Is Trump developing dementia?

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  • #41
First, you can not accurately diagnose anyone from afar but you can make observations. A number of articles have noticed changes in Trump’s speech. It is really obvious when you begin to compare the way he used talk, with his speeches...rambling, off topic, incomplete thought patterns.

This leads to a question...should there be a way of looking at this in regular medical exams? Should candidates and sitting presidents be evaluated for this in some? Can it be done without coming off partisan ... violating rights or the Constitution??

People are living longer and healthier into old age, and older people are running for office. The top two Dem contenders for office will be older than Trump should they win, Biden would be 78.

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?

That fits biden even more than trump.
If so, then OP is still pertinent. In my personal opinion, it fits Trump, in yours it fits Biden. We are both entitled to our opinions ... and regardless of who support...the point is the same. Should it be a concern?

Trump has always been an off the cuff rambling speaker. Look at his old show appearances. Listen to him on howard stern.

He's the same.

Biden though, over the last few months it seems he is not only rambling, but trailing off into bizarre anecdotes.
Ok. Let’s pretend that is true about Trump (I don’t agree), then should we be concerned about a potential Biden presidency for that reason, and should there be some sort of screening?

No. Such a screening could be used as a pretext for invoking the 25th Amendment.

Biden hasn't even won the nomination yet, and probably won't if he continues his bizarre behavior. Some Democrats are already concerned about his health, even more than the older Bernie who had a heart attack recently.

Thanks for finally giving a thoughtful answer.
That fits biden even more than trump.
If so, then OP is still pertinent. In my personal opinion, it fits Trump, in yours it fits Biden. We are both entitled to our opinions ... and regardless of who support...the point is the same. Should it be a concern?

Trump has always been an off the cuff rambling speaker. Look at his old show appearances. Listen to him on howard stern.

He's the same.

Biden though, over the last few months it seems he is not only rambling, but trailing off into bizarre anecdotes.
Ok. Let’s pretend that is true about Trump (I don’t agree), then should we be concerned about a potential Biden presidency for that reason, and should there be some sort of screening?

Has trump mentioned his legs being stroked by a child yet? If so then by all means yes.

However, the attempt to question any persons mental health, absent an evaluation by a competent expert, in a proper setting, is very stalinist.

Tread carefully.

Which is kind of the point of the OP. Is there a time when it should be done, and can it be done without violating personal rights or the Constitution. What if you get some one in office that becomes mentally incompetent?

Nope. How about letting the people decide. We live in a Representative Republic. Let us adhere to the law instead of turning stalinist.

There are plenty of countries like that already.
That fits biden even more than trump.
If so, then OP is still pertinent. In my personal opinion, it fits Trump, in yours it fits Biden. We are both entitled to our opinions ... and regardless of who support...the point is the same. Should it be a concern?

Trump has always been an off the cuff rambling speaker. Look at his old show appearances. Listen to him on howard stern.

He's the same.

Biden though, over the last few months it seems he is not only rambling, but trailing off into bizarre anecdotes.
Ok. Let’s pretend that is true about Trump (I don’t agree), then should we be concerned about a potential Biden presidency for that reason, and should there be some sort of screening?

Has trump mentioned his legs being stroked by a child yet? If so then by all means yes.

However, the attempt to question any persons mental health, absent an evaluation by a competent expert, in a proper setting, is very stalinist.

Tread carefully.

Which is kind of the point of the OP. Is there a time when it should be done, and can it be done without violating personal rights or the Constitution. What if you get some one in office that becomes mentally incompetent?

Read the 25th Amendment, dumbass!

Didn't someone allegedly plot to wear a wire in the Cabinet meeting to record Trump to support removing him?

How quickly libtards forget their secret plots and spying!
That fits biden even more than trump.
If so, then OP is still pertinent. In my personal opinion, it fits Trump, in yours it fits Biden. We are both entitled to our opinions ... and regardless of who support...the point is the same. Should it be a concern?

Trump has always been an off the cuff rambling speaker. Look at his old show appearances. Listen to him on howard stern.

He's the same.

Biden though, over the last few months it seems he is not only rambling, but trailing off into bizarre anecdotes.
Ok. Let’s pretend that is true about Trump (I don’t agree), then should we be concerned about a potential Biden presidency for that reason, and should there be some sort of screening?

No. Such a screening could be used as a pretext for invoking the 25th Amendment.

Biden hasn't even won the nomination yet, and probably won't if he continues his bizarre behavior. Some Democrats are already concerned about his health, even more than the older Bernie who had a heart attack recently.

Thanks for finally giving a thoughtful answer.

That is far more than you deserve.
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  • #45
Extreme partisans introduce an extremely partisan article and say they want to discuss it in a non partisan way.

What's next - zombies opening up a thread about the nastiness of human brains and then saying they want to discuss it from a diet neutral standpoint?
So pretend it is Biden.

Reagan was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s shortly after leaving office. In all likelyhood, given the nature of the disease he had symptoms long before that. We are seeing older people running for and winning office (and bear in mind there were articles accusing Hillary of dementia and she would be the same age as Trump if she had run). This article actually gives good examples and analysis. Clearly that makes it horribly partisan.

Unfortunately we have no real mechanism for dealing beyond screaming “partisan” and insisting our guy is perfectly normal while the other guy is not.

Dr. Strangelove comes to mind.
First, you can not accurately diagnose anyone from afar but you can make observations. A number of articles have noticed changes in Trump’s speech. It is really obvious when you begin to compare the way he used talk, with his speeches...rambling, off topic, incomplete thought patterns.

This leads to a question...should there be a way of looking at this in regular medical exams? Should candidates and sitting presidents be evaluated for this in some? Can it be done without coming off partisan ... violating rights or the Constitution??

People are living longer and healthier into old age, and older people are running for office. The top two Dem contenders for office will be older than Trump should they win, Biden would be 78.

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?

Well I have ask myself if Biden and Trump have dementia many times, so ya know let go young and elect Mayor Pete so we do not have old men that are losing their mind near the nuclear button that might think this is 1984...
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  • #47
If so, then OP is still pertinent. In my personal opinion, it fits Trump, in yours it fits Biden. We are both entitled to our opinions ... and regardless of who support...the point is the same. Should it be a concern?

Trump has always been an off the cuff rambling speaker. Look at his old show appearances. Listen to him on howard stern.

He's the same.

Biden though, over the last few months it seems he is not only rambling, but trailing off into bizarre anecdotes.
Ok. Let’s pretend that is true about Trump (I don’t agree), then should we be concerned about a potential Biden presidency for that reason, and should there be some sort of screening?

No. Such a screening could be used as a pretext for invoking the 25th Amendment.

Biden hasn't even won the nomination yet, and probably won't if he continues his bizarre behavior. Some Democrats are already concerned about his health, even more than the older Bernie who had a heart attack recently.

Thanks for finally giving a thoughtful answer.

That is far more than you deserve.
It is far more more than I would expect from you. I am sure it was accidental.
He is certainly in decline. There were reports that he was wandering around the room muttering to himself at the Nato meeting, laughing at his own jokes.

Mod Edit - no discussing moderation on the open boards.
Extreme partisans introduce an extremely partisan article and say they want to discuss it in a non partisan way.

What's next - zombies opening up a thread about the nastiness of human brains and then saying they want to discuss it from a diet neutral standpoint?
So pretend it is Biden.

Reagan was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s shortly after leaving office. In all likelyhood, given the nature of the disease he had symptoms long before that. We are seeing older people running for and winning office (and bear in mind there were articles accusing Hillary of dementia and she would be the same age as Trump if she had run). This article actually gives good examples and analysis. Clearly that makes it horribly partisan.

Unfortunately we have no real mechanism for dealing beyond screaming “partisan” and insisting our guy is perfectly normal while the other guy is not.

Dr. Strangelove comes to mind.

You know how you must be 35 to run for President?

I believe there should be a age limit that cut off running at 60 years old for first term...
Extreme partisans introduce an extremely partisan article and say they want to discuss it in a non partisan way.

What's next - zombies opening up a thread about the nastiness of human brains and then saying they want to discuss it from a diet neutral standpoint?
So pretend it is Biden.

Reagan was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s shortly after leaving office. In all likelyhood, given the nature of the disease he had symptoms long before that. We are seeing older people running for and winning office (and bear in mind there were articles accusing Hillary of dementia and she would be the same age as Trump if she had run). This article actually gives good examples and analysis. Clearly that makes it horribly partisan.

Unfortunately we have no real mechanism for dealing beyond screaming “partisan” and insisting our guy is perfectly normal while the other guy is not.

Dr. Strangelove comes to mind.

I just explained the mechanism. Read the 25th Amendment. Your high school teacher is rolling in their grave about now.
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  • #51
Extreme partisans introduce an extremely partisan article and say they want to discuss it in a non partisan way.

What's next - zombies opening up a thread about the nastiness of human brains and then saying they want to discuss it from a diet neutral standpoint?
So pretend it is Biden.

Reagan was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s shortly after leaving office. In all likelyhood, given the nature of the disease he had symptoms long before that. We are seeing older people running for and winning office (and bear in mind there were articles accusing Hillary of dementia and she would be the same age as Trump if she had run). This article actually gives good examples and analysis. Clearly that makes it horribly partisan.

Unfortunately we have no real mechanism for dealing beyond screaming “partisan” and insisting our guy is perfectly normal while the other guy is not.

Dr. Strangelove comes to mind.

I just explained the mechanism. Read the 25th Amendment. Your high school teacher is rolling in their grave about now.
But wait...didn’t you just have a meltdown about it when there was discussion over wearing a wire?
First, you can not accurately diagnose anyone from afar but you can make observations. A number of articles have noticed changes in Trump’s speech. It is really obvious when you begin to compare the way he used talk, with his speeches...rambling, off topic, incomplete thought patterns.

This leads to a question...should there be a way of looking at this in regular medical exams? Should candidates and sitting presidents be evaluated for this in some? Can it be done without coming off partisan ... violating rights or the Constitution??

People are living longer and healthier into old age, and older people are running for office. The top two Dem contenders for office will be older than Trump should they win, Biden would be 78.

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?

You sleazy pile of shit Stalinists never dig far enough down in the sewer.

What disgusting, sub-human vermin you are.
Extreme partisans introduce an extremely partisan article and say they want to discuss it in a non partisan way.

What's next - zombies opening up a thread about the nastiness of human brains and then saying they want to discuss it from a diet neutral standpoint?
So pretend it is Biden.

Reagan was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s shortly after leaving office. In all likelyhood, given the nature of the disease he had symptoms long before that. We are seeing older people running for and winning office (and bear in mind there were articles accusing Hillary of dementia and she would be the same age as Trump if she had run). This article actually gives good examples and analysis. Clearly that makes it horribly partisan.

Unfortunately we have no real mechanism for dealing beyond screaming “partisan” and insisting our guy is perfectly normal while the other guy is not.

Dr. Strangelove comes to mind.
Biden isn't senile, just inarticulate.

His running around pawing women and sniffing little girls isn't a product of diminishing capacity, but simply his expressing extreme chauvinism as a product of the privilege that comes with power. He does it right in front of the husbands and fathers, not as a perv, but out of a desire to make them cuckolds and thus exert his dominance.

It's all in synch with the extreme arrogance that leads him to brag about strong arming the Ukrainians through direct quid pro quo in order to call off any investigation into his influence peddling.

Just doing it isn't enough with him. He dos it all in plain sight and rubs people's noses in it.
The fucking Atlantic?!?
First, you can not accurately diagnose anyone from afar but you can make observations. A number of articles have noticed changes in Trump’s speech. It is really obvious when you begin to compare the way he used talk, with his speeches...rambling, off topic, incomplete thought patterns.

This leads to a question...should there be a way of looking at this in regular medical exams? Should candidates and sitting presidents be evaluated for this in some? Can it be done without coming off partisan ... violating rights or the Constitution??

People are living longer and healthier into old age, and older people are running for office. The top two Dem contenders for office will be older than Trump should they win, Biden would be 78.

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?
The freaking Atlantic?!?....Are you joking?

And you want to talk about rambling and incoherent speech, try tuning in to Nanski Peloski's weekly press harangues.

I don’t follow her speeches. Has there been a notable change in pattern and word usage?
Yep. She has started using words like Patriot, and Constitution, and other assorted words of patriotism and country.
First, you can not accurately diagnose anyone from afar but you can make observations. A number of articles have noticed changes in Trump’s speech. It is really obvious when you begin to compare the way he used talk, with his speeches...rambling, off topic, incomplete thought patterns.

This leads to a question...should there be a way of looking at this in regular medical exams? Should candidates and sitting presidents be evaluated for this in some? Can it be done without coming off partisan ... violating rights or the Constitution??

People are living longer and healthier into old age, and older people are running for office. The top two Dem contenders for office will be older than Trump should they win, Biden would be 78.

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?
No, but YOU'RE obviously THERE already, judging by the vacuity and stupidity of your posts.............

Is Coyote developing dementia since she quoted an article that will soon be two years old?
Does that matter?

Yeah, it does. You vile vermin are insane with hate...
So pretend it is Biden.

Reagan was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s shortly after leaving office. In all likelyhood, given the nature of the disease he had symptoms long before that. We are seeing older people running for and winning office (and bear in mind there were articles accusing Hillary of dementia and she would be the same age as Trump if she had run). This article actually gives good examples and analysis. Clearly that makes it horribly partisan.

Unfortunately we have no real mechanism for dealing beyond screaming “partisan” and insisting our guy is perfectly normal while the other guy is not.

Dr. Strangelove comes to mind.

As far as I am concerned, the 25th Amendment is still available to deal with such as dementia rendering the "chief magistrate" incapacitated. The list of Trump's defects is long, and at this time I am not quite sure dementia would add significantly to the incapacity. All the while, we are being treated to Trumpish pap like this:

"His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary," Bornstein wrote of Trump. "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."​

No one should ever expect a proper diagnosis to be publicly available.

That points to a far broader problem arising from a President voted into office by the population (I know, Electoral College), and the central role he occupies. Any administration has an incentive to cover up the president's health problems, and that happened in the cases of Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Reagan, and it most assuredly happens with Trump as well. Trump was never fit for office, not on his first day, not now, and at no time in between. In a parliamentary system, the problem doesn't go away entirely, but it's far easier dealt with than in a presidential system. It's really the Founders' most egregious errors, the Electoral College, and the presidential system, that brought about Trump, imply a personality cult - which Trump merely took to a new level - and make it exceedingly difficult to deal with him and those like him.

And then, just look at the answers from the right on this thread, how sycophancy, authoritarianism, personality cult, and undying attachment to the Dear Leader combine to bring about a degree of hatred I haven't seen in all my life. Just imagine what is going to happen in case Pence and Congress use the 25th to depose him. Mind boggling...
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First, you can not accurately diagnose anyone from afar but you can make observations. A number of articles have noticed changes in Trump’s speech. It is really obvious when you begin to compare the way he used talk, with his speeches...rambling, off topic, incomplete thought patterns.

This leads to a question...should there be a way of looking at this in regular medical exams? Should candidates and sitting presidents be evaluated for this in some? Can it be done without coming off partisan ... violating rights or the Constitution??

People are living longer and healthier into old age, and older people are running for office. The top two Dem contenders for office will be older than Trump should they win, Biden would be 78.

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?

No but the left wing nut jobs have since November 2016.

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