Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

There's no reason to believe that God created everything that exists in the cosmos.

If you don't believe that, you don't believe in an omnipotent God.

Now that in of itself is fine by me, humans believe in all sorts of different incarnations of God, it's part of our intrinsic awareness of spiritual nature. I'm not mad at you for that, but you don't have the right to tell me my God is wrong and your God is right. And you most certainly don't have the right to call me names and insult me because I don't believe in your particular God.

This thread has been a real eye-opening experience for me. I thought Atheists were the only arrogant intolerant assholes on this subject... I was wrong! You two butt-buddies actually give me hope for people like G.T. and even silly boob, at least they are trying to comprehend and understand things. You two are stuck in your own little self-aggrandizing world of opinion.

That's really sad to me.

So your god doesn't know the difference between created things and bestowed things? That's real GT of you. So straw men, lies and crazy mad is all you got now? So the Bible stood the test of time with something stupid? Even Muslims know God didn't create logic. How stupid is the belief that God created logic? Pretty stupid. What a big fat phony. So all the major religions and philosophies in history are stupid, but Boss has the inside track. He's got a new idea that no one's ever heard of before that doesn't make any sense, but he's right. Boss is smarter than all the great philosophers and theologians. They're all a bunch of idiots, but Boss is smart. You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

no, I just said you have the manners of a pig - gun slinger ...

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you subjectivists, relativists and atheists has no manners and you're all a bunch of saints always attacking the person but never the argument. Look, pig brain, you have asked and said the same things over and over again. Your pig soup has been answered. You never honestly state what answer was given to you, you just change the subject or repeat the same garbage over and over again as if no one answered it. That's what's rude. You're rude and disrespectful of the ideas of others because you intentionally ignore them and misrepresent them. So take your pig train somewhere else. No more pig soup for you.:lmao:

Fuckin' IRONIC!
That's not true. Are you going to ask why that's not true
Yes, why is that not true?

or keep arguing against the proofs for theism that are not based on hypotheses? You don't know what you're talking about. You're like the atheist Hollie who argues against atheists without even realizing that she's proving that the theist's arguments are true. Only you're the opposite Hollie, the theist Hollie who argues that the false arguments of atheists.
This section of your post holds no argumentative value.

Let me ask you this question, even if it sounds silly. Do you believe that you exist?
No, I know I do.
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Yes, why is that not true?
No, I know I do.

That other stuff was just for fun. Just kidding around with you. :biggrin:

So that's great. You know that you exist. So why do you believe God exists? Just wondering. You got to have a reason right?
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There's no reason to believe that God created everything that exists in the cosmos.

If you don't believe that, you don't believe in an omnipotent God.

Now that in of itself is fine by me, humans believe in all sorts of different incarnations of God, it's part of our intrinsic awareness of spiritual nature. I'm not mad at you for that, but you don't have the right to tell me my God is wrong and your God is right. And you most certainly don't have the right to call me names and insult me because I don't believe in your particular God.

This thread has been a real eye-opening experience for me. I thought Atheists were the only arrogant intolerant assholes on this subject... I was wrong! You two butt-buddies actually give me hope for people like G.T. and even silly boob, at least they are trying to comprehend and understand things. You two are stuck in your own little self-aggrandizing world of opinion.

That's really sad to me.

So your god doesn't know the difference between created things and bestowed things? That's real GT of you. So straw men, lies and crazy mad is all you got now? So the Bible stood the test of time with something stupid? Even Muslims know God didn't create logic. How stupid is the belief that God created logic? Pretty stupid. What a big fat phony. So all the major religions and philosophies in history are stupid, but Boss has the inside track. He's got a new idea that no one's ever heard of before that doesn't make any sense, but he's right. Boss is smarter than all the great philosophers and theologians. They're all a bunch of idiots, but Boss is smart. You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

You're a joke, Boss, a total jackass. You really need to shut up before your stupid spreads. Just shut up. Sweet?

no, I just said you have the manners of a pig - gun slinger ...

It's a festering religious war between opposing sides who are convinced that their partisan gawds are true to the exclusion of others' partisan gawds.

Eight year olds pulling their pants down for sword fights.
No, I'm saying you don't know what an axiom is, dope.

But nice rant.
Yes, why is that not true?
No, I know I do.

That other stuff was just for fun. Just kidding around with you. :biggrin:

So that's great. You know that you exist. So why do you believe God exists? Just wondering. You got to have a reason right?
Because I want to.

That's a motive, not an answer to the question. Why do you think God exists? You're just walking down the street one day and bam God exists? What exists? The word "God"? Ideas of God? Who or what is this thing you think exists? You don't know what it is you believe in?
Boss's god is dumber than a box of rocks that can't tell the difference between created things and bestowed things...

Can't be bestowed until it's created.

So now God was created.:lmao:
Yes, by a hierarchy of incrementally more powerful gawds.

Hey Hollie. You're Jewish, right? Isn't it true you can be Jewish and not believe in god? In other words I'm sure there are people who were born and raised Jewish, might not believe in god and still consider themselves Jewish?

But you can't be an atheist and say you are a Christian. I was born Greek Orthodox and I still kind of consider myself a member. If someone asked I'd tell them I was Greek Orthodox. Like, if my boss asked me I would not say I don't believe in god. I'm thinking that being Jewish is both a nationality and a religion? Or a ethnicity and a religion? Help!
Relativism is Pride and Arrogance, Foolish Pride and Arrogance!

The relativist is the boastfully arrogant pseudo-intellectual, the self-anointed sage of enlightenment looking down his nose on us simple folk who simply believe what common sense dictates. The relativist is the mystical, magic man who pretends to know things that according to his very own premise cannot possibly be known—secrete, esoteric things hidden away from us rubes: logically contradictory things, inherently self-negating things, things that positively prove the opposite of everything he holds to be true, things that are rationally and empirically indemonstrable, things that are patently false and insane according to the logic of human cognition.

God is Love. Did God create love?

God is Truth. Did God create truth?

God is Omniscience. Did God create omniscience?

God is Omnipotence. Did God create omnipotence?

God is Omnipresence. Did God create omnipresence?

God is Rationality and Order. Did God create rationality and order in the cosmos or bestow His rationality and order on the cosmos when He created it?

Where is the contradiction in that?

Answer: there is no contradiction!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

God is not inherently bound by His own nature and is not bound to create things in accordance with His own nature?

That's your argument?

Answer: Yes, it is!

What's wrong with that argument?

Answer: everything!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is a perfect God bound by the imperatives of love and truth and rationality and order?

Answer: Yes, He is!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is God rational or is He irrational? He is rational!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is God bound by His nature of rationality and order? Yes or no?

Answer: Yes, He is!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

A: A = A.

God = Not-God?!
Is that your argument?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is that argument sensible?

Answer: No, it's not!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

God Not-God.

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

If our logic is wrong, then God is leading us to believe things about Him that are wrong, indeed, things that according to your logic don't even makes sense to us!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is your logic right?

Answer: No, it's not! It's incoherent and insane.

Indeed, it contradicts itself at every turn: for example, according to you, we can only believe truth, not know truth.

Are you asserting that as an absolutely true statement? Yes or no?

Answer: Yes, you are!

Hence, does your claim necessarily negate itself and positively prove the opposite is true?

Answer: Yes, it does!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Your logic is wrong, because the only thing that does make sense is the real logic of human cognition that just destroyed your nonsense, the logic that must be the eternally existing logic of God bestowed on us, not created!

Enough of this nonsense that the terms endow or bestow or confer are synonymous to the term create!

God did not create logic!

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