Is this true? If so, why?

If there was a real profit to be made in elementary education why has this opportunity never been seriously exploited by corporations before now?

Private primary and secondary schools do quite well financially (or at least the best ones do - you know, competition and all that). And students from all over the world, including a very great many from those countries whose educational systems you admire so much, flock to such schools in the US every year. In fact, there is serious and increasing competition for limited spaces in those schools by families from around the globe seeking to get their children out of the centrally-planned paradise you dream of.
Your post suggests a privatized system of education is superior, but don't explain how or why.

Damn right. Why? Choice...choice in your education dollar that only competition can produce. With centrally planned education (local, state and feds working together to screw things up), you get NO choice. The outcome, as always, is crappy results and skyrocketing costs.

I don't want a corporation to teach our kids, why do you?

Corporations, partnerships, LLCs, or just one guy that owns the operation...I don't care. The point is with a free market in education, you get choice. With choice comes the NECESSITY to produce superior results and to keep costs in check....or you send your kid to another school.

I don't want government bureaucrats to "teach" our kids, why do you?

Government bureaucrats? Your disdain for teachers is noted.

Who would teach in private schools (PS) and how would said teachers differ in content and approach from 'government bureaucrats'?

Would PS be subsidized by the taxpayer or would the burden fall exclusively on parents of kids attending such an institution of learning.

What I'm hearing is one more iteration of "ain't government awful", a poorly thought out and emotional response to a serious problem.
Ironic how that illustrates a lack of education in both history and logic. Not one reputable source on the fall of the Roman Empire would make that correlation let alone attempt to argue for causation.

You mean "Not one LEFTIST source".

Got it...:lol:

Your failure to substantiate your allegation is duly noted.

Of course, you didn't substantiate yours. Pot, kettle...I see you've met.

For the record, the topic of Rome's fall and the correlation with public education was discussed thoroughly at this year's Freedom Fest. Wish you could have been there.

Keynote Speakers
Facts not in Evidence!

Logic not in use!

Doesn't work here. Stick to the reality of what we face in this country. We spend more per student than all those countries (with the possible exception of ultra-rich Switzerland and Austria), yet the more we spend, the worse the results and the higher the costs.

Open your mind to possibilities that aren't part of the central planner's creed, for once.

Ah yes, more leftist central planning...that's the answer. :doubt:

You're joking, right? Have you taken a look at the tripe that passes for text books lately? Good gawd man, open your eyes!

"Vouchers" still deal with government run schools dumb ass. There is no free market competition in affordable education, not even close.

How's that working out?

Until the attitude towards education changes from being incessantly negative to one of positive reinforcement no amount of outside "competition" is going to make one iota's worth of difference

A perfect example of policies and law being based on INTENTION rather than RESULTS.

You do not know what's best for other family's children, no matter how much you through a temper tantrum and insist that you do.

Strike two!

Because...? Ah, I see, the "because I say so" retort. Beautiful, works every time...:cuckoo:

Still waiting for you to defend the status quo. How's that working out?
If there was a real profit to be made in elementary education why has this opportunity never been seriously exploited by corporations before now?

Wow, if this has to be explained to you, I'm not sure there is any hope...but here goes:

No company, entrepreneur or capital market is going to invest into a sector (affordable k-12 education) that is controlled by a government monopoly.

Think about it with a modicum of logic and reason. The people are forcibly taxed to pay for public education. Who, other than the very rich, are going to pay twice for their kids education?


Primary education has been around in one form or another since the dawn of civilization. So has capitalism. In all those thousands of years you have failed to establish that there is a profit to be made in elementary education.

Homeschooling has been around since the dawn of civilization. Fail, again.

Still waiting for that defense of today's results in public education...:eusa_whistle:

Strike Three!

You go with that...
Your post suggests a privatized system of education is superior, but don't explain how or why.

Damn right. Why? Choice...choice in your education dollar that only competition can produce. With centrally planned education (local, state and feds working together to screw things up), you get NO choice. The outcome, as always, is crappy results and skyrocketing costs.

I don't want a corporation to teach our kids, why do you?

Corporations, partnerships, LLCs, or just one guy that owns the operation...I don't care. The point is with a free market in education, you get choice. With choice comes the NECESSITY to produce superior results and to keep costs in check....or you send your kid to another school.

I don't want government bureaucrats to "teach" our kids, why do you?

Government bureaucrats? Your disdain for teachers is noted.

I have no disdain for teachers. They should, and would, thrive in a free market of least the more capable ones would. And, they'd be paid well for their efforts, which is hardly the case today with the ridiculous concept of tenure dominating compensation.

Nice try to put words in my mouth. Fail...again.

Who would teach in private schools (PS)

Any teacher capable of performing up to the standards required of their paying customers...just like any profession.

and how would said teachers differ in content and approach from 'government bureaucrats'?

They'd respond to the demands of their customers, like any service operation. They'd meet or exceed expectations, provide good value for money, or they'd be replace...again, just like any operation.

Would PS be subsidized by the taxpayer or would the burden fall exclusively on parents of kids attending such an institution of learning..

Different issue. You want to make a case that poor families should receive taxpayer money to pay for their kids education, fine. I'm saying government shouldn't RUN the schools because that takes away competition, consumer choice, the necessity to thrive. What you get, as always, is shitty results and skyrocketing costs...aka, the status quo.

What I'm hearing is one more iteration of "ain't government awful", a poorly thought out and emotional response to a serious problem

Then make the case that despite our spending more per student than just about any other nation, why should we continue to allow unmotivated bureaucrats run the education market. The floor is yours.
Logic not in use!

Doesn't work here. Stick to the reality of what we face in this country. We spend more per student than all those countries (with the possible exception of ultra-rich Switzerland and Austria), yet the more we spend, the worse the results and the higher the costs.

Open your mind to possibilities that aren't part of the central planner's creed, for once.

Ah yes, more leftist central planning...that's the answer. :doubt:

You're joking, right? Have you taken a look at the tripe that passes for text books lately? Good gawd man, open your eyes!

"Vouchers" still deal with government run schools dumb ass. There is no free market competition in affordable education, not even close.

How's that working out?

A perfect example of policies and law being based on INTENTION rather than RESULTS.

You do not know what's best for other family's children, no matter how much you through a temper tantrum and insist that you do.

Strike two!

Because...? Ah, I see, the "because I say so" retort. Beautiful, works every time...:cuckoo:

Still waiting for you to defend the status quo. How's that working out?

The onus remains on you to prove that in spite of thousands of years of commerce and education that there is a profit to be made in elementary education. So far you have done nothing but spout platitudes without a single substantive aspect of a feasible business plan.
Wow, if this has to be explained to you, I'm not sure there is any hope...but here goes:

No company, entrepreneur or capital market is going to invest into a sector (affordable k-12 education) that is controlled by a government monopoly.

Think about it with a modicum of logic and reason. The people are forcibly taxed to pay for public education. Who, other than the very rich, are going to pay twice for their kids education?


Primary education has been around in one form or another since the dawn of civilization. So has capitalism. In all those thousands of years you have failed to establish that there is a profit to be made in elementary education.

Homeschooling has been around since the dawn of civilization. Fail, again.

Still waiting for that defense of today's results in public education...:eusa_whistle:

Strike Three!

You go with that...

Still absolutely nothing resembling a viable method of making a profit from teaching elementary children.
You mean "Not one LEFTIST source".

Got it...:lol:

Your failure to substantiate your allegation is duly noted.

Of course, you didn't substantiate yours. Pot, kettle...I see you've met.

For the record, the topic of Rome's fall and the correlation with public education was discussed thoroughly at this year's Freedom Fest. Wish you could have been there.

Keynote Speakers

Since you have exactly the same access to the information as everyone else it is not my problem if you wish to remain ignorant of the factors that actually caused the fall of the Roman Empire. That you clearly prefer the disinformation spouted by a far right forum with an anti-union agenda says volumes about your motivation when it comes to education.
We live in a world where we are bombarded with bullsh!t information. It is much worse now than it was in the 60s. There were 5 television stations and still there were people on the tube talking BS.

How is anyone supposed to sort it out even if they devoted 8 hours a day to the sorting.

Ignore the BS and watch football.

It is like Bread and Circuses in the Roman Empire but now we have to make decisions about Global Warming and Peak Oil.

Oh yeah, and now we can Google the BS on our smartphones.

No one can take the time to read a couple of good books because they can't find the good books. Most of the books are BS too.

The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase
Anxiety Culture: Tyranny of Words - excerpt
The tyranny of words : Chase, Stuart, 1888-1985 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
[ame=]"The Tyranny of Words" - YouTube[/ame]

The Screwing of the Average Man (1974) by David Hapgood
[ame=]The screwing of the average man: David Hapgood: Books[/ame]


For-Profit Schools

Private firms eyeing profits from U.S. public schools | Reuters

How Sweden Profits from For-Profit Schools | Cato Institute

"A recent study by London’s Institute for Economic Affairs reveals that Swedish private schools are significantly outperforming government schools academically. According to official enrollment figures, private schools are also gaining market share from government schools — so the better schools are growing and crowding out the less effective ones. Excellence is “scaling-up.”"
Primary education has been around in one form or another since the dawn of civilization. So has capitalism. In all those thousands of years you have failed to establish that there is a profit to be made in elementary education.

Homeschooling has been around since the dawn of civilization. Fail, again.

Still waiting for that defense of today's results in public education...:eusa_whistle:

Strike Three!

You go with that...

Still absolutely nothing resembling a viable method of making a profit from teaching elementary children.

K12 | Online Public School, Online High School, Online Private School, Homeschooling, and Online Courses options

LRN: Summary for K12 Inc Common Stock- Yahoo! Finance
Strike two!

Because...? Ah, I see, the "because I say so" retort. Beautiful, works every time...:cuckoo:

Still waiting for you to defend the status quo. How's that working out?

The onus remains on you to prove that in spite of thousands of years of commerce and education that there is a profit to be made in elementary education. So far you have done nothing but spout platitudes without a single substantive aspect of a feasible business plan.

Multiple examples provided in this thread DESPITE the government monopoly on affordable education.

How's that defense of the status quo coming along???
...your motivation when it comes to education.

My motivation is to improve our dismal results and reign in the skyrocketing costs despite our spending more per student than most any other country.

And your plan?
...your motivation when it comes to education.

My motivation is to improve our dismal results and reign in the skyrocketing costs despite our spending more per student than most any other country.

And your plan?

The onus still remains on you to provide a viable business plan to replace public education with for profit corporations.

I have. It's simple. Allow a free market to run educational programs and schools in the manner and form each community is willing to support with their voluntary purchasing power. Whether those individual organizations are for profit companies or charity based organizations matters not. This is no different than any other free market where competition provides choice and the impetus to produce an outcome that meets or exceeds the expectations of customers while providing good value for money.

You have yet to tell us exactly why that won't work much less provided us with an alternative plan, or even a defense of the status quo.

The floor is yours.
My motivation is to improve our dismal results and reign in the skyrocketing costs despite our spending more per student than most any other country.

And your plan?

The onus still remains on you to provide a viable business plan to replace public education with for profit corporations.

I have. It's simple. Allow a free market to run educational programs and schools in the manner and form each community is willing to support with their voluntary purchasing power. Whether those individual organizations are for profit companies or charity based organizations matters not. This is no different than any other free market where competition provides choice and the impetus to produce an outcome that meets or exceeds the expectations of customers while providing good value for money.

You have yet to tell us exactly why that won't work much less provided us with an alternative plan, or even a defense of the status quo.

The floor is yours.

That is not a viable for profit business plan. That is a pipe dream. No investor is going to put up a single penny in anything that poorly written. Real business plans show projected incomes, overheads and profit projections. They deal with marketing and take into account factors that might adversely impact the outcome and how they will be addressed and overcome. So far you have done nothing even vaguely resembling a business plan. The few links provided by other posters are either for 100% technological alternatives or for only targeting the wealthy. Your business plan must provide a for profit solution that will meet the needs of every kind of public school in the nation and clearly demonstrate that it will be feasible and profitable within a 5 year horizon in order to obtain any investment capital at all.
My motivation is to improve our dismal results and reign in the skyrocketing costs despite our spending more per student than most any other country.

And your plan?

The onus still remains on you to provide a viable business plan to replace public education with for profit corporations.

I have. It's simple. Allow a free market to run educational programs and schools in the manner and form each community is willing to support with their voluntary purchasing power. Whether those individual organizations are for profit companies or charity based organizations matters not. This is no different than any other free market where competition provides choice and the impetus to produce an outcome that meets or exceeds the expectations of customers while providing good value for money.

You have yet to tell us exactly why that won't work much less provided us with an alternative plan, or even a defense of the status quo.

The floor is yours.

There's a problem with this, what you're suggesting is facsist, it isn't "voluntary." It is much like our current Auto insurance and Health insurance paradigm. What you intend, is you intend to FORCE tax payers to PAY private suppliers of education, to educate their children. You want them to CHOOSE between several options.

You STILL want the tax payer to HAVE to pay their annual property tax mills, and have it go either toward a private for profit corporation, or to a public sector educational institution. Either way, it is going towards CORE. If you believe that CORE is the problem? Well, then there is no escape from the REAL problem, or from having your money stolen to fund the beast.

THIS is called, a False dilemma
False dilemma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, black-and/or-white thinking, the either-or fallacy, the fallacy of false choice, the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, the fallacy of the false alternative or the fallacy of the excluded middle) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The opposite of this fallacy is argument to moderation.

The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as when there are shades of grey) or may be completely different alternatives. Phrasing that implies 2 options (dilemma, dichotomy, black and white) may be substituted with other number-based nouns, such as a "false trilemma" if something is reduced to only 3 options, instead of 2.

False dilemma can arise intentionally, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice (such as, in some contexts, the assertion that "if you are not with us, you are against us"). But the fallacy can also arise simply by accidental omission of additional options rather than by deliberate deception.

Globalized Education Program Spikes, ‘CORE’ Set To Indoctrinate Humanity

A new global education program is moving forward at breakneck speed, the goal is to indoctrinate the populace of the world.
In just a 9-year span a globalized educational program referred to as “CORE” or “Common CORE” has made its way to “14 countries globally” according to an official presentation. In fact, according to the document “Innovating To Transform the World”, “Core’s intervention benefits more than 35 million students, 60,000 youth, 105,000 teachers, and 88,000 schools globally”.[1]

CORE is all about “transforming the education spectrum” in grades K-12.

CORE’s main directive is seeking to achieve the “transformation of nations by revolutionizing the key building blocks of education, namely – Teaching, Learning, Assessment & Governance.” In other words, it’s 100% globalist sponsored propaganda.
[ame=]CORE: Our Common Enemy!!! (SHARE THIS VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]

It's not about educating the young. Not in the public schools, not in the private or charter schools. It's about making OBEDIENT WORKERS. This is exists through out ALL educational institutions. Everyone is bickering over nothing, it is a distraction. Home-school your children, and do not pay attention to state standards, or else your children are doomed.
The onus still remains on you to provide a viable business plan to replace public education with for profit corporations.

I have. It's simple. Allow a free market to run educational programs and schools in the manner and form each community is willing to support with their voluntary purchasing power. Whether those individual organizations are for profit companies or charity based organizations matters not. This is no different than any other free market where competition provides choice and the impetus to produce an outcome that meets or exceeds the expectations of customers while providing good value for money.

You have yet to tell us exactly why that won't work much less provided us with an alternative plan, or even a defense of the status quo.

The floor is yours.

That is not a viable for profit business plan. That is a pipe dream. No investor is going to put up a single penny in anything that poorly written. Real business plans show projected incomes, overheads and profit projections.

Like I'm going to do a proper full fledged business plan for an internet discussion forum. Are you fucking insane?

The few links provided by other posters are either for 100% technological alternatives or for only targeting the wealthy.

No shit Sherlock. When government has a monopoly on affordable education, only the wealthy can afford to pay twice. Duh.

Your business plan must provide a for profit solution that will meet the needs of every kind of public school in the nation and clearly demonstrate that it will be feasible and profitable within a 5 year horizon in order to obtain any investment capital at all.

I know how a business plan works. I've started two businesses from the ground up.

Still waiting for that critique of a free market approach to education or even a defense of the status quo...:eusa_whistle:

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