Is Trump Fit to be Reelected?

We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
You aren't fit to vote or be a citizen. I think we should revoke your citizenship and send you back to LibPhuckistan!
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, a

That happened in 2008. The result of that election is what we have today.

I'm not one of the nuts who think Trump "saved" our nation BUT I do believe he has slowed the run away culture train from certain disaster. He needs to be reelected to put a final nail in the coffin of the radical left.
If we're lucky we can also get majorities in both houses as well and finally put a stop to run away spending.

You see there are only really 2 dangers facing our nation.

1. RADICAL Leftist agendas.
2. Debt

One we can fix, the other requires complete extermination.
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
You aren't fit to vote or be a citizen. I think we should revoke your citizenship and send you back to LibPhuckistan!
Is that what your KKK brothers advocate?
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
You aren't fit to vote or be a citizen. I think we should revoke your citizenship and send you back to LibPhuckistan!
Is that what your KKK brothers advocate?
I don't even understand that comment as the KKK was founded by The Democrat Party, who were Butt Hurt over being forced to give up their slaves. I have never met anyone from the KKK. I only know that you Leftists wear masks and hoods and have for 100s of years.

The Left is as Butthurt over losing their slaves as they are at be denied Brown Latino Slave Labor to work on their plantations and sweat shops coming over the Southern Border.

Same as they were Butt Hurt over The Republicans finally being able to pass The Civil Rights Act they had been trying to get passed since 1870 but were blocked by The Slave Master Democrat Party. The Butt Hurt Dems were so pissed The Civil Rights Act finally was passed by The Republicans that all through The DemTard South they flew The Confederate Flag over all The Capitals of DemNazi controlled states and cities.

To this Day The Democrat Party supports SLAVE LABOR, and supports The KKK, and ANTIFA and other Violent Leftist Radical Groups.

They are the most Racist, Bigoted, Anti-American people on the planet.

Their Hero, Andrew Jackson from which The Democrat Logo was inspired, was the creator of The Trail of Tears, and he used his Mule from which The Democrat Logo is derived from to hang both Indians and Runaway slaves on.

That is your party. And this is its Racist Symbol!


This is The Symbol of Racism, Identity Politics, and Oppression of Freedom!

This is The Symbol of Genocide of 50 Million Black Babies in America at the hands of Planned Parenthood!
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Trump was never fit to be elected in the first place.

Only a brain dead idiot would vote for a con man, a racist, a fraud, a pervert, a celebrity TV goof, a Russian asset, a brain dead idiot, a completely inexperienced political novice, the 'self proclaimed' king of debt, and a multi adulterer, like Trump, for POTUS.

But hey, Americans aren't too bright; are they?
Let me fix this for you.

CLINTON was never fit to be coronated to be President in the first place.

Only a brain dead idiot would vote for this Con artist, racist fraud, whose husband was a pervert, a celebrity, who encouraged and accepted Russian influence .

Yes/no Americans aren't too bright are they?






I believe the thread asked a question about Trump; not Clinton.

Thanks for demonstrating that you are the idiot here.
It appears to be shaking down to a choice of three...very old...very white...Senators! Bernie, Joe and Elizabeth...combined age of 222 years!

In 11 months we both will know, at the moment nothing is for sure. There is still time for more Democrats to toss their hat in the ring, one we'll see in the Oct. Debate.

Tom Steyer Qualifies for October Debates, Bringing Field to 11


Do you shit through feathers? Hoo, hoo.

I have no clue what that referred to, Catcher! Is Tom Steyer a toilet paper tycoon?

Maybe you aren't very savvy in the political arena, or simply to pedestrian to write something clever.
We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.
You aren't fit to vote or be a citizen. I think we should revoke your citizenship and send you back to LibPhuckistan!

Funny ^^^, vulgar and stupid but clearly funny (as in odd, queer and freakish)
There’s been complaints at every Trump property of roaches and rodents and bedbugs and those little flies that fly around food and staff wearing soiled clothes and no hairnets.

The guy can’t run a hotel, no wonder he’s failing at running a country.
There’s been complaints at every Trump property of roaches and rodents and bedbugs and those little flies that fly around food and staff wearing soiled clothes and no hairnets.

The guy can’t run a hotel, no wonder he’s failing at running a country.
Hotel ?? lol The pos failed with a casino
House Democrats are only 43 votes short of impeachment

We are facing the most critical election in our lifetimes, and probably in our nations history. It is imperative for the voter to review the first 20 years of the 21st Century and decide without long held biases how and who can lead us away from the chaos which dominates these two decades.

As everyone who has read my post's knows, I believe Trump is unfit for another term; I firmly believe history will see Trump and his Administration has brought nothing but chaos and internecine to our nation.

From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

It is time to chart a new path with a new president and a replacement for a Senate Leader who puts the American People First, and one understands that the Constitution is not to be manipulated by nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance.

I'd prefer not to see him reelected, but seeing the gaggle of loons you people are pimping throwing him out could be worse.

I'm not pimping for any of the gaggle of Democrats seeking the nomination. At the get go I was impressed by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, and still believe she has the experience, smarts and decorum necessary to stand up to the bully and out wit him.

What I would like to see, is her pick for VP Stacey Abrams; AG Sen. Harris, and clean up the swamp which trump has flooded by professionals, not corrupt crony's.

Of course America is too racist, too misogynistic and too filled by stupid single issue voters to every elected so many smart women.

Why would anyone who is not a single issue voter, or a racist, misogynist and hater of all Democrats, liberals and Progressives will ever vote for Trump, or a Republican Senator in 11/2020?
Butt Hurt over being forced to give up their slaves.

The original KKK was the Southern insurgency against Northern occupation. When the last Federal troops left La. in 1877 they started focusing on taking back power in the State governments in the South.

The Republicans finally being able to pass The Civil Rights Act

The bill was passed by a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans. The South is now a stronghold for Republicans

Their Hero, Andrew Jackson

Jackson was a man of his time who firmly believe in complete White Supremacy and Manifest Destiny. That would be Trumpybears' hero.
There’s been complaints at every Trump property of roaches and rodents and bedbugs and those little flies that fly around food and staff wearing soiled clothes and no hairnets.

The guy can’t run a hotel, no wonder he’s failing at running a country.

Knowing you,'re probably the one making those complaints even though you've never stepped foot in a Trump property and probably never will! The one who is "failing" here is you with your spamming anti Trump strings!
From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

Excellent post.........Demagoguery is the "art" of telling and promising ignorant people what they want to hear, without having ANY idea (or will) of how to ever fulfill those promises........But once a group of ignorant people decide to join a cult, they can't ever admit that their cult leader is a fraud and that they've been screwed.......WHY????
Well, because they're both ignorant and cowards.
From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

Excellent post.........Demagoguery is the "art" of telling and promising ignorant people what they want to hear, without having ANY idea (or will) of how to ever fulfill those promises........But once a group of ignorant people decide to join a cult, they can't ever admit that their cult leader is a fraud and that they've been screwed.......WHY????
Well, because they're both ignorant and cowards.

I'm getting nearly everything I want from him so far. Another SCOTUS appointment or two will fulfill the primary reason I voted FOR him.
From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

Excellent post.........Demagoguery is the "art" of telling and promising ignorant people what they want to hear, without having ANY idea (or will) of how to ever fulfill those promises........But once a group of ignorant people decide to join a cult, they can't ever admit that their cult leader is a fraud and that they've been screwed.......WHY????
Well, because they're both ignorant and cowards.

You on the left have no choice but to wage a scorched earth campaign against Trump, Nat! He's done something that scares the crap out of most politicians...namely kept his promises! I'm sure you'll be quick to point out the promises that he HASN'T kept but let's be honest here...the Democratic side of the aisle has resisted him every step of the way with every tool that they have...legislatively...through liberally slanted courts...and with a veritable anti Trump "jihad" from the main stream media! Despite all that however he's slowly but surely been checking off things that he promised he would do if he was elected and is working steadily on the rest.

I think you're in trouble in this upcoming election but you're so focused on the negative media blitz coming from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post and all of the late night pundits that you can't see the forest for the trees!
From failed foreign policies which alienated our NATO Allies; to the Tax Fraud and failed effort to replace the ACA with a less expensive and better replacement; to failed promises on Mexico paying for a wall; the many lies meant to mislead the biddable, and his effort to discredit and assassinate the character of everyone, R or D, who does not worship him.

Excellent post.........Demagoguery is the "art" of telling and promising ignorant people what they want to hear, without having ANY idea (or will) of how to ever fulfill those promises........But once a group of ignorant people decide to join a cult, they can't ever admit that their cult leader is a fraud and that they've been screwed.......WHY????
Well, because they're both ignorant and cowards.

You on the left have no choice but to wage a scorched earth campaign against Trump, Nat! He's done something that scares the crap out of most politicians...namely kept his promises! I'm sure you'll be quick to point out the promises that he HASN'T kept but let's be honest here...the Democratic side of the aisle has resisted him every step of the way with every tool that they have...legislatively...through liberally slanted courts...and with a veritable anti Trump "jihad" from the main stream media! Despite all that however he's slowly but surely been checking off things that he promised he would do if he was elected and is working steadily on the rest.

I think you're in trouble in this upcoming election but you're so focused on the negative media blitz coming from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post and all of the late night pundits that you can't see the forest for the trees!

I think you're blind. Trump is a liar, and a poor one at that; he can't remember his lies and thus contradicts himself. When confronted by his contradictions he lies again. He flips and flops on critical issues, creating chaos in domestic, foreign and economic policies.
the Democratic side of the aisle has resisted him every step of the way with every tool that they have...legislatively...

Well, judging from your post, dementia was set in........Want to look at the makeup of the 115th Congress???

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