Is Trump Fit to be Reelected?

I don't think Trump is fit to run.

Fortunately, I don't think any of the current crop running on the democrat side are fit either.

I'll likely sit home again, unless there are Congresspersons to vote against.

Vote Trump!! When you are older and wiser you'll be glad you did
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.

Perhaps you think we should go with Biden, he says he will put another 720 million American women back in the workforce. That would be a bigger accomplishment than anything Trump has promised, since there are only about 340 million people in the US, not all women and not all Americans.

We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.

For the record, anytime someone from the Bay Area of North Mexico says “Trump is unfit” we know for a fact that he’s kicking ass for the right citizens. Thanks for the confirmation.

We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.

For the record, anytime someone from the Bay Area of North Mexico says “Trump is unfit” we know for a fact that he’s kicking ass for the right citizens. Thanks for the confirmation.

We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
What candidate would be best fitted to win in 2020?

(I love asking that just to watch the Leftards spin and dodge.)
He's clearly nuttier than he was when can only imagine what four more years of this moron would bring
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
What candidate would be best fitted to win in 2020?

(I love asking that just to watch the Leftards spin and dodge.)

Time will tell who prevails and wins the nomination. At this point several of the ten have disqualified themselves making stupid comments.

Sen Klobachar is in the running, but it is too early to make a definitive choice.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg would be a good candidate, except for the fact that too many American voters won't vote for a gay man.

Sen's Harris and Booker are bright enough, but they'll not be acceptable, too many Americans won't vote for them, do to the color of their skin.

Beto" O'Rourke won't get my vote, his comment on gun confiscation was too stupid for him to ever recover.

Biden has all the skills to do the job, but his stamina is the question.

The other five are also rans.
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
What candidate would be best fitted to win in 2020?

(I love asking that just to watch the Leftards spin and dodge.)

Time will tell who prevails and wins the nomination. At this point several of the ten have disqualified themselves making stupid comments.

Sen Klobachar is in the running, but it is too early to make a definitive choice.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg would be a good candidate, except for the fact that too many American voters won't vote for a gay man.

Sen's Harris and Booker are bright enough, but they'll not be acceptable, too many Americans won't vote for them, do to the color of their skin.

Beto" O'Rourke won't get my vote, his comment on gun confiscation was too stupid for him to ever recover.

Biden has all the skills to do the job, but his stamina is the question.

The other five are also rans.
Like I said, it is most entertaining watching you Leftards spin and dodge to keep from committing to any candidate.

Thanks, your Pavlov dog response was fantastic.
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
What candidate would be best fitted to win in 2020?

(I love asking that just to watch the Leftards spin and dodge.)

Time will tell who prevails and wins the nomination. At this point several of the ten have disqualified themselves making stupid comments.

Sen Klobachar is in the running, but it is too early to make a definitive choice.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg would be a good candidate, except for the fact that too many American voters won't vote for a gay man.

Sen's Harris and Booker are bright enough, but they'll not be acceptable, too many Americans won't vote for them, do to the color of their skin.

Beto" O'Rourke won't get my vote, his comment on gun confiscation was too stupid for him to ever recover.

Biden has all the skills to do the job, but his stamina is the question.

The other five are also rans.

Sen's Harris and Booker are bright enough, but they'll not be acceptable, too many Americans won't vote for them, do to the color of their skin.

Obama fouled the voting pool for them?
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
Every election since I've been born has been "The most critical election in my lifetime."

We still have a Constitution?
Trump was never fit to be elected in the first place.

Only a brain dead idiot would vote for a con man, a racist, a fraud, a pervert, a celebrity TV goof, a Russian asset, a brain dead idiot, a completely inexperienced political novice, the 'self proclaimed' king of debt, and a multi adulterer, like Trump, for POTUS.

But hey, Americans aren't too bright; are they?
Let me fix this for you.

CLINTON was never fit to be coronated to be President in the first place.

Only a brain dead idiot would vote for this Con artist, racist fraud, whose husband was a pervert, a celebrity, who encouraged and accepted Russian influence .

Yes/no Americans aren't too bright are they?





Is he fit to be re elected? I'm having a tough time with that. You see, aside from his policy and what he is trying to accomplish, there is more to being a president, and it is that "more' where I find trump lacking.

I've always said I feel that trump is not very "presidential". He reminds me of a 6 year old. Always has to "one up" everyone else, always has to play himself up and everyone else down. He just has this way about him that needs to be addressed. His language is not very flattering. Everything is "huge" and "very, very big" etc. Its almost as if he feels he has to prove everything by convincing others by speech rather than letting his actions speak for him. The old "walk softly and carry a big stick" addage.

I understand that most repubs like him because he is bucking the system and he is very unconventional, but I think you can do that and not speak the way he does.

It's quite ironic, comparing him to obama, who, while I didnt agree with him politically, as a person, he was very "presidential", charming, well spoken, and carried himself well. If Obama had been a republican, he would have been one of the greats.

Personally, for trump, I think his demeanor is one of his characteristics that hinders him, if he could change that, I would like him much better. I would have liked for another republican to have won in 2016.
Lord yes. I'd like to see him president fir life. Then maybe the democrats will be gone enough to have another election.
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.

You REALLY want to chart a "new path" with the collection of liberal ideologues you've got running on the Democratic side, Catcher? Do you really not grasp what a monumental disaster it would be to have the likes of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren as President? I know you don't like Trump...but for the love of God...don't ask for him to be replaced by anyone out of the Clown Car that is the Democratic primary!
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.

You REALLY want to chart a "new path" with the collection of liberal ideologues you've got running on the Democratic side, Catcher? Do you really not grasp what a monumental disaster it would be to have the likes of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren as President? I know you don't like Trump...but for the love of God...don't ask for him to be replaced by anyone out of the Clown Car that is the Democratic primary!

I have eliminated both Sanders and Warren from my list of who to support, unless they can come up with a way to pay for their pie in the sky promises; I've also shit canned any thought about Beto, whose stupid comment on gun confiscation was foolish.

I'm still focused on Sen Klobuchar, moderate, intelligent and able to work across the aisle.

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