Is This The Fulfilling Of The Mark Of The Beast Prophecy?

Let's try to stay on topic, please. This is really not a debate about one's individual beliefs in religion. Thanks
Wouldn’t a true society of god not involve any form of currency?
You never answer my questions. Why not do that first and I may consider answering yours.
I’m happy to answer any question that you ask. But you didn’t ask a question. You just said no. And now your avoiding answering my question to suggest I should answer your questions. Do you see the hypocrisy?

Here ya go.
Slade asks: Wouldn’t a true society of god not involve any form of currency?

My question: What would make you think that?
Huh? Did you go back and change that? Your response that I saw was “No”. Look at our conversation history in green. Your question wasn’t there.

Regardless... I would think that because the values taught by Jesus in the Bible involve values and acts that reflect in my mind a lifestyle where money and currency is not needed. Of course this is utopian and not realistic.
Wouldn’t a true society of god not involve any form of currency?

Wouldn't an atheist society do the same? It's moot. We're heading towards it already. Maybe the people who count on tip jars get pissed.

What kind of tipper are you (heading towards the Reservoir Dogs tipping discussion)?

Here's what the Swedes say about. They're going to be cashless in 2023. I think you've heard about swish.

Sweden: World's First Cashless Society

In and of itself, having the mark of the beast implanted is not the fulfilling of a Biblical prophecy, but am pointing out it could be since Revelation was written in ancient times. I don't think there is any question that the chip is what is being referred to anymore.
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You never answer my questions. Why not do that first and I may consider answering yours.
I’m happy to answer any question that you ask. But you didn’t ask a question. You just said no. And now your avoiding answering my question to suggest I should answer your questions. Do you see the hypocrisy?

Here ya go.
Slade asks: Wouldn’t a true society of god not involve any form of currency?

My question: What would make you think that?
Huh? Did you go back and change that? Your response that I saw was “No”. Look at our conversation history in green. Your question wasn’t there.

Regardless... I would think that because the values taught by Jesus in the Bible involve values and acts that reflect in my mind a lifestyle where money and currency is not needed. Of course this is utopian and not realistic.
I didn't change it I missed putting the question in that "no" post. As I'm kinda busy taking care of things I need to get done.

Like many others you think to the earthly precepts not the spirit. There is scripture that addresses the evils of someone trying to get the collective to put all their money/filthy mammon into one purse. If I get a chance later after I get done things I need to do done I'll work on getting the scripture posted for you.
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
This has already happened. All the prophetic events have already happened.
The Mark is using your 'right hand' in agreement with an evil. The one in the forehead is a Mark in your mind.

Is that in Scripture? I'm not that familiar with Revelation nor Book of Daniel, but this one I remembered as others have posted it before. I've had my dogs chipped and the technology has been around for about a decade now. This was the first time I've heard it done to people as the Swedes are willing to do it. Maybe it will catch on.
If your dogs are marked, they must no longer be able to buy or sell.

Hand them a credit card, let them loose in a pet store, and see it I'm right.
I don't think so. Assuming Revelations is actually prophetic, before this happens we have to go through a number of other events, including the death by three plagues of 2.5 billion people. I think we would have noticed that.

It's Revelation, not Revelations. I've not heard the death by three plagues of 2.5 B people. Where is that in the Bible? There are the ten plagues of Egypt from Exodus (OT) which has been fulfilled already -- Plagues of Egypt.

Rev 9:18 A third of mankind is killed by three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur. The current population is 7.7 billion, so that is 2.5 billion dead.
If Trump wins again in 2020 and the US goes cashless, then I want "IN GOD WE TRUST" engraved on the chips. Then we are ensured of making it until 2024 :11_2_1043:.

The atheist equivalent of this prophecy is NASA claiming they will find aliens by 2025 because they have high technology and the most powerful telescopes :71:.
Orange is not the mark of the beast.

Orange is the mark of the convict.
If Trump wins again in 2020 and the US goes cashless, then I want "IN GOD WE TRUST" engraved on the chips. Then we are ensured of making it until 2024 :11_2_1043:.

The atheist equivalent of this prophecy is NASA claiming they will find aliens by 2025 because they have high technology and the most powerful telescopes :71:.
Would it disrupt your world view if there is other intelligence like ours out there?
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
I think Revelation was written by a crazy hermit to scare little children and the weak minded. Cashless society, yes you do have a debatable point there.

Who wrote Revelation? Who wrote Daniel? And how do you know these people?

Let's see what happens if we do end up being a cashless society? I don't see any drawbacks unless it's the government or someone tracking you or someone is able to take your chip or body part and become you.
John of Patmos wrote Revelation. Reading about religion will reveal these thing unto you. As far as chip or body part, retinal scanning can be used.
Would it disrupt your world view if there is other intelligence like ours out there?

That isn't the big deal in terms of Biblical prophecies. The big deal is what happened to Jerusalem and Israel since the crucifixion of Jesus. Do you know what happened in in 70 AD? And why the Biblical prophecies were stopped? What happened to Jerusalem and Israel since then?

To answer your question, finding aliens before 2025 or anytime and anywhere would be a head scratcher because God did not say he created aliens nor panspermia. Not even panspermia from our planet to another. We also have the fine tuning facts. However, it would not be the end to the Christian worldview.

To compare it to atheism, would it end their worldview if we discovered plesiosaurs and pteranodons still living like coelacanth? What about T-Rex with no feathers? It wouldn't destroy atheism. Besides, we found out that every atheist past, present, and future would have to be convinced of God. This is supposed to happen because of the second coming of Jesus when every eye will "see." I thought it was hell that was suppose to make them believe, but I learned it has already been written in the prophecies with the second coming of Jesus.
Would it disrupt your world view if there is other intelligence like ours out there?

That isn't the big deal in terms of Biblical prophecies. The big deal is what happened to Jerusalem and Israel since the crucifixion of Jesus. Do you know what happened in in 70 AD? And why the Biblical prophecies were stopped? What happened to Jerusalem and Israel since then?

To answer your question, finding aliens before 2025 or anytime and anywhere would be a head scratcher because God did not say he created aliens nor panspermia. Not even panspermia from our planet to another. We also have the fine tuning facts. However, it would not be the end to the Christian worldview.

To compare it to atheism, would it end their worldview if we discovered plesiosaurs and pteranodons still living like coelacanth? What about T-Rex with no feathers? It wouldn't destroy atheism. Besides, we found out that every atheist past, present, and future would have to be convinced of God. This is supposed to happen because of the second coming of Jesus when every eye will "see." I thought it was hell that was suppose to make them believe, but I learned it has already been written in the prophecies with the second coming of Jesus.
So if intelligent life were discovered in the universe, it wouldn’t conflict with your religious beliefs?
Aliens would need a creator too.

Either the universe has a creator or it caused itself to come into existence. Which seems more likely?
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?
Bernie says who needs money WHEN Everything's FREE! *L*

In the Biblical era they had Roman Jesus image coins with collumns of numbers that equalled 666 and Arabs were not allowed to buy or sell without this coin.
Today you have Marquis with fish or cross(mark of the beast) symbols stating themselves a Christian business, and fish and cross images on trade paper ads and yellow page ads so you can buy and sell with other fishys(people who took the Luciferian bait).
So if intelligent life were discovered in the universe, it wouldn’t conflict with your religious beliefs?

Why don't you answer my questions from my previous post? You don't learn anything from my giving you the answers, because you do not have a response and you're lame :lame2:. Why don't you just go back to answering Taz's questions? You guys seem like butt buddies made for each other.
Bernie says who needs money WHEN Everything's FREE! *L*

In the Biblical era they had Roman Jesus image coins with collumns of numbers that equalled 666 and Arabs were not allowed to buy or sell without this coin.
Today you have Marquis with fish or cross(mark of the beast) symbols stating themselves a Christian business, and fish and cross images on trade paper ads and yellow page ads so you can buy and sell with other fishys(people who took the Luciferian bait).

I thought it was the other JC, Julius Caesar, whose gold coins had value. In California, we have Apple_gray_logo.png as the richest corporation and the ceo is gay.
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?
I got the best movie on that a few months back from GoodWill. It starred Russell Crowe as Noah.

"How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?"

I don't know, Taz. But likely, it was a miracle of God. :thup: :)

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