Is this religion or mental illness?

Atheist regimes historically are much, much more brutal and much more effective at killing off people (usually their own) than any Christian rulers ever have.
Atheist regimes historically are much, much more brutal and much more effective at killing off people (usually their own) than any Christian rulers ever have.

Who said anything about atheist regimes. I am not an atheist. And however screwed up atheist regimes may be does not make any irrational religious belief any better.

If you worship Jesus as if he was a triune God, you are an atheist.
Uh, yeah.

I'm arguing whether or not Christians are mentally ill with someone who is mentally ill.
Uh, yeah.

I'm arguing whether or not Christians are mentally ill with someone who is mentally ill.

Anyone who swallows the bullshit that a triune coequal god, one part human, is the same as one God who has no equal and no visible shape or physical form makes it abundantly clear who is either mentally ill or not too swift..

Your denial and refusal to believe in the oneness and the supremacy of God who has no equal with no other god above or below him, makes you an atheist.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
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No oh clueless one, genes can stay dormant a generation or two.
More studies than one can count on twins that confirm that schizophrenia is genetic.
All genes can skip a generation or two and be dormant.
Everyone carries some things in them that their relatives have, they are dormant in some and some get it.
Most everything about you is genetic, the blue print of your life.
No way schizophrenia could be anything else anyway. I have dealt with schizophrenics for many years. No way what they have is from an environment.

Saying nothing but genes that could cause schizophrenic symptoms is a ridiculous statement and at this point in time there is no conclusive genetic cause or gene identified for you are free to speculate their one day will be...but to say there is at this time is not a statement of fact

Since most people suffering from schizophrenia have delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, etc, that are entirely based on religious ideations , religious beliefs in their heads must have something to do with their disturbing symptoms and mental illness.

Filling their heads with more irrational religious beliefs certainly won't make them well anymore than chemical straight jackets will if the cause of their mental incoherence is not extirpated.

I don't think those experiencing mental illness are the only ones negatively effected by religious dogma fact I would say those otherwise sane people who do pose the greatest threat
Saying nothing but genes that could cause schizophrenic symptoms is a ridiculous statement and at this point in time there is no conclusive genetic cause or gene identified for you are free to speculate their one day will be...but to say there is at this time is not a statement of fact

Since most people suffering from schizophrenia have delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, etc, that are entirely based on religious ideations , religious beliefs in their heads must have something to do with their disturbing symptoms and mental illness.

Filling their heads with more irrational religious beliefs certainly won't make them well anymore than chemical straight jackets will if the cause of their mental incoherence is not extirpated.

I don't think those experiencing mental illness are the only ones negatively effected by religious dogma fact I would say those otherwise sane people who do pose the greatest threat

absolutely. And anyone who tries to expose them has legions of their demonic possessions to go through before they will ever come out of hiding.
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One of my brothers has schizophrenia, the other 2 and 2 sisters are okay. He developed it in high school.
ALL of us grew up in the same good household.
One of my cousins has it, one of my great uncles had it and another 2nd cousin has it.
We tracked down records that my great mother's sister had it and her mother had mental illness.
We found another relative, direct descent in the 1880s that shot up bars in New York talking to imaginary people.
Also found documents of a horse thief in our family in the 1850s that spoke to the horses as he believed they were speaking to him.
Of course the belief back then was that it was all environment and/or demons.
NO WAY any environment had anything to do with my brother having schizophrenia. That is part of the "blame someone else first" heads in the sand crowd. We all know his illness was not caused by anything in his environment in our family and none of our relatives also.
This is not a guessing game, this is reality. It is genetic and neurotransmitters are the problem.
My brother is 67 now, the years of medicine that have helped him greatly have taken their toll on his body. He was misdiagnosed as a teen but by mid 20s all was well with that.
With love from the family as he has had they can live a productive live.
Fact is that it is TRUE that ONCE THE FAMILY FINDS OUT that their relative has mental illness some ABANDON THEM and that is why folks claim it is the "environment". The environment AFTER THE DIAGNOSIS does contribute to the effects of the disease as these folks need love and help.
But it DOES NOT cause it.
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Religion is the one form of mental illness that we must pretend is not when we find it in others.

Of course when we find it in ourselves? Now that is DEVINELY INSPIRED UNDERSTANDING.

How convenient for us, eh?


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