Is This Really Smoking Gun of obama's Kenyan Birth?

It seems to me that whoever created this forgery (the Kenyan BC, just so we're talking about the facts in the real world and not the Bizarro/Birther one) did so for the purpose of suckering Orly Taitz.

Not that she needed much coaxing, but it appears to have worked. She took the bait (likely paid for it, too) and ran with it. It only took a few minutes for the problems with the document itself (most importantly the "Republic of Kenya" gaffe) to be noticed, but then hours later the original Bomford BC turns up and it has the identical surnames for the registrars, the same Book and Page number for the registration book, and the same price listed on it -- in Australian dollars! Not only was this a fake, it was a poor one!

Now Orly has gone on national television talking about "Obama and his brownshirts" and posted the same thing on her site.

Stick a fork in her -- she's done!

And for those who are claiming that this BC (the Kenyan one) will be "investigated in court," I wouldn't bet on that.

The discovery phase of a trial doesn't happen until AFTER the motion to dismiss is denied - if it is.

Ms. Taitz filed a motion to allow discovery early (as well as requesting some other extra-ordinary abilities to seek documents). I fully expect that her motion will be denied, and then I expect that the motion to dismiss will be granted.

Then Orly and the Kenyan BC will sink away into the night...
It seems to me that whoever created this forgery (the Kenyan BC, just so we're talking about the facts in the real world and not the Bizarro/Birther one) did so for the purpose of suckering Orly Taitz.

Not that she needed much coaxing, but it appears to have worked. She took the bait (likely paid for it, too) and ran with it. It only took a few minutes for the problems with the document itself (most importantly the "Republic of Kenya" gaffe) to be noticed, but then hours later the original Bomford BC turns up and it has the identical surnames for the registrars, the same Book and Page number for the registration book, and the same price listed on it -- in Australian dollars! Not only was this a fake, it was a poor one!

Now Orly has gone on national television talking about "Obama and his brownshirts" and posted the same thing on her site.

Stick a fork in her -- she's done!

And for those who are claiming that this BC (the Kenyan one) will be "investigated in court," I wouldn't bet on that.

The discovery phase of a trial doesn't happen until AFTER the motion to dismiss is denied - if it is.

Ms. Taitz filed a motion to allow discovery early (as well as requesting some other extra-ordinary abilities to seek documents). I fully expect that her motion will be denied, and then I expect that the motion to dismiss will be granted.

Then Orly and the Kenyan BC will sink away into the night...

I agree; I think it was a hoax created to make her look like an idiot (well, more of an idiot) and it worked. But it's not going to be investigated by any court, they'll laugh her out the door.
Oh this is simply precious :rofl:

“I suspect the KBC may be a forgery that was created by Obama himself, as part of his admissions package to Occidental College. Obama forged the KBC to falsely claim Kenyan birth as part of his ‘affirmative action’ application to Occidental. That is a very real explanation for the KBC. The KBC may also explain why Obama has shrouded his college records in secrecy; he should now release all of them to the public.

“My second theory as to who forged the KBC is more sinister. But based on Mr. Taitz’ provenance, and my contacts with various intelligence agencies, I can see another potential source of the forged KBC.

CHICAGO NEWS CONFERENCE TUESDAY: Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” prompts call for federal grand jury probe.

I guess he hasn't seen the Bomford BC yet :lol:
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WASHINGTON – California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?

The document lists Obama's parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham, the birth date as Aug. 4, 1961, and the hospital of birth as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.
I love how he describes himself:

Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin, the crusading columnist and investigator

It seems to me that whoever created this forgery (the Kenyan BC, just so we're talking about the facts in the real world and not the Bizarro/Birther one) did so for the purpose of suckering Orly Taitz.

Not that she needed much coaxing, but it appears to have worked. She took the bait (likely paid for it, too) and ran with it. It only took a few minutes for the problems with the document itself (most importantly the "Republic of Kenya" gaffe) to be noticed, but then hours later the original Bomford BC turns up and it has the identical surnames for the registrars, the same Book and Page number for the registration book, and the same price listed on it -- in Australian dollars! Not only was this a fake, it was a poor one!

Now Orly has gone on national television talking about "Obama and his brownshirts" and posted the same thing on her site.

Stick a fork in her -- she's done!

And for those who are claiming that this BC (the Kenyan one) will be "investigated in court," I wouldn't bet on that.

The discovery phase of a trial doesn't happen until AFTER the motion to dismiss is denied - if it is.

Ms. Taitz filed a motion to allow discovery early (as well as requesting some other extra-ordinary abilities to seek documents). I fully expect that her motion will be denied, and then I expect that the motion to dismiss will be granted.

Then Orly and the Kenyan BC will sink away into the night...

I agree; I think it was a hoax created to make her look like an idiot (well, more of an idiot) and it worked. But it's not going to be investigated by any court, they'll laugh her out the door.
I have a feeling she is in on the joke, one might want to check out Borat and Bruno to see if she is in the movie. or she is just as crazy as she seems??????
Oh this is simply precious :rofl:

“I suspect the KBC may be a forgery that was created by Obama himself, as part of his admissions package to Occidental College. Obama forged the KBC to falsely claim Kenyan birth as part of his ‘affirmative action’ application to Occidental. That is a very real explanation for the KBC. The KBC may also explain why Obama has shrouded his college records in secrecy; he should now release all of them to the public.

“My second theory as to who forged the KBC is more sinister. But based on Mr. Taitz’ provenance, and my contacts with various intelligence agencies, I can see another potential source of the forged KBC.

CHICAGO NEWS CONFERENCE TUESDAY: Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” prompts call for federal grand jury probe.

I guess he hasn't seen the Bomford BC yet :lol:


When did he change his name to "Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin?" :lol:

I have to get ME one of those anonymous "intelligence agency contacts" that all of the internet powerhouse have - are there that many "former CIA operatives" out of work?

Martin claims that he was "the first" to suggest that the President had dual citizenship at birth, but was he the first to report that the President was half African? Or that he was a male? I mean, THOSE things wouldn't be true if he hadn't reported them too, right?

Do you ever wonder Emma, if people like Martin, Berg or Taitz really believe the bullshit they spread, or do they know that they are just making fools of themselves in an attempt to gain fame, money, or both?
I have a feeling she is in on the joke, one might want to check out Borat and Bruno to see if she is in the movie. or she is just as crazy as she seems??????

As I speculated to Emma, I think that she probably knows that she is spreading bullshit, but she has decided that this is her shot at fame and fortune...

The clincher is the "7s 6d" issue fee in the top left corner.


Kenya never used the British "pounds-shillings-an d-pence" currency. This is true for any value of "Kenya" - pre- and post-independence - in the Protectorate / "coast strip" / Zanzibar part or in the Colony / upcountry bit. Ever. What it used was the East African shilling, at that time divided into 100 cents, and seven and a half shillings would be "seven shillings and fifty cents", abbreviated as "Sh. 7/50" which is what we would be seeing on an authentic Kenya Government document.

I was born in Kenya in 1952 and partly raised there, so I know this from personal experience. I was buying ice-cream with Kenya shillings and cents in 1963. At school I had a big problem with having to learn British-style Lsd currency. We didn't use it in Kenya, so what was the point?

On the other hand "7s 6d" would be just right for an Australian BC, like, for instance, the Bomford one.

Seriously folks, this is much more watertight than the "Republic / Dominion / Kenya / Zanzibar" stuff.

Fake Obama Kenya birth certificate

And then there's this:

The Washington Independent's David Weigel makes another good point about the location of birth given, saying Mombasa just doesn't fit a basic Occam's Razor test and is instead part of the conspiracy theories about Obama's religion:

The image is part of the extremely ill-informed conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Mombasa -- conveniently, one of the more Muslim parts of the country.

This has always been a red flag for conspiracy theorists, so it deserves some explanation. Barack Obama Sr. was born and educated in Nyanza Province, in southwestern Kenya, on Lake Victoria. This is the area where Obama’s family lived and continues to live; Sarah Obama, the step-grandmother of the president, lives in Nyang’oma Kogelo, a small town in the province. But Mombasa is a city on the Indian Ocean, a thousand miles to the east. It didn’t even have an international airport until 1979. And the city wasn’t even part of Kenya when the future president was born. Mombasa was a part of Zanzibar until December 12, 1963, when it became part of the newly independent Kenya.

The new forgery? Why, it claims that the president was born in Coast General Hospital in Mombasa.

Birthers release forged Kenyan birth certificate for Obama - War Room -

Two British professors who specialize in African history have e-mailed Salon to point out another apparent error in the purportedly Kenyan document. The certificate's header reads Coast Province -- but according to the professors, at the time the document is dated, what are now known as provinces were called regions.

Writes Dan Branch, an assistant professor of African history at the University of Warwick:

It seems highly implausible and certainly a hoax. I have not seen any documents from this period in early 1964 that uses the heading of Republic of Kenya -- unsurprisingly given Kenya was not a Republic until December 1964. Moreover, the label of 'Region' was being used in early 1964 instead of 'Province.' While some of the old colonial forms may have still been in circulation, which would have used 'Coast Province,' these would have been headed as 'Colony & Protectorate of Kenya.'

As for his qualifications to judge the document and the header on it, Branch e-mails, "I''ve been working in the Kenyan archives on late-colonial and post-colonial history for the past eight years."

Well, it certainly didn't take long for that one to unravel.
Do you ever wonder Emma, if people like Martin, Berg or Taitz really believe the bullshit they spread, or do they know that they are just making fools of themselves in an attempt to gain fame, money, or both?

That's certainly a thought, especially with Taitz. She simply can't be for real.
Well, it certainly didn't take long for that one to unravel.

Aside from you and the insult brigade, we'll see if the courts and an independent investigation agree with the obama grist mill of support and debunking spin.
Well, it certainly didn't take long for that one to unravel.

Aside from you and the insult brigade, we'll see if the courts and an independent investigation agree with the obama grist mill of support and debunking spin.

I'm not insulting anyone except Taitz because she is certifiably nuts.

There is overwhelming evidence that this is a forgery; my opinion is that it was done not to prove Obama's Kenyan birth but rather to 'punk' the birthers, specifically Taitz. It appears to have been a resounding success.

No court is going to entertain this nonsense. It's a fake, and Taitz should try to regain what little credibility she may have had and drop it.
Well, it certainly didn't take long for that one to unravel.

Aside from you and the insult brigade, we'll see if the courts and an independent investigation agree with the obama grist mill of support and debunking spin.
we didn't have to try very hard to debunk this one. It took me one google search on the Republic of Kenya to realize it was a fake and it is a waste of tax dollars to even investigate this farther. Here is another example while it is not worth it:

Birth Abroad to Two U.S. Citizen Parents in Wedlock: A child born abroad to two U.S. citizen parents acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under section 301(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). One of the parents MUST have resided in the U.S. prior to the child's birth. No specific period of time for such prior residence is required.
Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent in Wedlock: A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) INA provided the citizen parent was physically present in the U.S. for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen are required for physical presence in the U.S. to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

The problem is you forget it doesn't matter if he was even born in Kenya, as long as his mother was a citizen prior to his birth and lived in the US within a certain time period he is still a natural born citizen.
Probably because he's already released them.

allegedly born in Mombasa, Kenya, in 1961

There was no Mombasa, Kenya in 1961. I'm not sure which is worse, trying to defraud people, or being so damn stupid about it.

Ok, PaleRider, since you don't accept comments on your page, I'll respond to your negative rep and accompanying comment here.

Stupid is never questioning the obvious, and even stupider is licking obama's ass.

No, stupid is attempting to pass a fake off as real and not having the basic intelligence to find out what documents from that area and time period looked like first.

Fanatical is equating someone who points out the obvious with Obama worship, despite knowing exactly zero about the person you're commenting on.

Lame is posting negative shit on someone's page but shutting down comments on your own.

That concludes today's language lesson. :cool:
Well, it certainly didn't take long for that one to unravel.

Aside from you and the insult brigade, we'll see if the courts and an independent investigation agree with the obama grist mill of support and debunking spin.

There's not going to be any courts or independent investigation.

This obvious forgery doesn't change your tenuous legal position or give you another venue to challenge the presidential election results.

Face it, you guys got rooked.
Orly Taitz responds to forgery charges - War Room -

[Orly says] Bomford report was created to try to discredit my efforts

And the idea that the Bomfort document on which the forgery was based "was created to try to discredit my efforts" is pretty ridiculous -- shows it linked to on the site from which it was taken as far back as 2007.

('05-'07, as I already posted Internet Archive Wayback Machine )

In another post to her blog, Taitz asked only, "If Kenyan BC that I provided would not be genuine, Hillary would not be rushing to Kenya, would she?"

Of course, Clinton's trip to Kenya was actually announced and briefed by the State Department before Taitz released the forgery.

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