Is Trump a heavy drinker?

i'm pretty sure i remember reading that donald does not drink at all because his brother was an alcoholic or something..
While true, it will not do anything to slow down the democrat lies.

What democrat lies? Not a single Clinton surrogate or other democrat of note has suggested that Trump drinks. You have liberals in this thread defending Trump against this allegation. Quit whining.
trump is the best drinker ever. astonishingly excellent stamina! signed Doc Whatsisface, MD

He's always red and puffy. He also makes nonsensical and irrational comments and is irritable.

It seems that he also mismanages his money and makes promises he can't keep.

I think you are feeling so desperate about the way Hillary continues to slip in the polls that you don't realize how stupid your post is.
He's always red and puffy. He also makes nonsensical and irrational comments and is irritable.

It seems that he also mismanages his money and makes promises he can't keep.


Yes, your desperation is showing.

Deport the Illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

That's what this election is about.

He's not planning on deporting anyone. That was one of the promises he can't keep.

Automation means less manufacturing jobs, another promise he can't keep.

Kowtowing to Russia. Once again a promise he can't keep.

Thanks for illustrating my point.

1. He has committed himself to deportations. If he wants a good legacy and he does, he will have to do so.

2. Germany, another first world nation has TWICE the rate of manufacturing jobs we do. Automation has not yet killed them all. There are a lot of jobs out there that we can and should get for American workers.

3. STOP fucking with Russia. That is what I said. Save your strawman lies for someone who won't call you on your bullshit, lib. And that will be the EASIEST promise to keep as it requires INACTION, and is foreign policy, where the President has the most control.

Thank YOU for proving my point.

The party of Regan kissing Russian ass...

I am embarrassed for you... The Alt-Right is so afraid of Russia they are willing to give up there ass for some security,

Putin meets Trump, just pulls out his pocket and trump takes hold so he can be lead around(ref Prison Break)...
I noticed that too. I think he has high blood pressure. He's very unhealthy and out of shape. That's why he won't release a real medical letter from a real internist who actually ran tests.

Same as he won't release his tax returns because he's broke.

Hey maybe his blood pressure is up because he's been found out for the lying ignorant bigot he is.

yes he gets frustrated and turns red whenever he has to face difficult challenges without being able to resort to brute force.

there is that never stops him from making studd up though.
He's always red and puffy. He also makes nonsensical and irrational comments and is irritable.

It seems that he also mismanages his money and makes promises he can't keep.


Trump doesn't drink. /Close thread.

correct. Trump does not drink or smoke.

however, Hillary drinks heavily, is addicted to alcohol, and snorts coke.
He's always red and puffy. He also makes nonsensical and irrational comments and is irritable.

It seems that he also mismanages his money and makes promises he can't keep.

Everything I read said no booze, no smokes and no drugs.
He doesn't drink?

what kind of uptight assbag doesn't have a drink?

He lost one of his brothers to alcoholism. It's not a joke

But he brought out 'Trump Vodka', so he made joke about his brother first.

The Donald had a vodka. Trump vodka (labeled super premium, naturally) was introduced in 2006 to much fanfare. Under the slogan "Success Distilled," the liquor was touted as the "epitome of vodka" that would "demand the same respect and inspire the same awe as the international legacy and brand of Donald Trump himself." At the time, Trump predicted the T&T (Trump and Tonic) would become the most requested drink in America, surpassed only by the Trump Martini. On Larry King Live, he said he got into the vodka business to outdo his friends at Grey Goose. Six years later, Grey Goose is still on top shelves throughout the country. As for Trump vodka? Yeah, we'd never heard of it either. The New York City blog Gothamist reports the vodka has stopped production "because the company failed to meet the threshold requirements." Two weeks ago, Trump's company filed an injunction to prevent an Israeli company from selling Trump vodka without his consent or authorization. Meaning the Donald stopped the only people in world who wanted to drink his vodka from doing so.

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