Is this administration forbidden from governing for America's core citizens?

So far, considering the common rhetoric, the EO's and the policies that have been promised it looks like the entire administration is laser focused on working for the outliers, the fringe factions, Mexico's people and foreign nations.
My guess is; this sort of thing is what the Party considers to be ultra "PROGRESSIVE" and good for the future of the Party. At what point should core citizens feel duped by all the promises to unite?
Did Almost Dead Joe really mean he'd unite with 'soft-talk' but divide with exclusive to the fringe policies maybe?
What trump's Nazis do not understand, they are not the "core" of the United States population, just the loudest, the most obnoxious, and the most, incredibly stupid.
Well the core of the United States is certainly not gays and blacks.
Actually, the two groups you mention are, indeed, part of the core of the United States citizenry. It's people like you, trump's Nazis that orbit far out among the "fringes".

You bitch after of the Executive Orders the Traitor signed. Get a life.

Herr Himmler, I agree that the traitor, "president" * has signed many unlawful executive orders, setting himself as dictator.

Contrast that with the last legitimate president, Donald Trump, who followed the Constitution and signed a mere 4 executive orders in 4 years, understanding that laws are made by the legislature, not by tin horn dictators like Beijing Biden.

220 in 4 years.

So far, considering the common rhetoric, the EO's and the policies that have been promised it looks like the entire administration is laser focused on working for the outliers, the fringe factions, Mexico's people and foreign nations.
My guess is; this sort of thing is what the Party considers to be ultra "PROGRESSIVE" and good for the future of the Party. At what point should core citizens feel duped by all the promises to unite?
Did Almost Dead Joe really mean he'd unite with 'soft-talk' but divide with exclusive to the fringe policies maybe?
What is it that you are not getting in an EO? I have not been announced as the lotto winner yet that is nothing new.

It's not about's about America and doing what's best for America's best citizens.
You aren't really confused...are you?
America's best citizens which are who exactly?
Americas core citizens is what?

I love it when whacks play stupid to this one...I enjoy enlightening you.
A good, real, core American is someone here legally and not on a stolen citizenship, one who is law abiding and positive contributing, one who is able to articulate the english language with ease, one who takes great pride in American patriotism, our Declaration Of Independence, our Constitution, one committed to preserving and protecting America’s history, culture, tradition and value systems, one who is likely to shed a tear as our national anthem plays, one who probably had family who served in WW1 or WW2 and or Vietnam.
See, simple shit...why do you America haters always act like this is so complicated?

Got it, so you can't be an American core citizen if you support the attack on the Constitutional Process of counting the certified EC votes from the states with the aim of violently overturning the results of the EC vote and installing a Man who claimed massive fraud but could not prove it in any court in the entire country.

Thanks for enlightening me.

Oh yeah about the DOI. The neo-rebels lost one national election.

" Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Spin away if it makes you feel better...but again, this shit isn't complicated for anyone legit.

You are correct. You don't support the Constitutions by violently attacking it, therefore, according to your definition, you are not really a legit American Core Citizen.

Enlightenment is fun.
Define your core citizen

Assuming you're not talking about ERB's Pellucidar, this BrokeLoser ditty is what enlightened me.

"I love it when whacks play stupid to this one...I enjoy enlightening you.
A good, real, core American is someone here legally and not on a stolen citizenship, one who is law abiding and positive contributing, one who is able to articulate the english language with ease, one who takes great pride in American patriotism, our Declaration Of Independence, our Constitution, one committed to preserving and protecting America’s history, culture, tradition and value systems, one who is likely to shed a tear as our national anthem plays, one who probably had family who served in WW1 or WW2 and or Vietnam.
See, simple shit...why do you America haters always act like this is so complicated?
Then why did you vote for Biden? He cares nothing for those qualities. Amazing you can write it but don’t support it! I know you

Who are you to tell me what I believe?
Looks like some violent thugs attacking a police car.

Yep, democrat thugs engaged in insurgency at the prompting of Kamala Harris and Nancy Pigshit

Not a politically incited mob trying to over turn the valid and certified national election of 2020.

A VERY politically incited mob.


Frankly I don't think either group of violent thugs represent core Americans ,according to brokeloser anyway.

The democrat Brown Shirts are the terrorist troops of your Reich. You attacked the seat of government and tried to kill the president.

Nazis gunna be Nazis.....[/quote]


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So far, considering the common rhetoric, the EO's and the policies that have been promised it looks like the entire administration is laser focused on working for the outliers, the fringe factions, Mexico's people and foreign nations.
My guess is; this sort of thing is what the Party considers to be ultra "PROGRESSIVE" and good for the future of the Party. At what point should core citizens feel duped by all the promises to unite?
Did Almost Dead Joe really mean he'd unite with 'soft-talk' but divide with exclusive to the fringe policies maybe?
What is it that you are not getting in an EO? I have not been announced as the lotto winner yet that is nothing new.

It's not about's about America and doing what's best for America's best citizens.
You aren't really confused...are you?
America's best citizens which are who exactly?
Americas core citizens is what?

I love it when whacks play stupid to this one...I enjoy enlightening you.
A good, real, core American is someone here legally and not on a stolen citizenship, one who is law abiding and positive contributing, one who is able to articulate the english language with ease, one who takes great pride in American patriotism, our Declaration Of Independence, our Constitution, one committed to preserving and protecting America’s history, culture, tradition and value systems, one who is likely to shed a tear as our national anthem plays, one who probably had family who served in WW1 or WW2 and or Vietnam.
See, simple shit...why do you America haters always act like this is so complicated?

Got it, so you can't be an American core citizen if you support the attack on the Constitutional Process of counting the certified EC votes from the states with the aim of violently overturning the results of the EC vote and installing a Man who claimed massive fraud but could not prove it in any court in the entire country.

Thanks for enlightening me.

Oh yeah about the DOI. The neo-rebels lost one national election.

" Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Spin away if it makes you feel better...but again, this shit isn't complicated for anyone legit.

You are correct. You don't support the Constitutions by violently attacking it, therefore, according to your definition, you are not really a legit American Core Citizen.

Enlightenment is fun.
Define your core citizen

Assuming you're not talking about ERB's Pellucidar, this BrokeLoser ditty is what enlightened me.

"I love it when whacks play stupid to this one...I enjoy enlightening you.
A good, real, core American is someone here legally and not on a stolen citizenship, one who is law abiding and positive contributing, one who is able to articulate the english language with ease, one who takes great pride in American patriotism, our Declaration Of Independence, our Constitution, one committed to preserving and protecting America’s history, culture, tradition and value systems, one who is likely to shed a tear as our national anthem plays, one who probably had family who served in WW1 or WW2 and or Vietnam.
See, simple shit...why do you America haters always act like this is so complicated?
You know damn well he hates Trump and the unlawful nasty super duper things he did so beautifully.

I just know it's great to be enlightened!

I love the smell of enlightenment in the morning!
So far, considering the common rhetoric, the EO's and the policies that have been promised it looks like the entire administration is laser focused on working for the outliers, the fringe factions, Mexico's people and foreign nations.
My guess is; this sort of thing is what the Party considers to be ultra "PROGRESSIVE" and good for the future of the Party. At what point should core citizens feel duped by all the promises to unite?
Did Almost Dead Joe really mean he'd unite with 'soft-talk' but divide with exclusive to the fringe policies maybe?

Biden has a lot of bribes to pay off.
And you ignore what he has done.


From a competent, scientfic approach to expertise in logistics to openness with the American people, President Bien has been working as if this pandemic is as dreadful as it truly is.

Your Social issues will be debated later, once we're all safe again.


Name ONE thing "president" * has done to help the situation with the Wuhan Designer Virus? Outlawed calling it the "China Virus?" Beijing Biden was quick to obey his boss, but that does nothing for America.

"President" * admitted that he has no plan.

Remember how you Nazis HOWLED when Trump admitted the same?

You Nazis are the biggest fucking hypocrites in the Universe.
That would be ROTWH, Resident of the White House. NOT POTUS. lol
Every nation on earth allowed their citizens back in because China did not fully describe the danger.
Biden was screaming to not shut down or impede international travel, saying it was xenophobic, so you Liberals can stick your hypocrisy up your asses.

Canada didn't shut down travel with China until we closed our border to all outsiders, and Canada doesn't have the outbreak that you did. Trump's travel restrictions and call home to US citizens brought the virus to the USA. His failure to mandate testing at all airports and mandatory quarantine of people coming in from hot zones spread the virus throughout the country, and they he let it run amok.

Trump's travel bans were xenophobic, but more importantly, they failed utterly, and they didn't test the people they brought home or quarantine them. They brought them home to incubate the virus.
Not that China had anything to do with releasing the Kung Flu upon the world....You know the country that has Joe Biden in their pocket....

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