Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
Troy Aikman also thinks Brady is the best of all time. Is he an idiot as well?
Everybody has an opinion and they all stink.

In 3 more days the grid iron will tell us whether Brady can exceed Terry Bradshaw's record. He is currently tied with him, but Bradshaw did not need to cheat.
Tom Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and was suspended. All that to gain an unfair advantage in NFL football games, but these people want to say he is the greatest.:rofl:
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Troy Aikman also thinks Brady is the best of all time. Is he an idiot as well?
Everybody has an opinion and they all stink.

In 3 more days the grid iron will tell us whether Brady can exceed Terry Bradshaw's record. He is currently tied with him, but Bradshaw did not need to cheat.
Tom Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and was suspended. All that to gain an unfair advantage in NFL football games, but these people want to say he is the greatest.:rofl:

Once again you've brought up your belief that Tom Brady "cheated" to gain an unfair advantage in NFL games and once again I'll ask you what teams HAVEN'T broken the NFL's rules to gain an unfair advantage? Since you can't name's obvious that you know that they've ALL broken the rules...yet you still single out Brady and the Patriots for condemnation while ignoring what other teams have done.
Troy Aikman also thinks Brady is the best of all time. Is he an idiot as well?
Everybody has an opinion and they all stink.

In 3 more days the grid iron will tell us whether Brady can exceed Terry Bradshaw's record. He is currently tied with him, but Bradshaw did not need to cheat.
Tom Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and was suspended. All that to gain an unfair advantage in NFL football games, but these people want to say he is the greatest.:rofl:

Once again you've brought up your belief that Tom Brady "cheated" to gain an unfair advantage in NFL games and once again I'll ask you what teams HAVEN'T broken the NFL's rules to gain an unfair advantage? Since you can't name's obvious that you know that they've ALL broken the rules...yet you still single out Brady and the Patriots for condemnation while ignoring what other teams have done.
Tom Brady can never be considered the greatest, he lied, he cheated, he AGREED to be suspended.:itsok:
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest

He already is considered the greatest by many. Many have a different opinion than yours. I put him third, behind Montana and Manning. I am in the minority but that is life.

Everyone has an opinion and yours is just one, not the authority.
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest

He already is considered the greatest by many. Many have a different opinion than yours. I put him third, behind Montana and Manning. I am in the minority but that is life.

Everyone has an opinion and yours is just one, not the authority.
for those who excuse or accept his cheating as the norm, Brady's acts most likely mirror their own
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest

He already is considered the greatest by many. Many have a different opinion than yours. I put him third, behind Montana and Manning. I am in the minority but that is life.

Everyone has an opinion and yours is just one, not the authority.
for those who excuse or accept his cheating as the norm, Brady's acts most likely mirror their own

That is just your opinion and not a valid one at that. Most people haven't blown it out of proportion. The NFL usually treats tampering as a $25000 fine to the team. A few weeks ago the NFL didn't fine the Steelers, nor investigated the accusation made against the Steelers. In 2014 the NFL failed to investigate the Panthers and the Vikings tampering with footballs during a game. The incident was filmed. Not sure why the NFL felt that the Patriots tampering was so much more egregious.

That is why the opinion of you and the NFL hold little weight with most people.
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest

He already is considered the greatest by many. Many have a different opinion than yours. I put him third, behind Montana and Manning. I am in the minority but that is life.

Everyone has an opinion and yours is just one, not the authority.
for those who excuse or accept his cheating as the norm, Brady's acts most likely mirror their own

That is just your opinion and not a valid one at that. Most people haven't blown it out of proportion. The NFL usually treats tampering as a $25000 fine to the team. A few weeks ago the NFL didn't fine the Steelers, nor investigated the accusation made against the Steelers. In 2014 the NFL failed to investigate the Panthers and the Vikings tampering with footballs during a game. The incident was filmed. Not sure why the NFL felt that the Patriots tampering was so much more egregious.

That is why the opinion of you and the NFL hold little weight with most people.
op=Tom brady. Tom Brady is not the greatest he is a liar and a cheater who suspended. he is not even in the same conversation
Brady is the best. Like a pitcher takes the blame or credit for the win even if he only gives up 1 run the QB has the ball every down. Everytime a team scores on new england new england scores right back. Brady has done it year after year after year and he has won an obscene amount of games.

Can you name the other new england players other than Brady and gronk? Most can't. And everyone else is expendable. No gronk no problem. But without Brady would they have made it to the Superbowl?

Tom Brady has owned every quarterback except maybe Eli for some strange reason.

So if he's not the goat he's definitely the greatest of his time.

PS. Why don't you admit you lied and you were wrong? And you didn't reply to my last post

That last Superbowl plus his body of work makes him one of the greatest even though that last Superbowl win was not impressive. It doesn't have to be. Wins a win.

Brady doesn't move like a greatest either. He gets a lot of time in the pocket. Anyways, his record says he's the greatest

When is the last time you saw Tom Brady play?

Brady has never played in a game, he was acting, just like all the other players in the NFL. The game is rigged and they are all actors.
Sez the guy who cannot argue with actual facts and needs a gang to back him up.

LA, I would not pay too much attention to weak Willie over here. The guy should go back to selling shoes or whatever it is he needs to do to make himself feel real.

He wants to take the irrelevant innuendo and make them relevant facts when discussing his hero.
Papa don't let Alexis phase you he's just jealous because his Cleveland browns suck.

No but seriously Alex wtf is wrong with you? I argue politics race and religion but never sports. It's just not that important. Want in on a secret. We are laughing at how worked up you and ram get. You are ridiculous.

worked up? whatever,you are beginning to sound like pooper making false statements.somehow you cheatriot apologists incredibly mistake my laughing at you guys for all the ass beatings you get here for me getting worked up? incredible.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: I guess according to you,I am not laughing at this absurd post of yours,that I am getting worked up even though i thought i made myself clear with all the laughing smileys i used.:cuckoo:

seriously,you really been hanging around pooper too long,i laugh at his stupidity he displays here everyday making up lies about me like anquity and rightwinger somehow owning me when one,runs off and never answers a two year old question i have asked him over 300 times the past two years always changing the subject cause he is butthurt he was proven wrong by me cause he was so sure he was right the rams would never come back,:lmao:and the other one being so butthurt he was proven wrong by me,that he lives in a fantasy land trying trying to convince himself they are still in st louis.the only ones that get worked up are pooper,anquity,chrissy troll and old fart style cause the truth hurts their team has been exposed as the biggest frauds ever.:rofl: or in anquitys case,butthurt that he was proven wrong on the rams staying in st louis.:rofl:

might get your facts straight next time that it is the patriot apologists that get all worked up butthurt on their ass beatings they get from alex.I only come back to this thread because i get great kicks out of the butthirt they display when they cant counter facts brady is the biggest fraud ever in NFL history and has never won a superbowl before.:rofl:
This I will compare, historically, of the quarterbacks that have received punishment for conduct that influenced actual game play:

1925- Art Folz suspended for life ...Involvement in the 1925 Chicago Cardinals–Milwaukee Badgers scandal
1947- Frank Filchock- suspended for life- reinstated 1950 - Fixing the 1946 NFL Championship Game
1983-Art Schlichter- suspended 1 year-betting on games
2016-Tom Brady-suspended 4 games-Involvement in the Deflategate scandal .

Brady has the dubious distinction of being included in this rogues gallery of football fools. His involvement was aimed at improving his performance and presumably effecting the outcome of games. He got off easy with only 4 games.

No, Tom Brady is not even in the same conversation as being the Greatest unless it is to disqualify and exclude him.
yep as i say over and over not even one of the top 20 greatest,there are far better ones than him that played the game even in the superbowl era,they were not frauds found in multiple scandal after scandal,the brady apologists cover their ears and close their eyes EVERYTIME when i point out the facts that DOZENS of former NFL players have said he is a cheater and liar,they dont say that about bradshaw or montana the ONLY two quarterbacks that have won four superbowls.:D

they like to live in denial and fool themselves that we are the only small handful of group out there that sees them for the frauds they are and not true winners ignoring that little fact about dozens of former NFL players.they can only whine and cray in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.
Exactly, the only time someone cheats in football is to gain an advantage and influence the game because they are scared they will fail.

No way to get around that.

Tom Brady wanted his ball soft so he can throw it better.

watch out,cheatriot apologist sealy or pooper will claim you are getting worked up stating pesky facts that shoot down their hero as a fraud.:D
This I will compare, historically, of the quarterbacks that have received punishment for conduct that influenced actual game play:

1925- Art Folz suspended for life ...Involvement in the 1925 Chicago Cardinals–Milwaukee Badgers scandal
1947- Frank Filchock- suspended for life- reinstated 1950 - Fixing the 1946 NFL Championship Game
1983-Art Schlichter- suspended 1 year-betting on games
2016-Tom Brady-suspended 4 games-Involvement in the Deflategate scandal .

Brady has the dubious distinction of being included in this rogues gallery of football fools. His involvement was aimed at improving his performance and presumably effecting the outcome of games. He got off easy with only 4 games.

No, Tom Brady is not even in the same conversation as being the Greatest unless it is to disqualify and exclude him.
yep as i say over and over not even one of the top 20 greatest,there are far better ones than him that played the game even in the superbowl era,they were not frauds found in multiple scandal after scandal,the brady apologists cover their ears and close their eyes EVERYTIME when i point out the facts that DOZENS of former NFL players have said he is a cheater and liar,they dont say that about bradshaw or montana the ONLY two quarterbacks that have won four superbowls.:D

they like to live in denial and fool themselves that we are the only small handful of group out there that sees them for the frauds they are and not true winners ignoring that little fact about dozens of former NFL players.they can only whine and cray in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.
Exactly, the only time someone cheats in football is to gain an advantage and influence the game because they are scared they will fail.

No way to get around that.

Tom Brady wanted his ball soft so he can throw it better.

watch out,cheatriot apologist sealy or pooper will claim you are getting worked up stating pesky facts that shoot down their hero as a fraud.:D
Papa is blowhard and the self appointed wise man of the NFL. Fact is Brady destroyed evidence, lied, cheated and was suspended. The appropriate authority investigated and actually gave Brady a chance to MAN UP which was impossible for him to do. Brady could have had a fine and been dome with the issue, but he (much like poopergorgio) huffed and puffed and blew himself into a worse position.

How can anyone expect Brady to man up when his own wife dresses him?

That last Superbowl plus his body of work makes him one of the greatest even though that last Superbowl win was not impressive. It doesn't have to be. Wins a win.

Brady doesn't move like a greatest either. He gets a lot of time in the pocket. Anyways, his record says he's the greatest

When is the last time you saw Tom Brady play?

Brady has never played in a game, he was acting, just like all the other players in the NFL. The game is rigged and they are all actors.
Sez the guy who cannot argue with actual facts and needs a gang to back him up.

LA, I would not pay too much attention to weak Willie over here. The guy should go back to selling shoes or whatever it is he needs to do to make himself feel real.

He wants to take the irrelevant innuendo and make them relevant facts when discussing his hero.
Papa don't let Alexis phase you he's just jealous because his Cleveland browns suck.

No but seriously Alex wtf is wrong with you? I argue politics race and religion but never sports. It's just not that important. Want in on a secret. We are laughing at how worked up you and ram get. You are ridiculous.
"worked up" here? Hardly. I call a spade a spade and watch you guys run around like lunatics.

Fact is Brady is a cheater and is celebrated...that is relevant, when I coach his actions come into play, I have been asked by parents to explain to the ball players the ethical aspects of of being a football player and why Brady is not a person to be admired nor his actions respected.

Brady and his actions are a major reason why we have participation trophies and a PC society. I do not care how well or how badly he throws a ball....his actions and how they are received and treated are terrible.

Brady wanted the hero worship, he needed to act like one...that time has now passed.

By no means is he the greatest at anything...just another loser who tried to beat a system he fought for and agreed to.

Incidentally, if you look at the last few posts your buddy Papageorgio directed my way, he was having a terrible meltdown, insisting I give credence to his very unsubstantiated version of the facts and how they should be applied. Bunch of rough tough creampuffs....:itsok:

Sealy gets OWNED.I could not have said it any better.:up:

sealy that is Alex standing up and that is you on the floor k'od by him.:biggrin: Here is a rag of cold ice to heal the wounds.:itsok: this is the suffering that pooper,and old fartstyle have suffered from alex hundreds of times the past two years from him on this subject,it is old hat for them..:lmao::rofl:they are used to it so they can help you get over the ass beating you just took from

It is old hate for pooper and old fart style like all cheatriot apologists to suffer ass beatings from alex same way it has been for rightwinger and anquity to suffer ass beatings from me the last two years over their babbling i heard from them for two years that they would never come back to LA.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


you are REALLY getting desperates now since you have suffered one ass beating after another from alex making desperate claims grasping at straws that ME AND ALEX are the ones that get worked up.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
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This I will compare, historically, of the quarterbacks that have received punishment for conduct that influenced actual game play:

1925- Art Folz suspended for life ...Involvement in the 1925 Chicago Cardinals–Milwaukee Badgers scandal
1947- Frank Filchock- suspended for life- reinstated 1950 - Fixing the 1946 NFL Championship Game
1983-Art Schlichter- suspended 1 year-betting on games
2016-Tom Brady-suspended 4 games-Involvement in the Deflategate scandal .

Brady has the dubious distinction of being included in this rogues gallery of football fools. His involvement was aimed at improving his performance and presumably effecting the outcome of games. He got off easy with only 4 games.

No, Tom Brady is not even in the same conversation as being the Greatest unless it is to disqualify and exclude him.
yep as i say over and over not even one of the top 20 greatest,there are far better ones than him that played the game even in the superbowl era,they were not frauds found in multiple scandal after scandal,the brady apologists cover their ears and close their eyes EVERYTIME when i point out the facts that DOZENS of former NFL players have said he is a cheater and liar,they dont say that about bradshaw or montana the ONLY two quarterbacks that have won four superbowls.:D

they like to live in denial and fool themselves that we are the only small handful of group out there that sees them for the frauds they are and not true winners ignoring that little fact about dozens of former NFL players.they can only whine and cray in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.
Exactly, the only time someone cheats in football is to gain an advantage and influence the game because they are scared they will fail.

No way to get around that.

Tom Brady wanted his ball soft so he can throw it better.

watch out,cheatriot apologist sealy or pooper will claim you are getting worked up stating pesky facts that shoot down their hero as a fraud.:D
Papa is blowhard and the self appointed wise man of the NFL. Fact is Brady destroyed evidence, lied, cheated and was suspended. The appropriate authority investigated and actually gave Brady a chance to MAN UP which was impossible for him to do. Brady could have had a fine and been dome with the issue, but he (much like poopergorgio) huffed and puffed and blew himself into a worse position.

How can anyone expect Brady to man up when his own wife dresses him?


watch papa go into meltdown mode and throw his usual temper tantrems since you have exposed Brady once again point on.:up:

God is that REALLY Brady? Its his identical twin brother if it isnt.God I have never seen a quarterback who looks like such a queer as in this photo of him.oh my god.if the woman ever saw this pic I doubt they would have their head up his ass so much like they do. Brady gives me the creeps now after looking at THIS photo of him.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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When is the last time you saw Tom Brady play?

Brady has never played in a game, he was acting, just like all the other players in the NFL. The game is rigged and they are all actors.
Sez the guy who cannot argue with actual facts and needs a gang to back him up.

LA, I would not pay too much attention to weak Willie over here. The guy should go back to selling shoes or whatever it is he needs to do to make himself feel real.

He wants to take the irrelevant innuendo and make them relevant facts when discussing his hero.
Papa don't let Alexis phase you he's just jealous because his Cleveland browns suck.

No but seriously Alex wtf is wrong with you? I argue politics race and religion but never sports. It's just not that important. Want in on a secret. We are laughing at how worked up you and ram get. You are ridiculous.
"worked up" here? Hardly. I call a spade a spade and watch you guys run around like lunatics.

Fact is Brady is a cheater and is celebrated...that is relevant, when I coach his actions come into play, I have been asked by parents to explain to the ball players the ethical aspects of of being a football player and why Brady is not a person to be admired nor his actions respected.

Brady and his actions are a major reason why we have participation trophies and a PC society. I do not care how well or how badly he throws a ball....his actions and how they are received and treated are terrible.

Brady wanted the hero worship, he needed to act like one...that time has now passed.

By no means is he the greatest at anything...just another loser who tried to beat a system he fought for and agreed to.

Incidentally, if you look at the last few posts your buddy Papageorgio directed my way, he was having a terrible meltdown, insisting I give credence to his very unsubstantiated version of the facts and how they should be applied. Bunch of rough tough creampuffs....:itsok:

Sealy gets OWNED.I could not have said it any better.:up:

sealy that is Alex standing up and that is you on the floor k'od by him.:biggrin: Here is a rag of cold ice to heal the wounds.:itsok: this is the suffering that pooper,and old fartstyle have suffered from alex hundreds of times the past two years so they can help you get over the ass beating you just took from

Thanks maybe chrisL will tend to his wounds.

These guys cannot get over the fact that Brady was actually suspended for cause, it was reviewed in court and the court of higher authority by THREE judges. The was rejected by all 7 for another shot at reversal. The Brady had his shot at the Supreme Court but choked and quit his legal battle. This is not some figment of an imagination. Brady is a scumbag who was caught and paid his price. He can never be considered as the greatest by anyone with a modicum of honestly.
This I will compare, historically, of the quarterbacks that have received punishment for conduct that influenced actual game play:

1925- Art Folz suspended for life ...Involvement in the 1925 Chicago Cardinals–Milwaukee Badgers scandal
1947- Frank Filchock- suspended for life- reinstated 1950 - Fixing the 1946 NFL Championship Game
1983-Art Schlichter- suspended 1 year-betting on games
2016-Tom Brady-suspended 4 games-Involvement in the Deflategate scandal .

Brady has the dubious distinction of being included in this rogues gallery of football fools. His involvement was aimed at improving his performance and presumably effecting the outcome of games. He got off easy with only 4 games.

No, Tom Brady is not even in the same conversation as being the Greatest unless it is to disqualify and exclude him.
yep as i say over and over not even one of the top 20 greatest,there are far better ones than him that played the game even in the superbowl era,they were not frauds found in multiple scandal after scandal,the brady apologists cover their ears and close their eyes EVERYTIME when i point out the facts that DOZENS of former NFL players have said he is a cheater and liar,they dont say that about bradshaw or montana the ONLY two quarterbacks that have won four superbowls.:D

they like to live in denial and fool themselves that we are the only small handful of group out there that sees them for the frauds they are and not true winners ignoring that little fact about dozens of former NFL players.they can only whine and cray in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.
Exactly, the only time someone cheats in football is to gain an advantage and influence the game because they are scared they will fail.

No way to get around that.

Tom Brady wanted his ball soft so he can throw it better.

watch out,cheatriot apologist sealy or pooper will claim you are getting worked up stating pesky facts that shoot down their hero as a fraud.:D
Papa is blowhard and the self appointed wise man of the NFL. Fact is Brady destroyed evidence, lied, cheated and was suspended. The appropriate authority investigated and actually gave Brady a chance to MAN UP which was impossible for him to do. Brady could have had a fine and been dome with the issue, but he (much like poopergorgio) huffed and puffed and blew himself into a worse position.

How can anyone expect Brady to man up when his own wife dresses him?


watch papa go into meltdown mode and throw his usual temper tantrems you have exposed brady once again point on.:up: God is that REALLY Brady? Its his identical twin brother if it isnt.God I have never seen a quarterback who looks like such a queer as in this photo of him.oh my god.if the woman ever saw this pic I doubt they would have their head up his ass so much like they do. Brady gives me the creeps now after looking at THIS photo of him.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Either that is Brady or his effeminate double "papa-oldfartstyle."

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