Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
and anybody who thinks pooper is not dishonest and a fool? here are the FACTS that people that dont have their head up his ass such as rightwinger,anquity and montrovant can see he indeed is that claiming that his two lovers USMB's resident troll rightwinger and anquity somehow one me,one who wont answer a question on him saying the rams would never come back to LA lways changing the subject and the other saying they are still in st louis this year.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

And I just thanked you for not bringing up LA every other post and you're back to it again. Lol who cares? As long as you don't let that go papa pooper owns you.

Every time you bring it up, just so you know, I don't read or see la rams I see papa paowns me.
thats fine,its pretty much for alex to see and for anybody who just happens to browse here who doesnt know about pooper and how he slanders me all the time for those kind of people to see.thats WHY i brought up the link for them for the lurkers to see who are maybe not posters but just lurk here how he has no credibility.
When you go on 4 paragraphs deep rehashing it to me it looks like he's pushing your buttons and it's working. I'm just telling you how it looks. Even though you were right at this point that's not even the point.

You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era. Yes the games more watered down so why doesn't another team put together a franchise like NE? They're all trying but hands down Brady has been top dog for a very long time. Manning's both have 2. Tom has 4.. soon 5. And he's been there 7 times. One of those years he lost he had a perfect season going. You guys are nuts

Wayne Gretzky would have got killed in the previous era style play. Still who's the greatest hockey player?

Michael Jordan was protected too. He's still the greatest.
BooBoo: "You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era."

Except he is not the greatest for his cheating, lying, destroying evidence and suspension.:itsok:
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?

We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.

Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.


since we are talking politics here you talking about clinton,do you not care that the CIA killed JFK as well and are allowed to roam free and murder us citizens all the time as they do and start wars in other countries? surely not I hope?
"worked up" here? Hardly. I call a spade a spade and watch you guys run around like lunatics.

Fact is Brady is a cheater and is celebrated...that is relevant, when I coach his actions come into play, I have been asked by parents to explain to the ball players the ethical aspects of of being a football player and why Brady is not a person to be admired nor his actions respected.

Brady and his actions are a major reason why we have participation trophies and a PC society. I do not care how well or how badly he throws a ball....his actions and how they are received and treated are terrible.

Brady wanted the hero worship, he needed to act like one...that time has now passed.

By no means is he the greatest at anything...just another loser who tried to beat a system he fought for and agreed to.

Incidentally, if you look at the last few posts your buddy Papageorgio directed my way, he was having a terrible meltdown, insisting I give credence to his very unsubstantiated version of the facts and how they should be applied. Bunch of rough tough creampuffs....:itsok:

You are flattering yourself, you aren't worth a melt down, dishonest people never are.
You did crumble down to the floor and cry like a baby....calling me names and making wild accusations much like you did in your previous post, Whiner.

A dishonest person will look at Brady and claim he is anything but a cheater who got caught and destroyed evidence.
And he got caught. It was with 4 game suspension. He still made the finals
So what ? He is a convicted cheater, liar, quitter and destroyer of evidence:rofl:

Cannot be considered the greatest by any honest person.:itsok:
If you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I hear my lions never cheat. How many superbowls we got. I wish my team cared enough to cheat
booboo: "If you ain't cheating you ain't trying."

and anybody who thinks pooper is not dishonest and a fool? here are the FACTS that people that dont have their head up his ass such as rightwinger,anquity and montrovant can see he indeed is that claiming that his two lovers USMB's resident troll rightwinger and anquity somehow one me,one who wont answer a question on him saying the rams would never come back to LA lways changing the subject and the other saying they are still in st louis this year.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

And I just thanked you for not bringing up LA every other post and you're back to it again. Lol who cares? As long as you don't let that go papa pooper owns you.

Every time you bring it up, just so you know, I don't read or see la rams I see papa paowns me.
thats fine,its pretty much for alex to see and for anybody who just happens to browse here who doesnt know about pooper and how he slanders me all the time for those kind of people to see.thats WHY i brought up the link for them for the lurkers to see who are maybe not posters but just lurk here how he has no credibility.
When you go on 4 paragraphs deep rehashing it to me it looks like he's pushing your buttons and it's working. I'm just telling you how it looks. Even though you were right at this point that's not even the point.

You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era. Yes the games more watered down so why doesn't another team put together a franchise like NE? They're all trying but hands down Brady has been top dog for a very long time. Manning's both have 2. Tom has 4.. soon 5. And he's been there 7 times. One of those years he lost he had a perfect season going. You guys are nuts

Wayne Gretzky would have got killed in the previous era style play. Still who's the greatest hockey player?

Michael Jordan was protected too. He's still the greatest.
BooBoo: "You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era."

Except he is not the greatest for his cheating, lying, destroying evidence and suspension.:itsok:
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?

We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.

Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.

if i had your attitude i would have been disbarred. Can't normalize cheating and lying.
And I just thanked you for not bringing up LA every other post and you're back to it again. Lol who cares? As long as you don't let that go papa pooper owns you.

Every time you bring it up, just so you know, I don't read or see la rams I see papa paowns me.
thats fine,its pretty much for alex to see and for anybody who just happens to browse here who doesnt know about pooper and how he slanders me all the time for those kind of people to see.thats WHY i brought up the link for them for the lurkers to see who are maybe not posters but just lurk here how he has no credibility.
When you go on 4 paragraphs deep rehashing it to me it looks like he's pushing your buttons and it's working. I'm just telling you how it looks. Even though you were right at this point that's not even the point.

You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era. Yes the games more watered down so why doesn't another team put together a franchise like NE? They're all trying but hands down Brady has been top dog for a very long time. Manning's both have 2. Tom has 4.. soon 5. And he's been there 7 times. One of those years he lost he had a perfect season going. You guys are nuts

Wayne Gretzky would have got killed in the previous era style play. Still who's the greatest hockey player?

Michael Jordan was protected too. He's still the greatest.
BooBoo: "You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era."

Except he is not the greatest for his cheating, lying, destroying evidence and suspension.:itsok:
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?

We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.

Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.


since we are talking politics here you talking about clinton,do you not care that the CIA killed JFK as well and are allowed to roam free and murder us citizens all the time as they do and start wars in other countries? surely not I hope?
If I ran a country I'd have the CIA secretly kill people. Of course I would deny it
thats fine,its pretty much for alex to see and for anybody who just happens to browse here who doesnt know about pooper and how he slanders me all the time for those kind of people to see.thats WHY i brought up the link for them for the lurkers to see who are maybe not posters but just lurk here how he has no credibility.
When you go on 4 paragraphs deep rehashing it to me it looks like he's pushing your buttons and it's working. I'm just telling you how it looks. Even though you were right at this point that's not even the point.

You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era. Yes the games more watered down so why doesn't another team put together a franchise like NE? They're all trying but hands down Brady has been top dog for a very long time. Manning's both have 2. Tom has 4.. soon 5. And he's been there 7 times. One of those years he lost he had a perfect season going. You guys are nuts

Wayne Gretzky would have got killed in the previous era style play. Still who's the greatest hockey player?

Michael Jordan was protected too. He's still the greatest.
BooBoo: "You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era."

Except he is not the greatest for his cheating, lying, destroying evidence and suspension.:itsok:
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?

We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.

Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.


since we are talking politics here you talking about clinton,do you not care that the CIA killed JFK as well and are allowed to roam free and murder us citizens all the time as they do and start wars in other countries? surely not I hope?
If I ran a country I'd have the CIA secretly kill people. Of course I would deny it
All you would have to do is show a them photo OldFartStyle golfing

Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest
All those great QBs say Brady is the best? Who should I side with you and ram? Ram who by the way has never seen Tom Brady play by the way since he says he hasn't watched an NFL game in 20 years?

Okay now you are doing the pooper thing,telling LIES.,i have never said i have not watched a game in 20 years moron.i said many times i lost interest in the NFL 20 years ago when the Rams left LA because i did not have a team to cheer for anymore.I did watch the chargers once in while since they were my second favorite AND you fool,I stopped watching it TWO years ago after pete the cheat obviously threw the superbowl,he is just as much a criminal as belicheat and brady are.You are too dense to see that though obviously.

of course those QB's will PUBLICLY say that you dork,they are not going to say what they REALLY think cause it wont get printed. stop being a moron and stop ignoring my previous posts of how ESPN and the NFL always kiss belicheats ass saying he is the greatest coach ever when he was a total failure at cleveland with only one winning season in five

He lands shady brady and who he did not even think was good enough to be a starter that year since he is such a great coach and only puts him in when he is FORCED to cause Bledsoe went down with an injury that kept him out for a couple of months? Had Bledsoe been like phillip rivers who never gets hurt and stayed healthy,knowing what an idiot belicheat it,he probably never would have even put brady in that season.dont you guys ever get tied of these ass beatings from us?:lmao:
When you go on 4 paragraphs deep rehashing it to me it looks like he's pushing your buttons and it's working. I'm just telling you how it looks. Even though you were right at this point that's not even the point.

You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era. Yes the games more watered down so why doesn't another team put together a franchise like NE? They're all trying but hands down Brady has been top dog for a very long time. Manning's both have 2. Tom has 4.. soon 5. And he's been there 7 times. One of those years he lost he had a perfect season going. You guys are nuts

Wayne Gretzky would have got killed in the previous era style play. Still who's the greatest hockey player?

Michael Jordan was protected too. He's still the greatest.
BooBoo: "You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era."

Except he is not the greatest for his cheating, lying, destroying evidence and suspension.:itsok:
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?

We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.

Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.


since we are talking politics here you talking about clinton,do you not care that the CIA killed JFK as well and are allowed to roam free and murder us citizens all the time as they do and start wars in other countries? surely not I hope?
If I ran a country I'd have the CIA secretly kill people. Of course I would deny it
All you would have to do is show a them photo OldFartStyle golfing


find the one where he is in his pool smoking a cigar,i loved that pic of him.that one was the best.:lmao:
Terry Bradshaw just called Brady the greatest of all time on the Colin Cowherd show, Phallics. Yeah, but what does HE know! (eye-roll)
Who gives a shit what Bradshaw thinks, he cannot spell cat if you gave him the C and the A.

you forgot to mention this as well not that it would do any good with OFS since logic and common sense never registers with him that if Bradshaw comes out and speaks what he REALLY thinks,then he will be kicked off fox network.:rolleyes:

these former NFL players like Montana and Jim Kelly and so many others that have come out,they dont have a contract with fox so nothing will happen to them if they come out like they have.:D they could care less about being an NFL host.:rofl:
People I discuss this with especially now...and I mean NFL people, have very little regard for Brady only because of his cheating ways. I was even being given a hard time last night on my show because I live in this shithole otherwise known as Boston...gotta get back to NYC.

I thought you DID live in NY? Yeah as i got done saying,these nut fools dont get it that of course former NFL QB'S will like i said,PUBLICLY say that,but if they go and say he is a fraud and a cheater and not one of the top ten best ever,they wont even broadcast it. It is a thing called EDITING they dont seem to understand which is no surprise.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

its a little thing called CENSORSHIP or not getting paid if you go on and tell the truth.:rofl:

you exposed on one of your thread way back two years ago how people like montana,jim kelly,just a few quarterbacks i remember you saying,how they all said he is cheater and does not belong in the hall of fame.those guys dont care if they dont get paid so they have come forward.these people brady ass worshippers dont seem to get it you make tens of millions MORE in ENDORCEMENTS than you do yearly as an NFL player.:rofl:

Guys like Bradshaw,they come out and say he is a fraud and cheater,the guy will be kicked off fox network and lose his miillions.the ones that come out and say he is the greatest,they get well paid. Dan Marino for example is facing bankruptsy,you dont think he will be willing to earn millions for lying about brady? and you know he is going to keep his mouth shut until MAYBE when he is old and almost dying and come out and admit it.but not till then and that is a MAYBE.:lmao:

Football players like the ones you talk with,they could care less about getting endorcements so they will speak the truth.:thup:
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You are flattering yourself, you aren't worth a melt down, dishonest people never are.
You did crumble down to the floor and cry like a baby....calling me names and making wild accusations much like you did in your previous post, Whiner.

A dishonest person will look at Brady and claim he is anything but a cheater who got caught and destroyed evidence.
And he got caught. It was with 4 game suspension. He still made the finals
So what ? He is a convicted cheater, liar, quitter and destroyer of evidence:rofl:

Cannot be considered the greatest by any honest person.:itsok:
If you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I hear my lions never cheat. How many superbowls we got. I wish my team cared enough to cheat
booboo: "If you ain't cheating you ain't trying."

I ran with plastic to lose weight for wrestling. You saying I'm not really all state?
Terry Bradshaw just called Brady the greatest of all time on the Colin Cowherd show, Phallics. Yeah, but what does HE know! (eye-roll)
Who gives a shit what Bradshaw thinks, he cannot spell cat if you gave him the C and the A.

you forgot to mention this as well not that it would do any good with OFS since logic and common sense never registers with him that if Bradshaw comes out and speaks what he REALLY thinks,then he will be kicked off fox network.:rolleyes:

these former NFL players like Montana and Jim Kelly and so many others that have come out,they dont have a contract with fox so nothing will happen to them if they come out like they have.:D they could care less about being an NFL host.:rofl:
People I discuss this with especially now...and I mean NFL people, have very little regard for Brady only because of his cheating ways. I was even being given a hard time last night on my show because I live in this shithole otherwise known as Boston...gotta get back to NYC.

I thought you DID live in NY?
I am a NY'er...I travel back and forth ....forth and broadcast falls on the days I am in New England. and my balls are forever busted..............(in a nice way) of course
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest
All those great QBs say Brady is the best? Who should I side with you and ram? Ram who by the way has never seen Tom Brady play by the way since he says he hasn't watched an NFL game in 20 years?

Okay now you are doing the pooper thing,telling LIES.,i have never said i have not watched a game in 20 years moron.i said many times i lost interest in the NFL 20 years ago when the Rams left LA because i did not have a team to cheer for anymore.I did watch the chargers once in while since they were my second favorite AND you fool,I stopped watching it TWO years ago after pete the cheat obviously threw the superbowl,he is just as much a criminal as belicheat and brady are.You are too dense to see that though obviously.

of course those QB's will PUBLICLY say that you dork,they are not going to say what they REALLY think cause it wont get printed. stop being a moron and stop ignoring my previous posts of how ESPN and the NFL always kiss belicheats ass saying he is the greatest coach ever when he was a total failure at cleveland with only one winning season in five

He lands shady brady and who he did not even think was good enough to be a starter that year since he is such a great coach and only puts him in when he is FORCED to cause Bledsoe went down with an injury that kept him out for a couple of months? Had Bledsoe been like phillip rivers who never gets hurt and stayed healthy,knowing what an idiot belicheat it,he probably never would have even put brady in that season.dont you guys ever get tied of these ass beatings from us?:lmao:
If romo didnt get hurt dak wouldn't have been discovered.

So you're saying Brady was a diamond in the rough. Interesting
You did crumble down to the floor and cry like a baby....calling me names and making wild accusations much like you did in your previous post, Whiner.

A dishonest person will look at Brady and claim he is anything but a cheater who got caught and destroyed evidence.
And he got caught. It was with 4 game suspension. He still made the finals
So what ? He is a convicted cheater, liar, quitter and destroyer of evidence:rofl:

Cannot be considered the greatest by any honest person.:itsok:
If you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I hear my lions never cheat. How many superbowls we got. I wish my team cared enough to cheat
booboo: "If you ain't cheating you ain't trying."

I ran with plastic to lose weight for wrestling. You saying I'm not really all state?

One of these?


thats fine,its pretty much for alex to see and for anybody who just happens to browse here who doesnt know about pooper and how he slanders me all the time for those kind of people to see.thats WHY i brought up the link for them for the lurkers to see who are maybe not posters but just lurk here how he has no credibility.
When you go on 4 paragraphs deep rehashing it to me it looks like he's pushing your buttons and it's working. I'm just telling you how it looks. Even though you were right at this point that's not even the point.

You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era. Yes the games more watered down so why doesn't another team put together a franchise like NE? They're all trying but hands down Brady has been top dog for a very long time. Manning's both have 2. Tom has 4.. soon 5. And he's been there 7 times. One of those years he lost he had a perfect season going. You guys are nuts

Wayne Gretzky would have got killed in the previous era style play. Still who's the greatest hockey player?

Michael Jordan was protected too. He's still the greatest.
BooBoo: "You can't knock Brady for being the greatest in his era."

Except he is not the greatest for his cheating, lying, destroying evidence and suspension.:itsok:
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?

We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.

Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.


since we are talking politics here you talking about clinton,do you not care that the CIA killed JFK as well and are allowed to roam free and murder us citizens all the time as they do and start wars in other countries? surely not I hope?
If I ran a country I'd have the CIA secretly kill people. Of course I would deny it
which explains why you have your head up bradys ass,you love criminals the fact you could care less about murdering surprise in the least you are a brady worshipper and have your head up his ass the fact you have no morals.:up:
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Brady and his actions are a major reason why we have participation trophies and a PC society.

Whoa. Now you're blaming Brady for participation trophies and PC? That sounds unbalanced and obsessive. I could perhaps see citing Brady as an example of a symptom of PC culture, but a cause?
no...please find a playmate

No what? No, you didn't mean to say Brady is a major cause of PC and participation trophies? No, you aren't willing to expound on your statement? No, you don't want to make yourself look foolish any more?

He is dishonest and a fool, pretty simple to see and he keeps backing himself into corners because of the stupid stuff he says and then cries that we hold him to his words. Hate will do that to you.

Papa: "He is dishonest and a fool.."

When a person cannot cogently discuss the issue they resort to personal attacks...:itsok:

Because you've never resorted to personal attacks in this thread, right? :lol:
Whoa. Now you're blaming Brady for participation trophies and PC? That sounds unbalanced and obsessive. I could perhaps see citing Brady as an example of a symptom of PC culture, but a cause?
no...please find a playmate

No what? No, you didn't mean to say Brady is a major cause of PC and participation trophies? No, you aren't willing to expound on your statement? No, you don't want to make yourself look foolish any more?

He is dishonest and a fool, pretty simple to see and he keeps backing himself into corners because of the stupid stuff he says and then cries that we hold him to his words. Hate will do that to you.

Papa: "He is dishonest and a fool.."

When a person cannot cogently discuss the issue they resort to personal attacks...:itsok:

Because you've never resorted to personal attacks in this thread, right? :lol:
Find another playmate.
Those Hall of Fame QBs rank Brady as the best ever but you and Fart Boy claim he's not in the top ten? Gee...who SHOULD we pay attention to?
Who cares....Brady lied, cheated and was suspended he can never be considered the greatest
All those great QBs say Brady is the best? Who should I side with you and ram? Ram who by the way has never seen Tom Brady play by the way since he says he hasn't watched an NFL game in 20 years?

Okay now you are doing the pooper thing,telling LIES.,i have never said i have not watched a game in 20 years moron.i said many times i lost interest in the NFL 20 years ago when the Rams left LA because i did not have a team to cheer for anymore.I did watch the chargers once in while since they were my second favorite AND you fool,I stopped watching it TWO years ago after pete the cheat obviously threw the superbowl,he is just as much a criminal as belicheat and brady are.You are too dense to see that though obviously.

of course those QB's will PUBLICLY say that you dork,they are not going to say what they REALLY think cause it wont get printed. stop being a moron and stop ignoring my previous posts of how ESPN and the NFL always kiss belicheats ass saying he is the greatest coach ever when he was a total failure at cleveland with only one winning season in five

He lands shady brady and who he did not even think was good enough to be a starter that year since he is such a great coach and only puts him in when he is FORCED to cause Bledsoe went down with an injury that kept him out for a couple of months? Had Bledsoe been like phillip rivers who never gets hurt and stayed healthy,knowing what an idiot belicheat it,he probably never would have even put brady in that season.dont you guys ever get tied of these ass beatings from us?:lmao:
If romo didnt get hurt dak wouldn't have been discovered.

So you're saying Brady was a diamond in the rough. Interesting

Did I say Jason Garret was a good coach? no so thats pretty irrelevent.

oh and that one post of yours about pete rose only helps prove my case for me.if rose is banned for cheating then the NFL is a bunch of hypocrites for allowing brady and belicheat least rose commited the same offense,it wasnt one constant scandal after another that had belicheat or brady done in college they would have been kicked out of the program for so you point on rose only is helping me take you cheatiot apologists to school.:up::clap:
no...please find a playmate

No what? No, you didn't mean to say Brady is a major cause of PC and participation trophies? No, you aren't willing to expound on your statement? No, you don't want to make yourself look foolish any more?

He is dishonest and a fool, pretty simple to see and he keeps backing himself into corners because of the stupid stuff he says and then cries that we hold him to his words. Hate will do that to you.

Papa: "He is dishonest and a fool.."

When a person cannot cogently discuss the issue they resort to personal attacks...:itsok:

Because you've never resorted to personal attacks in this thread, right? :lol:
Find another playmate.

Find another response. ;)
No what? No, you didn't mean to say Brady is a major cause of PC and participation trophies? No, you aren't willing to expound on your statement? No, you don't want to make yourself look foolish any more?

He is dishonest and a fool, pretty simple to see and he keeps backing himself into corners because of the stupid stuff he says and then cries that we hold him to his words. Hate will do that to you.

Papa: "He is dishonest and a fool.."

When a person cannot cogently discuss the issue they resort to personal attacks...:itsok:

Because you've never resorted to personal attacks in this thread, right? :lol:
Find another playmate.

Find another response. ;)
I am just playing with you....

Brady is a cheater and a liar, he destroyed evidence and got suspended other, than that he has done well for a 6th round draft pick, but cannot be considered the greatest because of his transgressions.
He is dishonest and a fool, pretty simple to see and he keeps backing himself into corners because of the stupid stuff he says and then cries that we hold him to his words. Hate will do that to you.

Papa: "He is dishonest and a fool.."

When a person cannot cogently discuss the issue they resort to personal attacks...:itsok:

Because you've never resorted to personal attacks in this thread, right? :lol:
Find another playmate.

Find another response. ;)
I am just playing with you....

Brady is a cheater and a liar, he destroyed evidence and got suspended other, than that he has done well for a 6th round draft pick, but cannot be considered the greatest because of his transgressions.

Actually, he's done phenomenally for a 6th round draft pick. I'm fine with you not considering him the greatest because of his cheating, though. I have a friend who doesn't think Jim Brown is one of the greatest RBs ever because "he beat his wife." At least your issue is actually football-related.

I'm still not sure why you are so insistent that Montana and Rice admitting to cheating or knowing about cheating on their team is meaningless with "proper investigative authority." But if you want to say Brady's cheating keeps him out of the upper-echelon of quarterbacks, that's understandable.
Papa: "He is dishonest and a fool.."

When a person cannot cogently discuss the issue they resort to personal attacks...:itsok:

Because you've never resorted to personal attacks in this thread, right? :lol:
Find another playmate.

Find another response. ;)
I am just playing with you....

Brady is a cheater and a liar, he destroyed evidence and got suspended other, than that he has done well for a 6th round draft pick, but cannot be considered the greatest because of his transgressions.

Actually, he's done phenomenally for a 6th round draft pick. I'm fine with you not considering him the greatest because of his cheating, though. I have a friend who doesn't think Jim Brown is one of the greatest RBs ever because "he beat his wife." At least your issue is actually football-related.

I'm still not sure why you are so insistent that Montana and Rice admitting to cheating or knowing about cheating on their team is meaningless with "proper investigative authority." But if you want to say Brady's cheating keeps him out of the upper-echelon of quarterbacks, that's understandable.
I am simply going by what occurred with Brady. Should someone wish to start a thread on sports and ethics then we could discuss further.

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