Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
This issue is he was suspended and is still considered by many as a great QB. You seem to think you have a moral authority and that trumps everything else.
Rationalize, justify all because it is Brady.:crybaby::itsok:

Not rationalizing anything, just stating the facts. The fact you cannot accept what others opinions are, are own you and you alone.

The fact is Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and got suspended.

You are right and he is still considered by many experts, current players, former players and NFL fans as the greatest QB of all time. In fact other than perhaps Montana, Brady is considered the greatest QB of all time and most people put him in the top five.
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.

So now you're claiming to be not only a youth football coach but a lawyer who has his own broadcast and speaks to players who give you the real scoop about how they feel about Tom Brady? You're so full of shit, Phallics it's laughable!
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?
Why is it all progressives embrace cheating, lying, unethical behavior? The left is so disgusting. Anything short of the highest level of integrity is intolerable and unacceptable.
We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.
I wouldn't cheat. I refused to cheat. And you know what? I did make a college football team. Not only that - I made a Division I college football team.
Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.
Who is the greatest college football team? Clemson. They kicked Alabama's ass up and down the field. They have the National Championship trophy and they will all receive the 2016 National Championship rings.
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?
Why is it all progressives embrace cheating, lying, unethical behavior? The left is so disgusting. Anything short of the highest level of integrity is intolerable and unacceptable.
We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.
I wouldn't cheat. I refused to cheat. And you know what? I did make a college football team. Not only that - I made a Division I college football team.
Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.
Who is the greatest college football team? Clemson. They kicked Alabama's ass up and down the field. They have the National Championship trophy and they will all receive the 2016 National Championship rings.

I'm curious, Patriot...having been a Division I you maintain that today's college players are not taking PED's?
3 days from this hour the Superbowl will be over and then we will have some very current data from which to decide if sh!t-face Brady was worth the hype or not.
Hype? Seriously? The man owns every meaningful post season record for a quarterback but you think he's nothing but "hype"? It's like saying Michael Phelps wasn't really that good of a swimmer...or that Tiger Woods wasn't a dominant golfer! You Brady haters get more pathetic with each Patriot's victory. So it Brady wins does that mean you admit he's good? Why do I doubt that...
You want to know everything you NEED to know about Tom Brady? Look at how his peers see him when they do the yearly vote for the best players in the NFL. Brady is always at or near the top of that list even after 17 years in the league! Do you really think they would vote him to that spot if he only succeeded because he cheated? You know that isn't the case...don't you?

I don't think Fart Boy is smart enough to grasp that fact...

I don't think Phallics is honest enough to admit it's true...

The rest of you...the jury is out...
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?
Why is it all progressives embrace cheating, lying, unethical behavior? The left is so disgusting. Anything short of the highest level of integrity is intolerable and unacceptable.
We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.
I wouldn't cheat. I refused to cheat. And you know what? I did make a college football team. Not only that - I made a Division I college football team.
Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.
Who is the greatest college football team? Clemson. They kicked Alabama's ass up and down the field. They have the National Championship trophy and they will all receive the 2016 National Championship rings.

I'm curious, Patriot...having been a Division I you maintain that today's college players are not taking PED's?
When I played - I can say with 100% certainty that some where. Though I have absolutely no idea how they beat their drug tests.

How many of today's players are? I wouldn't event venture to guess. I do think it is very prevalent in the NFL though. I know a guy I played with in high school (he actually went to my rival school in college) was doing a ton of steroids and ended up playing a decade in the NFL. Again - how he beat the tests in college and the NFL, I have no idea. But I know for a fact he was doing them.
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?
Why is it all progressives embrace cheating, lying, unethical behavior? The left is so disgusting. Anything short of the highest level of integrity is intolerable and unacceptable.
We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.
I wouldn't cheat. I refused to cheat. And you know what? I did make a college football team. Not only that - I made a Division I college football team.
Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.
Who is the greatest college football team? Clemson. They kicked Alabama's ass up and down the field. They have the National Championship trophy and they will all receive the 2016 National Championship rings.
Bradys a trump supporter and cheater. Chrisl voted for trump and she loves new england.

Cons love to cheat
Hype? Seriously? The man owns every meaningful post season record for a quarterback but you think he's nothing but "hype"? It's like saying Michael Phelps wasn't really that good of a swimmer...or that Tiger Woods wasn't a dominant golfer! You Brady haters get more pathetic with each Patriot's victory. So it Brady wins does that mean you admit he's good? Why do I doubt that...
Or it's like saying Lance Armstrong wasn't a good biker. Lol
Sez the guy who cannot argue with actual facts and needs a gang to back him up.

LA, I would not pay too much attention to weak Willie over here. The guy should go back to selling shoes or whatever it is he needs to do to make himself feel real.

He wants to take the irrelevant innuendo and make them relevant facts when discussing his hero.
Papa don't let Alexis phase you he's just jealous because his Cleveland browns suck.

No but seriously Alex wtf is wrong with you? I argue politics race and religion but never sports. It's just not that important. Want in on a secret. We are laughing at how worked up you and ram get. You are ridiculous.
"worked up" here? Hardly. I call a spade a spade and watch you guys run around like lunatics.

Fact is Brady is a cheater and is celebrated...that is relevant, when I coach his actions come into play, I have been asked by parents to explain to the ball players the ethical aspects of of being a football player and why Brady is not a person to be admired nor his actions respected.

Brady and his actions are a major reason why we have participation trophies and a PC society. I do not care how well or how badly he throws a ball....his actions and how they are received and treated are terrible.

Brady wanted the hero worship, he needed to act like one...that time has now passed.

By no means is he the greatest at anything...just another loser who tried to beat a system he fought for and agreed to.

Incidentally, if you look at the last few posts your buddy Papageorgio directed my way, he was having a terrible meltdown, insisting I give credence to his very unsubstantiated version of the facts and how they should be applied. Bunch of rough tough creampuffs....:itsok:

Sealy gets OWNED.I could not have said it any better.:up:

sealy that is Alex standing up and that is you on the floor k'od by him.:biggrin: Here is a rag of cold ice to heal the wounds.:itsok: this is the suffering that pooper,and old fartstyle have suffered from alex hundreds of times the past two years so they can help you get over the ass beating you just took from

Thanks maybe chrisL will tend to his wounds.

These guys cannot get over the fact that Brady was actually suspended for cause, it was reviewed in court and the court of higher authority by THREE judges. The was rejected by all 7 for another shot at reversal. The Brady had his shot at the Supreme Court but choked and quit his legal battle. This is not some figment of an imagination. Brady is a scumbag who was caught and paid his price. He can never be considered as the greatest by anyone with a modicum of honestly.

Brady was suspended for one reason and one reason alone. A lower court examined the question of guilt and found that the NFL didn't come close to proving Brady guilty of cheating. The higher court never considered Brady's guilt...their ruling was strictly whether the NFL's Commissioner had the legal right to impose whatever penalty he wanted regardless of whether or not a player's guilt was proven. Brady was not "caught". Brady was not proven guilty! The lower court judge basically laughed the NFL's case against Brady out of court. The investigation was THAT bad! What the higher court established was this...that the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Players Union and the NFL gave the Commissioner the right to impose whatever punishment he saw fit no matter whether guilt was proven!

What part of that can't your little brain grasp?
Lower court was reversed, suspension upheld. :slap:

Rationalize, justify all because it is Brady.:crybaby::itsok:

Not rationalizing anything, just stating the facts. The fact you cannot accept what others opinions are, are own you and you alone.

The fact is Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and got suspended.

You are right and he is still considered by many experts, current players, former players and NFL fans as the greatest QB of all time. In fact other than perhaps Montana, Brady is considered the greatest QB of all time and most people put him in the top five.
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.

So now you're claiming to be not only a youth football coach but a lawyer who has his own broadcast and speaks to players who give you the real scoop about how they feel about Tom Brady? You're so full of shit, Phallics it's laughable!
Whatever...........Also, I was just featured in a motorsports magazine with my 10 year old son and my badged Indian Motorcycle and will be taking my role as Chief Justice with my son acting as my Law Clerk listening to various lawyers and law students argue cases regarding the BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc) and copyright issues in a couple of weeks, as well as reviewing and deciding various cases for the ethics committee where attorneys have screwed up.

Unlike you we all have lives outside of USMB.
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Hype? Seriously? The man owns every meaningful post season record for a quarterback but you think he's nothing but "hype"? It's like saying Michael Phelps wasn't really that good of a swimmer...or that Tiger Woods wasn't a dominant golfer! You Brady haters get more pathetic with each Patriot's victory. So it Brady wins does that mean you admit he's good? Why do I doubt that...
Difference is that Brady cheated, lied, destroyed evidence and was suspended.
Hype? Seriously? The man owns every meaningful post season record for a quarterback but you think he's nothing but "hype"? It's like saying Michael Phelps wasn't really that good of a swimmer...or that Tiger Woods wasn't a dominant golfer! You Brady haters get more pathetic with each Patriot's victory. So it Brady wins does that mean you admit he's good? Why do I doubt that...
Or it's like saying Lance Armstrong wasn't a good biker. Lol
He wasn't. At all. The proof of that is that he needed to cheat.
At the end of the day - all of this "cheating" talk is irrelevant anyway. Anyone who believes that Tom Brady is one of the 5 greatest QB's ever is a nitwit. They are attempting to apply team achievements to personal achievements.

Brady is great. He is SO accurate. But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young, and Troy Aikman.
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At the end of the day - all of this "cheating" talk is irrelevant anyway. Anyone who believes that Tom Brady is one of the 5 greatest QB's ever is a nitwit. They are attempting to apply team achievements to personal achievements.

Brady is great. He is SO accurate. But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young, and Peyton Manning.
"But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young"

I do not recall they have ever been suspended either.
Hype? Seriously? The man owns every meaningful post season record for a quarterback but you think he's nothing but "hype"? It's like saying Michael Phelps wasn't really that good of a swimmer...or that Tiger Woods wasn't a dominant golfer! You Brady haters get more pathetic with each Patriot's victory. So it Brady wins does that mean you admit he's good? Why do I doubt that...
Or it's like saying Lance Armstrong wasn't a good biker. Lol
He wasn't. At all. The proof of that is that he needed to cheat.
Did he cheat this year?

Born: August 3, 1977 (age 39 years)

Looks pretty fucking good to me.

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