Is this story true (DHS using Russian Troops_

By the way, you will note the Major states there are 200,000 Russian troops - 10,000 per base spread out - you find the others coming back - yes they are here - don't know how many - well guess what? By the dialogue it is quite clear there are more than 20 and they weren't here for an overnight slumber party. They are STILL HERE! - Jeremiah
There is no soldier exchange program - that was disinformation she got ahold of - we have 200,000 Russian soldiers on American soil last count many are based at Ft. Carlson and they will be remaining indefinitely. They have done drills on invading the Denver Airport ( news articles available on Google ) CIA building , various exercises with our troops. They are training with our soldiers. Obama gave them a tour of NORAD as well... The Russians are our friends according to Obama.

OK. So what is your source for that number? That kind of counts, you know. 200,000 soldiers. Have you the faintest idea of what it takes to support 200,000 soldiers?

I think we have another round the bend fruitloop in Jeremiah.

I just posted email exchanges between military asking about the 200,000 Russian soldiers and also wanting to know why the American people are not being told that HLS and military are foreigners such as German, Belgians, Russians, etc. the answer was a global military is being formed for the one world government but the truth is Russians have no intention of joining NWO when they can run the show themselves. You trust the Soviets. I don't. Make no mistake about it - they re still SOVIETS. Letting them inside America - NORAD - showing them our nuclear missile sites ( Hillary tour - thanks Hillary ) was a huge mistake. HUGE. - Jeremiah

No comment, eh? How about a thank you then? Yes. You are welcome.

- Jeremiah

You're a moron and so is whatever lunatic wrote those email messages (Some proof! LOL)

Do you even know what OPFOR stands for? I do. Let's see if you can explain it.
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[CTRL] Fw: [TheEagle-L] Fwd: CLNews- Russian Troops in the USA?

> > ... Max Andrews: ...
> > By the way, the name of
> >Fort Riley has now been changed to "American Base."
Max AndrewsLtC
> >Ret.Front Royal
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Dot Bibee ...
> > Writing to Congress does not do ANY good since most people ask if
> >there
> >are any FOREIGN troops being trained in the U.S. They will answer NO.
> >Why? Because now in this NEW WORLD ARMY (and YES, our troops are
> >a part of the NWO army - the same as the Russian troops are)
they are
> >known as the multinational task force and "other" terms.
> > ... AND they make it sound so nice. They call it OPFOR Academy - and
> >instead of the word "training" they used "indoctrinate".
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (unc B) 7/2/99
> > On Alex Jones show today he said that Temple Municipal Airport has
> >been
> >taken over. He went there and confronted troops.
All airport employees
> >have
> >been dismissed. ...this is being run
> >by
> >FEMA!
When he asked if this exercise was for a foreign mission they said
> >no
> >it is for America.

> >=======================================================
> >from the American people is UNACCEPTABLE - and we must let
> >our Congress members KNOW that we don't appreciate being kept
> >in the dark. Coming to the realization that we have not had an
> >AMERICAN MILITARY since the Korean War in 1950 - but a UN
> >New World Military
is MORE than most people want to accept in
> >their minds. I know that I don't want to accept this... WE THE PEOPLE. WHEN
> >are you going to wake up and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK from these
> >traitors? Dot Bibee
> >====================================================

(edited for space and fluff) (bolding by Grandma)

Alex Jones "confronted" the military?

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe anyone would fall for such nonsense!

And yes, the FEMA bad guys that have been training forever will be coming for us like they did in 2005... and 2006... and 2007... and 2008... and 2009... and 2010... and 2011... and 2012...

Oh, wait. That never happened.

Last edited:
There is no soldier exchange program - that was disinformation she got ahold of - we have 200,000 Russian soldiers on American soil last count many are based at Ft. Carlson and they will be remaining indefinitely. They have done drills on invading the Denver Airport ( news articles available on Google ) CIA building , various exercises with our troops. They are training with our soldiers. Obama gave them a tour of NORAD as well... The Russians are our friends according to Obama.

OK. So what is your source for that number? That kind of counts, you know. 200,000 soldiers. Have you the faintest idea of what it takes to support 200,000 soldiers?

I think we have another round the bend fruitloop in Jeremiah.

I just posted email exchanges between military asking about the 200,000 Russian soldiers and also wanting to know why the American people are not being told that HLS and military are foreigners such as German, Belgians, Russians, etc. the answer was a global military is being formed for the one world government but the truth is Russians have no intention of joining NWO when they can run the show themselves. You trust the Soviets. I don't. Make no mistake about it - they re still SOVIETS. Letting them inside America - NORAD - showing them our nuclear missile sites ( Hillary tour - thanks Hillary ) was a huge mistake. HUGE. - Jeremiah

What you posted could have been created by any troll. That is not evidence. At best that is called hearsay and is not admissable in any court of law except maybe in Zimbabwe where pretty much anything go's for old Mugabe.

Provenance old boy, provenance. You must present compelling evidence that your email string actually originated from someplace other than the fevered imagination of some poor twit sitting in his moms basement.
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[CTRL] Fw: [TheEagle-L] Fwd: CLNews- Russian Troops in the USA?

> > ... Max Andrews: ...
> > By the way, the name of
> >Fort Riley has now been changed to "American Base."
Max AndrewsLtC
> >Ret.Front Royal
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Dot Bibee ...
> > Writing to Congress does not do ANY good since most people ask if
> >there
> >are any FOREIGN troops being trained in the U.S. They will answer NO.
> >Why? Because now in this NEW WORLD ARMY (and YES, our troops are
> >a part of the NWO army - the same as the Russian troops are)
they are
> >known as the multinational task force and "other" terms.
> > ... AND they make it sound so nice. They call it OPFOR Academy - and
> >instead of the word "training" they used "indoctrinate".
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (unc B) 7/2/99
> > On Alex Jones show today he said that Temple Municipal Airport has
> >been
> >taken over. He went there and confronted troops.
All airport employees
> >have
> >been dismissed. ...this is being run
> >by
> >FEMA!
When he asked if this exercise was for a foreign mission they said
> >no
> >it is for America.

> >=======================================================
> >from the American people is UNACCEPTABLE - and we must let
> >our Congress members KNOW that we don't appreciate being kept
> >in the dark. Coming to the realization that we have not had an
> >AMERICAN MILITARY since the Korean War in 1950 - but a UN
> >New World Military
is MORE than most people want to accept in
> >their minds. I know that I don't want to accept this... WE THE PEOPLE. WHEN
> >are you going to wake up and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK from these
> >traitors? Dot Bibee
> >====================================================

(edited for space and fluff) (bolding by Grandma)

Alex Jones "confronted" the military?

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe anyone would fall for such nonsense!

And yes, the FEMA bad guys that have been training forever will be coming for us like they did in 2005... and 2006... and 2007... and 2008... and 2009... and 2010... and 2011... and 2012...

Oh, wait. That never happened.


I agree, however the fact that DHS ordered 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and is now fielding APC's should give one pause. That type of equipment is what the army uses...not a police force. This is troubling to me.
There is no soldier exchange program - that was disinformation she got ahold of - we have 200,000 Russian soldiers on American soil last count many are based at Ft. Carlson and they will be remaining indefinitely. They have done drills on invading the Denver Airport ( news articles available on Google ) CIA building , various exercises with our troops. They are training with our soldiers. Obama gave them a tour of NORAD as well... The Russians are our friends according to Obama.

OK. So what is your source for that number? That kind of counts, you know. 200,000 soldiers. Have you the faintest idea of what it takes to support 200,000 soldiers?

I think we have another round the bend fruitloop in Jeremiah.

I just posted email exchanges between military asking about the 200,000 Russian soldiers and also wanting to know why the American people are not being told that HLS and military are foreigners such as German, Belgians, Russians, etc. the answer was a global military is being formed for the one world government but the truth is Russians have no intention of joining NWO when they can run the show themselves. You trust the Soviets. I don't. Make no mistake about it - they re still SOVIETS. Letting them inside America - NORAD - showing them our nuclear missile sites ( Hillary tour - thanks Hillary ) was a huge mistake. HUGE. - Jeremiah

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[CTRL] Fw: [TheEagle-L] Fwd: CLNews- Russian Troops in the USA?

> > ... Max Andrews: ...
> > By the way, the name of
> >Fort Riley has now been changed to "American Base."
Max AndrewsLtC
> >Ret.Front Royal
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Dot Bibee ...
> > Writing to Congress does not do ANY good since most people ask if
> >there
> >are any FOREIGN troops being trained in the U.S. They will answer NO.
> >Why? Because now in this NEW WORLD ARMY (and YES, our troops are
> >a part of the NWO army - the same as the Russian troops are)
they are
> >known as the multinational task force and "other" terms.
> > ... AND they make it sound so nice. They call it OPFOR Academy - and
> >instead of the word "training" they used "indoctrinate".
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (unc B) 7/2/99
> > On Alex Jones show today he said that Temple Municipal Airport has
> >been
> >taken over. He went there and confronted troops.
All airport employees
> >have
> >been dismissed. ...this is being run
> >by
> >FEMA!
When he asked if this exercise was for a foreign mission they said
> >no
> >it is for America.

> >=======================================================
> >from the American people is UNACCEPTABLE - and we must let
> >our Congress members KNOW that we don't appreciate being kept
> >in the dark. Coming to the realization that we have not had an
> >AMERICAN MILITARY since the Korean War in 1950 - but a UN
> >New World Military
is MORE than most people want to accept in
> >their minds. I know that I don't want to accept this... WE THE PEOPLE. WHEN
> >are you going to wake up and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK from these
> >traitors? Dot Bibee
> >====================================================

(edited for space and fluff) (bolding by Grandma)

Alex Jones "confronted" the military?

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe anyone would fall for such nonsense!

And yes, the FEMA bad guys that have been training forever will be coming for us like they did in 2005... and 2006... and 2007... and 2008... and 2009... and 2010... and 2011... and 2012...

Oh, wait. That never happened.


I agree, however the fact that DHS ordered 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and is now fielding APC's should give one pause. That type of equipment is what the army uses...not a police force. This is troubling to me.

I originally thought the 1.6 billion ammo thing was bullshit. But the more things that turn out to be true,the more concerned I get.
And after recent personal experience,I dont put anything past our gov.
And those of you who think that our gov would never do anything untoward are naive at best.
No comment, eh? How about a thank you then? Yes. You are welcome.

- Jeremiah
Your "proof" is a copy of an email?

Cool, now I know all those spam emails I get saying they have pills to diet or make my cock bigger are true. After all, they are emails, so it must be true.
And those of you who think that our gov would never do anything untoward are naive at best.
This is a common logic flake-out by the mentally ill paranoid types.

Not believing every ridiculous conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe does not equate to a belief our government would never do anything untoward.
I'd like to hear why the left hates Israel and the Jews personally.

I don't.

May I ask why you love them?

What's not to love? The Jewish people are fabulous people. I'm truly puzzled as to how the liberals are turning on the very people who helped the Democratic party so much. What did the Muslims ever give you other than 9/11? Can you tell us?

Ahh dusting off the old "president will declare martial law" thing... you'll join the ranks of the many mentally ill and just downright stupid who have brought that up then conveniently forgotten about their dumbassedry when it didn't happen. Congrats.
Ahh dusting off the old "president will declare martial law" thing... you'll join the ranks of the many mentally ill and just downright stupid who have brought that up then conveniently forgotten about their dumbassedry when it didn't happen. Congrats.

Some of us on the left expected George Bush to do that. Don't we look like morons now?

I remember also hearing that Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter were the anti-Christ and would bring in world government before they left office. And that Bush I was an Illuminati. And, that Jack Kennedy would turn the American government over to the Vatican. And that Dick Nixon would declare martial law to save himself from the Watergate scandal. And that Lyndon Johnson had a secret plan to turn all of southeast Asia over to his Communist buddies. And that George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright, Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton were working directly for the devil. And that every SecDef since Harold Brown would gut our military, leaving us defenseless. And that commies/muslims/the Brotherhood/corporate radicals had infiltrated our government and the Constitution would soon be discarded.
Ahh dusting off the old "president will declare martial law" thing... you'll join the ranks of the many mentally ill and just downright stupid who have brought that up then conveniently forgotten about their dumbassedry when it didn't happen. Congrats.

Some of us on the left expected George Bush to do that. Don't we look like morons now?

I remember also hearing that Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter were the anti-Christ and would bring in world government before they left office. And that Bush I was an Illuminati. And, that Jack Kennedy would turn the American government over to the Vatican. And that Dick Nixon would declare martial law to save himself from the Watergate scandal. And that Lyndon Johnson had a secret plan to turn all of southeast Asia over to his Communist buddies. And that George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright, Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton were working directly for the devil. And that every SecDef since Harold Brown would gut our military, leaving us defenseless. And that commies/muslims/the Brotherhood/corporate radicals had infiltrated our government and the Constitution would soon be discarded.

And so on for the nearly seventy years that I have been around. The John Birchers swore Eiseinhower was a commie.
Yes it is true foreign countries regularly do exercises with us here.

Yes, and US OPFOR troops regularly don Russian uniforms and drive Russian vehicles for war games. least they did before 9/11. I assume they still do in places like Ft. Irwin, CA.
And those of you who think that our gov would never do anything untoward are naive at best.
This is a common logic flake-out by the mentally ill paranoid types.

Not believing every ridiculous conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe does not equate to a belief our government would never do anything untoward.

Like I said. I was skeptical about the 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. Turned out to be true.
I find myself questioning the moves of my gov more and more these days. And I'm not pointing a finger at obama because this shit is coming from both sides of the aisle.
With the advent of the PA things have started to get a little weird.
Anyone who doesnt see it is either blind,or hasn't been around long enough to notice the changes.
And those of you who think that our gov would never do anything untoward are naive at best.
This is a common logic flake-out by the mentally ill paranoid types.

Not believing every ridiculous conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe does not equate to a belief our government would never do anything untoward.

Like I said. I was skeptical about the 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. Turned out to be true.
I find myself questioning the moves of my gov more and more these days. And I'm not pointing a finger at obama because this shit is coming from both sides of the aisle.
With the advent of the PA things have started to get a little weird.
Anyone who doesnt see it is either blind,or hasn't been around long enough to notice the changes.

Are you really interested in the truth about those 1.6 billion rounds? If so, here it is:

Homeland Security?s Ammunition Purchases Should Not Worry You | Military Times GearScout
Forget it oldguy. Anyone who thinks 1 BILLLION is a possible number is too foiled to explain reality to.

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