is this child abuse in your opinion?

is it child abuse in your eyes

  • yes, child abuse even if he stays 24 hours

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • child abuse only if he stays over a month

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • child abuse only if he stays over six months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NOT child abuse no matter how long he stays

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters
The poll sucks. Bigtime.

Not really, but the way we have treated the refugees certainly does.
That's exactly right and remember this country grants certain rights to refugees. That is something Republicans are simply choosing to overlook and downright ignore when they go and confront them and give them a bad time or want to have them go back home. Bush's 2008 Law gives them rights. Plain and Simple. If their rights are violated in any way from what they legally deserve to have then they should consider suing those who are denying them their rights. They would win of course and rightfully so. And thousands would follow and should follow their example. End of story.
a ten year old boy in immigration detention with his single mom. he goes to school on prison premises and beside that allowed out of his cell twice a week to a recreation room for two hours. the cell is painted brightly with pictures. medical care available if needed.
however, he's locked in the cell for the rest of the time and forced to wear prison uniforms.
child abse or not? take the poll please.

guilty by association.
The mother is abusing her child by dragging it across the desert knowing that they will be in that position when caught. Charge the mother and deport both.
No. I don't think it's child abuse. He's here illegally and should be sent back to where ever he came from immediately. Some countries will shoot you if you try to sneak into their country. I think it's time we began to do that.

He is TWELVE. Here with his MOTHER, who brought him into your country. Why should the child be punished for the actions of his mother?

Why should either be punished?

What would any of the haters do to save their own lives and the lives of families?

Would you break laws to save your child?

Never mind borders.

Just answer THAT question:

Would you haters break laws to save your child?


I would.

Without hesitation.

They all would, which is what makes them heartless fucks.
guilty by association.
The mother is abusing her child by dragging it across the desert knowing that they will be in that position when caught. Charge the mother and deport both.

You refer to a 12 year old boy as an 'it'?
Quite right Black Dog.
The little illegal knew exactly what he was doing when he invaded the country and deserves everything coming to him.

He's only 10 years old!
Can't be shooting any illegal immigrants, let alone children.

His single mother brought him in?

Maybe he and his mom were living in poverty in their country...and thought they'd like to have new toys and the life American adults and kids have that the mom and her son see on tv.
Totally understandable...but America has the right to decide who comes into its country.

The treatment of this boy in immigration detention is fair enough, if he's with his mom.
If not with his mom I have a problem with his detention in a cell in solitary confinement for that long.
Upon reflection, I also have a problem with the length of time he's spending in his cell, only out of his cell for a short time every week for exercise.
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a ten year old boy in immigration detention with his single mom. he goes to school on prison premises and beside that allowed out of his cell twice a week to a recreation room for two hours. the cell is painted brightly with pictures. medical care available if needed.
however, he's locked in the cell for the rest of the time and forced to wear prison uniforms.
child abse or not? take the poll please.

Put it this way. If an America did that to one of their children, they'd be arrested and charged. Why is America allowed to do the same to other children, and get away with it?

Before you guys elected a bunch of silly socialists you should have seen how difficult it was to get into Australia. Before you were born it was almost an ordeal for me to go down there for work. many times has a conservative=corporatist=capitolist been in office in the last 100 yrs? And, how did corporations achieve personhood?
Prison is probably nicer and has more food than where he came from. The kid probably thinks he's in a hotel. :D

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