Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
No. No player whose career is entirely (or midtly) contained in the Parity Era (post-1994) can be considered Great, never mind the Greatest.

the great players of yesteryear would have been great in ANY era. Today's "stsrs" are so protected and coddled that they wouldn't have made it in the former era.

Along with parity has come a deluge of rules giving all the power to the offense and making any significant contact with an offensive player a 15 yard penalty. We've removed all animosity and real emotion from the game too. It's now about building a machine with interchangeable parts rather than a great team. That in itself makes this era far more pussified.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century the cheatiot apologists cover their ears and close their eyes on when they see

The games are all rigged according to you and alex, so there is absolutely no cheating. Can't have it both ways nut job.
Is this just a schtick? If it can't be both ways how does he reconcile that? Is it cognitive dissonance?
No. No player whose career is entirely (or midtly) contained in the Parity Era (post-1994) can be considered Great, never mind the Greatest.

the great players of yesteryear would have been great in ANY era. Today's "stsrs" are so protected and coddled that they wouldn't have made it in the former era.

Along with parity has come a deluge of rules giving all the power to the offense and making any significant contact with an offensive player a 15 yard penalty. We've removed all animosity and real emotion from the game too. It's now about building a machine with interchangeable parts rather than a great team. That in itself makes this era far more pussified.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century the cheatiot apologists cover their ears and close their eyes on when they see

The games are all rigged according to you and alex, so there is absolutely no cheating. Can't have it both ways nut job.
Is this just a schtick? If it can't be both ways how does he reconcile that? Is it cognitive dissonance?

It's retardation.
So what now? No one remembers the cheating. Bradys the best
Brady's cheating was remembered in the voting for league MVP and Offensive player of the year.

Brady's performance put Brady at another level. That was an incredible and improbable comeback on the world's largest stage. Brady moved up my list and many others last night.

Matt Ryan was voted MVP for the regular season because he was, he had an amazing season.
Brady is cheater and a liar. That is your choice of course and I would expect this from you and your kind.. a true but sad reality.:itsok:

sad indeed that they could admire a sick fuck like this.

they are really getting desperate now trying to convince themselves he is the best getting desperate saying nobody remembers the cheating.yeah they dont remember barry bonds cheating either.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

To no surprise they did not comment on this video here,did you watch it?

the people like OFS,pooper,jarlaxie, chrissy troll and wrong winger as someone so well called him earlier:biggrin:,i wish i had thought of that one years ago,the fact he would kill himself first before ever admitting to being

those people that worship him so much obviously dont want to look at this video since it reveals the truth about him that he is one sick fuck,hense WHY there have been no comments on how he is one sick monster as it shows.:D

the combination of that pic you posted earlier of him which proved he was a real fag and queer and this video here,the guy no dount is demonic and one since fuck yet these people admire this guy? jesus christ,no wonder america is so fucked up and in decay.

I can't believe they had Atlanta go up 25 points ahead but if they wanted to wow everyone they did it. What's up with the thumbs up and weak tackle?

And it's probably easy to orchestrate a 95 yard drive if the defense plays bend don't break.
This thread is still going?


No, why do you ask?
Idk did you watch the video? I mean come on up 25 and they blow it? Pretty good asking. They knew exactly what it would take to come back. We all didd. Remember when it was down 16? Two scores and two two point conversions? I remember Brady only got a field goal when he needed a TD. They had it all figured out. We are all gullible not to see it.

That game got all those Atlanta fans to buy all those jersey. Suckers.

And they only threw to Julio Jones 4 times? Gimme a break.

Did you see that weak tackle with the Superbowl on the line? And the black guy name white? Checkers?
I'm surprised new england didn't recover the failed onside kick. Maybe that was a mistake?

And why are they all covering their eyes? Just the right eye. Sign of the devil?
Like I said,more and more people are waking up all the time that these games are as rigged as pro wrestling and presidents during election year.exactly the same as presidential elections,just like them,all a dog and pony show. this guy nailed it below.:thup:

I tried to tell y'all but the Super Bowl is rigged just like the Presidential Elections!

Posted by Antonio Wilson on Monday, February 6, 2017
Are they atheists or satanists? Big difference
Alex got his ass whooped and left with his tail between his legs.

Tough week for the nutjobs.
Alex got his ass whooped and left with his tail between his legs.

Tough week for the nutjobs.

Alex did the same thing at the beginning of the season when the Patriots won 3 out of their first 4 games. Both he and Fart Boy were convinced that the Patriots without Brady were going to struggle and when it didn't happen they ran away and hid for the rest of the NFL schedule.
Alex got his ass whooped and left with his tail between his legs.

Tough week for the nutjobs.

Alex did the same thing at the beginning of the season when the Patriots won 3 out of their first 4 games. Both he and Fart Boy were convinced that the Patriots without Brady were going to struggle and when it didn't happen they ran away and hid for the rest of the NFL schedule.
So then they must think Brady is really good if they think the team wouldn't do well with him out.
Alex got his ass whooped and left with his tail between his legs.

Tough week for the nutjobs.

Alex did the same thing at the beginning of the season when the Patriots won 3 out of their first 4 games. Both he and Fart Boy were convinced that the Patriots without Brady were going to struggle and when it didn't happen they ran away and hid for the rest of the NFL schedule.
So then they must think Brady is really good if they think the team wouldn't do well with him out.

One would think...

Of course Phallics and Fart Boy aren't grounded by reality...they live in their own fantasy "haters" world!
See Edelman's catch at about 1 min 15 sec. That was NOT luck. That was all skill. He went after that ball and he got it.

Edelman described it as 70% luck. ;)

Cuz he's humble. If you watched it, you can see that is not luck.

He had concentration and luck, it hit off the first defender to the right spot, the ball isn't kicked out by a defender. It is luck, it's the way the ball bounces. Great catch, still luck is involved.

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