Is Trump Being Treated Worse By Our Justice System Than Anyone Else In History?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former President Donald Trump's legal team made a "stunningly stupid" mistake while arguing that the former president's trial in Washington, D.C., should be postponed until 2026, according to retired Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell. While arguing for the delay in a filing earlier this month, Lauro and his colleagues cited Powell v. Alabama, a 1932 Supreme Court case that reversed convictions for nine young Black men who had been accused of raping two white women in Scottsboro, Alabama. The Court's decision in Powell v. Alabama was due in part to the defendants not being given sufficient time to prepare an adequate defense.

She denounced Trump's legal team for citing Powell v. Alabama, noting that the young men accused in the 1932 case were sent to trial in roughly a week, while Trump's team was being given more than six months to defend the former president. "The moment in that hearing that struck me, I only have two words to describe it: 'stunningly stupid,'" Cordell said. "When Trump's attorney compared their desire to delay the case to what happened in the case of Powell v. Alabama...what the Trump team did was say that, 'Well, what happened in that trial is what could happen here in this trial.' Which is absolutely absurd."


Some Civil rights leaders like Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Green and others have compared Trump to MLK and Mandela -- but it could it be that Trump is being treated much more unfairly by the legal system than these men ever where? I think it was a brilliant move by Trump's legal team to compare their situation to the Scottsboro 9 case, and if you are not familiar with that case - it involved 9 black men being falsely accused of rape; their trial ended and a death penalty verdict was given 6 days after their indictments. On top of that, when their cases were appealed by the racist organization, the NAACP and some commie Jew lawyer - the witnesses against the 9 men, recanted their testimony and admitted it was made up - however, they were still found guilty. It was appealed up to the Supreme Court years later - but most of the men ended up spending years in prison - it wasn't until 70 plus years later in 2013; that the state of Alabama issued posthumous pardons. The case went on to inspire certain literary classics like To Kill A Mockingbird and Native Son.

However, what Trump is facing is probably far more of an injustice than what the Scottsboro 9 faced -- and like the Scottsboro case, it is being done by racist Democrats. Sure, these men were falsely sentenced to death, faced Lynch mobs before the trial even began - but Trump is probably dealing with much worse - so it makes sense that he is mentioned in the same frame as MLK or Mandela - who, let's be honest -- in comparison to Trump, they kind of deserved what they got. Mandela was a terrorist, by all accounts, not a unifier. MLK was also a terrorist, a womanizer, and didn't do much to unify our country - he was not very well liked back then. Trump on the other hand, is a unifier, is very well liked, and this makes his situation so much worse than the others.

This is the birth of a banana republic
In comparison to the men who were falsely sentenced to death; how is Trump's situation more unfair?

I mean, we don't even have to go back that was Trump's situation more unfair than the wrongfully convicted men in the Central Park 5 case; that Trump himself wanted sentenced to death??

Even after they were found not guilty, he still insisted they were guilty....


But Trump is being treated more unfairly than them how? I want actual facts, not your cultish feelings
In comparison to the men who were falsely sentenced to death; how is Trump's situation more unfair?

I mean, we don't even have to go back that was Trump's situation more unfair than the wrongfully convicted men in the Central Park 5 case; that Trump himself wanted sentenced to death??

Even after they were found not guilty, he still insisted they were guilty....

View attachment 821974

But Trump is being treated more unfairly than them how? I want actual facts, not your cultish feelings
Thanks for admitting that the courts pick winners and losers based on politics and the black robe’s personal bias

Yes the courts can be a roll of the dice
Thanks for admitting that the courts pick winners and losers based on politics and the black robe’s personal bias

Yes the courts can be a roll of the dice
Would you have rather faced the court in the same shoes as the Scottsboro 9 or Central Park 5 -- or faced them in the same shoes as a former ex president billionaire with the funds and media support to fight his case both in an actual court and public opinion?

I'll wait while you say more stupid shit
Would you have rather faced the court in the same shoes as the Scottsboro 9 or Central Park 5 -- or faced them in the same shoes as a former ex president billionaire with the funds and media support to fight his case both in an actual court and public opinion?

I'll wait while you say more stupid shit
I have no way of knowing the guilt or innocence of the accused black rapists

I would not allow myself to run wild in a park with thugs doing harm to innocent people

Thats not my idea of recreation

So I have little to fear from false accusations

Is Trump Being Treated Worse By Our Justice System Than Anyone Else In History?​


Are the same legal standards being applied to Trump as to other politicians, especially Democrats like the Clinton and Biden, Hell No!

"Show me the man, and I will show you the crime"
I would say yes, with regards to rules of evidence, the same standards are being applied

For, the same process of presenting evidence to a grand jury to return an indictment is available to any Republican DA or AG in this country...

And no, Republican DA's are not doing this because the "Deep State" won't let them -- they are not doing it because none of them are willing to be disbarred and possibly prosecuted for presenting made up evidence
I have no way of knowing the guilt or innocence of the accused black rapists

I would not allow myself to run wild in a park with thugs doing harm to innocent people

So I have little to fear from false accusations
So, the folks who WERE ACTUALLY FALSELY ACCUSED somehow deserved it

But Trump, is the one being treated unfairly

And you folks wonder why we say yall are full of shit when yall talk about 2-tier justice systems

Truth is, yall love that 2-tier justice system because you have no problems when it treats black, brown and poor people like trash....
In comparison to the men who were falsely sentenced to death; how is Trump's situation more unfair?

I mean, we don't even have to go back that was Trump's situation more unfair than the wrongfully convicted men in the Central Park 5 case; that Trump himself wanted sentenced to death??

Even after they were found not guilty, he still insisted they were guilty....

View attachment 821974

But Trump is being treated more unfairly than them how? I want actual facts, not your cultish feelings
One minute they're asking why we didn't charge him sooner and the next they're asking us to wait 3 years?

Remember folks these are some slick ass lawyers. The scum we all hate. Johnny Cochran's. They don't care if their client is guilty in fact they only take on clients who are guilty AF. Are we going to let them pull a OJ on us? They will make this trial about everything else except for the charges Trump is facing. And the evidence against him.

Quit downplaying this attempted coup. If a couple more guys went along Trump might have gotten away with it. Republicans actually got away with it in 2000. This can never happen again. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. 2020 was just 2000 supersized.
One minute they're asking why we didn't charge him sooner and the next they're asking us to wait 3 years?

Remember folks these are some slick ass lawyers. The scum we all hate. Johnny Cochran's. They don't care if their client is guilty in fact they only take on clients who are guilty AF. Are we going to let them pull a OJ on us? They will make this trial about everything else except for the charges Trump is facing. And the evidence against him.

Quit downplaying this attempted coup. If a couple more guys went along Trump might have gotten away with it. Republicans actually got away with it in 2000. This can never happen again. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. 2020 was just 2000 supersized.
Well, the coup will be successful next time - and finally, we can start putting these Democrats in prison...

I personally can't wait until they throw Obama's daughters in jail......I have no idea what crime they committed, but I think it would be fun to see how triggered the libs get when we do it..

Well, the coup will be successful next time - and finally, we can start putting these Democrats in prison...

I personally can't wait until they throw Obama's daughters in jail......I have no idea what crime they committed, but I think it would be fun to see how triggered the libs get when we do it..

Well according to you Biden can't break any laws. He's the president.
Well according to you Biden can't break any laws. He's the president.
Actually, Trump assumed the presidency a year ago; and RFK Jr is his vice president until his cousin returns from heaven and takes over the role as VP

Now you would think that a guy who returned from the dead, should be able to get a higher position than Trump's VP - but JFK Jr only returned from the dead because Trump granted him the power to be reborn...

Praises be onto him
That happened when we were downgraded because of jan 6th.

Now its time for those responsible to pay.

Actually our credit rating was downgraded and one of the reasons they gave was election instability.

This is why Gore bent over and took it when Bush stole Florida in 2000. And John Kerry in 2004. Bush was slick about it. Fucking Carl Rove.

Did you know that Roger Stone was involved in the 2000 election theft and also he coordinated with the Oath Keepers and Trump? Sort of the middle man. Coincidence?

"Former President Donald Trump's legal team made a "stunningly stupid" mistake while arguing that the former president's trial in Washington, D.C., should be postponed until 2026, according to retired Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell. While arguing for the delay in a filing earlier this month, Lauro and his colleagues cited Powell v. Alabama, a 1932 Supreme Court case that reversed convictions for nine young Black men who had been accused of raping two white women in Scottsboro, Alabama. The Court's decision in Powell v. Alabama was due in part to the defendants not being given sufficient time to prepare an adequate defense.

She denounced Trump's legal team for citing Powell v. Alabama, noting that the young men accused in the 1932 case were sent to trial in roughly a week, while Trump's team was being given more than six months to defend the former president. "The moment in that hearing that struck me, I only have two words to describe it: 'stunningly stupid,'" Cordell said. "When Trump's attorney compared their desire to delay the case to what happened in the case of Powell v. Alabama...what the Trump team did was say that, 'Well, what happened in that trial is what could happen here in this trial.' Which is absolutely absurd."

View attachment 821956

Some Civil rights leaders like Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Green and others have compared Trump to MLK and Mandela -- but it could it be that Trump is being treated much more unfairly by the legal system than these men ever where? I think it was a brilliant move by Trump's legal team to compare their situation to the Scottsboro 9 case, and if you are not familiar with that case - it involved 9 black men being falsely accused of rape; their trial ended and a death penalty verdict was given 6 days after their indictments. On top of that, when their cases were appealed by the racist organization, the NAACP and some commie Jew lawyer - the witnesses against the 9 men, recanted their testimony and admitted it was made up - however, they were still found guilty. It was appealed up to the Supreme Court years later - but most of the men ended up spending years in prison - it wasn't until 70 plus years later in 2013; that the state of Alabama issued posthumous pardons. The case went on to inspire certain literary classics like To Kill A Mockingbird and Native Son.

However, what Trump is facing is probably far more of an injustice than what the Scottsboro 9 faced -- and like the Scottsboro case, it is being done by racist Democrats. Sure, these men were falsely sentenced to death, faced Lynch mobs before the trial even began - but Trump is probably dealing with much worse - so it makes sense that he is mentioned in the same frame as MLK or Mandela - who, let's be honest -- in comparison to Trump, they kind of deserved what they got. Mandela was a terrorist, by all accounts, not a unifier. MLK was also a terrorist, a womanizer, and didn't do much to unify our country - he was not very well liked back then. Trump on the other hand, is a unifier, is very well liked, and this makes his situation so much worse than the others.


"Former President Donald Trump's legal team made a "stunningly stupid" mistake while arguing that the former president's trial in Washington, D.C., should be postponed until 2026, according to retired Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell. While arguing for the delay in a filing earlier this month, Lauro and his colleagues cited Powell v. Alabama, a 1932 Supreme Court case that reversed convictions for nine young Black men who had been accused of raping two white women in Scottsboro, Alabama. The Court's decision in Powell v. Alabama was due in part to the defendants not being given sufficient time to prepare an adequate defense.

She denounced Trump's legal team for citing Powell v. Alabama, noting that the young men accused in the 1932 case were sent to trial in roughly a week, while Trump's team was being given more than six months to defend the former president. "The moment in that hearing that struck me, I only have two words to describe it: 'stunningly stupid,'" Cordell said. "When Trump's attorney compared their desire to delay the case to what happened in the case of Powell v. Alabama...what the Trump team did was say that, 'Well, what happened in that trial is what could happen here in this trial.' Which is absolutely absurd."

View attachment 821956

Some Civil rights leaders like Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Green and others have compared Trump to MLK and Mandela -- but it could it be that Trump is being treated much more unfairly by the legal system than these men ever where? I think it was a brilliant move by Trump's legal team to compare their situation to the Scottsboro 9 case, and if you are not familiar with that case - it involved 9 black men being falsely accused of rape; their trial ended and a death penalty verdict was given 6 days after their indictments. On top of that, when their cases were appealed by the racist organization, the NAACP and some commie Jew lawyer - the witnesses against the 9 men, recanted their testimony and admitted it was made up - however, they were still found guilty. It was appealed up to the Supreme Court years later - but most of the men ended up spending years in prison - it wasn't until 70 plus years later in 2013; that the state of Alabama issued posthumous pardons. The case went on to inspire certain literary classics like To Kill A Mockingbird and Native Son.

However, what Trump is facing is probably far more of an injustice than what the Scottsboro 9 faced -- and like the Scottsboro case, it is being done by racist Democrats. Sure, these men were falsely sentenced to death, faced Lynch mobs before the trial even began - but Trump is probably dealing with much worse - so it makes sense that he is mentioned in the same frame as MLK or Mandela - who, let's be honest -- in comparison to Trump, they kind of deserved what they got. Mandela was a terrorist, by all accounts, not a unifier. MLK was also a terrorist, a womanizer, and didn't do much to unify our country - he was not very well liked back then. Trump on the other hand, is a unifier, is very well liked, and this makes his situation so much worse than the others.

This is the birth of a banana republic

We're already there. We have an authoritarian ruling class that's now mulling over measures to bar a candidate from running for President.

Every Banana Republic has already passed that point.

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