Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
What's laughable about Fart Boy's claim that the Super Bowl was "fixed" is that you'd have to stage things like the Edleman catch, the Blount fumble, the Ryan fumble, the missed extra point by Gostkowski. Is anyone out there naive enough to think the NFL can stage athletic plays like those and make them look realistic? Does anyone out there think the officials were making bizarre and unwarranted calls? I thought they called a great game.

But then again you have to remember that Fart Boy also believes that the towers on 9/11 were brought down by the people in the Bush Administration. If you're THAT much of an idiot...then thinking the Super Bowl was fixed is a piece of cake!

Lol! Exactly. He is a conspiracy theorist and not to be taken seriously. Not to mention, the overuse of emoticons and just the whole demeanor of the poster would lead me to believe . . . whack job! :tinfoil:
Shocking....another thread....another post where Wrongwinger simply makes stuff up. Literally just makes stuff up. It's amazing that he never feels shame when people correct him with the facts.

In only his second year in the NFL (you know - when Tom Brady was riding the bench in New England because he wasn't good enough to start) Marino torched the vaunted Pittsburgh Steelers defense (lead by the ultimate bad-ass Jack Lambert) to win the AFC Championship:

21 of 32 (65.63%) for 421 yards 4 TD's and 1 INT

what do you expect? He seriously thinks the Rams are still in st louis this year.
so you're saying when Atlanta had the ball on the NE 22 with three minutes to play, they purposely didn't run the ball to lose? wow. that's far out there. So Atlanta was in on it. gotcha.

i Know it sounds crazy and all but the coach for sure is in on it.when i saw that they were down by three touchdowns I laughed when i saw what the final score was cause it was so easy to predict just as i called it.same as it was easy as pie the know the donkeys were going to lose it last year cause the NFL wanted manning to have another ring before he retired this was to easy to predict cause most the money was on the falcons. I had to laugh when I saw the pats came back cause it was too easy to know before hand thats what would happen,that the NFL would never want the pats under robert kraft to be involved in a blowout plus since most the money on the falcons nationwide it was a no brainer.:rolleyes:

I am asked by people to watch these playoffs and superbowls but WHY,its no fun when you know whats going to happen? :uhoh3: as I said,cause the games are rigged and scripted same as pro wrestling,its too easy to know in advance.

I knew beyond a doubt the donkeys would win last year knowing they wanted manning to have another ring before he retired and it was easy as pie to know the pats would d come back and win knowing they would not want the pats to be involved in a blowout and all the money was on the falcons.

PLUS this person on youtube he is a genius,I could make some major big bucks following this guy next year,he predicted before the game that not ONLY would the pats be down buy three touchdowns or so but ALSO that the superbowl would go into overtime for the first time ever. I figured he was correct on the first part but i dismissed the second part when he said it would be a tie and go into overtime.i shrugged my shoulders and said-yeah right,whatever,thats never going to happen. but the guy was right,the guy is a genius.

so you suckers can keep on thinking these games are not rigged and not a dog and pony show all scripted out months in advance same as the elections are for POTUS while "I" next year will be laughing all the way to the bank after i start paying attention to this genius at youtube who called it to a gain,you cheatriot apologists loss for being in denial.I will be the winner here rolling in dough next year.:up:

I was so positive it was rigged for the cheats i won $500 bucks. Next year I will be ready to win thousands when i follow this genius who said the cheats would be down by a large margin but not only come back and win but it would go into overtime. so laugh all you want but I am the one thats rolling in the dough now laughing at you all for actually believing these games are not rigged and scripted down to the wire with all the coachs involved. I am the one rolling in the money from my research while you guys are played for scukers year in and year out.

nuff said. like i said,I am the one rolling in the dough right now so I am not interested in trying to convince the cheatriot apologists anymore that he is now even one of the top 20 bests.the guy NEVER has pressure put on him on third downs,that is how he completes passes is they never bring pressure when it counts most.the guy is not that good.when he has pressure under him,he folds.

Atlanta pressured him last night and he still managed to make some accurate passes. Plenty were dropped, but they were on target.

Who do you think is a better QB that is playing right now?

Actually, while Atlanta pressured him, Brady was not throwing that accurate of passes. It was when the pressure let up that Brady started to pick them apart. In the earlier parts of the game, the first half and some of the third quarter, Brady threw quite a few inaccurate passes.

Atlanta's D line isn't deep. When the Patriot's Defense kept shutting down the high powered Falcon's Offense the Atlanta D had to play...and play...and play! By the end of the game they were worn out and unable to get pressure on Brady. At that point he carved them up.

How did a 39 year old QB wear out a young defense? Lol!

A lot of dink-and-dunk, just moving the chains. James White had 14 catches!
Shocking....another thread....another post where Wrongwinger simply makes stuff up. Literally just makes stuff up. It's amazing that he never feels shame when people correct him with the facts.

In only his second year in the NFL (you know - when Tom Brady was riding the bench in New England because he wasn't good enough to start) Marino torched the vaunted Pittsburgh Steelers defense (lead by the ultimate bad-ass Jack Lambert) to win the AFC Championship:

21 of 32 (65.63%) for 421 yards 4 TD's and 1 INT

what do you expect? He seriously thinks the Rams are still in st louis this year.
so you're saying when Atlanta had the ball on the NE 22 with three minutes to play, they purposely didn't run the ball to lose? wow. that's far out there. So Atlanta was in on it. gotcha.

i Know it sounds crazy and all but the coach for sure is in on it.when i saw that they were down by three touchdowns I laughed when i saw what the final score was cause it was so easy to predict just as i called it.same as it was easy as pie the know the donkeys were going to lose it last year cause the NFL wanted manning to have another ring before he retired this was to easy to predict cause most the money was on the falcons. I had to laugh when I saw the pats came back cause it was too easy to know before hand thats what would happen,that the NFL would never want the pats under robert kraft to be involved in a blowout plus since most the money on the falcons nationwide it was a no brainer.:rolleyes:

I am asked by people to watch these playoffs and superbowls but WHY,its no fun when you know whats going to happen? :uhoh3: as I said,cause the games are rigged and scripted same as pro wrestling,its too easy to know in advance.

I knew beyond a doubt the donkeys would win last year knowing they wanted manning to have another ring before he retired and it was easy as pie to know the pats would d come back and win knowing they would not want the pats to be involved in a blowout and all the money was on the falcons.

PLUS this person on youtube he is a genius,I could make some major big bucks following this guy next year,he predicted before the game that not ONLY would the pats be down buy three touchdowns or so but ALSO that the superbowl would go into overtime for the first time ever. I figured he was correct on the first part but i dismissed the second part when he said it would be a tie and go into overtime.i shrugged my shoulders and said-yeah right,whatever,thats never going to happen. but the guy was right,the guy is a genius.

so you suckers can keep on thinking these games are not rigged and not a dog and pony show all scripted out months in advance same as the elections are for POTUS while "I" next year will be laughing all the way to the bank after i start paying attention to this genius at youtube who called it to a gain,you cheatriot apologists loss for being in denial.I will be the winner here rolling in dough next year.:up:

I was so positive it was rigged for the cheats i won $500 bucks. Next year I will be ready to win thousands when i follow this genius who said the cheats would be down by a large margin but not only come back and win but it would go into overtime. so laugh all you want but I am the one thats rolling in the dough now laughing at you all for actually believing these games are not rigged and scripted down to the wire with all the coachs involved. I am the one rolling in the money from my research while you guys are played for scukers year in and year out.

nuff said. like i said,I am the one rolling in the dough right now so I am not interested in trying to convince the cheatriot apologists anymore that he is now even one of the top 20 bests.the guy NEVER has pressure put on him on third downs,that is how he completes passes is they never bring pressure when it counts most.the guy is not that good.when he has pressure under him,he folds.

Atlanta pressured him last night and he still managed to make some accurate passes. Plenty were dropped, but they were on target.

Who do you think is a better QB that is playing right now?

Actually, while Atlanta pressured him, Brady was not throwing that accurate of passes. It was when the pressure let up that Brady started to pick them apart. In the earlier parts of the game, the first half and some of the third quarter, Brady threw quite a few inaccurate passes.

Atlanta's D line isn't deep. When the Patriot's Defense kept shutting down the high powered Falcon's Offense the Atlanta D had to play...and play...and play! By the end of the game they were worn out and unable to get pressure on Brady. At that point he carved them up.

How did a 39 year old QB wear out a young defense? Lol!

By taking 93 snaps. The Falcons offense took 46 snaps.
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Marino has a losing record in the playoffs

Marino could put up big numbers against bottom dwellers during the regular season. But when he had to play playoff caliber teams, he was choke city
Shocking....another thread....another post where Wrongwinger simply makes stuff up. Literally just makes stuff up. It's amazing that he never feels shame when people correct him with the facts.

In only his second year in the NFL (you know - when Tom Brady was riding the bench in New England because he wasn't good enough to start) Marino torched the vaunted Pittsburgh Steelers defense (lead by the ultimate bad-ass Jack Lambert) to win the AFC Championship:

21 of 32 (65.63%) for 421 yards 4 TD's and 1 INT

what do you expect? He seriously thinks the Rams are still in st louis this year.
oh and one more thing,I have done enough research for the day that i have no doubt the NFL has it rigged for surprise,the cheats to win again.One key thing I WILL pass on that I know is that asshole trump is friends with shady brady.that is not a thing that is is that trump only likes winners.

The falcons have never been winners.the NFL wants brady to have another win so he can ride off in the sunset same as john elway did after facing none othere than the same opponent,the falcons same as elway faced, Now i would love to be wrong on this and hope I am but it all makes sense.
this is the first chance i have had to come online since saturday so in saying that-well
just as I called everyone can see after reading this post i called it correctly the NFL had it rigged for the cheats to win.

I also said earlier in one of my posts that i could guarantee the game would go down to the wire as it did because the patriot games ALWAYS do,that is how they were planned months in advance.

Its no fun watching it when you know whats going to happen in advance. I turned it on and watched about ten minutes of the third quarter and was surprised to see they were down by like 25 to 3 or something but what i was NOT surprised about what,I knew beyond a doubt they would come back and win since its fixed and roger goddel has his head up krafts ass. when i saw that I said to myself-yeah that lead wont last,they will come back and win at the last second,the fix is in and thats how they have it scripted. sure enough did that happen or what?

Plus as i said earlier,it all depended on who the most money was put on who would win.well most americans were thinking with their heart and not with their head on who they WANTED to win,most voted the falcons so since most the money was put on the falcons there was never a doubt in my mind they had it scripted for the cheats to win.

there is this one guy on youtube that called it down to a tee,he really knows his stuff.I can make lots of money from him next year following him.He not only said before the game started the falcons would have a big lead but said that the game would ALSO go into overtime.I believed him on the first part but when i saw him say that i was like-yeah whatever,there has never been one that went into overtime,thats not going to happen. but sure enough,he knew.This guy really knows his stuff.
so you're saying when Atlanta had the ball on the NE 22 with three minutes to play, they purposely didn't run the ball to lose? wow. that's far out there. So Atlanta was in on it. gotcha.

i Know it sounds crazy and all but the coach for sure is in on it.when i saw that they were down by three touchdowns I laughed when i saw what the final score was cause it was so easy to predict just as i called it.same as it was easy as pie the know the donkeys were going to lose it last year cause the NFL wanted manning to have another ring before he retired this was to easy to predict cause most the money was on the falcons. I had to laugh when I saw the pats came back cause it was too easy to know before hand thats what would happen,that the NFL would never want the pats under robert kraft to be involved in a blowout plus since most the money on the falcons nationwide it was a no brainer.:rolleyes:

I am asked by people to watch these playoffs and superbowls but WHY,its no fun when you know whats going to happen? :uhoh3: as I said,cause the games are rigged and scripted same as pro wrestling,its too easy to know in advance.

I knew beyond a doubt the donkeys would win last year knowing they wanted manning to have another ring before he retired and it was easy as pie to know the pats would d come back and win knowing they would not want the pats to be involved in a blowout and all the money was on the falcons.

PLUS this person on youtube he is a genius,I could make some major big bucks following this guy next year,he predicted before the game that not ONLY would the pats be down buy three touchdowns or so but ALSO that the superbowl would go into overtime for the first time ever. I figured he was correct on the first part but i dismissed the second part when he said it would be a tie and go into overtime.i shrugged my shoulders and said-yeah right,whatever,thats never going to happen. but the guy was right,the guy is a genius.

so you suckers can keep on thinking these games are not rigged and not a dog and pony show all scripted out months in advance same as the elections are for POTUS while "I" next year will be laughing all the way to the bank after i start paying attention to this genius at youtube who called it to a gain,you cheatriot apologists loss for being in denial.I will be the winner here rolling in dough next year.:up:

I was so positive it was rigged for the cheats i won $500 bucks. Next year I will be ready to win thousands when i follow this genius who said the cheats would be down by a large margin but not only come back and win but it would go into overtime. so laugh all you want but I am the one thats rolling in the dough now laughing at you all for actually believing these games are not rigged and scripted down to the wire with all the coachs involved. I am the one rolling in the money from my research while you guys are played for scukers year in and year out.

nuff said. like i said,I am the one rolling in the dough right now so I am not interested in trying to convince the cheatriot apologists anymore that he is now even one of the top 20 bests.the guy NEVER has pressure put on him on third downs,that is how he completes passes is they never bring pressure when it counts most.the guy is not that good.when he has pressure under him,he folds.

Atlanta pressured him last night and he still managed to make some accurate passes. Plenty were dropped, but they were on target.

Who do you think is a better QB that is playing right now?

Actually, while Atlanta pressured him, Brady was not throwing that accurate of passes. It was when the pressure let up that Brady started to pick them apart. In the earlier parts of the game, the first half and some of the third quarter, Brady threw quite a few inaccurate passes.
Nit picker
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Did new england win or did Atlanta blow it? Or both!
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Did new england win or did Atlanta blow it? Or both!

You don't give credit to the losing team for the other team winning the game. Lol. That's not how it works.
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Did new england win or did Atlanta blow it? Or both!

You don't give credit to the losing team for the other team winning the game. Lol. That's not how it works.
If Atlanta was up 4 and got 10 penalties for 99 years and that's how they won it, Id say Atlanta blew it, not that new england won it.

But I agree. They were saying yesterday Atlanta passed when they should have run because they were trying to outsmart bellicheck. Bad decision
Tom Brady is the best football player in history. Nobody can deny that.

I certainly can. ;)
You can but you would be wrong. Who is the best? Can you name him? Can you get 10 people to agree that person is better than Tom Brady? Bullshit.

Better football player, not quarterback, and in history, not the Super Bowl era? Go back to when players had to play offense and defense, go back to someone like Otto Graham who went to the championship game in every single season he played, there are tons of choices. Even in the SB era, you will find people who would consider any number of all-time greats better football players.

Now you guys are becoming pathetic. LOL. You can't say Montana is better anymore, not Bradshaw, not Marino so you pull these guys out of your ass.

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No one is taking you seriously. Stop it. I get it. You don't like Brady but the fact is he is money. Never count him out.

Snouter said that Brady is the best football player in history. Not the best quarterback, and not in the Super Bowl era. I would argue that someone who played in 10 championship games in 10 seasons, winning 7, had more success than Brady who has played in 7 championships, winning 5, in 16 years. I think someone who was great at multiple positions could be looked at as a better football player than Brady, even if Brady is the best quarterback. Just because Brady may be the best quarterback of the Super Bowl era does not mean he is the best football player ever.

I never said I don't like Brady. I certainly can say that anyone I want to is better than Brady, as Super Bowl wins are not the only metric by which to judge a quarterback or any other player. Brady didn't even play a great game in this Super Bowl; he played a great last 20 minutes or so. Brady was actually pretty bad until the third quarter. He was missing throws, threw a pick-six, and was getting sacked pretty often. Once the Atlanta defense wore down, however, he was able to pick them apart. Even then, he had some help from one of the greatest catches in the history of the NFL playoffs from Edelman.

You may think that having the most Super Bowl wins makes a quarterback the greatest. I don't agree with that.

Brady is probably the best of the SB era, but I might put him at 1a and Montana at 1b.

I would not say Brady is the greatest football player ever.

You can't compare what Otto Graham did to what Tom Brady accomplished

Graham won championships in the All American Football League which had eight teams
Winning an NFL championship meant being the best of 14 teams. You won your conference and went straight to the championship game

Brady had to be the best of 32 teams, winning the championship meant you had to win at least three games in the playoffs, not one like Graham did
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Did new england win or did Atlanta blow it? Or both!

You don't give credit to the losing team for the other team winning the game. Lol. That's not how it works.
If Atlanta was up 4 and got 10 penalties for 99 years and that's how they won it, Id say Atlanta blew it, not that new england won it.

But I agree. They were saying yesterday Atlanta passed when they should have run because they were trying to outsmart bellicheck. Bad decision

If you come back from a 10 point deficit, you can do it with either your team executing or the other team blowing it

But to come back from 25 down you have to execute to near perfection while the other team provides you opportunities

Everyone concentrated on Atlanta not running the ball as the reason they lost. If only they had run the ball, they would have won

They also would have won if:

1. They stopped either 2 point conversions
2. They were able to score when they were given the ball on the 40 yard line (or score at all in any of their possessions)
3. They were able to stop a 91 yard TD drive or a 75 yard touchdown drive
4. They executed a block to prevent Ryan from coughing up a fumble
5. They didn't have so many 3rd down penalties
6. Ryan ran down the clock instead of snapping with 10 seconds left
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Did new england win or did Atlanta blow it? Or both!

You don't give credit to the losing team for the other team winning the game. Lol. That's not how it works.
If Atlanta was up 4 and got 10 penalties for 99 years and that's how they won it, Id say Atlanta blew it, not that new england won it.

But I agree. They were saying yesterday Atlanta passed when they should have run because they were trying to outsmart bellicheck. Bad decision

99 years?
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Did new england win or did Atlanta blow it? Or both!

Atlanta choked big time, however New England took the opportunities and made the most of them.
Did he not agree to the punishment?
Yea so. The courts ask you to take a deal. 6 months probation and it won't go to trial where you might get ten years. So you take the deal.
so what.:slap:
So what now? No one remembers the cheating. Bradys the best
Brady's cheating was remembered in the voting for league MVP and Offensive player of the year.

Brady's performance put Brady at another level. That was an incredible and improbable comeback on the world's largest stage. Brady moved up my list and many others last night.

Matt Ryan was voted MVP for the regular season because he was, he had an amazing season.
Brady is cheater and a liar. That is your choice of course and I would expect this from you and your kind.. a true but sad reality.:itsok:
Goodell sure got a rousing chorus of boos.
Alex and la ram fan are so mad right now

They probably are having their mommies change their diapers.
No I do have a life outside of USMB and was enjoying that.

Yeah, I know doesn't change the fact that your mommy had to change your diaper.
You bringing family into this? You sure you want to talk how one raises their offspring and the effects thereof?

Their are just somethings that are off limits.
I certainly can. ;)
You can but you would be wrong. Who is the best? Can you name him? Can you get 10 people to agree that person is better than Tom Brady? Bullshit.

Better football player, not quarterback, and in history, not the Super Bowl era? Go back to when players had to play offense and defense, go back to someone like Otto Graham who went to the championship game in every single season he played, there are tons of choices. Even in the SB era, you will find people who would consider any number of all-time greats better football players.

Now you guys are becoming pathetic. LOL. You can't say Montana is better anymore, not Bradshaw, not Marino so you pull these guys out of your ass.

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No one is taking you seriously. Stop it. I get it. You don't like Brady but the fact is he is money. Never count him out.

Snouter said that Brady is the best football player in history. Not the best quarterback, and not in the Super Bowl era. I would argue that someone who played in 10 championship games in 10 seasons, winning 7, had more success than Brady who has played in 7 championships, winning 5, in 16 years. I think someone who was great at multiple positions could be looked at as a better football player than Brady, even if Brady is the best quarterback. Just because Brady may be the best quarterback of the Super Bowl era does not mean he is the best football player ever.

I never said I don't like Brady. I certainly can say that anyone I want to is better than Brady, as Super Bowl wins are not the only metric by which to judge a quarterback or any other player. Brady didn't even play a great game in this Super Bowl; he played a great last 20 minutes or so. Brady was actually pretty bad until the third quarter. He was missing throws, threw a pick-six, and was getting sacked pretty often. Once the Atlanta defense wore down, however, he was able to pick them apart. Even then, he had some help from one of the greatest catches in the history of the NFL playoffs from Edelman.

You may think that having the most Super Bowl wins makes a quarterback the greatest. I don't agree with that.

Brady is probably the best of the SB era, but I might put him at 1a and Montana at 1b.

I would not say Brady is the greatest football player ever.

You can't compare what Otto Graham did to what Tom Brady accomplished

Graham won championships in the All American Football League which had eight teams
Winning an NFL championship meant being the best of 14 teams. You won your conference and went straight to the championship game

Brady had to be the best of 32 teams, winning the championship meant you had to win at least three games in the playoffs, not one like Graham did

If you are talking about the greatest football player in history, rather than the greatest quarterback of the SB era, you absolutely can compare them. Particularly if you consider championship wins the most important factor in individual rankings. Otto Graham played the games available to him, and his teams won those game often enough to get to the championship game every year he played. He even won a pro basketball championship. Graham also played some defense and was a punt returner for a few years. He still holds the record for highest winning percentage as a QB and most passing yards per attempt.

Yes, they were different times. Yes, direct comparisons are difficult. I'm not the one who claimed Brady is the greatest football playing in history, though. ;)
When you've got a defense who has to constantly run to the ball against an offense who's throwing the ball eight or nine yards down field it totally exhausts them after awhile. Atlanta's strength on defense was their speed. The Patriot's offense basically wore them down. Brady found the chink in their defensive armor...James White out of the backfield ...and just kept going to it. Every time White caught the ball all of those Falcon's defenders had to instantly run to where he was to try and make the tackle. Most telling stat of the game? The Patriot's 37 first downs, a Super Bowl record! In the second half, New England kept the ball and Atlanta couldn't.

Credit the Patriots defense too. They did what others couldn't, and put Matt Ryan on a string of 3 and Outs.
Did new england win or did Atlanta blow it? Or both!

You don't give credit to the losing team for the other team winning the game. Lol. That's not how it works.
If Atlanta was up 4 and got 10 penalties for 99 years and that's how they won it, Id say Atlanta blew it, not that new england won it.

But I agree. They were saying yesterday Atlanta passed when they should have run because they were trying to outsmart bellicheck. Bad decision

99 years?
Yards. Never mind. Someone just explained well Atlanta choked but NE capitalized perfectly
You can but you would be wrong. Who is the best? Can you name him? Can you get 10 people to agree that person is better than Tom Brady? Bullshit.

Better football player, not quarterback, and in history, not the Super Bowl era? Go back to when players had to play offense and defense, go back to someone like Otto Graham who went to the championship game in every single season he played, there are tons of choices. Even in the SB era, you will find people who would consider any number of all-time greats better football players.

Now you guys are becoming pathetic. LOL. You can't say Montana is better anymore, not Bradshaw, not Marino so you pull these guys out of your ass.

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No one is taking you seriously. Stop it. I get it. You don't like Brady but the fact is he is money. Never count him out.

Snouter said that Brady is the best football player in history. Not the best quarterback, and not in the Super Bowl era. I would argue that someone who played in 10 championship games in 10 seasons, winning 7, had more success than Brady who has played in 7 championships, winning 5, in 16 years. I think someone who was great at multiple positions could be looked at as a better football player than Brady, even if Brady is the best quarterback. Just because Brady may be the best quarterback of the Super Bowl era does not mean he is the best football player ever.

I never said I don't like Brady. I certainly can say that anyone I want to is better than Brady, as Super Bowl wins are not the only metric by which to judge a quarterback or any other player. Brady didn't even play a great game in this Super Bowl; he played a great last 20 minutes or so. Brady was actually pretty bad until the third quarter. He was missing throws, threw a pick-six, and was getting sacked pretty often. Once the Atlanta defense wore down, however, he was able to pick them apart. Even then, he had some help from one of the greatest catches in the history of the NFL playoffs from Edelman.

You may think that having the most Super Bowl wins makes a quarterback the greatest. I don't agree with that.

Brady is probably the best of the SB era, but I might put him at 1a and Montana at 1b.

I would not say Brady is the greatest football player ever.

You can't compare what Otto Graham did to what Tom Brady accomplished

Graham won championships in the All American Football League which had eight teams
Winning an NFL championship meant being the best of 14 teams. You won your conference and went straight to the championship game

Brady had to be the best of 32 teams, winning the championship meant you had to win at least three games in the playoffs, not one like Graham did

If you are talking about the greatest football player in history, rather than the greatest quarterback of the SB era, you absolutely can compare them. Particularly if you consider championship wins the most important factor in individual rankings. Otto Graham played the games available to him, and his teams won those game often enough to get to the championship game every year he played. He even won a pro basketball championship. Graham also played some defense and was a punt returner for a few years. He still holds the record for highest winning percentage as a QB and most passing yards per attempt.

Yes, they were different times. Yes, direct comparisons are difficult. I'm not the one who claimed Brady is the greatest football playing in history, though. ;)

Hard to compare any athlete from 60 years ago to todays athlete
I think it is good to compare Graham to Brady in that they had the best coaches of their eras
Cleveland won because Paul Brown was a genius and an innovator. It put the Browns at a level above their competitors

But it is hard to compare a championship where you are the best of 14 teams to one where you are the best of 32 teams
What Belichick and Brady have accomplished is unprecedented

Belichick is the greatest coach ever and Brady is the greatest QB

Is Brady the best football player ever?
That s the topic for another thread where you would look at guys like Brown, Rice, LT and some others
Yea so. The courts ask you to take a deal. 6 months probation and it won't go to trial where you might get ten years. So you take the deal.
so what.:slap:
So what now? No one remembers the cheating. Bradys the best
Brady's cheating was remembered in the voting for league MVP and Offensive player of the year.

Brady's performance put Brady at another level. That was an incredible and improbable comeback on the world's largest stage. Brady moved up my list and many others last night.

Matt Ryan was voted MVP for the regular season because he was, he had an amazing season.
Brady is cheater and a liar. That is your choice of course and I would expect this from you and your kind.. a true but sad reality.:itsok:
What do you mean his kind? You mean his kin folk?
Goodell sure got a rousing chorus of boos.
Alex and la ram fan are so mad right now

They probably are having their mommies change their diapers.
No I do have a life outside of USMB and was enjoying that.

Yeah, I know doesn't change the fact that your mommy had to change your diaper.
You bringing family into this? You sure you want to talk how one raises their offspring and the effects thereof?

Their are just somethings that are off limits.
Suggesting you still breast feed isn't off limits is it?

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