Is this section just a place for disgruntled whites to hate on blacks?


Do you think blacks were inslaved because of their skin color?

They were enslaved because they were available.
Available? :lol: What does that mean?

There was a blossoming slave trade at the time with slaves going to the Middle East, South America, and Europe, it was easier to get the slaves from Africa, were else was the US supposed to get them? China? Puerto Rico?
Well, they could have inslaved Native Americans and Mexicans, that would have saved alot on shipping costs.
You "heard the Native Americans knew the land too well and would run away" who did you hear this from? :lol:

Well, why not inslave the Mexicans? They would not know the land at all in the cotton fields of the south.
You "heard the Native Americans knew the land too well and would run away" who did you hear this from? :lol:

Well, why not inslave the Mexicans? They would not know the land at all in the cotton fields of the south.

I honestly don't remember I think I read it somewhere a while back, I am sure there were reasons why they didn't take the Mexicans as slaves, not sure what they were though. The thing is if you enslaved the Mexicans all they had to do was run away to Mexico.
Why not Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Cuba?

Do you really think that the reason blacks were inslaved was just because it would be tough for them to get back to Africa?
Me not want be slave...

Me run back to Mexico!!


Speedy Gonzalez​
Come on Gravity,

Blacks were not inslaved because of their color, avalilability or inability to get back to Africa.

It was the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties that was discovered and abused by the developing nations.
What am I trying to say?

I think it is hilarious you chose this fact, because in and of itself, it is racist to have done so. You are admitting that most of the impoverished in this country are non-white, which in and of itself, is evidence of institutional racism which would create this, yet which so many racists deny even exists... ironically.

I call bullshit. There is a definitive correlation between income and IQ. And in line with this, Asians are the highest income earners with Whites behind them.

It is also no coincidence that Asian Americans(specifically Northeast Asians), have the highest registered IQ of any racial group, with White Americans behind them.

Where is this systemic white supremacy you speak of? Apparently Asians weren't made aware of it. It just isn't isn't borne out by these statistics. It also isn't evident in college admissions, Where Asians and Whites, regardless of income, face biases in the process. Preferences Espenshade Chung June 2005.pdf
How Diversity Punishes Asians, Poor Whites and Lots of Others
Come on Gravity,

Blacks were not inslaved because of their color, avalilability or inability to get back to Africa.

It was the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties that was discovered and abused by the developing nations.

Why were the Irish, Jews or Slavs enslaved? What about the Indian tea plantations?
That is all I see... it is pathetic. Don't you have a better outlet for your frustrations than to blame everything on black people? You people are fucking retarded.

And why do blacks blame whites for all their failures?

I don't know... maybe because 200 years ago, we ENSLAVED them. I think you'd hold a bit of a grudge if you had great great grandparents who were enslaved by the same people running society today, especially when that racism is still strong. We owe this country to them. This country was built on the sweat and toil they put in for years, without pay, with NO thanks, only hatred and racism, murder, rape, etc... You would be pretty FUCKING PISSED OFF, and don't tell me you wouldn't be. I think they have been incredibily well behaved considering. MLK was a genius. Malcolm X would have been more my style, and the black Panthers, and I am white guy, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were black and got this attitude from honkeys like you... Back to my point: it was because of the slaves we even had tobacco crops that brought in as much industry as it did, which kickstarted this country. Without the slaves, we wouldn't be what we are today, so I think we owe them and their descendants a bit of gratitude. Fuck all of you racist assholes. Get an education. This is coming from a white American, fyi. It just makes you people look really really stupid, which makes sense, because you are incredibly, incredibly dumb.

You're a bunch of white honkeys who don't know shit about the world or life. You create these little worlds where you make up your own stories about reality, but you are so far removed. Anyone with such distorted perceptions of other people have to far removed from reality, otherwise their perceptions and beliefs would fall apart, and likely their identity. It's sad.

I could care less what happened 200 yrs ago....thats whats wrong with you black mother fuckers...always living in the past....yea I know your a white asshole....I can see where you think mlk was a genius....he was nothing more than a plagerizing....dick sucking....womenizer...and that comes from his buddy abernathy.....thats right your idol wanted to suck abernathy dick.... and of course if you where there with them you probably would of done sound like the type!!!! my ancestors owned slaves here in Maryland....and I don't owe their decendants a fucking thing......wigger.
And why do blacks blame whites for all their failures?

I don't know... maybe because 200 years ago, we ENSLAVED them. I think you'd hold a bit of a grudge if you had great great grandparents who were enslaved by the same people running society today, especially when that racism is still strong. We owe this country to them. This country was built on the sweat and toil they put in for years, without pay, with NO thanks, only hatred and racism, murder, rape, etc... You would be pretty FUCKING PISSED OFF, and don't tell me you wouldn't be. I think they have been incredibily well behaved considering. MLK was a genius. Malcolm X would have been more my style, and the black Panthers, and I am white guy, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were black and got this attitude from honkeys like you... Back to my point: it was because of the slaves we even had tobacco crops that brought in as much industry as it did, which kickstarted this country. Without the slaves, we wouldn't be what we are today, so I think we owe them and their descendants a bit of gratitude. Fuck all of you racist assholes. Get an education. This is coming from a white American, fyi. It just makes you people look really really stupid, which makes sense, because you are incredibly, incredibly dumb.

You're a bunch of white honkeys who don't know shit about the world or life. You create these little worlds where you make up your own stories about reality, but you are so far removed. Anyone with such distorted perceptions of other people have to far removed from reality, otherwise their perceptions and beliefs would fall apart, and likely their identity. It's sad.

I could care less what happened 200 yrs ago....thats whats wrong with you black mother fuckers...always living in the past....yea I know your a white asshole....I can see where you think mlk was a genius....he was nothing more than a plagerizing....dick sucking....womenizer...and that comes from his buddy abernathy.....thats right your idol wanted to suck abernathy dick.... and of course if you where there with them you probably would of done sound like the type!!!! my ancestors owned slaves here in Maryland....and I don't owe their decendants a fucking thing......wigger.

Wow....that was....harsh....tell you really........................feel... .
That is all I see... it is pathetic. Don't you have a better outlet for your frustrations than to blame everything on black people? You people are fucking retarded.

And why do blacks blame whites for all their failures?

I don't know... maybe because 200 years ago, we ENSLAVED them. I think you'd hold a bit of a grudge if you had great great grandparents who were enslaved by the same people running society today, especially when that racism is still strong. We owe this country to them. This country was built on the sweat and toil they put in for years, without pay, with NO thanks, only hatred and racism, murder, rape, etc... You would be pretty FUCKING PISSED OFF, and don't tell me you wouldn't be. I think they have been incredibily well behaved considering. MLK was a genius. Malcolm X would have been more my style, and the black Panthers, and I am white guy, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were black and got this attitude from honkeys like you... Back to my point: it was because of the slaves we even had tobacco crops that brought in as much industry as it did, which kickstarted this country. Without the slaves, we wouldn't be what we are today, so I think we owe them and their descendants a bit of gratitude. Fuck all of you racist assholes. Get an education. This is coming from a white American, fyi. It just makes you people look really really stupid, which makes sense, because you are incredibly, incredibly dumb.

You're a bunch of white honkeys who don't know shit about the world or life. You create these little worlds where you make up your own stories about reality, but you are so far removed. Anyone with such distorted perceptions of other people have to far removed from reality, otherwise their perceptions and beliefs would fall apart, and likely their identity. It's sad.

Let me explain a few things to you. First of all, no one living today, enslaved ANYONE! Slavery is DEAD. So is Jim Crow; it's OVER. By that logic, it's perfectly OK for any Native American to hate Whites, and for that matter, it's just as OK for any White Southerner to hate any and all Yankees (I can provide a lengthy and rather nauseating list of war crimes committed against Southern civilians by Union troops). It's fine to remember past wrongs; they're instructive on what NOT to do. On the other hand, using those wrongs as a rationale for hating today is useless; both perpetrators and victims have long since taken the dispute to a Higher Court, so end it, NOW!

Second, there is no entirely virtuous race, there is no entirely villainous race, there is no criminal race, there is no victim race, and there is no bigoted race. All those are characteristics of INDIVIDUALS, not entire racial groups; no race has a monopoly on either vice or virtue, and it is a lie to pretend otherwise.I've seen White posters behave badly here; I've seen Black posters behave badly here. I've seen Jews, and Christians, and Muslims, behave badly here. Not one of them represented an entire race, religion, or ethnicity; for good or ill, they each represented THEMSELVES. An individual says something disgraceful, point it out, but blanket statements and groupthink like you started this thread with only serve to promote hatred, bigotry, and mistrust. "Race" will continue to be a problem in this country, until we stop seeing people as members of a "race", and start seeing them as individual human beings. That starts with each and every one of us, INCLUDING YOU!

P.S Using racial slurs, even those aimed at your own race, is bigotry, too, so before you do too much finger-pointing and acting "holier than thou", take a look in the mirror. Whether you realize it or not, statements like yours come across as pandering and patronizing, which in itself is a form of bigotry, or if you prefer a more loaded word, "racism".
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And why do blacks blame whites for all their failures?

I don't know... maybe because 200 years ago, we ENSLAVED them. I think you'd hold a bit of a grudge if you had great great grandparents who were enslaved by the same people running society today, especially when that racism is still strong. We owe this country to them. This country was built on the sweat and toil they put in for years, without pay, with NO thanks, only hatred and racism, murder, rape, etc... You would be pretty FUCKING PISSED OFF, and don't tell me you wouldn't be. I think they have been incredibily well behaved considering. MLK was a genius. Malcolm X would have been more my style, and the black Panthers, and I am white guy, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were black and got this attitude from honkeys like you... Back to my point: it was because of the slaves we even had tobacco crops that brought in as much industry as it did, which kickstarted this country. Without the slaves, we wouldn't be what we are today, so I think we owe them and their descendants a bit of gratitude. Fuck all of you racist assholes. Get an education. This is coming from a white American, fyi. It just makes you people look really really stupid, which makes sense, because you are incredibly, incredibly dumb.

You're a bunch of white honkeys who don't know shit about the world or life. You create these little worlds where you make up your own stories about reality, but you are so far removed. Anyone with such distorted perceptions of other people have to far removed from reality, otherwise their perceptions and beliefs would fall apart, and likely their identity. It's sad.

Let me explain a few things to you. First of all, no one living today, enslaved ANYONE! Slavery is DEAD. So is Jim Crow; it's OVER. By that logic, it's perfectly OK for any Native American to hate Whites, and for that matter, it's just as OK for any White Southerner to hate any and all Yankees (I can provide a lengthy and rather nauseating list of war crimes committed against Southern civilians by Union troops). It's fine to remember past wrongs; they're instructive on what NOT to do. On the other hand, using those wrongs as a rationale for hating today is useless; both perpetrators and victims have long since taken the dispute to a Higher Court, so end it, NOW!

Second, there is no entirely virtuous race, there is no entirely villainous race, there is no criminal race, there is no victim race, and there is no bigoted race. All those are characteristics of INDIVIDUALS, not entire racial groups; no race has a monopoly on either vice or virtue, and it is a lie to pretend otherwise.I've seen White posters behave badly here; I've seen Black posters behave badly here. I've seen Jews, and Christians, and Muslims, behave badly here. Not one of them represented an entire race, religion, or ethnicity; for good or ill, they each represented THEMSELVES. An individual says something disgraceful, point it out, but blanket statements and groupthink like you started this thread with only serve to promote hatred, bigotry, and mistrust. "Race" will continue to be a problem in this country, until we stop seeing people as members of a "race", and start seeing them as individual human beings. That starts with each and every one of us, INCLUDING YOU!

P.S Using racial slurs, even those aimed at your own race, is bigotry, too, so before you do too much finger-pointing and acting "holier than thou", take a look in the mirror. Whether you realize it or not, statements like yours come across as pandering and patronizing, which in itself is a form of bigotry, or if you prefer a more loaded word, "racism".

No blacks effected by Jim Crow are alive today? Save the colorblind bullshit for the naive. America was born of and will die from racism.

Do you think blacks were inslaved because of their skin color?

Yes, the europeans searched the world, passing by many populations looking for slaves, until they found Africans, whom they took only because they were black. The rest they could have taken but chose not to because they were being picky.

I hope you are not serious with this question. They enslaved their own people with indentured servitude. It has nothing to do with skin color. They enslaved anybody they could take by force.
Why were the Irish, Jews or Slavs enslaved? What about the Indian tea plantations?
Were they enslaved? Because I never hear these groups ever cry about it.

C'mon dude. It's the not same! It wasn't in the same numbers at blacks, and they didn't rip them from their homeland, nor were they chattel slaves. They were all indentured servants, and that is a big fucking difference, which the Irish and scotts did voluntarily as a way to escape bad economic times in their homelands. It's not like they were living happy lives and just decided to give indentured servitude a whirl. The africans were living happily as best they could, and we took them from their homelands and lives to make them our slaves. Not to mentions the conditions during transport were horrendous where many people died. Families were torn apart. That is wrong. I don't care how you slice it. They then provided the toil on which this country was built. It would seem rational that they be given some thanks or at least some reparation or apology, but instead, all they get is continued hatred. This is not rational behavior, but learned and passed on behavior from generation to generation, that when honestly scrutinized, is shown to be irrational. Racism has no place in the modern world.
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They enslaved their own people with indentured servitude. It has nothing to do with skin color. They enslaved anybody they could take by force.
Then why do you pity blacks more then any other enslaved group of peoples?

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