Is This The Fulfilling Of The Mark Of The Beast Prophecy?

So if intelligent life were discovered in the universe, it wouldn’t conflict with your religious beliefs?

Why don't you answer my questions from my previous post? You don't learn anything from my giving you the answers, because you do not have a response and you're lame :lame2:. Why don't you just go back to answering Taz's questions? You guys seem like butt buddies made for each other.
Because it has nothing to do with this question?

I would learn if your religious beliefs would be upset because intelligent life existed somewhere else in the universe.

Butt buddies? Really?
Because it has nothing to do with this question?

70 AD - Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) - Wikipedia. Your church and people, dude. But "your church" wasn't even my point. It was a fulfilling of a prophecy. What is the big deal with Israel? Why would we go back to war in the ME for WMDs? Why would we defend Israel?

Because you can't answer it or because you don't want to . You haven't really read nor studied the Bible. Did you know that Peter, or is it St. Peter, was the first pope? How did the NT start? How did Christianity start with Roman Catholicism upon what rock? What does our friend, whom you :eusa_liar: about, BreezeWood believe about Jesus?

You are el fakir :bowdown::bow3:. Let the cockroaches bow down to you in the afterlife.

If a Biblical prophecy hit you in the face, you wouldn't know what to do with it.

Do you know about the 70 weeks? How many weeks have been fulfilled? The answer is 69 and no it isn't literal weeks. What book do you have to read to find out? We are in the 70th week now. So maybe that 2060 year that Sir Isaac Newton forecast wasn't so far off :eek-52:.

I really hope and pray that Trump wins again and has "IN GOD WE TRUST" engraved on the microchips.
Because it has nothing to do with this question?

70 AD - Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) - Wikipedia. Your church and people, dude. But "your church" wasn't even my point. It was a fulfilling of a prophecy. What is the big deal with Israel? Why would we go back to war in the ME for WMDs? Why would we defend Israel?

Because you can't answer it or because you don't want to . You haven't really read nor studied the Bible. Did you know that Peter, or is it St. Peter, was the first pope? How did the NT start? How did Christianity start with Roman Catholicism upon what rock? What does our friend, whom you :eusa_liar: about, BreezeWood believe about Jesus?

You are el fakir :bowdown::bow3:. Let the cockroaches bow down to you in the afterlife.

If a Biblical prophecy hit you in the face, you wouldn't know what to do with it.

Do you know about the 70 weeks? How many weeks have been fulfilled? The answer is 69 and no it isn't literal weeks. What book do you have to read to find out? We are in the 70th week now. So maybe that 2060 year that Sir Isaac Newton forecast wasn't so far off :eek-52:.

I really hope and pray that Trump wins again and has "IN GOD WE TRUST" engraved on the microchips.
So if intelligent life were discovered it would conflict with your religious beliefs?
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?
I got the best movie on that a few months back from GoodWill. It starred Russell Crowe as Noah.

"How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?"

I don't know, Taz. But likely, it was a miracle of God. :thup: :)
That was one of the most idiotic movies I've seen, especially those rock monsters. Russel should be ashamed of himself.
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?
I got the best movie on that a few months back from GoodWill. It starred Russell Crowe as Noah.

"How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?"

I don't know, Taz. But likely, it was a miracle of God. :thup: :)
That was one of the most idiotic movies I've seen, especially those rock monsters. Russel should be ashamed of himself.
Your issue is with the story line. Mr. Crowe will go down in history as one of the best leading actors of all times. The best thespians do not always pillory the writers, but faithfully execute their character's role in a manner that takes an audience on a path the authors wish to travel. Right or wrong in its story weaving, that movie motivated a lot of Bible purchases of people seeking validation of their beliefs.
Mr. Crowe is also credited with augmentation of classical music as well as natural animal sciences after his movie Master and Commander aired. He has a performance method that targets roles that bring about inspirations in neglected pastimes that make people lean toward good use of time spent while on the earth.
You're so used to false narratives created to achieve a pointed political end by destroying a target, you may not realize there are individuals in the world who focus their false narrative acting jobs into improvement of the human race as part of their gift of themselves to their fellow man. My guess is that Mr. Crowe will be far more loved and lauded when he passes than when he is alive and subjected to the harsh critiques of those who have no idea what responsible actors can do for their fellow man other than making them laugh, cry, and/or forget their troubles for 90 minutes or more. One of his roles actually softened humanity's attitude toward seeking help in the face of mental illness, which is merely a disruption of neural synapses under real or imagined pressure and is more physical chemistry than human-inflicted misery. What people may not understand about greatness is that the people who have it know it and use it knowing that most people will never guess that they are a do-gooder, because of a selflessness they may possess that is known only to their circle of friends and those who assess informational outcomes with the understanding that great actors are aware of their influence, and poor actors haven't a clue. All the time, these great minds are also just men (or women) and also possess feet of clay in other areas of their lives.
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We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?
I got the best movie on that a few months back from GoodWill. It starred Russell Crowe as Noah.

"How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?"

I don't know, Taz. But likely, it was a miracle of God. :thup: :)
That was one of the most idiotic movies I've seen, especially those rock monsters. Russel should be ashamed of himself.
Your issue is with the story line. Mr. Crowe will go down in history as one of the best leading actors of all times. The best thespians do not always pillory the writers, but faithfully execute their character's role in a manner that takes an audience on a path the authors wish to travel. Right or wrong in its story weaving, that movie motivated a lot of Bible purchases of people seeking validation of their beliefs.
Mr. Crowe is also credited with augmentation of classical music after his movie Master and Commander aired. He has a performance method that targets roles that bring about inspirations in neglected pastimes that make people lean toward good use of time spent while on the earth.
You're so used to false narratives created to achieve a pointed political end by destroying a target, you may not realize there are individuals in the world who focus their false narrative acting jobs into improvement of the human race as part of their gift of themselves to their fellow man. My guess is that Mr. Crowe will be far more loved and lauded when he passes than when he is alive and subjected to the harsh critiques of those who have no idea what responsible actors can do for their fellow man other than making them laugh, cry, and/or forget their troubles for 90 minutes or more. One of his roles actually softened humanity's attitude toward seeking help in the face of mental illness, which is merely a disruption of neural synapses under real or imagined pressure and is more physical chemistry than human-inflicted misery. What people may not understand about greatness is that the people who have it know it and use it knowing that most people will never guess that they are a do-gooder, because of a selflessness they may possess that is known only to their circle of friends and those who assess informational outcomes with the understanding that great actors are aware of their influence, and poor actors haven't a clue. All the time, these great minds are also just men (or women) and also possess feet of clay in other areas of their lives.
Ok, so you're in love with Russell. And he's a decent actor. But the movie was still way beyond stupid.
So if intelligent life were discovered it would conflict with your religious beliefs?

May the maggots feast on your nostrils in during the tribulation. :th_smileysw2wqa:

You're a bit slow as I've answered that in the past post.
So if intelligent life were discovered it would conflict with your religious beliefs?

May the maggots feast on your nostrils in during the tribulation. :th_smileysw2wqa:

You're a bit slow as I've answered that in the past post.
If you say so. I don’t believe you did.

I believe it would create a conflict in your religious beliefs.
So if intelligent life were discovered it would conflict with your religious beliefs?

May the maggots feast on your nostrils in during the tribulation. :th_smileysw2wqa:

You're a bit slow as I've answered that in the past post.
If you say so. I don’t believe you did.

I believe it would create a conflict in your religious beliefs.
Yours too.
Not in the slightest. I would be surprised if there wasn’t intelligent life out there. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
So if intelligent life were discovered it would conflict with your religious beliefs?

May the maggots feast on your nostrils in during the tribulation. :th_smileysw2wqa:

You're a bit slow as I've answered that in the past post.
If you say so. I don’t believe you did.

I believe it would create a conflict in your religious beliefs.
Yours too.
Not in the slightest. I would be surprised if there wasn’t intelligent life out there. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
Thanks for answering my question from the other thread. :biggrin:
I believe it would create a conflict in your religious beliefs

It sounds like I hit a nerve :eek-52: with you not reading the Bible and thus you treat it as allegory. Why not tell us what the allegory of the mark of the beast is as you have trouble staying on topic?
So if intelligent life were discovered it would conflict with your religious beliefs?

May the maggots feast on your nostrils in during the tribulation. :th_smileysw2wqa:

You're a bit slow as I've answered that in the past post.
If you say so. I don’t believe you did.

I believe it would create a conflict in your religious beliefs.
Yours too.
Not in the slightest. I would be surprised if there wasn’t intelligent life out there. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
Thanks for answering my question from the other thread. :biggrin:
Thanks for asking it in a different way.
I believe it would create a conflict in your religious beliefs

It sounds like I hit a nerve :eek-52: with you not reading the Bible and thus you treat it as allegory. Why not tell us what the allegory of the mark of the beast is as you have trouble staying on topic?
You give yourself way to much credit, JB.

But if it makes you feel better to believe it, go for it.
You give yourself way to much credit, JB.

But if it makes you feel better to believe it, go for it.

The answer is no. They can't implant the microchip in your :cul2:. Forehead or hand and hope for the best and not "beast." See how I explained everything in three sentences so you can understand?
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?
I got the best movie on that a few months back from GoodWill. It starred Russell Crowe as Noah.

"How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?"

I don't know, Taz. But likely, it was a miracle of God. :thup: :)
That was one of the most idiotic movies I've seen, especially those rock monsters. Russel should be ashamed of himself.
Your issue is with the story line. Mr. Crowe will go down in history as one of the best leading actors of all times. The best thespians do not always pillory the writers, but faithfully execute their character's role in a manner that takes an audience on a path the authors wish to travel. Right or wrong in its story weaving, that movie motivated a lot of Bible purchases of people seeking validation of their beliefs.
Mr. Crowe is also credited with augmentation of classical music after his movie Master and Commander aired. He has a performance method that targets roles that bring about inspirations in neglected pastimes that make people lean toward good use of time spent while on the earth.
You're so used to false narratives created to achieve a pointed political end by destroying a target, you may not realize there are individuals in the world who focus their false narrative acting jobs into improvement of the human race as part of their gift of themselves to their fellow man. My guess is that Mr. Crowe will be far more loved and lauded when he passes than when he is alive and subjected to the harsh critiques of those who have no idea what responsible actors can do for their fellow man other than making them laugh, cry, and/or forget their troubles for 90 minutes or more. One of his roles actually softened humanity's attitude toward seeking help in the face of mental illness, which is merely a disruption of neural synapses under real or imagined pressure and is more physical chemistry than human-inflicted misery. What people may not understand about greatness is that the people who have it know it and use it knowing that most people will never guess that they are a do-gooder, because of a selflessness they may possess that is known only to their circle of friends and those who assess informational outcomes with the understanding that great actors are aware of their influence, and poor actors haven't a clue. All the time, these great minds are also just men (or women) and also possess feet of clay in other areas of their lives.
Ok, so you're in love with Russell. And he's a decent actor. But the movie was still way beyond stupid.
Taz: "Ok, so you're in love with Russell. And he's a decent actor. But the movie was still way beyond stupid."​

Love and admiration are not one and the same. In my life's experience, I simply had the good fortune of having a master thespian instructor, Ralph Strane, in a junior college for two semesters of the school year of 1965-1966, who inspired scholars to see what is not obvious to most. My adult life did not afford a lot of leisure to see a lot of theatrical works because my work was that of a homemaker and mother mostly, and I spent it making a home for my two children through thunder, thick, and thin. Since my husband passed, I've spent 3 years reviewing a lifetime of movies as made available to me as the fickle finger of fate and what was available to a widow with limited resources could find at a local Good Will store. My husband's taste in movies were those that used scare tactics and stuff guys like, and our last movie viewed was named "Jaws" because it coincided with me throwing up after viewing it. I have since accepted the shark as the predator that it is, but I just don't like scary, profane, karate-chop, spook-house, or car-collision entertainment works, regardless of the people who use them cheerfully to forget their boring lives.

That reminds me. It's senior discount day at the local Good will, and I'm down to 6 dvd flicks. See ya! Thanks for the chat. :p
We have a verse in chapter 13 in the book of Revelation (OT) as

"16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13:16-17

Are we heading towards a cashless society?

(One could argue it is right or left hand.)

Are embedded microchips dangerous? Ask the Swedes — and pets

What prophecies in the past have been fulfilled already? Do you think we missed any?
How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?
I got the best movie on that a few months back from GoodWill. It starred Russell Crowe as Noah.

"How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood?"

I don't know, Taz. But likely, it was a miracle of God. :thup: :)
"How did kangaroos get to Noah's Ark and back after the flood? ... I don't know, Taz. But likely, it was a miracle of God. :thup:

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I could not read beyond the forgeries of the first few pages of the christian bible, shame on those who have ... your statement is a contradiction to your (religious) document.

the horrendous storm is what took their lives is the parable of noah, humanity was the only objective.

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