Is This Really Smoking Gun of obama's Kenyan Birth?

So the Granny AND the Ambassador to Kenya are lying?

Tell me, how did Obama, as an "American citizen" travel to Pock-ee-staan in 1981 as his campaign claimed when it was illegal for US Citizens to travel there?

Are you going to continue using that platitude to prove your case? That's pretty weak. Here, I'll reciprocate: "So The US Pres., his mom, his wife, and elected Hawaiin officials are lying?"

That's so weak.

I can't honestly believe anyone in their right mind believes this. It's so loony on so many levels.

First, the Pakistan thing I'll address: You're implying a conflict in your own conspiracy theory. The "lie" of his "Citizenship" either happened in Hawaiin Newspapers when he was born, or..........YEARS later, he forged those newspaper archives AFTER his trip to Pakistan, because had he done it BEFORE his trip to Pakistan, he wouldn't have been allowed to enter?

I mean, let's start there.

I'm not even sure I should address someone so mature as you, with your "Pock-ee-staan" bullshit. Rational adults don't have to disagree with each other by ridiculing such frivolous things; those are extra digs when you subliminally feel your points inferior.

First, I'm tired of the personal insults so go fuck yourself!

Second, the Ambassador admits Obama was born in Kenya! Did you hear the interview? Is the Ambassador a "Birther" too?

Third, how did he get to "Pok-ee-staan"? You didn't answer! Americans weren't legally allowed there in 1981, but foreigners were
First, I'm tired of the personal insults so go fuck yourself!

Second, the Ambassador admits Obama was born in Kenya! Did you hear the interview? Is the Ambassador a "Birther" too?

Third, how did he get to "Pok-ee-staan"? You didn't answer! Americans weren't legally allowed there in 1981, but foreigners were

It's not my fault that you lend more credence to the word of a Kenyan ambassador than you do to elected American Officials. I don't.

As to your third, you'll have to answer me a question first: When do you think his "faking" his US Citizenship first occured? In Hawaiin Newspapers at the time of his birth, post 1981's trip, what?

And really, typing "pok-ee-staan" is an insult to the POTUS and so you're hardly above reproach in-terms of insults. When you behave like an ass-hole, you get treated like one.
So the Granny AND the Ambassador to Kenya are lying?

Tell me, how did Obama, as an "American citizen" travel to Pock-ee-staan in 1981 as his campaign claimed when it was illegal for US Citizens to travel there?

Are you going to continue using that platitude to prove your case? That's pretty weak. Here, I'll reciprocate: "So The US Pres., his mom, his wife, and elected Hawaiin officials are lying?"

That's so weak.

I can't honestly believe anyone in their right mind believes this. It's so loony on so many levels.

First, the Pakistan thing I'll address: You're implying a conflict in your own conspiracy theory. The "lie" of his "Citizenship" either happened in Hawaiin Newspapers when he was born, or..........YEARS later, he forged those newspaper archives AFTER his trip to Pakistan, because had he done it BEFORE his trip to Pakistan, he wouldn't have been allowed to enter?

I mean, let's start there.

I'm not even sure I should address someone so mature as you, with your "Pock-ee-staan" bullshit. Rational adults don't have to disagree with each other by ridiculing such frivolous things; those are extra digs when you subliminally feel your points inferior.

First, I'm tired of the personal insults so go fuck yourself!

Second, the Ambassador admits Obama was born in Kenya! Did you hear the interview? Is the Ambassador a "Birther" too?

Third, how did he get to "Pok-ee-staan"? You didn't answer! Americans weren't legally allowed there in 1981, but foreigners were

You need to get with the most current birther-isms, Frank. The Pakistan canard has been abandoned.


Barbara Crossette, an assistant news editor of the Times, told her mostly American readers they could travel to Lahore, Pakistan, by air, rail or road, adding: “Tourists can obtain a free, 30-day visa (necessary for Americans) at border crossings and airports.”

Her article prompted a letter to the Times from the U.S. consul general in Lahore saying he would “welcome an influx of Americans” to Lahore. He cautioned only that in addition to getting a visa for Pakistan, American visitors also should be careful to line up an Indian visa for the return trip if they planned to travel overland. The letter is dated Aug. 23, 1981.

Also, a travel advisory from the State Department dated Aug. 17, 1981 notes that Americans traveling to Pakistan require a 30-day visa, and that any staying longer must check in with Pakistan’s Foreigner Registration Office. A digital copy of the advisory is archived at the Electronic Research Collection, a partnership between the State Department and the Federal Depository Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

More “Birther” Nonsense: Obama’s 1981 Pakistan Trip | The FactCheck Wire
Oh wait, the NYT story is dated 1981. I forgot that the birther morons don't accept old newspapers items that conflict with their theories.
First, I'm tired of the personal insults so go fuck yourself!

Second, the Ambassador admits Obama was born in Kenya! Did you hear the interview? Is the Ambassador a "Birther" too?

Third, how did he get to "Pok-ee-staan"? You didn't answer! Americans weren't legally allowed there in 1981, but foreigners were

It's not my fault that you lend more credence to the word of a Kenyan ambassador than you do to elected American Officials. I don't.

As to your third, you'll have to answer me a question first: When do you think his "faking" his US Citizenship first occured? In Hawaiin Newspapers at the time of his birth, post 1981's trip, what?

And really, typing "pok-ee-staan" is an insult to the POTUS and so you're hardly above reproach in-terms of insults. When you behave like an ass-hole, you get treated like one.

See, "Pok-ee-Staan" is how Obama pronounces it so I am mocking him and his KoolAid snorting followers like yourself.

The Hawaiian announcement is totally irrelevant because Obama must have traveled to Pok-ee-staan as a foreigner, that's the only way for him to have legally entered "Pok-ee-staan" or was Obama entering the country illegally?

Are you now claiming that the Ambassador is a birther too?
See, "Pok-ee-Staan" is how Obama pronounces it so I am mocking him and his KoolAid snorting followers like yourself.

The Hawaiian announcement is totally irrelevant because Obama must have traveled to Pok-ee-staan as a foreigner, that's the only way for him to have legally entered "Pok-ee-staan" or was Obama entering the country illegally?

Are you now claiming that the Ambassador is a birther too?

How assinine your assumptions are.

First, a non-birther does not an Obama supporter make.
#2. Yea, what are you 11? 12? You trying to say that you don't spell it out that way as an insult?:lol: Grow up guy. First it's childish to do, THEN it's even more puss to deny it. You deserve all the insults you get, your posts are smug and smugness is only a reciprocal response.

As to the rest of your shit, the Pakistan thing has been debunked for you, make sure you stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalalala; though, and second yea, I'll take the POTUS, Elected Hawaiian Officials, and Obama's mother's word over the Kenyan Ambassador's word. For one, I'm an American :cuckoo: Not Kenyan. I have no vested interest in believing him over the POTUS. That's you, that's your gig. Unfortunately for you, it's loony. :cuckoo:
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So the Granny AND the Ambassador to Kenya are lying?

Tell me, how did Obama, as an "American citizen" travel to Pock-ee-staan in 1981 as his campaign claimed when it was illegal for US Citizens to travel there?

Are you going to continue using that platitude to prove your case? That's pretty weak. Here, I'll reciprocate: "So The US Pres., his mom, his wife, and elected Hawaiin officials are lying?"

That's so weak.

I can't honestly believe anyone in their right mind believes this. It's so loony on so many levels.

First, the Pakistan thing I'll address: You're implying a conflict in your own conspiracy theory. The "lie" of his "Citizenship" either happened in Hawaiin Newspapers when he was born, or..........YEARS later, he forged those newspaper archives AFTER his trip to Pakistan, because had he done it BEFORE his trip to Pakistan, he wouldn't have been allowed to enter?

I mean, let's start there.

I'm not even sure I should address someone so mature as you, with your "Pock-ee-staan" bullshit. Rational adults don't have to disagree with each other by ridiculing such frivolous things; those are extra digs when you subliminally feel your points inferior.

First, I'm tired of the personal insults so go fuck yourself!

Second, the Ambassador admits Obama was born in Kenya! Did you hear the interview? Is the Ambassador a "Birther" too?

Third, how did he get to "Pok-ee-staan"? You didn't answer! Americans weren't legally allowed there in 1981, but foreigners were

Ianswered you on pakistan


now let me ask you,

how in the world could you honestly and intellectually follow these Birther people that supposedly know the law because they are lawyers, when they are continually shown to be incompetent asses that an every day joe can debunk?

YOU should LEARN from this foolish experience of this and begin to strengthen your own analytical and research skills so that you are not lead BLINDLY by idiots!

it's time to wash your hands of this...chalk it up to inexperience and move on...but do learn from it...

Besides the fact that this pakistan thing according to Berg was suppose to prove that he held indonesian citizenship and not usa citizenship, which ALSO HAS BEEN can't lose your usa citizenship without a court hearing and you can only give it up once you are legally an adult, NOT AT 6 yrs old, which was obama's age when his father registered him in school in indonesia...

YOU HAVE TO BE AN ADULT to make any legal committment yourself which IS JUST COMMON SENSE...yet you guys buy in to this it ignorance or is it WILLFUL IGNORANCE, that...I don't know?

I've learned long ago.

You can tell Frank a hundred times can post 14Thousand articles that completely refutes what he is saying. You can bring video, audio, encyclopedic references.

Doesn't matter.

He just turns the page, closes his eyes, and says the same fucking stupid shit over and over again.
I've learned long ago.

You can tell Frank a hundred times can post 14Thousand articles that completely refutes what he is saying. You can bring video, audio, encyclopedic references.

Doesn't matter.

He just turns the page, closes his eyes, and says the same fucking stupid shit over and over again.

Maybe he has his keyboard on autopilot.
Frank goes silent................

View attachment 7916

Oh, that's very different........nevermind..​

Yeah, Frank has other things in his life besides posting on the Internet.

Well, the "Pok-ee-staan" travel might have an out, but since Obama still refuses to release his college records (you know, where he was registered as a foreign student) I have to remain unconvinced.

So are you saying that the Kenyan Ambassador is a Birther too along with Obama 's Granny?
Frank goes silent................

View attachment 7916

Oh, that's very different........nevermind..​

Yeah, Frank has other things in his life besides posting on the Internet.

Well, the "Pok-ee-staan" travel might have an out, but since Obama still refuses to release his college records (you know, where he was registered as a foreign student) I have to remain unconvinced.

So are you saying that the Kenyan Ambassador is a Birther too along with Obama 's Granny?

You know, there is a hotel in Oklahoma with a sign that says, "George Washington slept here". Do you believe it Frank?
I've learned long ago.

You can tell Frank a hundred times can post 14Thousand articles that completely refutes what he is saying. You can bring video, audio, encyclopedic references.

Doesn't matter.

He just turns the page, closes his eyes, and says the same fucking stupid shit over and over again.

From where I sit, Obama's Granny and Kenyan Ambassador, H.E. Peter Ogego are the original "Birthers"
View attachment 7916

Oh, that's very different........nevermind..​

Yeah, Frank has other things in his life besides posting on the Internet.

Well, the "Pok-ee-staan" travel might have an out, but since Obama still refuses to release his college records (you know, where he was registered as a foreign student) I have to remain unconvinced.

So are you saying that the Kenyan Ambassador is a Birther too along with Obama 's Granny?

You know, there is a hotel in Oklahoma with a sign that says, "George Washington slept here". Do you believe it Frank?

Yeah, if I knew I had no real argument, and I was a gutless weasel, I might say something stupid like "You know, there is a hotel in Oklahoma with a sign that says, "George Washington slept here"

[ame=]YouTube - Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya[/ame]

Meet a Birther
Yeah, Frank has other things in his life besides posting on the Internet.

Well, the "Pok-ee-staan" travel might have an out, but since Obama still refuses to release his college records (you know, where he was registered as a foreign student) I have to remain unconvinced.

So are you saying that the Kenyan Ambassador is a Birther too along with Obama 's Granny?

You know, there is a hotel in Oklahoma with a sign that says, "George Washington slept here". Do you believe it Frank?

Yeah, if I knew I had no real argument, and I was a gutless weasel, I might say something stupid like "You know, there is a hotel in Oklahoma with a sign that says, "George Washington slept here"

[ame=]YouTube - Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya[/ame]

Meet a Birther

You are gutless.

Answer why he should be lent more credence that your fellow fucking Americans, for starters.

It's you simply picking and choosing which pieces of information you wish to weigh heavier; when in reality the tidbits you WERE using were proven bunk and along the way you're somehow finding more, instead of conceding the actual reality of the situation like an adult.
You know, there is a hotel in Oklahoma with a sign that says, "George Washington slept here". Do you believe it Frank?

Yeah, if I knew I had no real argument, and I was a gutless weasel, I might say something stupid like "You know, there is a hotel in Oklahoma with a sign that says, "George Washington slept here"

[ame=]YouTube - Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya[/ame]

Meet a Birther

You are gutless.

Answer why he should be lent more credence that your fellow fucking Americans, for starters.

It's you simply picking and choosing which pieces of information you wish to weigh heavier; when in reality the tidbits you WERE using were proven bunk and along the way you're somehow finding more, instead of conceding the actual reality of the situation like an adult.

Many of my fellow Americans are totally fucking brain dead and I won't take advise from the terminally stupid and gullible.

The Pok-ee-staan thing is interesting but I still think that Obama sits on his records because he attended college as a foreign student
Many of my fellow Americans are totally fucking brain dead and I won't take advise from the terminally stupid and gullible.

The Pok-ee-staan thing is interesting but I still think that Obama sits on his records because he attended college as a foreign student
:lol: @ a birther calling anyone braindead and gullible. :lol:

Hey, at least you're good for entertainment bro.

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