Is This Really Smoking Gun of obama's Kenyan Birth?

Many of my fellow Americans are totally fucking brain dead and I won't take advise from the terminally stupid and gullible.

The Pok-ee-staan thing is interesting but I still think that Obama sits on his records because he attended college as a foreign student
:lol: @ a birther calling anyone braindead and gullible. :lol:

Hey, at least you're good for entertainment bro.

Yeah, me, Obama's Granny and H.E. Peter Ogego are the original "Birthers"
[SIZE=+1]Queen of the Birthers[/SIZE]
As soon as Orly Taitz answered her phone, the Queen of the Birthers breathlessly told me the president was 'connected' to 39 bogus Social Security numbers, including one for a deceased person born in 1890. 'If Obama is not stopped, we will be in Nazi Germany!' Taitz, who has a thick Russian accent, shrieked. 'Forgery is a criminal matter and he committed it. Obama should be in the Big House, not the White House!' Since Taitz's 'birther' campaign began, in the summer of 2008, during the late stages of the Democratic primaries, the dentist, lawyer, and mother of three has begun winning friends in high places. Taitz told me excitedly that since she opened her Facebook account, she has had to hire a staff of five to process the thousands of friend requests she receives each week. Among those requesting her online friendship, Taitz said, are House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, Rep. Mary Bono (R-CA), and RNC Token Black Tom Michael Steele. She has even received a request, she said, from someone claiming to be Netanyahu... Among Taitz's 'biggest supporters,' she said, is Lou Dobbs, the King of the Handjobs. 'I did Lou's radio show for half an hour and he was very understanding,' she told me. 'He became a supporter and since then he became a supporter of the whole Birther issue.' Indeed, during the July 15 broadcast of Dobbs' radio show, he praised Taitz's work, suggested Obama might be 'undocumented,'
and demanded the president 'show the documents' to prove he was born in the United States.
I've learned long ago.

You can tell Frank a hundred times can post 14Thousand articles that completely refutes what he is saying. You can bring video, audio, encyclopedic references.

Doesn't matter.

He just turns the page, closes his eyes, and says the same fucking stupid shit over and over again.

From where I sit, Obama's Granny and Kenyan Ambassador, H.E. Peter Ogego are the original "Birthers"
I don't think so, Em. You'd need friends pulling strings for you to do that.

Yeah, as early as the week you were born! I bet it was the Bilderberg or the Illuminati.

Libruls believe Obama is the Messiah, so nothing is too great for him

Perhaps they do. Next time I talk to one, I'll ask them. It will be hard to tell the liberals with BDS from the conservatives with ODS as I assume they all froth at the mouth the same.
Frank goes silent................

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Oh, that's very different........nevermind..​

Yeah, Frank has other things in his life besides posting on the Internet.

Well, the "Pok-ee-staan" travel might have an out, but since Obama still refuses to release his college records (you know, where he was registered as a foreign student) I have to remain unconvinced.

So are you saying that the Kenyan Ambassador is a Birther too along with Obama 's Granny?

Well take it a point at a time.

Okay, you concede that the Pakistan thing is a dud?

I can deal with the Grandmother issue later.

Now for the ambassador:

Did he need you to wire him some money before he bestowed an unclaimed fortune of millions upon you as well?
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Oh, that's very different........nevermind..​

Yeah, Frank has other things in his life besides posting on the Internet.

Well, the "Pok-ee-staan" travel might have an out, but since Obama still refuses to release his college records (you know, where he was registered as a foreign student) I have to remain unconvinced.

So are you saying that the Kenyan Ambassador is a Birther too along with Obama 's Granny?

Well take it a point at a time.

Okay, you concede that the Pakistan thing is a dud?

I can deal with the Grandmother issue later.

Now for the ambassador:

Did he need you to wire him some money before he bestowed an unclaimed fortune of millions upon you as well?

View attachment 7916

Oh, that's very different........nevermind..​

Yeah, Frank has other things in his life besides posting on the Internet.

Well, the "Pok-ee-staan" travel might have an out, but since Obama still refuses to release his college records (you know, where he was registered as a foreign student) I have to remain unconvinced.

So are you saying that the Kenyan Ambassador is a Birther too along with Obama 's Granny?

Well take it a point at a time.

Okay, you concede that the Pakistan thing is a dud?

I can deal with the Grandmother issue later.

Now for the ambassador:

Did he need you to wire him some money before he bestowed an unclaimed fortune of millions upon you as well?

I concede that the "Pok-ee-stan thing" as you like to call it, makes Obama refusal to release his college transcripts showing that he was a foreign student that much more plausible.

The Granny outed him as a Kenyan native, just deal with it.

Yeah, I love your attack on H.E. Peter Ogaga, is that because he's black? He simply had a Joe Biden moment and let slip what everyone who's listening to the Grandmother knows: Obama was born in Kenya

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