CDZ Is this image a problem for you? Does it disturb you?

For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.

And yet, nothing you just posted is true or accurate.....guns aren't romanticized...they are a tool for self defense.

Do gun owners feel constantly They have a gun the way they have a fire extinguisher or seat they feel constant fear of fire or a car, they just know they happen and if they do, they will be ready.

There is no scourge of guns in this country. There is a scourge of criminals who are let out of jail, over and over by left wing judges and prosecutors ...who commit gun crime after gun crime and aren't kept away from normal people.

The truth is, those women do not cause crime. They do not cause gun crime, gun murder or violent crime...and as more women like these carry guns...our gun crime rate went down 75%....our gun murder rate went down 49%....our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

The exact opposite happened in Britain, where they banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime is going up, their violent crime is sky rocketing....

Nothing you posted reflects reality or truth.
It's the truth to me. As I have said, I have never had experiences with firearms. I can appreciate the analogy about extinguishers and seat belts.

But guns are a different kettle of fish. Guns are designed exclusively to propel a miss level of metal at deadly speed. By contrast, a stapler propels a miss leg of metal too, but not at deadly speed. Guns are deadly weapons.

We have endeavored to remove unnecessary risks for more our modern society. We have enacted legislation to pass traffic laws, public health oversight, established OSHA, EPA, Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Defense all with mandates to oversee risk management and reduce the hazards facing the public, workers and our future.

Everyone agrees that there are political solutions,mbi-partisan solutions, popular solutions at hand. Gunshow loopholes, internet sales and universal background checks among them. But the gun lobby won't. Vox Populi? Vox Cashola.

If you ever ventured into a small river town on the Ohio, you may start thinking there are too many guns in too many nefarious hands. Three times a week we read the headlines in our newspapers. Another drug bust along with an arsenal of weapons. How did these thugs, to use a word you might be more comfortable with, get their drug dealing hands on these guns?

I do appreciate your point about law abiding citizens and their responsible gun safety precautions. I can appreciate the nobility.

Everyone agrees that there are gun control laws on the books in every state and the federal register. Gun law cases seem to be a staple of every level in thejudiciary. There are laws that limit the general mayhem that would ensue after some psycho takes a .50 caliber up to the roof. There are laws specifying certain weapons. So you can't have any weapon you want.

Why is that? Is it because these specific weapons are recognized for the specific lethality of these weapons? If that is the case, why can't we recognize that the weapons found on these criminals arrested here don't play the role of a weapon recognized as presenting a clear and present danger to the folks around here.

Anyway, I should say that no one, at least not I, have mentioned confiscation. Let's put a pin in that and talk about solutions to a very real problem.

Nosmo...I get it....guns can be intimidating when you aren't around them. I came from a non gun home, and didn't have experience with guns until I was 17 and in the National Guard......there are issues of concern, but from my point of view, those opposed to legal gun ownership are not reacting to the truth about guns in this country, they are reacting to what they feel about guns.....and laws should not be created based on feelings....especially when they leave innocent people vulnerable to violent criminals....
Guns in criminal hands. A point of departure. What about those straw man purchasers? Can you imagine any other kind of gun buyer, aside from licensed gun shop owners, would buy a dozen Glocks at a time? Could there be a constriction on the sale of the weapons most often used in a crime? Would it be an effective, not fool-proof way of constricting the flow of guns used in crimes?
Guns in criminal hands. A point of departure. What about those straw man purchasers? Can you imagine any other kind of gun buyer, aside from licensed gun shop owners, would buy a dozen Glocks at a time? Could there be a constriction on the sale of the weapons most often used in a crime? Would it be an effective, not fool-proof way of constricting the flow of guns used in crimes?

Any individual purchasing more than 3 firearms in a 30 day period is supposed to be reviewed by the ATF. Most of these purchasers are cleared by ATF withoit even having to talk to the purchaser.
Guns in criminal hands. A point of departure. What about those straw man purchasers? Can you imagine any other kind of gun buyer, aside from licensed gun shop owners, would buy a dozen Glocks at a time? Could there be a constriction on the sale of the weapons most often used in a crime? Would it be an effective, not fool-proof way of constricting the flow of guns used in crimes?

Any individual purchasing more than 3 firearms in a 30 day period is supposed to be reviewed by the ATF. Most of these purchasers are cleared by ATF withoit even having to talk to the purchaser.
So any results from that law cannot be seen without stringent enforcement. That appears to be a budgetary and legislative oversight problem.

Do you imagine a congress not merely baked in to an originalist mindset, but it seems to be kiln fired. That narrow thinking would sooner live with a snake than have it killed if Madison and Monroe told them not to. I'm afraid the political responsibility lays squarely at Comservative feet.
Guns in criminal hands. A point of departure. What about those straw man purchasers? Can you imagine any other kind of gun buyer, aside from licensed gun shop owners, would buy a dozen Glocks at a time? Could there be a constriction on the sale of the weapons most often used in a crime? Would it be an effective, not fool-proof way of constricting the flow of guns used in crimes?

Criminals seldom pay retail for a firearm. The majority of guns they get either come from a family member, are stolen, or are bought from other criminals. They seldom even buy any ammunition, and only use whatever is in the gun when they got it.
So any results from that law cannot be seen without stringent enforcement. That appears to be a budgetary and legislative oversight problem.

ATF claims the investigations are done. Like getting on a plane, if you're not on a watch list and dont have connections to criminals, there's nothing law enforcement can do.

Do you imagine a congress not merely baked in to an originalist mindset, but it seems to be kiln fired. That narrow thinking would sooner live with a snake than have it killed if Madison and Monroe told them not to. I'm afraid the political responsibility lays squarely at Comservative feet.

Not only do I believe in Originalism, it's been passed down in my family, because my family was here at that time. Hell, we were supposedly involved in hanging a Tory in Essex, CT, in the last years of the 19th Century.
I WAS raised in a household with guns. Not once did I or My family feel constantly threatened, in fact, we never felt threatened. The same with ANYONE I've ever talked to about having guns in the household. Feeling threatened has never even entered their mind.

I lock my doors at night....I never feel threatened as I do it....
I never lock my doors, even on vacation, leave my keys in the truck....
I only lock My car doors when I'm in town. I don't even think the lock on My front door even works. I've been on vacation in California for two weeks and didn't lock anything up. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Yeah, good luck with that. My neighbors would likely stop you before you managed to get to the end of the street.
I could clean you up in a van with a bogus HVAC company name on it, 2 guys in the cab wearing greasy jumpsuits. Park backed into the driveway, poke around the AC for a while...the guy hiding in the van cleans out the house.

Or grab the truck... just show up with a wrecker. Gone in 60 seconds? With a self-loading truck, try ten! (Without ever leaving the cab, or even taking it out of gear.)
I WAS raised in a household with guns. Not once did I or My family feel constantly threatened, in fact, we never felt threatened. The same with ANYONE I've ever talked to about having guns in the household. Feeling threatened has never even entered their mind.

I lock my doors at night....I never feel threatened as I do it....
I never lock my doors, even on vacation, leave my keys in the truck....
I only lock My car doors when I'm in town. I don't even think the lock on My front door even works. I've been on vacation in California for two weeks and didn't lock anything up. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Go ahead, the cameras will make a record of it...
Sure...white Ford or GMC van with signs for an HVAC company (that doesn't exist), couple nondescript dudes in work clothes, hats, and shades, local plates that, if the cameras can read them, came from a van in the long-term lot at a local airport.

Wrecker is an extended-cab Ford 4x4, a repo truck with an older Eagle Claw hoist, white with a big push company lettering, equally bogus plates. The windows were tinted, so the driver's age/race/sex is unknown, and the DOT numbers were obscured by blue painter's tape. Details are hard to see...the truck had its lights off, and for some reason, the reverse and brake loghts bever came on at all.
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I lock my doors at night....I never feel threatened as I do it....
I never lock my doors, even on vacation, leave my keys in the truck....
I only lock My car doors when I'm in town. I don't even think the lock on My front door even works. I've been on vacation in California for two weeks and didn't lock anything up. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Yeah, good luck with that. My neighbors would likely stop you before you managed to get to the end of the street.
I could clean you up in a van with a bogus HVAC company name on it, 2 guys in the cab wearing greasy jumpsuits. Park backed into the driveway, poke around the AC for a while...the guy hiding in the van cleans out the house.

Or grab the truck... just show up with a wrecker. Gone in 60 seconds? With a self-loading truck, try ten! (Without ever leaving the cab, or even taking it out of gear.)
You do realize that you'd just end up in jail, right? Or possibly dead. All of My neighbors know I don't have AC and I heat My house with pellets in a wood stove. I and My wife talk daily to our two neighbors next door to us and they'd know if we were having anyone come repair anything, we would tell them about it. Of course, they'd know that we don't have a need for any HVAC.

You obviously don't have a clue about small town America, do you?

If someone showed up at My neighbor's house like you claim, I'd be out talking to him right after he knocked on the door, and I'd be armed. He has two young children and a baby that is barely 3-months old. Hell, I've seen bicycles, electronics and an assortment of other things I'll not describe, all left on a sidewalk and not be touched for weeks on end.

Good luck to you.
Guns in criminal hands. A point of departure. What about those straw man purchasers? Can you imagine any other kind of gun buyer, aside from licensed gun shop owners, would buy a dozen Glocks at a time? Could there be a constriction on the sale of the weapons most often used in a crime? Would it be an effective, not fool-proof way of constricting the flow of guns used in crimes?

As was pointed out, more than 1 gun in one sale is reported to the ATF

The guns most often used are handguns.......and yet the focus by anti gun groups are you can see why we are suspicious of their motives....

The best way to stop gun crime is to keep gun criminals locked up for long periods of time.......that catches felons caught with illegal guns and people who use guns to commit crimes......then you don't have to worry about background checks that don't work, and all the other gun laws that criminals ignore.

Lock up the actual people using guns illegally.
Here we have an image....if you see what I am alluding to...please comment.....View attachment 140169

If you have a problem with these women, please explain why.........
I've never been into the ratty torn jeans look. Not that I have a problem with it per say. But the rips and tears should be earned. Just my opinion...
I never lock my doors, even on vacation, leave my keys in the truck....
I only lock My car doors when I'm in town. I don't even think the lock on My front door even works. I've been on vacation in California for two weeks and didn't lock anything up. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Yeah, good luck with that. My neighbors would likely stop you before you managed to get to the end of the street.
I could clean you up in a van with a bogus HVAC company name on it, 2 guys in the cab wearing greasy jumpsuits. Park backed into the driveway, poke around the AC for a while...the guy hiding in the van cleans out the house.

Or grab the truck... just show up with a wrecker. Gone in 60 seconds? With a self-loading truck, try ten! (Without ever leaving the cab, or even taking it out of gear.)
You do realize that you'd just end up in jail, right? Or possibly dead. All of My neighbors know I don't have AC and I heat My house with pellets in a wood stove. I and My wife talk daily to our two neighbors next door to us and they'd know if we were having anyone come repair anything, we would tell them about it. Of course, they'd know that we don't have a need for any HVAC.

You obviously don't have a clue about small town America, do you?

If someone showed up at My neighbor's house like you claim, I'd be out talking to him right after he knocked on the door, and I'd be armed. He has two young children and a baby that is barely 3-months old. Hell, I've seen bicycles, electronics and an assortment of other things I'll not describe, all left on a sidewalk and not be touched for weeks on end.

Good luck to you.

I once drove into a gated community-full of 7-figure houses, with 24-7 security. I was waved in, and 10 minutes later, I drove out. I was driving a ratty, dented, 30-year-old old F800 rollback with hardware-store decals for DOT numbers and no company lettering...and drove right out the gate with a $100,000+ Mercedes roadster on the deck. For all the guard knew, that car could have been headed for China in a container! Wreckers are invisible...nobody sees them. Drive a tow truck, hit the strobes, and you would be amazed how many gates you get waved through! (Hell, I once got waved right onto a military base with barely a second glance.)

And, again: I can hook a car with an Eagle Claw in ten seconds! Do it at night with a stealth truck, it's gone before you get to the door.
I never lock my doors, even on vacation, leave my keys in the truck....
I only lock My car doors when I'm in town. I don't even think the lock on My front door even works. I've been on vacation in California for two weeks and didn't lock anything up. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Yeah, good luck with that. My neighbors would likely stop you before you managed to get to the end of the street.
I could clean you up in a van with a bogus HVAC company name on it, 2 guys in the cab wearing greasy jumpsuits. Park backed into the driveway, poke around the AC for a while...the guy hiding in the van cleans out the house.

Or grab the truck... just show up with a wrecker. Gone in 60 seconds? With a self-loading truck, try ten! (Without ever leaving the cab, or even taking it out of gear.)
You do realize that you'd just end up in jail, right? Or possibly dead. All of My neighbors know I don't have AC and I heat My house with pellets in a wood stove. I and My wife talk daily to our two neighbors next door to us and they'd know if we were having anyone come repair anything, we would tell them about it. Of course, they'd know that we don't have a need for any HVAC.

You obviously don't have a clue about small town America, do you?

If someone showed up at My neighbor's house like you claim, I'd be out talking to him right after he knocked on the door, and I'd be armed. He has two young children and a baby that is barely 3-months old. Hell, I've seen bicycles, electronics and an assortment of other things I'll not describe, all left on a sidewalk and not be touched for weeks on end.

Good luck to you.

Those folks in rural America sometimes live by the "Three S Rule":

Shoot, shovel, and shut up.
I only lock My car doors when I'm in town. I don't even think the lock on My front door even works. I've been on vacation in California for two weeks and didn't lock anything up. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Yeah, good luck with that. My neighbors would likely stop you before you managed to get to the end of the street.
I could clean you up in a van with a bogus HVAC company name on it, 2 guys in the cab wearing greasy jumpsuits. Park backed into the driveway, poke around the AC for a while...the guy hiding in the van cleans out the house.

Or grab the truck... just show up with a wrecker. Gone in 60 seconds? With a self-loading truck, try ten! (Without ever leaving the cab, or even taking it out of gear.)
You do realize that you'd just end up in jail, right? Or possibly dead. All of My neighbors know I don't have AC and I heat My house with pellets in a wood stove. I and My wife talk daily to our two neighbors next door to us and they'd know if we were having anyone come repair anything, we would tell them about it. Of course, they'd know that we don't have a need for any HVAC.

You obviously don't have a clue about small town America, do you?

If someone showed up at My neighbor's house like you claim, I'd be out talking to him right after he knocked on the door, and I'd be armed. He has two young children and a baby that is barely 3-months old. Hell, I've seen bicycles, electronics and an assortment of other things I'll not describe, all left on a sidewalk and not be touched for weeks on end.

Good luck to you.

I once drove into a gated community-full of 7-figure houses, with 24-7 security. I was waved in, and 10 minutes later, I drove out. I was driving a ratty, dented, 30-year-old old F800 rollback with hardware-store decals for DOT numbers and no company lettering...and drove right out the gate with a $100,000+ Mercedes roadster on the deck. For all the guard knew, that car could have been headed for China in a container! Wreckers are invisible...nobody sees them. Drive a tow truck, hit the strobes, and you would be amazed how many gates you get waved through! (Hell, I once got waved right onto a military base with barely a second glance.)

And, again: I can hook a car with an Eagle Claw in ten seconds! Do it at night with a stealth truck, it's gone before you get to the door.
LOL. Not here. Every person on My block owns a conceal carry permit, and three of them are retired with nothing better to do than be nosy.

I've lived here for 17 years and I've never had a thing stolen, damaged, or broken by someone else.

May be hard for you to understand, but we look after each other here.

Now, you have a nice night.
I only lock My car doors when I'm in town. I don't even think the lock on My front door even works. I've been on vacation in California for two weeks and didn't lock anything up. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Yeah, good luck with that. My neighbors would likely stop you before you managed to get to the end of the street.
I could clean you up in a van with a bogus HVAC company name on it, 2 guys in the cab wearing greasy jumpsuits. Park backed into the driveway, poke around the AC for a while...the guy hiding in the van cleans out the house.

Or grab the truck... just show up with a wrecker. Gone in 60 seconds? With a self-loading truck, try ten! (Without ever leaving the cab, or even taking it out of gear.)
You do realize that you'd just end up in jail, right? Or possibly dead. All of My neighbors know I don't have AC and I heat My house with pellets in a wood stove. I and My wife talk daily to our two neighbors next door to us and they'd know if we were having anyone come repair anything, we would tell them about it. Of course, they'd know that we don't have a need for any HVAC.

You obviously don't have a clue about small town America, do you?

If someone showed up at My neighbor's house like you claim, I'd be out talking to him right after he knocked on the door, and I'd be armed. He has two young children and a baby that is barely 3-months old. Hell, I've seen bicycles, electronics and an assortment of other things I'll not describe, all left on a sidewalk and not be touched for weeks on end.

Good luck to you.

Those folks in rural America sometimes live by the "Three S Rule":

Shoot, shovel, and shut up.
We sure as hell notice strange vehicles that don't belong. I sold My jeep to a coworker about four months ago. It wasn't road worthy so he had a wrecker come tow it away.

I was standing out front of My house talking to the driver and My coworker and two neighbors came over anyway.

When I first moved here, I was a bit upset at how much people seem to know My business. Hell, Elen, Janet, and Mary (Three old ladies who do the voting polls here) knew things about Me the first election I went to after moving here that I hadn't told anyone. They could probably have told Me the color underwear I was wearing that day.

However, I've come to appreciate this kind of life. Everyone looks after each other and the kids.

I like it this way. too...where do you live again...? And like Arsene Lupin...I will leave you a list of items to leave out for me...
Yeah, good luck with that. My neighbors would likely stop you before you managed to get to the end of the street.
I could clean you up in a van with a bogus HVAC company name on it, 2 guys in the cab wearing greasy jumpsuits. Park backed into the driveway, poke around the AC for a while...the guy hiding in the van cleans out the house.

Or grab the truck... just show up with a wrecker. Gone in 60 seconds? With a self-loading truck, try ten! (Without ever leaving the cab, or even taking it out of gear.)
You do realize that you'd just end up in jail, right? Or possibly dead. All of My neighbors know I don't have AC and I heat My house with pellets in a wood stove. I and My wife talk daily to our two neighbors next door to us and they'd know if we were having anyone come repair anything, we would tell them about it. Of course, they'd know that we don't have a need for any HVAC.

You obviously don't have a clue about small town America, do you?

If someone showed up at My neighbor's house like you claim, I'd be out talking to him right after he knocked on the door, and I'd be armed. He has two young children and a baby that is barely 3-months old. Hell, I've seen bicycles, electronics and an assortment of other things I'll not describe, all left on a sidewalk and not be touched for weeks on end.

Good luck to you.

I once drove into a gated community-full of 7-figure houses, with 24-7 security. I was waved in, and 10 minutes later, I drove out. I was driving a ratty, dented, 30-year-old old F800 rollback with hardware-store decals for DOT numbers and no company lettering...and drove right out the gate with a $100,000+ Mercedes roadster on the deck. For all the guard knew, that car could have been headed for China in a container! Wreckers are invisible...nobody sees them. Drive a tow truck, hit the strobes, and you would be amazed how many gates you get waved through! (Hell, I once got waved right onto a military base with barely a second glance.)

And, again: I can hook a car with an Eagle Claw in ten seconds! Do it at night with a stealth truck, it's gone before you get to the door.
LOL. Not here. Every person on My block owns a conceal carry permit, and three of them are retired with nothing better to do than be nosy.

I've lived here for 17 years and I've never had a thing stolen, damaged, or broken by someone else.

May be hard for you to understand, but we look after each other here.

Now, you have a nice night.

You're not paying attention: roll in, truck in dark mode (headlights off, brake and reverse lights disabled, backup alarm off). Drop the stinger, back in, close the claws, raise the hoist a foot, and gone in ten seconds, never opening a door or even taking the truck out of gear. Literally: by the time you open your front door, the car is gone!
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
----------------------------------------------------- SCOURGE of guns can easily be replaced by SCOURGE of violent men with normal muscles . Guns are handy as both women in the picture are the equal of any big violent men [or women] that the women might meet at the front door Nosmo !!

They are the equal of multiple male attackers even if they are armed.....

Yes....this woman wakes up at to be pistol whipped by 3 armed home invaders.....while her 2 children are sleeping. She manages to get to her pistol and shoots the a******s and they run. She manages to hit at least one them who apparently assumed room temperature.

Too bad she had that gun. Now that poor, violent sociopath was killed. It is really a shame when 3 gun toting, violent sociopaths can't enter a home at 6 a.m., pistol whip the woman in the home, and who knows what else they planned, and without getting shot at. Something really needs to be done....she should never have had that gun in the first place...I am sure had she not had that gun.....and other than the pistol whipping, these 3 violent sociopaths meant her no than the pistol whipping......

What kind of country do we live in when even violent sociopaths aren't safe from gun violence....?

DGU of the Day: Trotwood Ohio Woman Defeats Three Home Invaders - The Truth About Guns

Three men break into a home in Trotwood, Ohio. [Click here to watch the video.] They’re all armed. It is before 6 am, just three days after Christmas. One of the men is armed with a Tec-9 pistol. He enters last. The other two hold what appear to be conventional semi-auto pistols. They bypass two sleeping children to find the mother. The surveillance video shows the three following the mother after they pistol whipped her in the laundry room.

The man directly behind her has the Tec-9. Presumably holds her at gunpoint while the other two attempt to drag off a safe, in a room with two more children. While the two men are occupied with the safe, the woman breaks free from her captor, accesses a hidden pistol, and starts to fire.

All three run, but the Tec-9 gunman, Azikiwe Presley, is mortally wounded. His body is found 100 yards from the house. From

“I got my gun and I started shooting and they ran,” the female caller told dispatchers. “They all three had guns, I’m confused … they must not have had bullets because after I pulled the trigger they just took off, instead of firing back. I don’t know if I hit one or not, I don’t see blood anywhere.”

In this case, the recipient of female dedication to protecting innocent life ran a hundred yards and died. It is not uncommon for a man who is fatally shot to run that far, even with a heart/lung shot. As he was likely the one holding the woman at gunpoint, and the closest, greatest, threat with the Tec-9, it is not surprising that he drew the lethal ticket. Whether through choice or happenstance, the mother made the right tactical decision.

My dad was a cop and he taught my mom had to use a snub-nosed revolver. One night when he was working third shift someone busted open the back door and came walking up the hallway. My mom was an avid reader and never slept good when my dad worked third shift and she held the intruder off. She told him she had a gun and knew how to use it. I could see the silhouette of the intruder because our room was just before my parents. I was 8 at the time and I described his profile the best I could....of course my mom was freaking out telling me and my little brother to sat in bed. It looks like it was this 18 year old creep that lived a cross the alley. He was later busted for raping and killing a woman on his own block. We couldn't prove it was him because he used a piece of wood to bust the back door thus no prints. I am glad that she had it and knew how to use it....of course leftards don't believe in people being able to protect themselves.....that's the job of "gubermint".
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
Wow, that is disturbing. Why do you assume they are "housewives"? Why do you assume they feel threatened? Heck, how do you know they are not "plainclothes" police officers heading to, or returning from work? The assumptions you make are disturbing. No-one even said this happened in a particular place. Wow, just wow. How do you know those are even firearms? I have personally seen "toys" that look remarkably like firearms to the untrained eye. Heck, these women may even be on their way to, or returning from a costume party. This could be the set of some play or movie even. We know nothing about the circumstances of this photo, and yet you make at least seven assumptions based on what? Your own preconceived notions.
It is bizarre, and far beyond disturbing how many assumptions you have made here.

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