% of medicare users are white, but just less than 50% of newborns are white. This country is changing, and changing fast.

The GOP's base doesn't believe that anyone but their elderly and white supporters are deserving of government assistance. That's why the farm bill's subsidies for mostly white, rural farmers passed, while food stamps were scrapped. That's why government involvement in healthcare is unacceptable to them....except medicare part D, the most recently new debt-growing entitlement.

This isn't going to end well for the GOP. I predict it's demise, frankly, in a generation. It had a good run, till the corrupt Nixonians decided to attract the emotionally stunted and reactionary white South, with their racial anxieties and close-minded social views.

I heard an interesting stat yesterday.

In 1988 GHW Bush got 59% of the white vote against Dukakis. That landed him a 7 million vote victory with over 400 electoral votes.

In 2012, Romney got 59% of the white vote against Obama. That landed him a 4 million vote loss and 206 electoral votes.

Dwell on that a spell. See if you can develop a rational plan of action for the GOP moving forward.

Yes it is true the demographics of America are changing. The US is becoming more brown, and with it a new generation dependant on government.

So, are you racists ready to do your victory dance when whites become the minority?

its been that way were i am for quit a while....:eusa_eh:
This all goes back to the fact that the GOP's base of older whites is very anxious and uncomfortable about the ethnic and racial changes taking place today.

Obama's election was a traumatic event for them. They were shocked and devastated by it. His re-election just added to their mental instability. The fact that the one time in most of their whole lives that the GOP held unified power is seen by most as a error-filled fiasco just adds to their steaming anger.

80% of medicare users are white, but just less than 50% of newborns are white. This country is changing, and changing fast.

The GOP's base doesn't believe that anyone but their elderly and white supporters are deserving of government assistance. That's why the farm bill's subsidies for mostly white, rural farmers passed, while food stamps were scrapped. That's why government involvement in healthcare is unacceptable to them....except medicare part D, the most recently new debt-growing entitlement.

This isn't going to end well for the GOP. I predict it's demise, frankly, in a generation. It had a good run, till the corrupt Nixonians decided to attract the emotionally stunted and reactionary white South, with their racial anxieties and close-minded social views.
Oh, you're talking about the WORMS.

You know...White Old Rural Male Southerners.

It's the WORMS from the Reagan-era that damaged the GOP.

Those bastards really mad a mess of everything.

Chickens coming home to roost now though.

About damn time too.
I blame the Democrats for giving in to Republican extortion in 2011. President Obama negotiated with Republicans and extended the Bush Tax cuts. This was perceived by Republicans as weakness in the President and they added it to their playbook
Threaten to close government and default on our debt in non-election years and we can get what we want even though we lack the votes

This childish nonsense has to end once and for all

i agree.....these assholes have overstayed their welcome.....all of them.....
If you want to talk over spending - I can't blame both parties.
If you want to talk about 99.99% of what is plaguing this country - I'm with you. BOTH parties are to blame.

But it's absurd - in this one particular case - to try to lay any of it on the Democrats.

The REPUBLICANS whipped up this little power play and they are the ones who said "we don't have the votes we need to repeal ObamaCare - so YOU do it for us or we'll let the U.S. default and we'll let the government shutdown"

It's their baby 100%
And......another one. Keep em' coming. Brown Americans never pull carts.

Who said they did?

I was agreeing about all those failed programs and the taxpayers who fund them.

Catch a clue.

You said they did not. That is what my obviously sarcastic comment referred to.

Brown people pull carts, dummy.

they push them out here LL....have little bells on them and they yell ...."NARANJAS!!"....."NARANJAS!!"........
good thread grandpa, but you're wasting your time and breath on the libs on this board, as we've seen in this thread

none of them think the Democrats/progressive and Obama are at fault FOR ANYTHING

It's the worse marching in lockstep, rubberstamping of an administration I have ever seen

and is why we are in the hurt today that we are

it won't change until Obama is gone...just more years of one made up crisis after another under him to look forward to...they have to keep their rabid base angry and stirred up...

I hope the people have had their fill of Progressives/Democrats come the next election...that's all we can hope for
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The rabbi posted:
Displaying the stupid again?
Obama has been president for 5 years. At what point does any of this become his responsibility?
I dont recall any downgrades while Bush was president. I dont recall any talks of the gov't defaulting when Bush was president. I dont even recall any of that in Obama's first year.
Obama's recovery has been worse than Bush's recession.

Ron sez:
Of course you didn't see any downgrades while bush was in office. The reason you didn't see them is because the Democrats chose to work with bush and they did not try to take America hostage to get their way. In other words, they acted like adults contrary to the way republicans have acted.
As for the recovery, it could have been much better IF the republicans had chosen to help. They have done everything in their power (with your blessing) to attack President Obama and virtually nothing to help America. You disagree? Explain to me why the House has voted to repeal ACA fourty one (41) times but they have not voted for one (1) jobs bill.
Who said they did?

I was agreeing about all those failed programs and the taxpayers who fund them.

Catch a clue.

You said they did not. That is what my obviously sarcastic comment referred to.

Brown people pull carts, dummy.

You should see them shuck shingles off a roof. Or haul shingles up a ladder. Much harder than pulling a cart.:doubt:

they will be painting my building coming up here pretty soon.....
Democrats were idiots in 2011 to think that if they appeased the Republicans that the extortion games would end

All they did was set the country up for default and give the Republicans a new hammer they could use

so many here were right.....they are partially to blame for this......may they follow the Republicans straight to hell....
Do you actually consider this post objective? This mentality that all Obama supporters think the same way? As if we have a fucking monthly meeting to decide on what we all believe and agree upon?

Do you at all blame Republicans for this mess? Wouldn't including them in this analysis be objective? If you don't think House republicans are at fault for this mess than you are seriously kidding yourself.

I think it's silly to pretend that the President of the United States has absolutely no responsibility in what's going on. This almost seems like an insult to President Obama. If Obama really is unconnected to the events inside Washington then his lame duck status came earlier than I thought. As I've said in other posts, I believe the only objective view is that both political parties have helped lead us here. Yes, this even includes Obama.
I don't know if democrats all think the same because of monthly meetings or pure religious fervor disguised as partisanship. Either way, it kinda creepy on a sociological level.
Again (and I'll try not to generalize too much), for those who think Obama has absolutely nothing to do with our current situation must have a lower opinion of Obama's "leadership skill" than even I do.

Good god. Why does thinking critically escape you? No, believe it or not, I don't support everything Obama does.

How exactly have Obama and dems caused this shutdown? I am dying to know. If you say its simply because of a LAW he introduced years ago, I am going to freak out. Don't go there. The republicans own this shutdown. Say what you want about Obama in general, but it is ridiculous to put any blame on him for this.

Have Obama and dems put politics before country in the past? Yes, of course. Every politician has.

It is obvious that Obama is partially responsible for the government shutdown because he is a Kenyan muslim who passed a law that no one wants. LOL! Just kidding! I just wanted to watch you freak out. Actually, when I talked about Obama's lack of leadership I was referring to his petulant insistence on not negotiating, petty angry rhetoric and lack of statesmanship. Even when Clinton and Gingrich were in the midst of political warfare they still talked and negotiated and got things done. As I said before, if you really don't believe Obama has anything to do with the government shutdown then perhaps somebody should wake up our president and tell him to stop leading from behind.
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This all goes back to the fact that the GOP's base of older whites is very anxious and uncomfortable about the ethnic and racial changes taking place today.

Obama's election was a traumatic event for them. They were shocked and devastated by it. His re-election just added to their mental instability. The fact that the one time in most of their whole lives that the GOP held unified power is seen by most as a error-filled fiasco just adds to their steaming anger.

80% of medicare users are white, but just less than 50% of newborns are white. This country is changing, and changing fast.

The GOP's base doesn't believe that anyone but their elderly and white supporters are deserving of government assistance. That's why the farm bill's subsidies for mostly white, rural farmers passed, while food stamps were scrapped. That's why government involvement in healthcare is unacceptable to them....except medicare part D, the most recently new debt-growing entitlement.

This isn't going to end well for the GOP. I predict it's demise, frankly, in a generation. It had a good run, till the corrupt Nixonians decided to attract the emotionally stunted and reactionary white South, with their racial anxieties and close-minded social views.

I heard an interesting stat yesterday.

In 1988 GHW Bush got 59% of the white vote against Dukakis. That landed him a 7 million vote victory with over 400 electoral votes.

In 2012, Romney got 59% of the white vote against Obama. That landed him a 4 million vote loss and 206 electoral votes.

Dwell on that a spell. See if you can develop a rational plan of action for the GOP moving forward.

What is even more bizarre about the stat is that GHWB wasn't exactly Mr. Charisma that would retard the Dem turnout.

I tend to think that Reagan was the famous "category killer" when it comes to politics. I think he will be viewed as the greatest President of our times so the GHWB presidency from a political science standpoint in 1988 has a bit of his afterglow. However, what you posted should keep the right wing up at night. Brilliant.
Only in RW Republican circles.

The truth of the matter is the farther we go from his time as President, the more we find out he was a disaster. He raised taxes 18 times, he gutted the government, he negotiated with terrorists, the bastard even sold WMDs to the enemy. After being told NOT to do it. He broke the law, then lied about it to the American people on live TV. The man should have been impeached.

Instead the RW Republicans have raised him up to be some sort of God. However, the rest of us know better. He was a massive failure.
Democrats were idiots in 2011 to think that if they appeased the Republicans that the extortion games would end

All they did was set the country up for default and give the Republicans a new hammer they could use

so many here were right.....they are partially to blame for this......may they follow the Republicans straight to hell....

I agree...I could less about either one
I used to find the Republicans didn't repulse me as much as the Democrats
but now they can ALL go to hell
This all goes back to the fact that the GOP's base of older whites is very anxious and uncomfortable about the ethnic and racial changes taking place today.

Obama's election was a traumatic event for them. They were shocked and devastated by it. His re-election just added to their mental instability. The fact that the one time in most of their whole lives that the GOP held unified power is seen by most as a error-filled fiasco just adds to their steaming anger.

80% of medicare users are white, but just less than 50% of newborns are white. This country is changing, and changing fast.

The GOP's base doesn't believe that anyone but their elderly and white supporters are deserving of government assistance. That's why the farm bill's subsidies for mostly white, rural farmers passed, while food stamps were scrapped. That's why government involvement in healthcare is unacceptable to them....except medicare part D, the most recently new debt-growing entitlement.

This isn't going to end well for the GOP. I predict it's demise, frankly, in a generation. It had a good run, till the corrupt Nixonians decided to attract the emotionally stunted and reactionary white South, with their racial anxieties and close-minded social views.

I heard an interesting stat yesterday.

In 1988 GHW Bush got 59% of the white vote against Dukakis. That landed him a 7 million vote victory with over 400 electoral votes.

In 2012, Romney got 59% of the white vote against Obama. That landed him a 4 million vote loss and 206 electoral votes.

Dwell on that a spell. See if you can develop a rational plan of action for the GOP moving forward.
If the gop is to move forward they need to make fundamental changes in their thinking. Somehow they have forgotten that they are supposed to work for ALL Americans and not just the wealthy or the corporations. Eisenhower proposed and started building the interstate highway system that benefited ALL Americans. Nixon is responsible for giving us the EPA whose goal is to protect the air and water of this country. That helps ALL Americans. The current republicans gave us fourty one (41) votes to repeal ACA and not a single jobs bill. Their hatred of Obama is such that they would crash the country before giving him any help to rebuild the economy. The republicans have put party over country and that is a recipe for disaster.
I heard an interesting stat yesterday.

In 1988 GHW Bush got 59% of the white vote against Dukakis. That landed him a 7 million vote victory with over 400 electoral votes.

In 2012, Romney got 59% of the white vote against Obama. That landed him a 4 million vote loss and 206 electoral votes.

Dwell on that a spell. See if you can develop a rational plan of action for the GOP moving forward.

What is even more bizarre about the stat is that GHWB wasn't exactly Mr. Charisma that would retard the Dem turnout.

I tend to think that Reagan was the famous "category killer" when it comes to politics. I think he will be viewed as the greatest President of our times so the GHWB presidency from a political science standpoint in 1988 has a bit of his afterglow. However, what you posted should keep the right wing up at night. Brilliant.
Only in RW Republican circles.

The truth of the matter is the farther we go from his time as President, the more we find out he was a disaster. He raised taxes 18 times, he gutted the government, he negotiated with terrorists, the bastard even sold WMDs to the enemy. After being told NOT to do it. He broke the law, then lied about it to the American people on live TV. The man should have been impeached.

Instead the RW Republicans have raised him up to be some sort of God. However, the rest of us know better. He was a massive failure.

paper bag, cheese, or razor blades? and I suppose you call 7.5% unemployment for five years under OBama a raging success
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Republicans came into this game holding a pair of deuces. They tried to bluff the Democrats into folding a Full House

Come on Democrats.....are you SURE you don't want to fold?
Partially caused by your own party? I've seen many posts or threads by the right that is sick of some of the things the GOP does. Yet EVERY thread by the left gives their own party a complete pass and lambastes the right. Most polls show Americans are sick of EVERYONE in DC. But instead of taking that to heart you play stupid games with the percentages. Just yesterday I saw a poll that had Obama at 17% approval among independents. That is TERRIBLE. Yet every thread is about what everyone else is doing wrong.
Today I saw Alan Colmes say that he thinks there should be a 6 to 12 month delay on forced enrollment in Obamacare. And he's about as far left as one can be without falling over. How is it he can be honest but none of you can? What's the harm in the delay? The system is currently COMPLETELY dysfunctional. Even Gibbs admitted this.
Then we have the current shutdown. Boehner wont allow votes on Senate bills and Reid wont allow votes on house bills. Yet for some crazy ass reason that is beyond me the Tea Party gets the blame when it is ENTIRELY up to Reid & Boehner.
They are ALL acting like spoiled children INCLUDING OBAMA.

I've said a thousand times that the problem is Congress and after Citizens United was given a green light by SCOTUS, money flooded the pockets of these sluts on both sides of the aisle.

You were really stupid 1000 times and you are proud of it?

Tell me something, idiot, if Citizen's United is the problem, how do you explain what happened in the 200+ years before the ruling?

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