Is this section just a place for disgruntled whites to hate on blacks?

We are the ones who did all of that to them. What the hell do we have to mad about? We are the ones who brought them over here. They have done literally nothing wrong, yet some of you take the attitude that this whole thing is their fault. I don't understand your logic, or what facts you use to support your logic.

Whenever the white-bashing starts up, it's typically a white person leading the way.

Does anyone notice that?

You never see black people bashing blacks, or Hispanics bashing Hispanics.

Well, they will call themselves white for the sake of convenience, but often times they are members of The Tribe.
One good thing about the Hispanics is they will run the blacks out of the niegborhood.

Ya Starkey, but when the "white man" leaves a area the standard of living will decline, as when the black mans leaves a area the standard of living will improve.
Ya Starkey, but when the "white man" leaves a area the standard of living will decline, as when the black mans leaves a area the standard of living will improve.

Not so, but if it bugs you, then move to Sweden, cause the minorities are not leaving, and they will marry your descendents.
We are the ones who did all of that to them. What the hell do we have to mad about? We are the ones who brought them over here. They have done literally nothing wrong, yet some of you take the attitude that this whole thing is their fault. I don't understand your logic, or what facts you use to support your logic.

Whenever the white-bashing starts up, it's typically a white person leading the way.

Does anyone notice that?

You never see black people bashing blacks, or Hispanics bashing Hispanics.

Well, they will call themselves white for the sake of convenience, but often times they are members of The Tribe.

I am Lily White, Irish, Bald. I'll not bash myself, unless a big, black messican wants me to.

It doesn't matter.

wait until you get some stuff from Bass 2.0 or Sunniman

There's plenty of hate whitey and get the jew going on to fill anyones hate bucket

I just tell the truth about whitey and some of his actions, the sinful ones, everything I've said has been truth, call it hate if you like just because it upsets you.
As long as no one is creating laws to disbar another race from prospering, we are fine.
Are you talking about Affirmative Action?

I'm going to work with the assumption that you are smart enough to know that isn't quite the same as DISBARING a race from prospering.

José;3817333 said:
Originally posted by AfroFogey
As long as no one is creating laws to disbar another race from prospering, we are fine.

There are a lot of white folks in America pissed off not only with preferential treatment laws but also with the 52 and 65 immigration acts, fogey, because they were specifically designed to turn whites into a minority group in America.

PARADOXICALLY, they are pissed off with those two laws even when they don't even know they exist!! :eek: :eek:

They may not know them but they surely feel their effects on the streets of America.

Originally posted by AfroFogey
Race relations honestly are darn near perfect in America.

I'm old enough to remember that everything was fine in the Soviet Union and its satellite states (no acute economic crisis, no armed revolts, etc...) right until the moment it began to crumble.

I'm not saying the same will happen in America... just a cautionary reminder that "peace" can sometimes be misleading.

You theories seem to borderline on conspiratorial. In any event white people still have the largest amount of political influence, they made these laws, so they are discriminating against themselves.
That is all I see... it is pathetic. Don't you have a better outlet for your frustrations than to blame everything on black people? You people are fucking retarded.

And why do blacks blame whites for all their failures?

I don't know... maybe because 200 years ago, we ENSLAVED them. I think you'd hold a bit of a grudge if you had great great grandparents who were enslaved by the same people running society today, especially when that racism is still strong. We owe this country to them. This country was built on the sweat and toil they put in for years, without pay, with NO thanks, only hatred and racism, murder, rape, etc... You would be pretty FUCKING PISSED OFF, and don't tell me you wouldn't be. I think they have been incredibily well behaved considering. MLK was a genius. Malcolm X would have been more my style, and the black Panthers, and I am white guy, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were black and got this attitude from honkeys like you... Back to my point: it was because of the slaves we even had tobacco crops that brought in as much industry as it did, which kickstarted this country. Without the slaves, we wouldn't be what we are today, so I think we owe them and their descendants a bit of gratitude. Fuck all of you racist assholes. Get an education. This is coming from a white American, fyi. It just makes you people look really really stupid, which makes sense, because you are incredibly, incredibly dumb.

You're a bunch of white honkeys who don't know shit about the world or life. You create these little worlds where you make up your own stories about reality, but you are so far removed. Anyone with such distorted perceptions of other people have to far removed from reality, otherwise their perceptions and beliefs would fall apart, and likely their identity. It's sad.


Im calling bull shit. What white person calls other white people "white honkeys"? If you were white, you would know the word "honkey" doesnt mean shit to us. In fact, anyone that uses the word comes off looking like a corny ass mother fucker.

You WISH you were white. My peoples rule this bitch!
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And why do blacks blame whites for all their failures?

I don't know... maybe because 200 years ago, we ENSLAVED them. I think you'd hold a bit of a grudge if you had great great grandparents who were enslaved by the same people running society today, especially when that racism is still strong. We owe this country to them. This country was built on the sweat and toil they put in for years, without pay, with NO thanks, only hatred and racism, murder, rape, etc... You would be pretty FUCKING PISSED OFF, and don't tell me you wouldn't be. I think they have been incredibily well behaved considering. MLK was a genius. Malcolm X would have been more my style, and the black Panthers, and I am white guy, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were black and got this attitude from honkeys like you... Back to my point: it was because of the slaves we even had tobacco crops that brought in as much industry as it did, which kickstarted this country. Without the slaves, we wouldn't be what we are today, so I think we owe them and their descendants a bit of gratitude. Fuck all of you racist assholes. Get an education. This is coming from a white American, fyi. It just makes you people look really really stupid, which makes sense, because you are incredibly, incredibly dumb.

You're a bunch of white honkeys who don't know shit about the world or life. You create these little worlds where you make up your own stories about reality, but you are so far removed. Anyone with such distorted perceptions of other people have to far removed from reality, otherwise their perceptions and beliefs would fall apart, and likely their identity. It's sad.


Im calling bull shit. What white person calls other white people "white honkeys"? If you were white, you would know the word "honkey" doesnt mean shit to us. In fact, anyone that uses the word comes off looking like a corny ass mother fucker.

You WISH you were white. My peoples rule this bitch!

Another dumb honkey trying to be smart...

honkey: inbred, racist, white, small town, red neck, bible thumping Christian (presumably)
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We are the ones who did all of that to them. What the hell do we have to mad about? We are the ones who brought them over here. They have done literally nothing wrong, yet some of you take the attitude that this whole thing is their fault. I don't understand your logic, or what facts you use to support your logic.

Whenever the white-bashing starts up, it's typically a white person leading the way.

Does anyone notice that?

You never see black people bashing blacks, or Hispanics bashing Hispanics.

Well, they will call themselves white for the sake of convenience, but often times they are members of The Tribe.

Oh, yes. That Tim Wise is one particularly egregious little yid.
I don't know... maybe because 200 years ago, we ENSLAVED them. I think you'd hold a bit of a grudge if you had great great grandparents who were enslaved by the same people running society today, especially when that racism is still strong. We owe this country to them. This country was built on the sweat and toil they put in for years, without pay, with NO thanks, only hatred and racism, murder, rape, etc... You would be pretty FUCKING PISSED OFF, and don't tell me you wouldn't be. I think they have been incredibily well behaved considering. MLK was a genius. Malcolm X would have been more my style, and the black Panthers, and I am white guy, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were black and got this attitude from honkeys like you... Back to my point: it was because of the slaves we even had tobacco crops that brought in as much industry as it did, which kickstarted this country. Without the slaves, we wouldn't be what we are today, so I think we owe them and their descendants a bit of gratitude. Fuck all of you racist assholes. Get an education. This is coming from a white American, fyi. It just makes you people look really really stupid, which makes sense, because you are incredibly, incredibly dumb.

You're a bunch of white honkeys who don't know shit about the world or life. You create these little worlds where you make up your own stories about reality, but you are so far removed. Anyone with such distorted perceptions of other people have to far removed from reality, otherwise their perceptions and beliefs would fall apart, and likely their identity. It's sad.


Im calling bull shit. What white person calls other white people "white honkeys"? If you were white, you would know the word "honkey" doesnt mean shit to us. In fact, anyone that uses the word comes off looking like a corny ass mother fucker.

You WISH you were white. My peoples rule this bitch!

Another dumb honkey trying to be smart...

honkey: inbred, racist, white, small town, red neck, bible thumping Christian (presumably)

Careful, now; your bigotry is showing. I have known plenty of racists who were born in and raised in New York, Boston, or Chicago, have never seen the inside of any church (Christian or otherwise), have never even read the Bible, and have so many branches in their family tree they have no clue who their great-grandparents were. Oh, and stop with the "inbred, half-witted, small town/rural, white Southerner" stereotype. That tired old cliche is only used and believed by the ignorant. FYI, we do NOT marry our sisters, we have paved roads, we have had indoor plumbing for some years now, most of us don't live in trailer parks, we aren't in the klan, we aren't racist, a lot of us have college degrees, and some of us "stupid, ignorant Southerners" can even read!"
Why not Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Cuba?

Do you really think that the reason blacks were inslaved was just because it would be tough for them to get back to Africa?

I am assuming that the US did not use slaves from Mexico or Cuba because they would have to go to war with those countries, just like if Mexico was using white Americans as slaves back in Mexico at that time, we would go to war as well.
Citizenship of Cubans and Mexicans had nothing to do with it.

US planters did not buy from Cuba or Mexico, (1) because in colonial American law only Africans and their descendents could be or become slaves, (2) because prices of the former were much higher than in British North American slave markets, (3 and because Mexico's law gave slaves some protections unlike in the British colonies.

You should know your history better if you are going to talk about this complex and complicated subject.
I need to open a Teddy Bear, candle and air brush tee shirt memorial store, in every major city in this country

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