Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
At the end of the day - all of this "cheating" talk is irrelevant anyway. Anyone who believes that Tom Brady is one of the 5 greatest QB's ever is a nitwit. They are attempting to apply team achievements to personal achievements.

Brady is great. He is SO accurate. But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young, and Troy Aikman.

So Brady isn't the best ever because he plays on a "team"...whereas we all know Marino, Elway, Manning, Young and Aikman played by themselves? Your point makes zero sense, Patriot!
Your idiotic contention is that Brady is the "best" because of team accomplishments. Either point to his personal accomplishments or move along. Your argument is failing miserably. Now you're so desperate - you're trying to pretend like you don't understand (because you can't make a logical, rational case).
He cannot point solely to Brady accomplishments....Brady cheated, lied, destroyed evidence and was suspended...that is his personal "accomplishment"
You've maintained that you have zero tolerance for cheaters...correct? I assume that you turned those players on your team who you were 100% certain were taking steroids into the NCAA?

Because if you didn't then your team cheated and according to your "standard" that makes you a cheater because you knew it was going on!
Sorry buttercup - it doesn't work that way. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to assign their sins to me. I earned my 100% clean conscious.

For starters - having integrity doesn't make me the world's police. I didn't concern myself with what other people were doing. My focus was on my responsibilities. That's one of progressives biggest problems. They are so obsessed with what everyone else is doing. It makes their envy cultivate and grow.

In addition - it was a different era back then. The NCAA didn't have a website. There was no such thing as Facebook, Twitter, etc. I honestly had no idea how to contact the NCAA even if I wanted to. It's not like the local phone book listed the number to the NCAA. Same with the conference. Even our program didn't have a process to report and then protect "whistleblowers".

So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
He now holds nearly every major Super Bowl passing record in addition to the record for most Super Bowl appearances by a quarterback. More importantly, Brady is also tied with Joe Montana, the quarterback many consider to be the best to ever play the game, for most Super Bowl wins and most Super Bowl MVP awards.Jan 24, 2017

Brady cheated and lied to get whatever stats he has.
At the end of the day - all of this "cheating" talk is irrelevant anyway. Anyone who believes that Tom Brady is one of the 5 greatest QB's ever is a nitwit. They are attempting to apply team achievements to personal achievements.

Brady is great. He is SO accurate. But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young, and Troy Aikman.

So Brady isn't the best ever because he plays on a "team"...whereas we all know Marino, Elway, Manning, Young and Aikman played by themselves? Your point makes zero sense, Patriot!
Your idiotic contention is that Brady is the "best" because of team accomplishments. Either point to his personal accomplishments or move along. Your argument is failing miserably. Now you're so desperate - you're trying to pretend like you don't understand (because you can't make a logical, rational case).

Then why do you rate Bradshaw as number one. He had some very complete teams around him.
At the end of the day - all of this "cheating" talk is irrelevant anyway. Anyone who believes that Tom Brady is one of the 5 greatest QB's ever is a nitwit. They are attempting to apply team achievements to personal achievements.

Brady is great. He is SO accurate. But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young, and Troy Aikman.

So Brady isn't the best ever because he plays on a "team"...whereas we all know Marino, Elway, Manning, Young and Aikman played by themselves? Your point makes zero sense, Patriot!
Your idiotic contention is that Brady is the "best" because of team accomplishments. Either point to his personal accomplishments or move along. Your argument is failing miserably. Now you're so desperate - you're trying to pretend like you don't understand (because you can't make a logical, rational case).

How are any of the other quarterbacks that you mentioned not part of teams as well? Your argument is laughable.
He now holds nearly every major Super Bowl passing record in addition to the record for most Super Bowl appearances by a quarterback. More importantly, Brady is also tied with Joe Montana, the quarterback many consider to be the best to ever play the game, for most Super Bowl wins and most Super Bowl MVP awards.Jan 24, 2017

Brady cheated and lied to get whatever stats he has.

That is all you have said in every post. We all get that, yet it doesn't change facts. You are not the only and final word on the subject. You are one opinion in a sea of billions.
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

Oh geez, we've got another delusional Pats hater. Great. Why are you even posting here? You don't even watch NFL football.
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

Oh geez, we've got another delusional Pats hater. Great. Why are you even posting here? You don't even watch NFL football.
I do not "hate" the Patriots. Not even a little. And I've forgotten more about football than everyone else here on this thread combined. I watch more than enough NFL to tell you that Brady isn't even remotely in the discussion for GOAT. I've watched him play hundreds of games.
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

Oh geez, we've got another delusional Pats hater. Great. Why are you even posting here? You don't even watch NFL football.
I do not "hate" the Patriots. Not even a little. And I've forgotten more about football than everyone else here on this thread combined. I watch more than enough NFL to tell you that Brady isn't even remotely in the discussion for GOAT. I've watched him play hundreds of games.

Oh but that is where you are wrong. He is in fact up for discussion for greatest ever. Sorry if you don't like it but it is what it is.
Oh but that is where you are wrong. He is in fact up for discussion for greatest ever. Sorry if you don't like it but it is what it is.
No....really....he's not. Irrational Patriot fanatics does not a conversation make. You Pat's fans can stoke him off all you want but all of you are bias. The rest of the knowledgeable football world realizes he's not in the conversation with the likes of Dan Marino and John Elway.
He now holds nearly every major Super Bowl passing record in addition to the record for most Super Bowl appearances by a quarterback. More importantly, Brady is also tied with Joe Montana, the quarterback many consider to be the best to ever play the game, for most Super Bowl wins and most Super Bowl MVP awards.Jan 24, 2017

Brady cheated and lied to get whatever stats he has.

That is all you have said in every post. We all get that, yet it doesn't change facts. You are not the only and final word on the subject. You are one opinion in a sea of billions.
It matters to you, a great deal, otherwise you not be posting this......repeatedly
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

Oh geez, we've got another delusional Pats hater. Great. Why are you even posting here? You don't even watch NFL football.
I do not "hate" the Patriots. Not even a little. And I've forgotten more about football than everyone else here on this thread combined. I watch more than enough NFL to tell you that Brady isn't even remotely in the discussion for GOAT. I've watched him play hundreds of games.

Oh but that is where you are wrong. He is in fact up for discussion for greatest ever. Sorry if you don't like it but it is what it is.
You are correct........

....only to be disqualify out of hand because of his lying, cheating, destroying evidence and suspension.
He now holds nearly every major Super Bowl passing record in addition to the record for most Super Bowl appearances by a quarterback. More importantly, Brady is also tied with Joe Montana, the quarterback many consider to be the best to ever play the game, for most Super Bowl wins and most Super Bowl MVP awards.Jan 24, 2017

Brady cheated and lied to get whatever stats he has.

That is all you have said in every post. We all get that, yet it doesn't change facts. You are not the only and final word on the subject. You are one opinion in a sea of billions.
It matters to you, a great deal, otherwise you not be posting this......repeatedly

Lol! It matter not what a fool thinks, it's just fun to egg him on and on and catch him in hypocrisy. It has been amusing to see you squirm.
He now holds nearly every major Super Bowl passing record in addition to the record for most Super Bowl appearances by a quarterback. More importantly, Brady is also tied with Joe Montana, the quarterback many consider to be the best to ever play the game, for most Super Bowl wins and most Super Bowl MVP awards.Jan 24, 2017

Brady cheated and lied to get whatever stats he has.

That is all you have said in every post. We all get that, yet it doesn't change facts. You are not the only and final word on the subject. You are one opinion in a sea of billions.
It matters to you, a great deal, otherwise you not be posting this......repeatedly

Lol! It matter not what a fool thinks, it's just fun to egg him on and on and catch him in hypocrisy. It has been amusing to see you squirm.

Poopergegio: "Lol! It matter not what a fool thinks"

Then stop taking to your self .:uhoh3::itsok:
He now holds nearly every major Super Bowl passing record in addition to the record for most Super Bowl appearances by a quarterback. More importantly, Brady is also tied with Joe Montana, the quarterback many consider to be the best to ever play the game, for most Super Bowl wins and most Super Bowl MVP awards.Jan 24, 2017

Brady cheated and lied to get whatever stats he has.

That is all you have said in every post. We all get that, yet it doesn't change facts. You are not the only and final word on the subject. You are one opinion in a sea of billions.
It matters to you, a great deal, otherwise you not be posting this......repeatedly

Lol! It matter not what a fool thinks, it's just fun to egg him on and on and catch him in hypocrisy. It has been amusing to see you squirm.

Poopergegio: "Lol! It matter not what a fool thinks"

Then stop taking to your self .:uhoh3::itsok:

If I thought you were the least bit serious about the issue, it would be on thing, I know you are not and just entertaining yourself, so that is what makes it fun.
Brady cheated and lied to get whatever stats he has.

That is all you have said in every post. We all get that, yet it doesn't change facts. You are not the only and final word on the subject. You are one opinion in a sea of billions.
It matters to you, a great deal, otherwise you not be posting this......repeatedly

Lol! It matter not what a fool thinks, it's just fun to egg him on and on and catch him in hypocrisy. It has been amusing to see you squirm.

Poopergegio: "Lol! It matter not what a fool thinks"

Then stop taking to your self .:uhoh3::itsok:

If I thought you were the least bit serious about the issue, it would be on thing, I know you are not and just entertaining yourself, so that is what makes it fun.
I am very serious about Brady, his lying, cheating, destroying evidence and subsequent suspension
At the end of the day - all of this "cheating" talk is irrelevant anyway. Anyone who believes that Tom Brady is one of the 5 greatest QB's ever is a nitwit. They are attempting to apply team achievements to personal achievements.

Brady is great. He is SO accurate. But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young, and Troy Aikman.

What makes a QB great? You've said Brady is not because his achievements are team achievements, but you haven't said what the others on your list did or had that made them so much better than Brady (or any other QB). Brady certainly doesn't have much mobility.....but neither did Marino. Brady doesn't have the best arm strength, but someone like Michael Vick did and he wasn't great.

To look specifically at Marino, who certainly was great, Brady has a higher career completion %, better TD to INT ratio, more total TDs, more total yards, more yards per attempt, more yards per game, and a higher QB rating. Brady also had a season with 50 TD passes. Brady has 3 Super Bowl MVPs.
Marino, of course, did what he did in a time with somewhat different rules.

Are those all team achievements?
Bfd. But I also didn't care Clinton lied under oath. Who wouldn't?
Why is it all progressives embrace cheating, lying, unethical behavior? The left is so disgusting. Anything short of the highest level of integrity is intolerable and unacceptable.
We know you wouldn't cheat. That's why you didn't make the college football team.
I wouldn't cheat. I refused to cheat. And you know what? I did make a college football team. Not only that - I made a Division I college football team.
Bama cheats too. They've been caught too. Still who's the greatest college football team? That's right. Same thing.
Who is the greatest college football team? Clemson. They kicked Alabama's ass up and down the field. They have the National Championship trophy and they will all receive the 2016 National Championship rings.

I'm curious, Patriot...having been a Division I you maintain that today's college players are not taking PED's?
When I played - I can say with 100% certainty that some where. Though I have absolutely no idea how they beat their drug tests.

How many of today's players are? I wouldn't event venture to guess. I do think it is very prevalent in the NFL though. I know a guy I played with in high school (he actually went to my rival school in college) was doing a ton of steroids and ended up playing a decade in the NFL. Again - how he beat the tests in college and the NFL, I have no idea. But I know for a fact he was doing them.

You've maintained that you have zero tolerance for cheaters...correct? I assume that you turned those players on your team who you were 100% certain were taking steroids into the NCAA?

Because if you didn't then your team cheated and according to your "standard" that makes you a cheater because you knew it was going on!
Holy shit! That just happened.
At the end of the day - all of this "cheating" talk is irrelevant anyway. Anyone who believes that Tom Brady is one of the 5 greatest QB's ever is a nitwit. They are attempting to apply team achievements to personal achievements.

Brady is great. He is SO accurate. But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young, and Peyton Manning.
"But he's not even in the stratosphere of Dan Marino and John Elway. And he's not quite as good as Peyton Manning, Steve Young"

I do not recall they have ever been suspended either.
Peyton Manning Apologizes For Cheating One Time When He Was 5

I'm curious, you buy the narrative that the human growth hormones delivered to the Manning household were for Peyton's wife? Or does that story make you shake your head just a bit at the double standard that the NFL has towards some players and not others?

How many years did that stuff prolong his career? So basically Payton only has 1 superbowl because the second one was on steroids. He was so banged up.

I remember he always had bruises on his forehead I thought his helmet was on too tight and now

  • Acne.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Cataracts or glaucoma.
  • Easy bruising.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Increased appetite, weight gain.
  • Increased growth of body hair.
Easy bruising?

Weight gain?


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