Is this President Trump's "9/11" or Trump's "Pearl Harbor"?

Which one would you liken it to? PIck as many as apply

  • This is President Trump's "Pearl Harbor"

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • This is President Trump's "September 11th"

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Mehh. What me worry?

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • OMFGWTF!!@! We're all gonna die!!!

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters
Neither. This isn't an attack on the US. It's a global pandemic.

If you have to go with something, go with the movie(s) 'Independence Day' or War of the Worlds.

and those don't really fit either, as this isn't aliens and there is no precedent for what we're seeing.

what is missing in any of the above is people tossing aside their petty differences in the face of a common threat/cause.

I'd be fuggin embarrassed as an American at the freaking out if we didn't see the same panic all over the planet and realize people are just losing their shit as there is no compartment to put this in, so they are spinning wildly in search of their own moorings.
I'd call it his clusterfuck so far.

Ahhh, but is it a "clusterfuck of Biblical proportions"?

It's a beautiful thing to see. All you tards panicking in fear, running around, grabbing TP off the shelf like it went out of style, cashing in all your stocks while they are still high, hiding in your closest, over a flu bug, the likes of which we've already gone through 18 other variants since 2003!

You all deserve what you get.

In another month, the virus will be abating.
People will be taking that money they sold high and will be buying low.
People will make a killing out of this.

You've shown the elite how easy you are to control.

Those are the same tards who laughed at the preppers for years while we prepared by making sure we had guns, ammunition, food, protective gear, and other survival supplies.
Not laughing now, are they?
guns? Got them.
ammunition? Loaded for bear.
food? I could last for months.
protective gear? PPE, got it.
money? All I could ever need with no end in sight.
fear? None. No worries over a flu bug. Even if I get it, I'll beat it.
It was not years in the making. The WHO offered tests, we declined.

And? How is this related to the testing protocols you are so concerned about being Trump's fault?

I'm not focusing all my anger at Trump just like I don't for most of my life outside this board. However, here is a concentrated source of Trump style ignorance.

Hmm, what ignorance? Can you be more specific? And how can it be directly attributable to Trump?

As far as the final mortality rate, you don't know what it's going to be. Hopefully it goes down however we should be realistic to the fact that this isn't the flu and the mortality rate is much higher.

Sounds reasonable. But when the dust settles, to whom are you going to credit if the response proved sufficient to stem the tide of deaths? The WHO?

As for being realistic, your mind is still focused on the political ramifications of this virus for Trump. Is it his ignorance? Or is it your desire to see him voted out of office for what you see as a lackluster response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
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No, I don't know anyone who needs this in their life right now.

Then why are you focusing all of your anger at Trump? The lack of testing protocol for this kind of pandemic was years in the making, dating back long before he became president. A 16,000 people died of H1N1 before Obama responded. I don't hear a damned thing out of you. Obama had a chance to revamp the testing protocols when that pandemic struck, but did he? No. If you want to be cynical, we could blame Obama for this testing debacle, not Trump. But yeah. That wouldn't be fair either.

They don't exist. We haven't been able to test enough people. Are you even paying attention?

As the number of tests increase, the number of positives increase. So, so based off of that picture I posted, the tests and positives are/will be increasing exponentially, but the number of deaths from the virus remains a fraction of that. Basic reasoning Joy.

It was not years in the making. The WHO offered tests, we declined.

I'm not focusing all my anger at Trump just like I don't for most of my life outside this board. However, here is concentrated source of Trump style ignorance.

As far as the final mortality rate, you don't know what it's going to be. Hopefully it goes down however we should be realistic to the fact that this isn't the flu and the mortality rate is much higher.

I'm going to ignore the H1N1 bullshit lies as the truth has been posted over and over again and you guys keep ignoring it.
I know it is in many areas, but stay in the cities. Stay there. Whatever problems there are, there is plenty of food and supplies. And yet we see the results. The globalists are laughing. And you wonder how people can get rounded up.
I would liken the series of events we're undergoing as an "attack" on America. The combined events of the viral pandemic and drop in the stock market are probably the most serious threat we've faced in many years.

So how would you define it? Is this President Trump's "September 11th", as we saw under the Presidency of George W, Bush, or would this be President Trump's "Pearl Harbor", as we saw under Roosevelt?


None of those. It's this:

"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


So, explain to me how the outdated CDC protocols for epidemics were Trump's responsibility?
Trump's CDC director has a history of controversial opinions on controlling viruses

Redfield was not the Trump administration’s first choice for CDC director; she resigned after she was found to have traded tobacco stocks while running the CDC. Despite loud calls from CDC watchdogs like the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which accused Redfield of having a bad record “and an extreme religious agenda,” Redfield was appointed in 2018.

Insufficient response.

How were the outdated testing protocols Trump's fault?
He's been in office for three years. Mostly golfing.

Show me in that three years when he submitted a plan for correcting the testing protocols.

You tards credit Trump for the sun rising, but never assign him any blame for his fuckups.
No, I don't know anyone who needs this in their life right now.

Then why are you focusing all of your anger at Trump? The lack of testing protocol for this kind of pandemic was years in the making, dating back long before he became president. As much as 16,000 people died of H1N1 before Obama responded. I don't hear a damned thing out of you. Obama had a chance to revamp the testing protocols when that pandemic struck, but did he? No. If you want to be cynical, we could blame Obama for this testing debacle, not Trump. But yeah. That wouldn't be fair either.

They don't exist. We haven't been able to test enough people. Are you even paying attention?

As the number of tests increase, the number of positives increase. So, so based off of that picture I posted, the tests and positives are/will be increasing exponentially, but the number of deaths from the virus remains a fraction of that. Basic reasoning Joy.
" As much as 16,000 people died of H1N1 before Obama responded."

^^^ Liar. :eusa_liar:
Trump first assigned a hypocritical, corrupt CDC director. Because swamp.

Then he assigned a bible-thumping incompetent.

And someone dared ask why it isn't Trump's fault the testing protocols have not been updated and that the response to this crisis has been completely bungled. :lol:
"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


Are you fucking kidding me? That really happened?

He really did say this and on national television too.

Governor Cuomo was just on TV excoriating the Administration’s failure to provide a national coordinated strategy or the assistance of the Army Corps of Engineers in setting up MASH Hospital units for hard hit communities.
February 26: "When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

March 13: "I don't take responsibility at all."
Show me in that three years when he submitted a plan for correcting the testing protocols.

I see that and will raise you:

In the 8 years Obama had as president, why didn't this suddenly occur to him? He had H1N1 and Ebola during his administration. Why didn't he make any proposals to correct the testing protocols?

I mean, we can shift the blame for that to any president in the past 40 years, technically speaking.
Before: "That's a pretty good job we've done."

After: "I don't take responsibility at all."

That sums up the entire Trump presidency.
Show me in that three years when he submitted a plan for correcting the testing protocols.

I see that and will raise you:

In the 8 years Obama had as president, why didn't this suddenly occur to him? He had H1N1 and Ebola during his administration. Why didn't he make any proposals to correct the testing protocols?

I mean, we can shift the blame for that to any president in the past 40 years, technically speaking.
Didn't you dumb fucks hire a game show host to drain the swamp and fix the government?

Colossal FAIL.
February 26: "When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

March 13: "I don't take responsibility at all."
So, its all Trump's fault?

John Kasich disagrees with you.


I would liken the series of events we're undergoing as an "attack" on America. The combined events of the viral pandemic and drop in the stock market are probably the most serious threat we've faced in many years.

So how would you define it? Is this President Trump's "September 11th", as we saw under the Presidency of George W, Bush, or would this be President Trump's "Pearl Harbor", as we saw under Roosevelt?


None of those. It's this:


I agree that there are parallels, but Katrina wasn't a nation-wide event. Nor did it have the global impact that Pearl Harbor did or 9/11 did.

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