Is THIS an Uncle Tom too?

The BLM movement doesnt have the integrity to address the REALissue happening in their community. Their innability to admit that black culture is a blight on society, is why their movement will never go anywhere..
The media and Dims didn't like this part:

“From personal experience, living in the ‘hood, living in the inner city, you deal with different things. You deal with people dying. I dealt with a best friend getting killed, and it was two, 35-year-old black men. Wasn’t no police officers involved. There wasn’t anyone else involved. I didn’t hear anybody shouting “Black lives matter!” then. And I think that’s, that’s the point we need to get to. We need to deal with our own, internal issue before we move forward and start pointing fingers and start attacking other people. We need to solidify ourselves as a people and deal with our issues. Because I think as long as we have black-on-black crime and one black man killing another, you know, if black lives matter then they should matter all the time.
Richard Sherman discusses the Black Lives Matter movement with media

Remind when the dems on this board said black lives matter all the time? Remind when they addressed the rampant thug culture and horrendous murder rate inflicted on blacks BY blacks? Remind me when the supposed black lives matter movement said anything about the thousands murdered every year in black communities BY other blacks?
Not too long ago conservatives were blasting Sherman and calling him a thug. Not surprising you all have such short memories.
The momentum appears to be building, let's just hope for the sake of American Blacks (and America) that it continues.
Richard Sherman discusses the Black Lives Matter movement with media

Remind when the dems on this board said black lives matter all the time? Remind when they addressed the rampant thug culture and horrendous murder rate inflicted on blacks BY blacks? Remind me when the supposed black lives matter movement said anything about the thousands murdered every year in black communities BY other blacks?

Why? Even we explain it to you, you STILL won't understand.

But I'll give it a go.

The question is not that more blacks are killed by gang members than cops. When a gang-member kills someone, they are arrested, prosecuted, poorly represented by a public defender, and given a harsh sentence.

When a police officer kills a black person, the police go into defense mode, hide the evidence, all lie to protect their fellow officer, and if some prosecutor has the balls to prosecute them, a bunch of racists put together a bunch of money to hire lawyers for them to obfuscate the issue while slandering the victims. "Did you know she might have smoked a JOINT!!! Reefer Madness!!!"
Richard Sherman discusses the Black Lives Matter movement with media

Remind when the dems on this board said black lives matter all the time? Remind when they addressed the rampant thug culture and horrendous murder rate inflicted on blacks BY blacks? Remind me when the supposed black lives matter movement said anything about the thousands murdered every year in black communities BY other blacks?

Why? Even we explain it to you, you STILL won't understand.

But I'll give it a go.

The question is not that more blacks are killed by gang members than cops. When a gang-member kills someone, they are arrested, prosecuted, poorly represented by a public defender, and given a harsh sentence.

When a police officer kills a black person, the police go into defense mode, hide the evidence, all lie to protect their fellow officer, and if some prosecutor has the balls to prosecute them, a bunch of racists put together a bunch of money to hire lawyers for them to obfuscate the issue while slandering the victims. "Did you know she might have smoked a JOINT!!! Reefer Madness!!!"

It goes right over your head then if that's truly your response.
It goes right over your head then if that's truly your response.

Some Uncle Tom telling white people how shiftless his fellow blacks are is just another fine tradition of house Negroes.

I get while blacks are upset, you clearly don't want to get it.
Richard Sherman discusses the Black Lives Matter movement with media

Remind when the dems on this board said black lives matter all the time? Remind when they addressed the rampant thug culture and horrendous murder rate inflicted on blacks BY blacks? Remind me when the supposed black lives matter movement said anything about the thousands murdered every year in black communities BY other blacks?
Not too long ago conservatives were blasting Sherman and calling him a thug. Not surprising you all have such short memories.
Point obviously went right over your hollow head.
It goes right over your head then if that's truly your response.

Some Uncle Tom telling white people how shiftless his fellow blacks are is just another fine tradition of house Negroes.

I get while blacks are upset, you clearly don't want to get it.

When someone points out the black on black violence versus cops killing blacks, it's not a debate over comparing the prosecution of the killer.

It's all about the violent culture of the inner city black community in the first place.
When someone points out the black on black violence versus cops killing blacks, it's not a debate over comparing the prosecution of the killer.

It's all about the violent culture of the inner city black community in the first place.

No, it's about how police routinely abuse their authority with the African American community.

You right wingers lose your shit when the government tells you what to do, but here you have the government killing people because of the color of their skin, they have every reason to be upset about that.
In answer to the OP, yes. If you are black and don't embrace the Blacks are Victims narrative you are an Uncle Tom. Of course, the corollary is if you are white and don't embrace the Blacks are Victims narrative you are a heartless racist.
Looks like the bloated cross groveling crackers really don't get it, well slope skulls, shortly you are going to be relegated to minority status , see how that works out for you and yours :badgrin:

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Looks like the bloated cross groveling crackers really don't get it, well slope skulls, shortly you are going to be relegated to minority status , see how that works out for you and yours :badgrin:
As a black person, how do you feel whites will be treated at that point?
Looks like the bloated cross groveling crackers really don't get it, well slope skulls, shortly you are going to be relegated to minority status , see how that works out for you and yours :badgrin:

Oh my. What a clever retort. Thanks for the poignant example of the benefits of progressive thought.
"Uncle Tom" Ray Lewis doesn't like the BLM crowd either.
The former Baltimore Ravens linebacker said while he understands that social conditions for Black people are among the worst nationwide, “it doesn’t give people the excuse to kill each other.”

Remove the word black and say ‘lives matter,'” he declared, in context of the Black Lives Matter movement. “Stop sending mothers back home empty. You can never replace a mother’s child. If we want black lives matter, let’s make it matter to us. That’s the new call.”

Former NFL Player Ray Lewis Denounces Black Lives Matter | The Black Sphere |
Everyone thought that Obama got elected, he would bring healing between whites and blacks

Instead, he has brought racial hatred back, strong as it ever was.

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