US says alleged white supremacists tried to use Telegram to spark race war

Lefties fall for this crap every time. All the Feds have to do is monitor the e mails of a couple of freaking jerks who happen to be white and label them as "white supremacist" and it makes their day. Anybody can see that these guys are patsies for a corrupt administration that doesn't have a handle on crime or threats to democracy. A couple of idiot nerds who share e mails aren't going to overthrow the government when the mental impaired president and his ditsy V.P. invited millions of potential illegal alien terrorists into the Country.
Which felonies?
Don't be a doofus. Read the indictment.
EvilEyeFleegle said that they facilitated felonies.

Name the felons that the two accused people facilitated with, along with the date and locations that the felony happened

Which I dont think you can do
I don't have to..that's why we have the FBI...dumbshit.
You seem to think you get to set the bar here or something--too funny~

Your two fellow travelers are going down..and no amount of squirming on your part is going to stop it.

I get that you really are on their side..politically, racially and ideologically--too bad for you eh?

Now you can continue to hammer away at your meaningless point..I know that tactic is your go-to..but do realize IDGAF about your sophomoric rhetoric and troll-like circular logic ...if you cannot read the indictment..or simply don't bother to--is nothing to me.

Now, post the same stupid shit for the next five posts in a lame attempt to deflect from the fact your White Brother and Sister are going to be explaining their ideology to Bubba..soon~
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Lefties fall for this crap every time. All the Feds have to do is monitor the e mails of a couple of freaking jerks who happen to be white and label them as "white supremacist" and it makes their day. Anybody can see that these guys are patsies for a corrupt administration that doesn't have a handle on crime or threats to democracy. A couple of idiot nerds who share e mails aren't going to overthrow the government when the mental impaired president and his ditsy V.P. invited millions of potential illegal alien terrorists into the Country.
Apparently you're another who did not read the indictment. These two have a lengthy history...and did far more than 'exchange E-mails'. But you don't care..because, as we all know, you're on their side, right?
Race based lefties love this stuff when the Feds capture a couple of white geeks and label them as "white supremacists" and charged them with crimes like "solicititation for hate" while about a million of freaking illegal aliens might be planning another 9-11.
I don't have to..that's why we have the FBI...dumbshit.
You seem to think you get to set the bar here or something--too funny~

Your two fellow travelers are going down..and no amount of squirming on your part is going to stop it.

I get that you really are on their side..politically, racially and ideologically--too bad for you eh?

Now you can continue to hammer away at your meaningless point..I know that tactic is your go-to..but do realize IDGAF about your sophomoric rhetoric and troll-like circular logic ...if you cannot read the indictment..or simply don't bother to--is nothing to me.

Now, post the same stupid shit for the next five posts in a lame attempt to deflect from the fact your White Brother and Sister are going to be explaining their ideology to Bubba..soon~
They arent my fellow travelers

I wouldnt do anything like that

But the lying anti American FBI aint on my side either unless I’m a guilt-ridden white lib

Or a monority

Which I’m not
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You are a troll with nothing of import to share.
That is dumb Mac. True Bleevr ™. He will not read indictments because anything critical of his orange bag O' shit is auto sorted into the fake file in his smooth brain. Reading indictments would require critical thought, in which magaturds are allergic. :rolleyes: Their obsession with politicians is unhealthy and weird.

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