Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?


More on the Only Foundation of Absolute Objectivity

Boss is under the impression that I don't grasp the essence of his belief, but that simply is not true. I'm standing on the only foundation of absolute objectivity that permits one to back out of one's paradigm and understand him perfectly, from premise to conclusion, without fail. The fact of the matter is that his notion is rather ingenious and, as properly executed from its major premise, his conclusion can be made to rationally follow, that is, if we were to flesh out his syllogistic argument with the necessary minor premises, for they are necessarily plural in number in this case.

The problem with his notion, however, is that the major premise is neither rationally nor empirically demonstrable. Worse, it's plagued by a by fatal flaw. Because it violates the universally indispensable principle of identity, it's self-evident that it is not true in the light of the laws of organic thought, in that of the conventions of any conceivable, alternate form of logic or in that of the imperatives of mathematics. The major premise is manifestly and arbitrarily presumptuous on the very face it, unjustifiably precludes the only rationally coherent alternative, and if one were to include all of the minor premises that the major premise necessarily entails, the conclusion would fail.

In other words, I can build a syllogism for him that works . . . if we ignore the problems, pretend they don't exist:

1. Everything that exists in the cosmological order was created by God.
2. Human beings exist in the cosmological order.
3. God created human beings.
4. Human beings have logic.
5. Hence, God created logic.

That syllogism does not jump from an A to a non sequiturial B, as is the case in Boss' syllogism of Boss in the gap: God created everything; hence, God created logic. But what precisely is the fatal flaw of Boss' major premise, and what other facts of human consciousness did I leave out so that the conclusion wouldn't fail?

Do you even know what the fuck you're saying dude? This is just a load of convoluted mumbo jumbo that seems to be for the express purpose of making yourself look intellectual. I didn't say "hence" anything, that's YOU loading up my argument with presumptive terminology because that's how you think you can win this argument.

Logic serves no function except to humans trying to rationalize thought. If God created humans and the human mind, then God created logic as well, because that is the only place logic means anything or has any functional purpose in the universe. The same applies to all this claptrap you are spewing about "laws of identity" and "absolute objectivity" ...those are human concepts developed by the human mind in order to help understand a material and physical universe and reality... which was ALL created by God!

You've NOT contradicted that, you CAN'T contradict that, and if you DO contradict it, it's a false contradiction based on a flawed premise. The more you talk, the more you appear to be a little man with a little mind and an inferiority complex. I totally get why you've attacked me now. But you attacked the wrong dog bud, this dog bites back.

Why are you getting mad all the time now? You just said that you're absolutely right according to some kind of logic. So what's this magical logic that works for you but nobody else? See the problem? That's a sweet syllogism he gave you, now you just need to answer the questions so you can stop using magical logic to rationalize crazy. Just get rid of it and get back to reality.
More on the Only Foundation of Absolute Objectivity

Boss is under the impression that I don't grasp the essence of his belief, but that simply is not true. I'm standing on the only foundation of absolute objectivity that permits one to back out of one's paradigm and understand him perfectly, from premise to conclusion, without fail. The fact of the matter is that his notion is rather ingenious and, as properly executed from its major premise, his conclusion can be made to rationally follow, that is, if we were to flesh out his syllogistic argument with the necessary minor premises, for they are necessarily plural in number in this case.

The problem with his notion, however, is that the major premise is neither rationally nor empirically demonstrable. Worse, it's plagued by a by fatal flaw. Because it violates the universally indispensable principle of identity, it's self-evident that it is not true in the light of the laws of organic thought, in that of the conventions of any conceivable, alternate form of logic or in that of the imperatives of mathematics. The major premise is manifestly and arbitrarily presumptuous on the very face it, unjustifiably precludes the only rationally coherent alternative, and if one were to include all of the minor premises that the major premise necessarily entails, the conclusion would fail.

In other words, I can build a syllogism for him that works . . . if we ignore the problems, pretend they don't exist:

1. Everything that exists in the cosmological order was created by God.
2. Human beings exist in the cosmological order.
3. God created human beings.
4. Human beings have logic.
5. Hence, God created logic.

That syllogism does not jump from an A to a non sequiturial B, as is the case in Boss' syllogism of Boss in the gap: God created everything; hence, God created logic. But what precisely is the fatal flaw of Boss' major premise, and what other facts of human consciousness did I leave out so that the conclusion wouldn't fail?

I'm taking a stab at this. We know why the major premise is wrong. There's no reason to believe that God created everything that exists in the cosmos. That's crazy think. The only reason Boss likes that is because he can tell himself that logic was created and beg the question. Sweet. You left out humans have sentience, self-awareness, faith, knowledge, thought, free will, creative powers, language, mathematics. Boss says none of that stuff existed before God created it. So I guess God doesn't have feelings, self-awareness, no beliefs or knowledge, thought, free will, creative powers (ouch!), language and mathematics. Sounds like Boss' god is a real dummy who never created anything at all since none of that stuff existed until the time when Boss's god didn't create anything. Sweet.
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There's no reason to believe that God created everything that exists in the cosmos.

If you don't believe that, you don't believe in an omnipotent God.

Now that in of itself is fine by me, humans believe in all sorts of different incarnations of God, it's part of our intrinsic awareness of spiritual nature. I'm not mad at you for that, but you don't have the right to tell me my God is wrong and your God is right. And you most certainly don't have the right to call me names and insult me because I don't believe in your particular God.

This thread has been a real eye-opening experience for me. I thought Atheists were the only arrogant intolerant assholes on this subject... I was wrong! You two butt-buddies actually give me hope for people like G.T. and even silly boob, at least they are trying to comprehend and understand things. You two are stuck in your own little self-aggrandizing world of opinion.

That's really sad to me.
Creepy Justin

I'm creepy? You're saying we should throw out axioms, armchaos is a solipsist using inductive reasoning about physical things against innate ideas, Hollie's Linda Blair in The Exorcist, Boss's god is dumber than a box of rocks that can't tell the difference between created things and bestowed things, sealybobo believes in sin and karma but not God, QW thinks he exists but the principle of identity doesn't, BreezeWood gets mad at me because I don't know what came before the quantum vacuum physically, Dirideo Te thinks endless time explains the beginning of time, Foxfyre's god is a tiny closed minded thing, that creepy Jones guy thinks logic and science formally accept the idea of something from nothing, and all of you believe that guys like me, Where's My Keyes, Maxgrit, Ninja, Human Being, Rawlings, Abba, Bigrebnc, and peach and other guys who make sense are the crazy ones. Some of you guys are still saying science proves or disproves, something my science teacher in the eighth grade told me to stop saying. :lmao:It's like the lunatics were cut loose from the hospital without their meds.
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There's no reason to believe that God created everything that exists in the cosmos.

If you don't believe that, you don't believe in an omnipotent God.

Now that in of itself is fine by me, humans believe in all sorts of different incarnations of God, it's part of our intrinsic awareness of spiritual nature. I'm not mad at you for that, but you don't have the right to tell me my God is wrong and your God is right. And you most certainly don't have the right to call me names and insult me because I don't believe in your particular God.

This thread has been a real eye-opening experience for me. I thought Atheists were the only arrogant intolerant assholes on this subject... I was wrong! You two butt-buddies actually give me hope for people like G.T. and even silly boob, at least they are trying to comprehend and understand things. You two are stuck in your own little self-aggrandizing world of opinion.

That's really sad to me.

So your god doesn't know the difference between created things and bestowed things? That's real GT of you. So straw men, lies and crazy mad is all you got now? So the Bible stood the test of time with something stupid? Even Muslims know God didn't create logic. How stupid is the belief that God created logic? Pretty stupid. What a big fat phony. So all the major religions and philosophies in history are stupid, but Boss has the inside track. He's got a new idea that no one's ever heard of before that doesn't make any sense, but he's right. Boss is smarter than all the great philosophers and theologians. They're all a bunch of idiots, but Boss is smart. You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?
No, I'm saying you don't know what an axiom is, dope.

But nice rant.

You're like Boss trying to say something no one's ever heard of before and makes no sense is true. You're not smarter than all the great religions and philosophies, all the great philosophers and theologians. Until you can scientifically show that materialism is true you don't have a leg to stand on to just arbitrarily throw out an axiom you don't believe in. Where's your verification for materialism? Where is it? What's the name of this theory? Where's the peer reviewed paper on it with all the experimental verification? Got a link? All I got is a G.E.D. and all these smart people saying some of the stupidest things I've ever heard.
You're an ankle biter, dude.

MD is a shin kicker.

You are both little fucking gnats, attached at the hip.

I'm being really real with ya here.
There's no reason to believe that God created everything that exists in the cosmos.

If you don't believe that, you don't believe in an omnipotent God.

Now that in of itself is fine by me, humans believe in all sorts of different incarnations of God, it's part of our intrinsic awareness of spiritual nature. I'm not mad at you for that, but you don't have the right to tell me my God is wrong and your God is right. And you most certainly don't have the right to call me names and insult me because I don't believe in your particular God.

This thread has been a real eye-opening experience for me. I thought Atheists were the only arrogant intolerant assholes on this subject... I was wrong! You two butt-buddies actually give me hope for people like G.T. and even silly boob, at least they are trying to comprehend and understand things. You two are stuck in your own little self-aggrandizing world of opinion.

That's really sad to me.

So your god doesn't know the difference between created things and bestowed things? That's real GT of you. So straw men, lies and crazy mad is all you got now? So the Bible stood the test of time with something stupid? Even Muslims know God didn't create logic. How stupid is the belief that God created logic? Pretty stupid. What a big fat phony. So all the major religions and philosophies in history are stupid, but Boss has the inside track. He's got a new idea that no one's ever heard of before that doesn't make any sense, but he's right. Boss is smarter than all the great philosophers and theologians. They're all a bunch of idiots, but Boss is smart. You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

no, I just said you have the manners of a pig - gun slinger ...


means Creator! No Creator, no creation. Nothing exists.

TAG = God means Creator! No Creator, no creation. Nothing exists = bible

there is nothing in anyone's mind that makes them believe all that exists was artificially created.


How could anything exist without a Creator of everything else that exists? Nothing can exist without a Creator. It's called logic. Think about it sometime. And what's an artificial creation? There's no concept of a divine creator in the human mind. Never happened. Amazing. Poof. It's all gone. It's magic. Where did it go? I know it was right here a minute ago. The word creator doesn't even exist. It's just something we say but doesn't exist has no meaning. I just saw it again but it disappeared again. Scotty beam them up for brain transplants. Help them Scotty.
You're an ankle biter, dude.

MD is a shin kicker.

You are both little fucking gnats, attached at the hip.

I'm being really real with ya here.

Still no argument? "The TAG has got the atheists mocking themselves. Sweet!":lmao:
Boss's god is dumber than a box of rocks that can't tell the difference between created things and bestowed things...

Can't be bestowed until it's created.
There's no reason to believe that God created everything that exists in the cosmos.

If you don't believe that, you don't believe in an omnipotent God.

Now that in of itself is fine by me, humans believe in all sorts of different incarnations of God, it's part of our intrinsic awareness of spiritual nature. I'm not mad at you for that, but you don't have the right to tell me my God is wrong and your God is right. And you most certainly don't have the right to call me names and insult me because I don't believe in your particular God.

This thread has been a real eye-opening experience for me. I thought Atheists were the only arrogant intolerant assholes on this subject... I was wrong! You two butt-buddies actually give me hope for people like G.T. and even silly boob, at least they are trying to comprehend and understand things. You two are stuck in your own little self-aggrandizing world of opinion.

That's really sad to me.

So your god doesn't know the difference between created things and bestowed things? That's real GT of you. So straw men, lies and crazy mad is all you got now? So the Bible stood the test of time with something stupid? Even Muslims know God didn't create logic. How stupid is the belief that God created logic? Pretty stupid. What a big fat phony. So all the major religions and philosophies in history are stupid, but Boss has the inside track. He's got a new idea that no one's ever heard of before that doesn't make any sense, but he's right. Boss is smarter than all the great philosophers and theologians. They're all a bunch of idiots, but Boss is smart. You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

no, I just said you have the manners of a pig - gun slinger ...

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you subjectivists, relativists and atheists has no manners and you're all a bunch of saints always attacking the person but never the argument. Look, pig brain, you have asked and said the same things over and over again. Your pig soup has been answered. You never honestly state what answer was given to you, you just change the subject or repeat the same garbage over and over again as if no one answered it. That's what's rude. You're rude and disrespectful of the ideas of others because you intentionally ignore them and misrepresent them. So take your pig train somewhere else. No more pig soup for you.:lmao:

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