Is this the kind of nonsense talk we can expect on a daily basis from Trump and his team?

Let's start with a premise. It's this: All politicians, to one extent or another, obfuscate the truth.

definition of obfuscate: being evasive, unclear, or obscure in the telling of the facts.

So, almost any politician can be selective in what he says or how he says something which is sometimes meant to conceal rather than reveal.

I can usually, but certainly not always, tell when it's happening. Senators and members of the House of Representatives are usually more blatant in "framing issues" in such a way as to make a mockery of what is actually true. Presidents and their staff are generally more circumspect in this regard due to both the sheer impact of their statements and the high degree of scrutiny their statements get both at here at home and abroad.

Frankly, to be fair, I can think of some whoppers told by every president of the modern era. Some of these false or misleading statements, one can argue, are said in the interest of national security. Others are purely self-serving. Clinton's "I-did-not-have-sex-with-that-woman..." statement immediately comes to mind.

With that said, Trump and his team seem to be charting new ground even before taking office.

What prompts me to post this is a news report I just saw about the CIA continuing to look into Russia's meddling in last month's US national election due, at least in part, to the fact that president Obama had ordered a full review to be done in this regard.

Trump team responds to report that Russia helped Trump win

At any rate, as I read the article, I saw an unattributed quote from someone on Trump's transition team. The person reportedly said the following: "The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history."

Really? I didn't think the margin was particularly large. Consequently, I decided to see if I could find out how large it really was when compared to ALL the other presidential elections from George Washington onward. Here's what I found out.

We've had 58 presidential elections over our entire history. Trump's electoral margin of victory was 46th out of 58, AND he managed to lose the popular vote by somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.7 ballots cast. So, what that means is that approximately 78% of the winners of previous elections had a higher winning margin than Trump.

List of United States presidential elections by Electoral College margin - Wikipedia

So, I can't help but ask the question again. Is this the kind of nonsense talk we can expect on a daily basis from Trump and his team? If so, the nation is going to tire of it in short order. Of that, I am sure!

Well that would explain this --

Trump's favorability jumps since election

I wouldn't put much stock in ANY favorability rating which is calculated more than a month prior to actually taking office.

I've never put any stock on Obama's "favorability" about a bunch of BS. it's liked they polled San Freak Show


However, I'm going to offer a prediction that I personally think is a no-brainer.

I predict that people are going to miss (REALLY miss) no-drama Obama and his sober, reflective, calm and reassuring leadership style very soon, especially considering that Trump is SO reactive and easily (and quite obviously) agitated by even the smallest seemingly insignificant thing (Think Alec Baldwin on SNL). Trump's excitable reactive style is going to make a LOT of people very nervous simply because he's predictably unpredictable. I would liken it to having a friend who is so emotionally excitable about almost anything that you're always trying to tip toe through a conversation because you're never really sure what's going to set him off. It's tiring, and taxing. My bet is that America is going to sour on Trump in record time. That's when his fragile ego is going to shift into a self-pity mode which is going to make people long for the days of Obama and how he maturely handled adversity like a man who understood it came with the territory and that there was no point on dwelling (or should I say, obsessing) on unimportant issues that would merely serve to distract his focus from the job at hand.

You couldn't be more wrong bud.
You did however outline one very important thing that made REAL American's fall in love with Trump and his methodology.
You see REAL American's like to see ACTION, we hate a calm calculated demeanor with all the trivial word play...we see right through that bullshit...we know that's just a shady method to conceal and make people think everything is okay...a calm demeanor almost always shows lack of motivation to get shit done!
We also hate it when a leader turns a blind eye to the 'little things'....we're smart enough to know that 'little things' turn to big things real fast and it's always better to be proactive and set precedent early on. See how this works?
Nut-job Liberals love to play pretend and keep their heads in the sand as long as they get their free shit and acknowledgement.
REAL American's want and need a motivated, charismatic REAL leader who listens to the people that matter...who isn't afraid to make decisions and isn't cautious in everything said and's time to make shit happen and that scares the shit out all the weirdo's, low-lifes and immigrants...anyone truly legit is safe...everyone else is and should be paranoid. Enjoy the show as America is made American again....hahaha
Actually, this hoax about this Russia hacking is just another ploy To how dishonest Democrats really are. they don't live up to anything that they agree to and whine and complain after asking if someone else will whine and complain hypocrites that's what they are and always will be!!!!!
Wait, how so?
I thought govt was great and would never treat workers bad.
You're whole argument for private sector unions goes out the window, because you are saying that's life.

but just for fun, how are they treated badly?
I believe all workers have the right to organize. You right wing dipsticks hate the idea. Which is really stupid because some of you work.

Yes there are unions that take things to far but there are more good unions looking out for the safety & well being of their members. To think government employees don't have the same issues as those in the private sector is stupid.

Well the reasons they give for private sector unions, wouldn't make sense for govt civil service jobs. Unions may have been necessary, but now they are not. You have safety regulations, you have a 40 hour workweek, you have benefits. The problem with modern unions, like all organizations is they have to make up fights and cause unnecessary issues to justify their existence. Like NATO, no point in it anymore, it was designed to counter the Warsaw Pact, scrap it, if you find you need a new organization, then make one, but NATO's reason for existing is over, but people would lose jobs, sorry folks.
Organized labor created workplace safety, the 40 hour week and benefits. If those are the only workplace issues, you may have a point. But wage disparity, equal pay, family leave and pensions are still active and vital issues for working families.

Labor is not just another commodity or raw material. And that's how labor is regarded among Conservatives and employers, public and private.

Equal pay?

We have FMLA, I thought Clinton solved it
How does Family and Medical Leave address the fact women are paid 79 cents on the dollar?

It doesnt, you had two questions.

Ok, equal pay, Show me that report and lets see if it addresses issues like women taking off prime earning years to have kids?
Do women stay as late at the office as men?
Do women do dangerous higher paying jobs lime men?

You cant just look at a spread sheet without taking into account that men and women are different.

Give me an example.
  1. (of a quotation, story, or work of art) not ascribed to any source; of unknown or unpublished provenance.
Do you believe there is a right to collective bargaining?

No, I dont. Because jobs are work that someone needs done. I can mow the lawn or hire someone, if you dont like my conditions, then move on.
Are you a worker? Can you afford to move on?

Let's play a game. You live in an economically depressed region. Home prices have tanked. The factory has closed. The ancillary businesses, barber shops, hardware stores, shoe stores etc., have been closing now for months and months.

Now, move on. Who will buy your house? What will you do for money while you try to find a new job. What about your kids and school?

It's easy to sit back and sneer and say 'move on' until you face that prospect for yourself. And they call Conservatives cold and heartless! I wonder why?
Well they could just thank the Democrats for moving all their jobs overseas!
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
No, I dont. Because jobs are work that someone needs done. I can mow the lawn or hire someone, if you dont like my conditions, then move on.
Are you a worker? Can you afford to move on?

Let's play a game. You live in an economically depressed region. Home prices have tanked. The factory has closed. The ancillary businesses, barber shops, hardware stores, shoe stores etc., have been closing now for months and months.

Now, move on. Who will buy your house? What will you do for money while you try to find a new job. What about your kids and school?

It's easy to sit back and sneer and say 'move on' until you face that prospect for yourself. And they call Conservatives cold and heartless! I wonder why?
Well they could just thank the Democrats for moving all their jobs overseas!
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA
Are you a worker? Can you afford to move on?

Let's play a game. You live in an economically depressed region. Home prices have tanked. The factory has closed. The ancillary businesses, barber shops, hardware stores, shoe stores etc., have been closing now for months and months.

Now, move on. Who will buy your house? What will you do for money while you try to find a new job. What about your kids and school?

It's easy to sit back and sneer and say 'move on' until you face that prospect for yourself. And they call Conservatives cold and heartless! I wonder why?
Well they could just thank the Democrats for moving all their jobs overseas!
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA

Yes, and I was for it, but it took like two years to see it was bullshit.

Pubs are learning these deals are bad, dems are just starting to support them en masse, when they know theyre bad, I wonder why.
Well they could just thank the Democrats for moving all their jobs overseas!
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA

Yes, and I was for it, but it took like two years to see it was bullshit.

Pubs are learning these deals are bad, dems are just starting to support them en masse, when they know theyre bad, I wonder why.

I was against it from the start and was protesting against it.
It was another bill passed and rammed down our thorats, just like the health care bill was.
Well they could just thank the Democrats for moving all their jobs overseas!
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA

Yes, and I was for it, but it took like two years to see it was bullshit.

Pubs are learning these deals are bad, dems are just starting to support them en masse, when they know theyre bad, I wonder why.
They don't want middle-class people to succeed
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA

Yes, and I was for it, but it took like two years to see it was bullshit.

Pubs are learning these deals are bad, dems are just starting to support them en masse, when they know theyre bad, I wonder why.

I was against it from the start and was protesting against it.
It was another bill passed and rammed down our thorats, just like the health care bill was.
And a bunch of elected idiots that have no idea what business actually is they have no idea, these people are ruthless!
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA

Yes, and I was for it, but it took like two years to see it was bullshit.

Pubs are learning these deals are bad, dems are just starting to support them en masse, when they know theyre bad, I wonder why.
They don't want middle-class people to succeed

Both parties were ignoring the middle class.
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA

Yes, and I was for it, but it took like two years to see it was bullshit.

Pubs are learning these deals are bad, dems are just starting to support them en masse, when they know theyre bad, I wonder why.
They don't want middle-class people to succeed

Both parties were ignoring the middle class.
No history to support that sorry only Democrats

I wouldn't put much stock in ANY favorability rating which is calculated more than a month prior to actually taking office.

I've never put any stock on Obama's "favorability" about a bunch of BS. it's liked they polled San Freak Show


However, I'm going to offer a prediction that I personally think is a no-brainer.

I predict that people are going to miss (REALLY miss) no-drama Obama and his sober, reflective, calm and reassuring leadership style very soon, especially considering that Trump is SO reactive and easily (and quite obviously) agitated by even the smallest seemingly insignificant thing (Think Alec Baldwin on SNL). Trump's excitable reactive style is going to make a LOT of people very nervous simply because he's predictably unpredictable. I would liken it to having a friend who is so emotionally excitable about almost anything that you're always trying to tip toe through a conversation because you're never really sure what's going to set him off. It's tiring, and taxing. My bet is that America is going to sour on Trump in record time. That's when his fragile ego is going to shift into a self-pity mode which is going to make people long for the days of Obama and how he maturely handled adversity like a man who understood it came with the territory and that there was no point on dwelling (or should I say, obsessing) on unimportant issues that would merely serve to distract his focus from the job at hand.

You couldn't be more wrong bud.
You did however outline one very important thing that made REAL American's fall in love with Trump and his methodology.
You see REAL American's like to see ACTION, we hate a calm calculated demeanor with all the trivial word play...we see right through that bullshit...we know that's just a shady method to conceal and make people think everything is okay...a calm demeanor almost always shows lack of motivation to get shit done!
We also hate it when a leader turns a blind eye to the 'little things'....we're smart enough to know that 'little things' turn to big things real fast and it's always better to be proactive and set precedent early on. See how this works?
Nut-job Liberals love to play pretend and keep their heads in the sand as long as they get their free shit and acknowledgement.
REAL American's want and need a motivated, charismatic REAL leader who listens to the people that matter...who isn't afraid to make decisions and isn't cautious in everything said and's time to make shit happen and that scares the shit out all the weirdo's, low-lifes and immigrants...anyone truly legit is safe...everyone else is and should be paranoid. Enjoy the show as America is made American again....hahaha
Actually, this hoax about this Russia hacking is just another ploy To how dishonest Democrats really are. they don't live up to anything that they agree to and whine and complain after asking if someone else will whine and complain hypocrites that's what they are and always will be!!!!!

Everyone is lying except Donald Trump. My God. It is just the opposite. You & Trump defend the Russian interference into our election process. What are you afraid that might be discovered?
Are you a worker? Can you afford to move on?

Let's play a game. You live in an economically depressed region. Home prices have tanked. The factory has closed. The ancillary businesses, barber shops, hardware stores, shoe stores etc., have been closing now for months and months.

Now, move on. Who will buy your house? What will you do for money while you try to find a new job. What about your kids and school?

It's easy to sit back and sneer and say 'move on' until you face that prospect for yourself. And they call Conservatives cold and heartless! I wonder why?
Well they could just thank the Democrats for moving all their jobs overseas!
Aren't Republicans free traders?
What is your definition of free trade? Right now it's not even trade, it's weighted toward global countries not the US.! By many factors that weren't Republican base so please define free-trade

This is true, free trade makes yiu think the rules are the same for both parties, but they arent, so we do that really have free trade, but pubs did support these shit deals and now Trump is showing them the error of their ways, ironically democrats are now supporting these deals when we know they suck.
But Clinton signed NAFTA

The concept of NAFTA was first discussed under Reagan.

George HW Bush negotisayted NATFA & signed the agreement.

The agreement was not ratified in the Senate due to Democrats.

So the Republicans wrote a bill that accepted the NAFTA items & it passsed with the bulk of Republicans voting yes & the bulk of Democrats voting no.

Yes Bill Clinton liked NAFTA but it was a Republican initiative & Republicans out it on Clinton's desk.

I like NAFTA because I export US made goods into Mexico. I like the TPP. I like trade deals that open up countries to fairer markets.
I believe all workers have the right to organize. You right wing dipsticks hate the idea. Which is really stupid because some of you work.

Yes there are unions that take things to far but there are more good unions looking out for the safety & well being of their members. To think government employees don't have the same issues as those in the private sector is stupid.

Well the reasons they give for private sector unions, wouldn't make sense for govt civil service jobs. Unions may have been necessary, but now they are not. You have safety regulations, you have a 40 hour workweek, you have benefits. The problem with modern unions, like all organizations is they have to make up fights and cause unnecessary issues to justify their existence. Like NATO, no point in it anymore, it was designed to counter the Warsaw Pact, scrap it, if you find you need a new organization, then make one, but NATO's reason for existing is over, but people would lose jobs, sorry folks.
Organized labor created workplace safety, the 40 hour week and benefits. If those are the only workplace issues, you may have a point. But wage disparity, equal pay, family leave and pensions are still active and vital issues for working families.

Labor is not just another commodity or raw material. And that's how labor is regarded among Conservatives and employers, public and private.

Equal pay?

We have FMLA, I thought Clinton solved it
How does Family and Medical Leave address the fact women are paid 79 cents on the dollar?

It doesnt, you had two questions.

Ok, equal pay, Show me that report and lets see if it addresses issues like women taking off prime earning years to have kids?
Do women stay as late at the office as men?
Do women do dangerous higher paying jobs lime men?

You cant just look at a spread sheet without taking into account that men and women are different.

Give me an example.
It is equal pay for equal work. My God people.
Is this the kind of nonsense talk we can expect on a daily basis from Trump and his team?

Can we expect Trump to announce soon, that under his socialistic health care plan we can keep our policies and our doctors? Or that it will cost less? Or that the Benghazi murders were done because of a video?

Now that would be nonsense talk. Wouldn't it?
He's a CEO not a polititian
Tramp has been a self announced politician ever since he declared himself a candidate for the Reform Party presidential primary in 1999. He was a failed politician, Pat Buchanan won the nomination, but a politician none the less.


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Can we expect Trump to announce soon, that under his socialistic health care plan we can keep our policies and our doctors? Or that it will cost less?
Tramp already announced that TrampCare will cost much less.
It won't exist so it won't cost anything, you just go to the emergency room.
When I lived in Vegas, I saw Siegfried and Roy disappear an elephant on stage, but I know that was nothing compared to how Trump is going to lower taxes, spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, resolve our deficit, deport 12 million illegals in 2 years, end terrorism in the US, and settle the Syrian mess while building a 2,000 mile wall with Mexico paying for it.

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